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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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Ken, she has pronounced herself as "cleared"... but the FBI ain't "clearing" anyone at this point.

But hey, I love the DW...

Does anyone know anthing about her parents? We know a lot about the DH's parents, the Russian's parents, but totally nothing about DW's parents...the silence is very loud. I'd love to know more about DW's life, ya know childhood photo's and the like.
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[quote name='Barefoot_Pirate']Ken, she has pronounced herself as "cleared"... but the FBI ain't "clearing" anyone at this point.

But hey, I love the DW...

Does anyone know anthing about her parents? We know a lot about the DH's parents, the Russian's parents, but totally nothing about DW's parents...the silence is very loud. I'd love to know more about DW's life, ya know childhood photo's and the like.[/quote]

As far as her being cleared RCCl president indicated so aswell. That would tell me they know more than we do. MHO.

Look under 1coronas posts she had some info on them last night.
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Abrams (with Susan) [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924225/"]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924225/[/URL]

Cosby (with Dr Lee showing is over 200# dummy he will use to fall off the balcony & being thrown off the balcony on Monday) [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924477/"]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924477/[/URL]

Scarborough (with Susan again & 2 other attorneys she has to outdo vocally) [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924493/"]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924493/[/URL]

Greta (again on the tour of Brilliance with Captain Wright & a great cameraman who shows no indent on casnaopy from above on 9 & again next to it on 7. BUT STILL NO TRANSCRIPT!
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Before the oprah interview I was leaning more on the side that she was drugged, but after watching it I think she just got polluted.

As a barkeep I notice many people that are sober as a judge one minute and tanked the next.

I don't think she had anything to do with his death but I think she's extremely embarassed by their last night together as husband and wife.

Terrible terrible tragedy..

btw my wife watched it with me and said if she woke up and I wasn't in the cabin I had better be dead or she would've killed me :D
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[quote name='kenf333']I think all parties want this solved!!![/quote]

Agreed, Ken, and I think that by being cooperative RCI is once again demonstrating that they have nothing to hide. If the guy finds anything, it will be something the police missed, not RCI. On the other hand, maybe he will stumble into that closet full of hidden evidence that the Smith parents are convinced exists ;)
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[quote name='EBFURR']Agreed, Ken, and I think that by being cooperative RCI is once again demonstrating that they have nothing to hide. If the guy finds anything, it will be something the police missed, not RCI. On the other hand, maybe he will stumble into that closet full of hidden evidence that the Smith parents are convinced exists ;)[/quote]

No closet, as I'm sure many would regret doing certain things from time to time. I think that she Carry's every event and decision that she can recall with her every day. Being married as some on here are they can attest the fact that they do not reveal alot of there personal life to their parents.
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My impression was that Jennifer was just waiting for Adam Goldstein to say something specific that they did wrong so she could get her teeth into it and use it in her suit. She sat there with her mouth open staring at him just waiting for him to slip. She looked very calculating to me at the time. Fortunately for him he didn't.
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I still find this thread the most interesting and thought-provoking read on the boards. You are all great amateur detectives....

My thought is that Jennifer is going after the wrong people, but maybe she is doing that because Royal Caribbean has the highest profile and will bring more publicity. She should be asking these questions to the FBI and the US Consulate and the Turkish officials. Royal Caribbean in no way contributed to this man's demise, and as far as I can tell, they cooperated fully with authorities and did everything they could to make Jennifer comfortable and calm.

I watched Oprah yesterday (and again last night when it was rerun at 2 am and woke me up), and I have some thoughts on that as well. First of all, I watch Oprah when I can, and this was the first time I saw her so clueless when conducting an interview. She had ME confused! Perhaps she figured Gayle was the intereviewer and maybe should have given her more background, but she questioned Jennifer as if she knew nothing about this case. Gayle did ask good questions in the taped piece, but was very meek once on the couch. I found the constant pictures and happy videos of the couple to be very disturbing as they were obviously young and beautiful and in love and all I could think of was what a tragedy that these two bright people allowed themselves to get so out of control that this could happen to them? We all party hard at times, but this was really out there!

I give Mr. Goldstein alot of credit for maintaining his cool, especially when she tried the 'in your face' approach with some of here accusations and demands. I thought he was an excellent representative for the cruiseline. I also noticedd several instances where her face language spoke volumes, and the careful tear wiping was SO dramatic!

And, about the bill...I'm sure that was generated by accounting somewhere and as Jennifer said, they were just a number. Your credit card is recorded as you board and you get a chance to check your bill for mistakes before the final disembarkation. In her case, she was not there the final day, so maybe it was sent to her for her information. Those charges will be on the credit card statemen, so that was not really a 'bill'. And if she had insurance, that will cover her airfare home. Granted, it would have been a goodwill gesture on the part of the cruiseline and would have made themm appear more sympathetic, but it was not something they were required to do.

And finally, no way, no how, should they have stopped that ship from sailing on and fly everyone home and give them 2 free cruises! Not only would 3,000 people be suing RCCL, but they would be suing Jennifer as well. That was the one thing she said that really made me think that she is on drugs!

Carry on, super sleuths!
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I've followed this story fairly closely, but am puzzled by something - the readers on this website no doubtedly are the most educated people about the nuances of this case, so I throw this out there just to get some feedback. We know George was in the company of the 3 Russians and Josh. To me, it seems that if a crime was committed, and that is a very big IF, then one or more of these four were involved, yet there does not seem to be a lot of focus on them. Now I hear two of the Russians were thrown off the ship 2 days later for an alleged rape - not exactly great character guys, huh???? I hear Josh is 16, then 20, then 18, was drinking illegally, legally, may have had a crush on JHS, may be covering up, who knows.
My question is - do any of you know more about these 4 guys? Ages? Size? Background? Did others on the ship state comments about these guys?Was Josh big enough to pull off a crime here if left alone? Have the Russians been interviewed and do we know what they had to say about the noise, furniture moving in cabin, etc????
Thanks in advance for you help in clearing this up for me and anyone lese interested.
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Ken, glad to see that you think RCCL is in charge of the determination of what role if any DW may have had. Oh, and they cleared their own actions as well.

For myself she ain't cleared until the FBI says so...'cause that's their role. Do I think she tossed DH over...nope.

Her actions, attacks etc. is what has brought the attention to herself. I think folks are just amazed at her detachment from this world.
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jd, early on there was a tape of "Josh" talking to the Turks...his parents made it with out the Turks knowledge.

He looks to be late teens. Medium frame...so say 150-160 lbs. A lot smaller than DH who looks beefy and north of 200.

Can't recall the "Russian's" photos being shown...oh, they ain't Russians, but born in the US of Russian heritage. But calling them Russian does add to the story doesn't it.
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[quote name='Barefoot_Pirate']Ken, glad to see that you think RCCL is in charge of the determination of what role if any DW may have had. Oh, and they cleared their own actions as well.

For myself she ain't cleared until the FBI says so...'cause that's their role. Do I think she tossed DH over...nope.

Her actions, attacks etc. is what has brought the attention to herself. I think folks are just amazed at her detachment from this world.[/quote]

My point is that they know more than we do.
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[quote name='jdlg4silb']I've followed this story fairly closely, but am puzzled by something - the readers on this website no doubtedly are the most educated people about the nuances of this case, so I throw this out there just to get some feedback. We know George was in the company of the 3 Russians and Josh. To me, it seems that if a crime was committed, and that is a very big IF, then one or more of these four were involved, yet there does not seem to be a lot of focus on them. Now I hear two of the Russians were thrown off the ship 2 days later for an alleged rape - not exactly great character guys, huh???? I hear Josh is 16, then 20, then 18, was drinking illegally, legally, may have had a crush on JHS, may be covering up, who knows.
My question is - do any of you know more about these 4 guys? Ages? Size? Background? Did others on the ship state comments about these guys?Was Josh big enough to pull off a crime here if left alone? Have the Russians been interviewed and do we know what they had to say about the noise, furniture moving in cabin, etc????
Thanks in advance for you help in clearing this up for me and anyone lese interested.[/quote]

We really can't discuss the 4 boys since there has not been much info. put out about them so we concentrate on what we do know which is GS and JHS's actions.

We have seen a video made by Josh's father early on and there has been some news of one "Russian" being interrogated but the other 2 "Russians" have lawyered up and have not said word one. I don't recall seeing any pics of anyone other than Josh either.
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I'm just trying to think what else RCL was/is supposed to do.

What if this happened in a hotel, resort, apartment building or even a house?

The authorities would be doing the investigation (police/FBI/etc).

Information would be given to the authorities, NOT the liars....lawyers.

Does anyone know if the wife was a beneficiary on any life insurance?
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We really can't discuss the 4 boys since there has not been much info. put out about them so we concentrate on what we do know which is GS and JHS's actions.


We have seen a video made by Josh's father early on and there has been some news of one "Russian" being interrogated but the other 2 "Russians" have lawyered up and have not said word one. I don't recall seeing any pics of anyone other than Josh either.


I should have added that I personally feel either 1 or more of the 4 has something to do with GS's going overboard.

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When Oprah asked Jennifer who brought George back to the room, all she said was 'other passengers'. She said nothing about them being the people they were partying with. Why isn't she having them more fully investigated? If they were the last ones to see George alive, there has to be some insight there.


But like I said, she is attacking the wrong people here. Wake up, Jennifer! If you truly think he was killed, don't go on television and complain because you didn't like the outfit you were given to wear! Get someone to find the killer!

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We really can't discuss the 4 boys since there has not been much info. put out about them so we concentrate on what we do know which is GS and JHS's actions.


We have seen a video made by Josh's father early on and there has been some news of one "Russian" being interrogated but the other 2 "Russians" have lawyered up and have not said word one. I don't recall seeing any pics of anyone other than Josh either.



The big picture here is the "what we dont know" Who is to judge how she should or should have acted, please! People look at the facts, that have been published.

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When Oprah asked Jennifer who brought George back to the room, all she said was 'other passengers'. She said nothing about them being the people they were partying with. Why isn't she having them more fully investigated? If they were the last ones to see George alive, there has to be some insight there.


But like I said, she is attacking the wrong people here. Wake up, Jennifer! If you truly think he was killed, don't go on television and complain because you didn't like the outfit you were given to wear! Get someone to find the killer!


Again that falls into the category of she cannot talk about.

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Bark, on the old thread there was a link to a statement which one of the DH's "drinking buddies" lawyer put out, which talked about the FBI strong arming his client with threats relating to a rape later in the cruise.


That sounded like they were going after one of the four..don't recall which one. Wish that old thread was still here.

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jd, early on there was a tape of "Josh" talking to the Turks...his parents made it with out the Turks knowledge.


He looks to be late teens. Medium frame...so say 150-160 lbs. A lot smaller than DH who looks beefy and north of 200.


Can't recall the "Russian's" photos being shown...oh, they ain't Russians, but born in the US of Russian heritage. But calling them Russian does add to the story doesn't it.


Pirate is pretty much on top of things here. The "Russians" are apparently keeping a pretty low profile. They "lawyered up" pretty early on which was probably a wise move. Their lawyers are probably keeping a lid on press & media access. From what I hear they are not on great speaking terms with the FBI either. Unlike the family, they do not have a plans for a civil suit against the cruise line and to that extent have nothing to gain by joining the media circus. On the other hand, they are not exactly out there proclaiming inocence and explaining themselves either. Could it be that they just can't remember anything? (;) Sorry, couldn't resist)


As for Josh, he just seems to be a real talkative fellow. His lawyer seems to have muzzled him lately as well. So it goes.

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Bark, on the old thread there was a link to a statement which one of the HD's "drining buddies" lawyer put out, which talked about the FBI strong arming his client with threats relating to a rape later in the cruise.


That sounded like they were going after one of the four..don't recall which one. Wish that old thread was still here.


They may be going after all four, however two will not talk, or as said have lawyered up. Josh has talk but if you read everthing it dont add up.

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Bark, on the old thread there was a link to a statement which one of the DH's "drinking buddies" lawyer put out, which talked about the FBI strong arming his client with threats relating to a rape later in the cruise.


That sounded like they were going after one of the four..don't recall which one. Wish that old thread was still here.


Yes, I know. I firmly believe one or all of them are involved. I was merely attempting to explain to the person I quoted that we didn't have a whole lot of info. available to discuss with regard to these 4...yet.

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Again that falls into the category of she cannot talk about.


Holy cow....between the 'I cannot remember' and the 'I cannot talk about' she is absolutely useless. Still, I would be sitting on the doorstep of the FBI office every morning if this were me...I would not be on talk shows complaining about how I was treated by the cruiseline.

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Holy cow....between the 'I cannot remember' and the 'I cannot talk about' she is absolutely useless. Still, I would be sitting on the doorstep of the FBI office every morning if this were me...I would not be on talk shows complaining about how I was treated by the cruiseline.


Again, we do not know how often she is updated. And most on here think the they were going on the show to say the have all the answers, no, RCCL say there are somethings they cannot release, as well as her. It was clear before it aired as some have mentioned that not much will come out of it.

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