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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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After reading the blogs on the Bushy Haired Stranger board I have some questions. Do you think the Russians and Josh propositioned George to let Jen partake in the sex video?? Maybe that's what got him mad. If Josh was left in the room with George after the other three left, maybe he followed George out to the balcony and George sat on the railing with a cigarette and Josh pushed him overboard. Did I hear that they took samples of Jen's hair at the Turkish P.D.?? If so, they could do a test on that for drugs. Maybe they drugged Jen to take advantage of her in these videos?

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I still have this bad feeling about Josh. Something keeps steering me his way.


I can't get this scenario out of my head. Does Josh seem a little too infactuated with Jen? Maybe a little too protective? I don't think he's covering for her at all, I think he's covering for something he may have accidentally done because of her.


His interrogations don't equal with anyone, not Clete's, not the Lawyers, and what's up with the seemingly fresh cut on his nose in the pirate video of the Turk interrogation? Clete says 5 people came in and 3 left. Josh stated he was in the GS's bathroom while the Russians put GH to bed. I don't think Josh left with them. The Lawyers heard voices and so did Clete after the 3 men were seen leaving the cabin. I think that was GH and Josh. GH getting more violent about Jen still being gone after the second attempt to find her failed. I think Josh tried to calm GH down. "George, calm down, calm down". I think Josh had to go as far as restrain GS. Lawyers heard furniture being "thrown about the cabin". At this point I don't think Josh was trying to hurt GS, just calm his drunk ass down. This is where things go wrong. Somehow while trying to restrain GH Josh get his nose cut and I'm starting to believe a "terrible accident" occurs in the cabin or on the balcony involving Josh resulting in a possible broken neck or other serious injury. (Imagine restraining ... possibly from behind with head lock?? ... a drunken adult pissed off about his missing wife last seen with another man) . Josh freaks and tries to cover the tragedy dragging GH out to the balcony (moving furniture) and with some effort manages to get GH's body over the rail not realising the canopy below until it's too late. Leaves with the hopes that with that many people and crew, how could they figure out what happened?


Ofcourse, this plays in my head so consider the source, but go back and investigate the Josh parts and it makes some kind of sense?!

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There is something about Josh, I'll give you that. Can't quite put my finger on it, maybe a sweet kid, maybe a bit too nosy, maybe an innocent. Of the whole gang, it's odd we keep coming back to him as a person of mystery. The thing I almost fault him for as a 20 year old is that he was in a group of people a little to old for him in some ways, that he was out of place with the honeymooners and the rough guys. No matter what, I seem to think he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.....

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Dominick Dunne is on Larry King tonight. They've been talking about crime in general but just a few minutes ago Larry asked Dunne what he thinks about the missing honeymooner case, if he had an overview of it. I've rewound the segment several times to get exactly what Dunne said.

Dominick Dunne: I don't have any overview. I certainly watched your show last night which I thought was fascinating, and ....there's just a lot of stuff, and you know Henry Lee was, well you know he's got something to say, and he wasn't ready to say it last night. I mean I can't wait to hear.

Larry King: Is it possible, Dominick, that this kind of crime might not be solved?

Dominick Dunne: Very possible. Because all those people will have gone to the four corners of the earth. You know people whom they need, and but you know there's odd things, I mean that I think the wife is a strange character in that, I mean (inaudible) sleeping in the hall.

Larry King: And, of course, we're never going to find the body.

Dominick Dunne: Never find the body.

Just a brief little question and answer, but I found Dunne's comment about JHS interesting, because he's covered so many crime stories that he has a good sense of things.

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I think it was a pirate named Ken drinking corona with a finely tuned alibi who was in a fury:D



Really?:eek: Where did you find that? Can you give me the link?


What alibi? I thought the priates were off the coast of Somalia (that's a good dinstance away). I'm looking back through my logs of transcripts and I can't find anybody named Ken. I thought they were drinking Absinthe? :rolleyes:

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I watched Larry very late last night (late time shifting) and was not impressed at all with Dr. Lee nor the touchy feely pyschologist (what was the point of him??) I can't imagine either of them contributing new factual information to the investigation. More money than sense??

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Then this one, where she clearly has her head up against another person, perhaps a man, who's face is blurred out...look at George's face.....does he look happy with what's going on in the pic?


Not good quality since I took it from the dvd, to my camera, but you can see it clearly enough.....




He looks like he's thinking, what to do next with this, and obviously some concern......or I'm reading more into that moment in time...but since it's a candid shot, and given what Jen is doing, I don't think so.......

And would that blue bottle, with the ribbon around it, on the table possibly be........BOOZE????:rolleyes:
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Abrams: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11021040/


Great way he the attorney with respect & Dr Lee have worked in the past. Abrams gets Lee to tell him what he found - the canopy.


Rita Cosby: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11021195/


Rita scores big getting Lee to say he found a SCRAPE on the canopy. Another forensic guests states he feels George was stabbed, which caused the pooling of blood to spread all over the canopy.

On Abrams, Wright said that the Turkish authorities conducted a full forensic investigation and that Dr. Lee, the Smith family, and the attorneys HAVE A COPY of it. Hmmm, wonder why the Smith family or their attorney have never mentioned that fact???:rolleyes:
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Something too just occurred to me. The "Russians" were obviously not too torn up over their party companion's death to be engaged in their sex video days later. No mourning or subdued behavior from them. Either they felt "untouchable" or they are sociopaths or are blameless. They are disgusting no matter which way you look at it but their behavior after a possible crime is strange - shouldn't they have wanted to avoid attention?

Great observation Wolfie!
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</B>Royal Caribbean Statement Clarifying Questions About Dr. Lee's Tests

MIAMI, Jan 25, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Royal Caribbean International has been asked to clarify why forensic investigator Dr. Henry Lee was unable to complete two of the five tests he hoped to conduct when he visited Brilliance of the Seas this week. We greatly value the professionalism shown by Dr. Lee during his visit and appreciate his gracious acknowledgement of the courtesies we extended to him.


Dr. Lee completed three tests during his visit. He was not able to conduct a fourth test because the material he wished to examine was given to the FBI last summer. Dr. Lee's fifth test -- repeatedly throwing a mannequin over the side of the ship -- we postponed until February. Royal Caribbean has offered Dr. Lee the use of an identical ship when it enters drydock on Feb. 5. The company had told the families' attorneys we would have to make alternate arrangements when they first requested this fifth test last week.


Royal Caribbean sincerely hopes Dr. Lee's day on Brilliance was productive and any findings will contribute to FBI's ongoing investigation.


SOURCE Royal Caribbean International

Lynn Martenstein, Royal Caribbean International, +1

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I'm thinking she has her head against a female. Looks like the other person has a halter top on? I think I see shoulder????



I think that bit of blue, that you see as a halter top, is the edge of the screen, the way I cropped it....it's not a part of the pic....;)

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There having a special tonight on primetime on ABC. It's at 9:00pm on the east coast. It's about all the cruise ship disappearance's.


It's at 10:00 p.m. on the East Coast. And it's going to highlight several incidents of people missing at sea and evidently the story of one person who survived some traumatic event at sea.

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It's at 10:00 p.m. on the East Coast. And it's going to highlight several incidents of people missing at sea and evidently the story of one person who survived some traumatic event at sea.


Apropos of nothing. Just thought I'd drop a line to say that we love your on-line ID. Scotland is always delighted to welcome our friends from abroad.



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On Abrams' date=' Wright said that the Turkish authorities conducted a full forensic investigation and that Dr. Lee, the Smith family, and the attorneys HAVE A COPY of it. Hmmm, wonder why the Smith family or their attorney have never mentioned that fact???:rolleyes:



Standford girl That goes back to why on July 6th when Royal Caribbean was given them information did Bree Smith say that she was a lawyer and the family did not want to talk to the cruiseline any more.


They say the cruiseline is not given them information which they are.


Why have they not hired someone to help them get information like Jennifer did. Why did they not do something before now.


I just think something is strange about them

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Just to toss the widow back into the frey again. I was thinking about the time line. We seem to have most of our time points from the statements of the cop next door...and a few other odds and ends. The seapass time stamps and other written times (logged calls reporting noise and the big thud) are needed to calibrate everyone's time...'cause all of the critical events happen in such a short period of time.


If Clete is the sort that sets his watch ahead a few minutes (also all the times we have seem very rounded), we condense the space of time of DW's return by RCCL to the point they overlap. It raises the possiblity that DW was in the room when the big thud happened.


The widow is also the only person we know of who had a fight with DH and who attacked DH. The DH may have been outside having a smoke when RCCL returned DW to the cabin and he only confronted her when they left. She either spoke softly or not at all. He steps back outside to finish his smoke....and ends up sleeping with the fish.

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Apropos of nothing. Just thought I'd drop a line to say that we love your on-line ID. Scotland is always delighted to welcome our friends from abroad.




Also apropos of nothing, I can hardly wait to return to Scotland which will be May 5-15. And I am such a lover of Scotland I have a tattoo of a thistle on my right ankle--a 58th birthday present from my husband several years ago now!

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There is something about Josh, I'll give you that. Can't quite put my finger on it, maybe a sweet kid, maybe a bit too nosy, maybe an innocent. Of the whole gang, it's odd we keep coming back to him as a person of mystery. The thing I almost fault him for as a 20 year old is that he was in a group of people a little to old for him in some ways, that he was out of place with the honeymooners and the rough guys. No matter what, I seem to think he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.....


I agree that Josh's story does not add up.


From another meessage board:


TIM GREEN, HOST, "A CURRENT AFFAIR": Well, Jane, we`ve got a witness to the events that night who is actually a crew member on the ship. Right now, he wants to remain anonymous, and so we`re protecting his identity.


But he actually went down the elevator with George Smith and three other young men. The three young men got off, and he said that George Smith was -- continued to look for his bride, Jennifer. Three men got off at the pool, and then George got off at his floor. The crew member went down to where he was. He came back up subsequently, saying he forgot to lock the pantry upstairs. So when he came back up, George got back on. Then they stopped at the pool. The three guys get back on. They all went up to the disco again, looking for Jennifer. Then they went back down to George`s level, and all four of them got off, according to this witness, at George`s level.


And then the next day, he spoke with the guy who was staying in the cabin right next to George`s, who around that time -- now, you can`t be certain as to the timing of this, but this is the story that we`re reporting right now. Around that time, this guy heard a terrible fight in the Smith cabin. He heard the thump that everyone is presuming was George Smith going over the side, hitting that awning, creating that huge blood swatch, and then he went out into the hall and saw several young men.


Now, we -- this is -- this contradicts, actually, or may contradict the story that one of the young men`s attorneys said today on the "Today" show, Joshua Asking`s.


Also, as I pointed out in a previous post, Josh states that GS had to be carried back to the cabin, but then left again to go look for JHS with no mention of having to carry him. He must have sobered up really fast. I saw a quote somewhere from Josh's lawyer that said that they did do more drinking in the cabin before leaving to search for JHS and am trying to find that. This may have no direct bearing except to bring Josh's credibility into question.

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You betcha solid on the three....the issue I have is that is from a cruiseline employee who wishes to remain anonymous. With that critical a fact as to the number of people, and getting that nailed down tight, I am not too happy to hear this person is just saying stuff without really getting interrogated.


As for this persons account versus Josh's about Georges condition, I think Josh indicated George needed assistance in the form of guiding, which he and the others he claimed were doing, not that George needed to be carried.

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Fine, I'm with you. Sometimes we put too much importance on the words people use. We all use words perhaps a little too freely and the meaning can get muddled.


The same goes for times....3:30 could be 3:24 to someone else...and both could be wrong by 10 minutes..


A sleeping guest in the middle of the night looking at their own clock and rounding, or estimating based upon passage of time from the last time they checked their watch, or trying to see a clock without your glasses.


I think the times need to considered a range of times, other than the seapass cards which are computer time stamped, and perhaps logged calls by RCCL security.

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I keep going back to the earlier reports on the case......


Anybody find any more information on the "handprint"?


This is an exerpt from the AP as reported on MSNBC July 28th:



A Turkish prosecutor told the AP last week that Smith’s wife, Jennifer Hagel, was not suspected in her husband’s disappearance.

The couple had been drinking and gambling at the ship’s casino that night, the prosecutor said. The next morning, he said, Hagel woke up and went to the gym. Smith was reported missing after cleaners found blood in their cabin. There was also blood on the balcony and a hand print on the side of the ship, the prosecutor said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

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