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Response re. George Smith's Disappearance


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[quote name='kitty9']
What bothered me was her demand for an apology from RCCI. Why? They didn't do anything wrong. She and the husband drank every night, reportedly very heavy drinking. RCCI didn't force them to get rip roaring drunk. RCCI didn't tell them not to hang around with questionable characters. RCCI didn't tell the wife to pass out in a hallway. RCCI didn't tell the husband to sleep in different rooms during his honeymoon. Where's the culpability?

Then, what was up with her getting bills in the mail from RCCI? That comment I didn't understand. What bills could she have received from RCCI after the cruise?

And then there was her comment that she wanted RCCI to kick off all the passengers, send them home and keep the ship available for further investigation. Yeah, like that was going to happen. I bet if roles were reversed, and this had happened to another passenger, and they had been told they had to leave their honeymoon because they needed to investigate a missing passenger, they would have put up a huge stink, asking why the ship had to cancel their cruise.


That woman needs to stay off the tv. She came off like a dumb, spolied rotten barbie-doll blonde. If she wants anyone to believe her story, she shouldn't be the one telling it. She does not come off as truthful. I can't BELIEVE that Oprah was so snowed.
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I found her to be COMPLETELY unbelievable. From the fact that she says she can't remember ANYTHING, to the fake tears. If my boyfriend was missing and presumed dead, 6 months, even a year later I would probably be a hysterical mess. I wanted to slap her and Oprah. I felt sorry for Adam Goldstein, he was really taking some abuse from Oprah and Jennifer Hagel Smith. In my opinion, Royal Caribbean did all they could in the situation.

Also what was the deal with Oprah's pronunciation of Royal Caribbean?? If I was Adam Goldstein I would have corrected her.
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[quote name='TechKnowBabble']

Also what was the deal with Oprah's pronunciation of Royal Caribbean?? If I was Adam Goldstein I would have corrected her.[/QUOTE]

LOL I noticed that as well and cringed every time she said it...nice to know I'm not the only crazy person around here ;)
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[quote name='halos']LOL I noticed that as well and cringed every time she said it...nice to know I'm not the only crazy person around here ;)[/quote]

I certainly wouldn't gauge your NOT being crazy with having the same thoughts as me. :eek:

Yes it did really bother me...plus the fact that I don't think that Royal Caribbean was given a fair shake on the show.
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[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]There are definitely plenty of cameras in the casino. I would love to know what showed up on those since she says they weren't arguing or drinking.:rolleyes: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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And what was with that one couple, who the wife obviously brought with her, who said they never saw either of them drunk, and on the night in question, Jennifer came over to talk to this woman at 2:30am, and she said Jennifer didn't appear to have been drinking at all? To Oprah's credit, after that couple spoke up in Jennifer's defense, she did say that numerous other eyewitnesses did tell the FBI that the Hagle's were often drunk and out of control.

Have any of you seen this investigator the wife hired? This guy is going on all the talk shows, saying things when he's never been on board the ship, hasn't talked to anyone about the case, and appears to be insisting that this is a murder.

This whole thing is going to be about nothing more than money. I hope RCCI doesn't cave in and give the wife a dime. There comes a time when people need to be responsible for their own actions, and not blame cruise lines or anyone else when the choose to behave in a stupid manner.
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I just read an itersesting article about the many dissapearences on the cruise ships. Either from suicide, accident or foul play...



Interesting read. Found this one particularly ironic:


"A 23-year-old man jumped off the Sovereign of the Seas in 2001 after losing $9,000 in the ship's casino. The captain told passengers a small gambling ship off Nassau, the Bahamas, picked him up."

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Or- Where was Andy Sipowicz when we needed him?

People seem to have latched on to the idea that a "forensic" examination of the "crime scene" is always going to reveal the magic clue that will enable us to nail the bad guy (or girl). Guess what folks - this does not happen much in the real world of crime and criminal investigation. Snitches produce many more convictions than scientists!

I heard Mrs. Smith complain that the other passengers were not questioned. Well; I have news. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines is not a police agency. If the Turkish Police did not see fit to question other passengers - that's their problem. Either Turkey, or perhaps Greece is the only country which could prosecute anyone for a crime. There would be no reason to have the ship examined by anyone else, because neither the U.S. Government (F.B.I.) or any state goverment could prosecute someone for a crime taking place in another country; so no other agency would waste a nickel doing a forensic examination or questioning of potential witnesses when they could not prosecute.

A couple of other observations.

One - the wheelchair. Most people on this board will realize, when they think about it, that it would be virtually impossible to manuever a sleeping and/or intoxicated person down the rather narrow typical ship's corridor unless you use a wheelchair. The normal way of assisting somebody is to use two people, one on each side lifting and hauling. You just can't do this in a ship's stateroom area corridor. I am sure the crew members involved had some prior experience with this situation!

Two - I can't remember! There is a well known, medically sustainable and not unusual event called an alcoholic blackout - which is a complete loss of memory for specific periods of time. One of its aspects us that the person in the blackout may appear to be functioning somewhat normally, but on coming out of the blackout will have no recollection of the previous time period, and will never recover that recollection. Not only is that true, but the medical literature holds that blackouts are events that occur in the middle stages of alcoholism, not just in end case skid row bums. Just check with anyone you know in AA and you can find out more. So, given Mrs. Smith's own recitation of the drinking she did on the ship; the possibility of a blackout is real. The fact that she did not mention it early on is simply part of the usual guilt/denial process involved in this type of drinking.

My overall reaction to Mrs. Smith's television appearance is from the old Restoration play - "She's more to be pitied than censured".

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One of my coworkers disappeared from a cruise ship a couple of years ago. I wonder which category the FBI has her classified under. She went with her boyfriend and his family and they had a fight and she ended up getting her own room. She went missing the last night and was never found. He never even reported her missing when they got off the ship. She just didnt get off and the ship started looking for her, he didnt say anything about her being missing. The FBI came to work and asked around and her boyfriend (who had also worked with us) came out that entire week every night and was bad mouthing her to her coworkers. We all think we know what happened. He did have a temper, was trying to convince all of us she was suicidal because he wanted to break up with her, but I saw her the day she left for the cruise and she had just come back from seeing her grandkid and she was no where close to suicidal at that time.

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I'm sorry to hear about your coworker, tadjr. I'd be curious to find out how she was able to get her own room, though; I figure that kind of thing would take a trip to the purser's office and a substantial down payment if there were any cabins free. Unfortunately I suppose we will never know. What part of the world was she cruising in?


Liat, is an alcoholic blackout any different from the regular "drank too much, can't remember what I did" amnesia that anyone can get regardless of how often they consume alcohol, as long as they consume enough?

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blackouts are really quite frightening.


I had this stupid doctor a few years back that thought I was depressed, I had panic attacks once in a while and had previously been prescribed a certain medication. Well he convinced me to switch meds, against my will he would NOT refill the other med. Now just some background info. I am a social drinker, yes I have overinduldged a couple of times, but you could hardly call me a drunk. I NEVER had a problem with the previous med.


One week after him switching my meds, actually to two different pills I woke up in jail 30 miles away from home in my underware and barefoot.


the previous night I had some friends over and had a couple of rum and cokes, double shots. I had eaten, we weren't drunk.......


For some reason after they left I blacked out on my way to bed, got into my truck and drove...and drove...and drove..I cannot remember anything.


I did get a DUI although I was below the legal limit when they did the breathalizer.


It was not a good experience. The thing was I apparently did not get into any accidents, run any red lights, etc. I was found parked at a gas station passed out in my truck 30 miles away...and arrested for a DUI. As I said I was below the legal limit, not over it.


I don't remember anything but getting ready for bed.


Needless to say I switched doctors, threw away the 'new' expensive meds...and have not had this happen again.


switching topics, I heard they might have been drinking absyinth that someone brought aboard. First of all it is illegal in many places, and its not just booze, its liquid LSD. I don't know if it is legal in Turkey, but I'm sure it shouldn't have been brought aboard...I know RCCL doesn't sell it.



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Yikes, Dave, that is really scary. I'm glad you emerged from that experience safely.


There have indeed been rumors of absinthe but I don't think they have been confirmed. Absinthe can be bought legally in Greece, not sure about Turkey. According to the Wormwood Society's Absinthe FAQ, though, it is not a narcotic or hallucinogen.

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The only question I have is, the information says to never drink it straight, but to dilute it three to one.


What would have/could have happened if they did shots of this stuff?

If indeed they did indeed drink it?


Thats a GREAT reference. Thanks you've cleared up my misconceptions!



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I asked the doctor before hand and he said a couple of cocktails or a glass of wine would not affect me...but not to over do it.


You have to also remember that I took the previous prescrition ONLY when I needed it, as I felt I was going to have a panic attack. Over years I learned the triggers. These 'New' drugs WERE supposed to not be habit forming, and less invasive that my original one. However I did have to take two in the morning and two at night...whereas the other med I may have taken 1 once a month or less.


While I agree with you question, I did ASK my doctor about alcohol consumption and he told me in moderation once in a while it would be okay.


As I said I had a couple rum and cokes at home with company A WEEK later. I did not drink anything else that week. I was not at a bar, or planning to drive anywhere, it was around 10:30 at night on a wednesday.


Now that I did find a doctor who let me get back on my old meds I have NEVER had a problem since.


Thanks for asking:)




P.S. I am not advocating using meds and alcohol together. It is very dangerous. I was just sharing a bad experience in the hopes that others might learn from my story.


P.P.S The meds that caused me to black out were a PAXIL and WELBUTRIN combination. I did get cramping, and the runs...and yes there most definelty were sexual side effects. I had to take one of each morning and night..don't remember the mgs. thats 28 pills for the first week.


The med that was originally prescribed was VALLIUM 5mg. and was only taken when needed. 30 tabs lasted over a year. Over the course of three years I had only 1 refill. (60 pills lasted almost four years).

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switching topics, I heard they might have been drinking absyinth that someone brought aboard. First of all it is illegal in many places, and its not just booze, its liquid LSD. I don't know if it is legal in Turkey, but I'm sure it shouldn't have been brought aboard...I know RCCL doesn't sell it.


Absinthe is not liquid LSD. It is legal in Europe, and I have drunk it there, in France, Spain, and the Czech Republic. 'Way back in the days of the Belle Epoque, it was banned because of one incident where a French man drank a very large quantity of beer (I read that it was a keg, but I can't quite believe that) and then a glass of absinthe and then killed his wife. At the time, the wine industry was in a snit with the absinthe industry, because absinthe was more popular than wine among the poorer folks and artists, and the wine industry wanted a bigger piece of the economic pie. So, absinthe was demonized, people had to start drinking more wine instead, and many horror stories were told and retold.


By the way, Pernod and Ricard were originally absinthe makers, and after the absinthe ban revised their brews to remain legal.


When absinthe (the real stuff, with thujone) was allowed to be manufactured and sold again in the European Union, strict rules were set as to the amount of the psychoactive ingredient, thujone, that is allowed. The level is 1/10th of what was commonly present back in the old days. The proof (level of alcohol) in absinthe is quite high, like that in scotch. Believe me, you will get way more drunk from consuming large quantities of absinthe than you will get any other kind of hallucinogenic experience. To get the kind of effect that you would get from one glass in the old days (which was described as mild and pleasant, and not too unlike the effects of cannabis), you'd have to drink ten glasses today. That's a lot of alcohol, because absinthe is high proof. Ten shots of whiskey would do in most normal people.


Regardless, I think this woman is totally out to lunch. Who the hell sleeps in other cabins on their honeymoon? As my aunt says "it's always the spouse." As Eliza Doolittle said, "She done 'im in!"

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They do have extra rooms on ships, I spoke w. a loyalty ambassador, they have to have some rooms even some hidden rooms available, due to domestic violence cases, they can change names get people off the ship safely if need be.

just wanted to put in my 2 c worth.

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They do have extra rooms on ships, I spoke w. a loyalty ambassador, they have to have some rooms even some hidden rooms available, due to domestic violence cases, they can change names get people off the ship safely if need be.

just wanted to put in my 2 c worth.

Ahhh, very interesting info. Thanks!

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Dave, it was interesting for me to hear your experiences. I am a longtime user of Wellbutrin and Celexa together (best combo for me, but everybody's different) and I do drink occasionally. I admit that I haven't really discussed it with my doctor (I know, gone_cruisin, I should!) but fortunately I have not had any problems. If I ever change any of my medications - I am on several for various reasons - I will certainly bring it up with my doctor.

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