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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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Corona, hope you feel better after that rant. It always makes me feel better!:)


Primetime's use of the incorrect photos could be sloppy or intentioanal bias. The talking heads would never stoop so low as to cruise with us, so they probably don't know that we can tell the difference.


My view is that most of the "news" shows should be taken as pure entertainment, and if there happens to be any facts contained in it, it is just a coincidence. If you take those folks seriously, you will eventually fall off a cruise ship.:D

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Droopy et al who called me an ignorant bigot. I apologize if what I said was offensive. We have become immersed in political correctness so much in our society that we are afraid to state what could be the obvious.


My comments could be completely out of line and unfair. Since we know nothing of these young men it seems reasonable to go from one end of the spectrum to the other. Does the Russian mob exist? Yes. Do most immigrants come to this country with little or no savings to create a better life? Yes. Can the average American afford to take an entire family on a Med cruise? No. I was simply presenting what seemed to be a possibility that has not been mentioned while we all try to play nice and tippy toe around possible motivations and try to understand hideous behavior of all the participants. I'm not a racist, I'm well educated, I'm tired of posters attacking anyone who presents something remotely controversial and yes Droopy I'm very proud to be a Texan. I attempted to present another possibility and I may well be wrong. I don't even believe that they are but it is a remote possibility - like so many other theories presented here. The only people I should offend are these young men and their families who by their actions have shown an astonishing lack of morality and decency.

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the guy who lost his glasses, his shoes & pants but he still had a yellow sweatshirt on with his boxers. So was he that drunk that he took his shoes & pants off, a suicide leaves their shoes behind (a proven fact).


How he stayed afloat if he was tired & woozy. Then he stated he swam for 7 hours & didn't get to shore (50 miles from point of entry). I can see him floating or treading water looking for help. He lucked out with that ship seeing his yellow & coming to rescue him.






Stanford, the bloody figerprints, towel, tissues etc. that Gretta now reports is new info...well at least she claims it is confirmed...so maybe it is still rumor...


Would like to know when and where that blood came from.


Oh, love the guy who woke up naked in the Gulf of Mexico...these shows are better than the ones showing three headed snakes anyday.:D

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Looks like someone called "icantwait" got another thread kicked off.


Yes, they did.;) They should have stuck to the topic, and not called me names....if I get post pulled for less than that, then I will say something when something very rude is directed at me...:) ;)

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Corona, hope you feel better after that rant. It always makes me feel better!:)


Primetime's use of the incorrect photos could be sloppy or intentioanal bias. The talking heads would never stoop so low as to cruise with us, so they probably don't know that we can tell the difference.


My view is that most of the "news" shows should be taken as pure entertainment, and if there happens to be any facts contained in it, it is just a coincidence. If you take those folks seriously, you will eventually fall off a cruise ship.:D


OMG, LOL, too funny. Everything you said...:D

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Wolfie, chill out, if having an opinion makes ya a bigot, ignorant, homophobe, racist, red neck...than count me in ya's numbers. I worry more about anyone who doesn't.


Upsetting PC folks is one of the great joys of my life.


Now about the KGB (aka Russian Mafia), wasn't their lawyers a hoot. I had flashback to Godfather #1...

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What show were the russians on? I saw a 1 minute video with the one kit walking with his two lawyers but I didn't see the others guys. I agree, that lawyer was wild looking.


They were on Primetime, I did TiVo it, but really wasn't paying that much attention to what they had to say, as I was pounding out an email to ABC at that time. I will have to go back and watch it again.:)


Think there was only one though....and his attorney?

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Pirate - hee hee, yes I am chilled. I'm so OVER PC ness I could spit ( a big old chaw of tobakky) ha. I guess in my insular world I forget that merely mentioning a remote possibility is cause for attack. Yes, loved the green bow tie on the lawyer. He looked like a class act. Oh wait, there I go again....


ts - do you work for ABC? If so, the fact checking on the show was horrendous. They showed a picture of the Smith's press conference when they were talking about the Merrian Carver case. They showed the wrong ships and presented it as fact and left out crucial details in the 2 cases I'm actually familiar with - Carver and Smith.


Once again, if someone's opinion differs from yours, that does not make them ignorant.

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Pirate - hee hee, yes I am chilled. I'm so OVER PC ness I could spit ( a big old chaw of tobakky) ha. I guess in my insular world I forget that merely mentioning a remote possibility is cause for attack. Yes, loved the green bow tie on the lawyer. He looked like a class act. Oh wait, there I go again....


ts - do you work for ABC? If so, the fact checking on the show was horrendous. They showed a picture of the Smith's press conference when they were talking about the Merrian Carver case. They showed the wrong ships and presented it as fact and left out crucial details in the 2 cases I'm actually familiar with - Carver and Smith.


Once again, if someone's opinion differs from yours, that does not make them ignorant.


LOL...you ole' redneck you...:D ;)

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Pirate.....you beat me to it. When they brought on Rusty's lawyers, my jaw almost hit the floor after all the accusatins and stuff yesterday about bigotry & stereotyping. Talk about the typical stereotype for a mob type lawyer. Thought I was watching 'My Cousin Vinney'





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Pirate.....you beat me to it. When they brought on Rusty's lawyers, my jaw almost hit the floor after all the accusatins and stuff yesterday about bigotry & stereotyping. Talk about the typical stereotype for a mob type lawyer. Thought I was watching 'My Cousin Vinney'






AHAHAHA..."the 2 utes", what's a ute? Youths...:D ...one of my all time favorites..

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The scary thing is that most of the people who post on this thread dont care what happened to George Smith, They only care about RCI and that is disgusting. A REAL person lost his life here and all you care about is RCI protecting thier image.


I wonder how you would feel if it was you or your family?


Plus I guess RCI monitors these boards too, Freedoon of speech is only for the racists I guess?



TS sorry you feel that way, some of us to indeed care about the loss of a life. I recently lost a family member and I think I do know how the families feel.

I just don't approve of the way the Smith's are handling their grief. It is amazing that all they talk about is how RCCL is at fault and their son did nothing wrong. To me the jury is still out on who is to fault and we may never know what actually happened.

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Hey 1corona4u


Follow your own advice.


"don't attack their race, heritage, or their sexual orientation, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards."


Or by calling former Congressman vulgar names


The use of profanity and foul or vulgar language is not acceptable. Keep in mind that members come in all ages and all have access to our Cruise Boards

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TS sorry you feel that way, some of us to indeed care about the loss of a life. I recently lost a family member and I think I do know how the families feel.

I just don't approve of the way the Smith's are handling their grief. It is amazing that all they talk about is how RCCL is at fault and their son did nothing wrong. To me the jury is still out on who is to fault and we may never know what actually happened.


I'm sorry for your loss


I'll agree with you that the jury is still out but what did their son do that was wrong?


He got bombed on his honeymoon?


If people deserve to die for that offense their would not be many people celebrating a 1st anniversary

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ts - I have said over and over again that no matter what the behavior choices were George did not deserve this fate. I think it is a terrible waste. But RCI did not kill this man, they didn't even serve him all the alcohol that caused him to lose his judgement and perhaps his life. They also did not force him to socialize with such charming members of society. I care very much what happened and hope that this case can be conclusively closed so that everyone involved - emotionally, financially, economically can learn from this, heal and move on. What is wrong is all the lies and media distortions. I don't dispute at all your right to express your opinion but I don't recall anyone else telling you you are ignorant or that you are drinking the Smith's koolaid. That would be personally insulting to you, wouldn't it? After all, you have freedom of speech here.


corona - ROTFLMAO - my neck is so lily white it ain't funny. Imagine growing up in Tx a pale redheaded Irish/Scottish girl. Being called a redneck is highly amusing to me - but I appreciate the stereotype from others. They have obviously never been to Dallas.


buda - join me won't you in my insular Texas world. <smile>


I hope what has been mainly a civilized discussion on this thread does not devolve into personal attacks.

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Well.....I was going to respond to Ts's last response about most not caring about George and if he/she would read the posts by everyone, would find out that is not the case.


I think what gets most people here upset is the way the media, family, lawyers et al keep trying to shift blame to RCI. Unless an RCI employee walked into the cabin at the exact moment that whatever happened to George happened, there is nothing RCI could or should have done that would change the outcome. And, unless they find mass amounts of blood from someone other than George, is there ever going to be enough evidence to convict anyone unless someone confesses or rolls over on someone. Everyone has admitted being in that cabin at some point during the cruise, so of course there is going to be DNA from all of them there. What is it going to prove?


Finally, I saw this post going down the same route as the previous threads on the subject that got yanked...someone gets offended by what someone posts and takes it personally and then begins personal attacks on another poster. All of this is opinions.....and opinions only. I don't believe any of us were actually there.....or were we?





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Since we all seem to have neglected GS for a while...


WARNING: Really sick twist on the situation in this post. (But Very Hollywood.)


Given that the Russians (and maybe Josh) were taping sex acts just a couple of days later. Could it be that Josh was not just infatuated with JH(S) but also had his young eyes on GS...


so "partying noises" being heard might have been the Russians watching Josh and GS having a little more fun than normal. 'Stuff' ends up on GS's shirt, which is why they talk about the changing of shirts (was it ever found? or did the soiled shirt go off the balcony too) (this means the changing of the shirt was actually a 2nd-visit-to-cabin event, as opposed to 1st-visit as stated... since alot of misrepresentation seems to be happening, why not this one too?)

Which is why Josh had to go into the bathroom to 'freshen up' afterwards while everyone leaves. GS realizes what had just happened (maybe even wakes up to it?)... is horrified at himself... and jumps.


Ok. maybe I'm just sick and twisted. As for Elvis and Smurfs... who knows... absinthe is allegedly a hallucinogen after all. :)

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ts - I have said over and over again that no matter what the behavior choices were George did not deserve this fate. I think it is a terrible waste. But RCI did not kill this man, they didn't even serve him all the alcohol that caused him to lose his judgement and perhaps his life. They also did not force him to socialize with such charming members of society. I care very much what happened and hope that this case can be conclusively closed so that everyone involved - emotionally, financially, economically can learn from this, heal and move on. What is wrong is all the lies and media distortions. I don't dispute at all your right to express your opinion but I don't recall anyone else telling you you are ignorant or that you are drinking the Smith's koolaid. That would be personally insulting to you, wouldn't it? After all, you have freedom of speech here.


corona - ROTFLMAO - my neck is so lily white it ain't funny. Imagine growing up in Tx a pale redheaded Irish/Scottish girl. Being called a redneck is highly amusing to me - but I appreciate the stereotype from others. They have obviously never been to Dallas.


buda - join me won't you in my insular Texas world. <smile>


I hope what has been mainly a civilized discussion on this thread does not devolve into personal attacks.


I am in total agreement. I am concerned about what happened to George. I am also concerned about the media circus created by the "coverup" conspiracy theorists. If RCI is guilty of a coverup or any sort of misbehavior, just present some factual evidence, and I will listen. I have nothing to gain from defending the company, I am just a really big fan of facts and truth.


Speaking of facts and truth, the main point of this whole discussion is to figure out what happened that night. Accident, foul play, or whatever. In the process of that, people read the available information, both factual and rumor (rumors sometimes have a way of turning out to be facts), and trying to piece together the puzzle of what might have gone down in that cabin. None of us are going to solve this mystery. No arrests are going to occur because one of us made a brilliant deduction. The quest is for us to try to reconcile in our minds what might have happened. I have no idea how doing that makes anyone an RCI defender. Maybe a nut case, but I have been called worse.


Again, I hope that the real authorities, the FBI, are able to determine what happened. If it was accidental, I hope that can be proven to at least a reasonable degree of certainty. I also hope that if their is a responsible party or parties, that they will be prosecuted and held accountable. Gerorge deserves no less. Jennifer Smith and George's surviving family also deserve no less, like them or not.


One more thing. Those of us discussing evidence and proposing theories seem to me to be more focused on finding justice for George than those who are busy shouting that RCI and cruiselines are evil corporate thugs.


OK, I am off the soapbox.

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I am in total agreement. I am concerned about what happened to George. I am also concerned about the media circus created by the "coverup" conspiracy theorists. If RCI is guilty of a coverup or any sort of misbehavior, just present some factual evidence, and I will listen. I have nothing to gain from defending the company, I am just a really big fan of facts and truth.


Speaking of facts and truth, the main point of this whole discussion is to figure out what happened that night. Accident, foul play, or whatever. In the process of that, people read the available information, both factual and rumor (rumors sometimes have a way of turning out to be facts), and trying to piece together the puzzle of what might have gone down in that cabin. None of us are going to solve this mystery. No arrests are going to occur because one of us made a brilliant deduction. The quest is for us to try to reconcile in our minds what might have happened. I have no idea how doing that makes anyone an RCI defender. Maybe a nut case, but I have been called worse.


Again, I hope that the real authorities, the FBI, are able to determine what happened. If it was accidental, I hope that can be proven to at least a reasonable degree of certainty. I also hope that if their is a responsible party or parties, that they will be prosecuted and held accountable. Gerorge deserves no less. Jennifer Smith and George's surviving family also deserve no less, like them or not.


One more thing. Those of us discussing evidence and proposing theories seem to me to be more focused on finding justice for George than those who are busy shouting that RCI and cruiselines are evil corporate thugs.


OK, I am off the soapbox.


Very well said EB.

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...they talk about the changing of shirts (was it ever found? or did the soiled shirt go off the balcony too)


I've been wondering that, too. Has anyone heard anything about where the changed-out-of shirt might be?


As for sensational Hollywood, it wouldn't surprise me if all three major networks (plus cable networks) each make their own movie, based on different parties' viewpoints, like they did with Amy Fisher, etc. Sheesh.

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chan, after a bottle of absinthe he was probably not doing a lot of thinking....


The mafia's attorney did add one factoid, that DH & DW were already feeling no pain when the mafia & they met up in the casino that evening. So that would explain why the KGB/Mafia/Russians were able to keep on when the newlyweads crashed. He also seemed to want to paint them as having only met the previous day...not a lot of social interation.


How come no one is discussing the bloody towel, tissue and finger prints which Gretta dropped on us last night. Also, a few days ago someone mentioned a missing chair from the newlyweeds balcony..is that fact or fiction??


I guess the Smith Sr.'s are simply not going to talk about RCCL repainting the canopy, leaving their prior statements to that affect out there, even after Mr. Moto's analysis??

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