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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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MACOP, wasn't saying that all the news in the RC link was new, but the fact that it is now on the home page in bright red under "important updates" is. Royal Caribbean is really taking this seriously and rebutting some of the rumors, read: top 10 myths regarding the Gerorge Smith disapperance.


I will go away now and stop posting on your thread.

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I am in total agreement. I am concerned about what happened to George. I am also concerned about the media circus created by the "coverup" conspiracy theorists. If RCI is guilty of a coverup or any sort of misbehavior, just present some factual evidence, and I will listen. I have nothing to gain from defending the company, I am just a really big fan of facts and truth.


Speaking of facts and truth, the main point of this whole discussion is to figure out what happened that night. Accident, foul play, or whatever. In the process of that, people read the available information, both factual and rumor (rumors sometimes have a way of turning out to be facts), and trying to piece together the puzzle of what might have gone down in that cabin. None of us are going to solve this mystery. No arrests are going to occur because one of us made a brilliant deduction. The quest is for us to try to reconcile in our minds what might have happened. I have no idea how doing that makes anyone an RCI defender. Maybe a nut case, but I have been called worse.


Again, I hope that the real authorities, the FBI, are able to determine what happened. If it was accidental, I hope that can be proven to at least a reasonable degree of certainty. I also hope that if their is a responsible party or parties, that they will be prosecuted and held accountable. Gerorge deserves no less. Jennifer Smith and George's surviving family also deserve no less, like them or not.


One more thing. Those of us discussing evidence and proposing theories seem to me to be more focused on finding justice for George than those who are busy shouting that RCI and cruiselines are evil corporate thugs.


OK, I am off the soapbox.


Great post. Let me just add to that. In this country, people (anyone really, be it a company or an individual) are presumed innocent until proven guilty. RCI has not been found guilty of anything at this time. If, or when, they are proven to be guilty of anything, then I may have cause to feel differently about them. Right now though, I have no reason to doubt what they say is fact, because they can no doubt, prove anything they are saying.


The Smith's cut off their noses to spite their faces, when they took this war to the media. Had they been reasonable, and cooperative with RCI, maybe they would have been gracious enough to provide them anything they asked for. Instead, they chose to cut that cord right away. As I said before, you get more bee's with honey, than with vinegar. The Smith's started out with their guns loaded.


I do care that someone died, but I am not willing to look the other way, when considering how their own actions contributed to his demise. It's one thing to defend the victims, but another to visciously attack a company for their alleged cover up, when there is no evidence to support that. Not that I can see anyway....


I feel sorrier for RCI right now, than I do for the Smith's.

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chan, after a bottle of absinthe he was probably not doing a lot of thinking....


The mafia's attorney did add one factoid, that DH & DW were already feeling no pain when the mafia & they met up in the casino that evening. So that would explain why the KGB/Mafia/Russians were able to keep on when the newlyweads crashed. He also seemed to want to paint them as having only met the previous day...not a lot of social interation.


How come no one is discussing the bloody towel, tissue and finger prints which Gretta dropped on us last night. Also, a few days ago someone mentioned a missing chair from the newlyweeds balcony..is that fact or fiction??


I guess the Smith Sr.'s are simply not going to talk about RCCL repainting the canopy, leaving their prior statements to that affect out there, even after Mr. Moto's analysis??


I think I recall JHS saying that she & hubby had a few on shore that day. Then they came back aboard and had dinner. Maybe drinks at dinner too?


The bloody items have been mentioned before on this board, but last night was the first "official" discussion that I have heard. Some posters on this board seem to have some of this stuff way ahead of time (MACOP, for instance). Usually pretty accurate too. All of the discussion seemed to revolve around a nose bleed. I think the "smudge" on the sheets is of the most interest. Wasn't JHS lying in that bed from about 5 - 7 AM. It must have been pretty faint for her not to see it. Also it is tough to imagine her not making at least a brief visit to the WC at some point. It seems like a bloody towel the size of a fist would be hard to miss. Unless it was hidden.


The most amusing part was when the one guy said that there are people on and off the ship every week, the blood could have come from anyone. I don't know about you guys, but if I find bloody towels in my cabin when I check in, I am going to have to seriously consider not tipping the recommended amount to my steward.


Also, Greta mentioned that the room was probably serviced around noon that day. I wanted to tell her that it was probably cleaned again that evening while the couple was at dinner. Those TV people need to seriously consider taking a cruise.


Greta's "expert" panel of 4 seem to be evenly split on accident vs foul play. One solidly in each court and one leaning each way. It is kind of a mirror of this discussion, minus the "it does not matter, RCI is the devil either way" point of view. I am also hearing a lot of talk about the importance of the timeline, which is the area I tend to focus on the most. I am not sure why, I just find that part of it the most interesting. Maybe because there are so many possibilities and constructs to explore.

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I think I recall JHS saying that she & hubby had a few on shore that day. Then they came back aboard and had dinner. Maybe drinks at dinner too?


The bloody items have been mentioned before on this board, but last night was the first "official" discussion that I have heard. Some posters on this board seem to have some of this stuff way ahead of time (MACOP, for instance). Usually pretty accurate too. All of the discussion seemed to revolve around a nose bleed. I think the "smudge" on the sheets is of the most interest. Wasn't JHS lying in that bed from about 5 - 7 AM. It must have been pretty faint for her not to see it. Also it is tough to imagine her not making at least a brief visit to the WC at some point. It seems like a bloody towel the size of a fist would be hard to miss. Unless it was hidden.


The most amusing part was when the one guy said that there are people on and off the ship every week, the blood could have come from anyone. I don't know about you guys, but if I find bloody towels in my cabin when I check in, I am going to have to seriously consider not tipping the recommended amount to my steward.


Also, Greta mentioned that the room was probably serviced around noon that day. I wanted to tell her that it was probably cleaned again that evening while the couple was at dinner. Those TV people need to seriously consider taking a cruise.


Greta's "expert" panel of 4 seem to be evenly split on accident vs foul play. One solidly in each court and one leaning each way. It is kind of a mirror of this discussion, minus the "it does not matter, RCI is the devil either way" point of view. I am also hearing a lot of talk about the importance of the timeline, which is the area I tend to focus on the most. I am not sure why, I just find that part of it the most interesting. Maybe because there are so many possibilities and constructs to explore.


The blood evidence has been thrown out a few times, but I think most people just disregarded it. I have to say though, that it has changed many times. First, there was "blood all over the cabin", canopy, bloody handprints on the side of the ship, then it was a towel, tissue, and droplets on the bed, then, "there was no blood", then just drops on the bed, and now back to, on a towel, tissue, and the bed. So who knows really. I did not see Greta last night, but my guess is that they were drawing from all of the stories out there about the blood. It was even said before that there was a small amount, not visible to the naked eye. We may never know the truth on that.

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MACOP, wasn't saying that all the news in the RC link was new, but the fact that it is now on the home page in bright red under "important updates" is. Royal Caribbean is really taking this seriously and rebutting some of the rumors, read: top 10 myths regarding the Gerorge Smith disapperance.


I will go away now and stop posting on your thread.


NO SALLY:( ................come on back!!:) You are welcome here!! Join right in. I for one am glad you posted that! I think it's great that they did that, because it was really hard to find, as you had to go to the site map to find it before.


I just feel so bad that this has happened to them.... and before anyone says it, yeah, yeah I know...what about the Smith's...I feel bad for them too, just in a different way.

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Corona, Gretta was acting as if they had an eye witness who had talked to them directly, who confirmed the bloody towel, tissue and finger print.


Sounded like she had confirmed it...but who knows.


Also, ya knows there are thousands of people dieing every minute of the day. It's nature...sorry about that, but life goes on. Each and everyone one is a tragic event...but life goes on. When I kick the bucket (on a cruise I hope), ya'll can toss me over the side and tell jokes about me all ya's wants..just wish I could be there to add a few myself. Just be sure the DW gets the SeaPass comped by RCCL and first class tickets home....ah yes the last freebie from C&A. Can't wait..DW says she can't either.:D

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Still focused on Josh here.............


Video in the Turks PD. He appears to have suffered a "nose injury" of some type. Bet they find his blood, whether related to GS's demise or not.


The horrific hud.


Balcony Divider or Canopy?


Clete (the lone gunman) is the ONLY person to here it, he was the closest. Someone else heard a "scream". Clete (the lone gunman with the bionic ear) didn't. Noone on the 7th deck balcony heard any horrific thud that reverberated through Cletes cabin?? I say it was the balcony divider.


Rusty Kaufman (sp?)


Primetime said he was the focus of the investigation.... maybe with the help of Josh's attorney (who seems to be pointing the finger everywhere at anyone).

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Corona, Gretta was acting as if they had an eye witness who had talked to them directly, who confirmed the bloody towel, tissue and finger print.


Sounded like she had confirmed it...but who knows.


Also, ya knows there are thousands of people dieing every minute of the day. It's nature...sorry about that, but life goes on. Each and everyone one is a tragic event...but life goes on. When I kick the bucket (on a cruise I hope), ya'll can toss me over the side and tell jokes about me all ya's wants..just wish I could be there to add a few myself. Just be sure the DW gets the SeaPass comped by RCCL and first class tickets home....ah yes the last freebie from C&A. Can't wait..DW says she can't either.:D


Really? Drat. Sorry I missed her, for that peice of crap story that ABC had on. I should have recorded Greta.....or the ABC one, so I could have FF'wd through it.....

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Josh with a nose injury...now a bloody towel in the bathroom Josh said he used....4-3=1..finger pointing to the poor casino manager....motive=love??


Hummm, doesn't look good for ole Josh.


Yes indeed. Wonder what other evidence may have been sent down the ole' commode?

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Wouldn't the three Russian/NY'rs tell authorities that Josh wasn't with them, etc etc. What reason would they have to protect him and make themselves look bad by not cooperating? After all, they don't know Josh - he was just a cruise acquaintance and if not for this would never meet him again. I don't see any rationale in them keeping quiet and not publicly defending themselves unless they have some sort of knowledge of events. Rusty's lawyer last night said his client has spoken to the FBI on 3 separate occasions. Also found it "interesting" that ABC didn't even bother to address that the 3 young men are related.


Also, don't know about anyone else but the first thing I would be doing in the am is using the facilities and brushing my teeth. If there was something in the bathroom why didn't JHS see it? Come on, we all know how tiny those things are.

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Remember when I wrote about the cruise critic members from the Brilliance roll call a couple of days ago? Well, now I know who said they heard a scream that night from her cabin on deck 7 below the Smiths. Her daughter took the infamous morning photo of the bloody canopy.


All three of the cruise critic members from that forum make statements about the events.


I can't believe it took me this long to find this:




And also:



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Ok, here's something interesting, or stupid, depending on your views. I was looking for info for the Carver lady, and found this...site.....which appears to be a bunch of maritime attorneys, and also has links to the NEW site for cruise victims and their families.


Although, I hesitate to post the link, because they can track it back here, and lord knows, the last thing we need on this site is an ambulance chasing attorney, but I think you all need to read this;





Name: George Allen Smith IV


Age: 26


Home Town: Greenwich, Connecticut


Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines


Ship: Brilliance of the Seas


Attorney: Maritime Lawyer Brett Rivkind, Miami, Florida represents the parents


Maritime Attorney: James Walker (the wife's)


Reward: $100,000


Key Points:


George and his wife Jennifer (an elementary school teacher) were on their honeymoon cruise, and George goes missing on day 8.




He and his wife were in the casino. There, they met several other passengers and became friends. It was reported by several passengers George, and possibly Mrs. Smith were drinking Absinthe, which is not sold on the cruise ship. For info on Absinthe - click here




Several passengers reported that his wife was flirting with other men, and the casino manager and he was flirting with her. They say she was so drunk she could barely stand up, and was hanging on one male in the casino.




At that point several passengers report hearing George call his wife a 'hussy'. Then, they claim, she pushes him back, then swiftly kicks him in the groin. He bends over in severe pain, and she wanders out of the casino, "with an attitude" according to one passenger, not be seen again until after George is presumed to gone overboard.




Mrs. Smith denies kicking George, but acknowledges that she was drunk, she doesn't remember leaving the casino, or where she went from there, only a couple minutes after the alleged kick.




George is extremely intoxicated according to several passengers, and is helped back to his cabin by two Russian speaking brothers, a third Russian speaking man, and an english speaking man.




After arriving at his cabin, one of the men, Rustislav 'Rusty' Kofman, says they all left to try to find Mrs. Smith, to no avail, and returned to the cabin.




A police officer, Walter Zalisko, and his wife in the cabin next door, reported hearing George (presumed) return to his cabin with others on several nights and hearing the sounds of loud parties.




He said he heard sounds of people having a party the night George went missing, he banged on the wall to try to quiet them, and even knocked on the door, then he called security. He reports hearing cheering, such as might be done after doing shooters of alcohol, and he says he hears this repeatedly. Security arrived at the cabin, heard nothing, and left, without knocking on the cabin door.




Walter Zalisko reports hearing people leaving the cabin, opened his door to look out, and saw three men leaving the cabin. There were reports that four men helped George to his cabin.




Capt. Bill Wright, senior vice president of fleet operations for Royal Caribbean, said that the investigation has found that four passengers did indeed escorted George back to his cabin on the night that he vanished.




Next, Walter Zalisko heard a loud argument by male voices, on the balcony, heard furniture moving, a loud noise on the balcony, followed by a huge thud, then silence. It is about 4:15am




At 4:30am Mrs. Smith is found sleeping or passed out in a hallway. She is unable to make it back to her cabin, and a wheelchair is brought to take her to cabin. At that time, George is not there, and ship staff do not notice any blood in the room.




Around 8:00am, people in other cabins notice the blood on the overhang, and call security. Sometime after that, one of the men with George the night before, is brought to security and questioned. They ask if he knows where George is, and say it is suspected that George went overboard. He asks if they found blood. Security begins looking for Mrs Smith.




Mrs. Smith had reported for their 'couples massage' appointment, at 8:30am, an hour and half early, right after other passengers found the blood outside and reported it, wearing the same clothes she had on the night before. It was there she was retrieved and brought to security, where she was told that it was suspected something happened to her husband, and he may have gone overboard.




Jennifer Hagel has passed a lie detector test and is not considered a suspect.




Lawyer, Albert Y. Dayan for Rustislav Kofman, one of the Russians questioned by the FBI, denied any role in the disappearance




The 3 Russian speaking men are forced off the ship in Italy, when they are accused of raping two women, one of them men in the Jaccuzzi, and filming the rape. They deny raping the women, saying it was consensual sex.




The ship's captain, says he figures that George pushed a chair up to the balcony, sat on the railing, and then fell overboard.




The railing is 50" high approximately, only a few inches wide, and George is 6'4" high.




A photo of the blood on the overhang, has the appearance, of something drug across or through the blood, such as a body being dragged off, or sliding off the overhang. There is an area in the image, where the blood is dense, in a small circle, such as where a wound would be. There was a bloody towel in the bathroom the size of a fist, bloody tissues in the cabin, and a small blood spot on the sheet, the size of a finger print.




Questions: Does the video tape show anyone leaving or entering the cabin, before Jennifer was taken to the room by wheelchair, or after the 3 men were seen leaving the room. Four men entered with George; who is the 4th person, and when did he leave, before or after George is suspected to have gone overboard? What was the argument in the cabin about, and who was arguing? Why was furniture being moved around after an argument in George's cabin? Was somebody looking for something, if so, what?



Ok, who the heck is Walter Zalisko? I know there was another cop on a show a long time ago, but how could he have been in the room next to the Smith's, when the Lawyers, and the Hymans were? He coudn't. This account has all of the Clete Hyman details, but they are calling him Walter Zalisko? :rolleyes:


Man, they screwed that up! Interesting site, biased, but interesting.......


If you want to go to the site, Google, Cruise Bruise.

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so be sure to read thru, all the transcripts of shows featuring more on George Smith. I know I posted the press releases on both RCCL statements of lies & they were correcting them. I was extremely happy as a stockholder that they are fighting now.


RCCL features them all since not every visitor actually reads the news on the site. Capt Wright, who is the Captain on Brilliance since the 30 year veteran retired the day after his anniversary. He will end that ship in May to guide Freedom to NYC for her introduction, then up to Boston & down to Miami with TA, press & all sorts of news & TV folks aboard. I know TODAY is broadcasting live with the Godmother who they helped choose. Then in June he is her Captain for keeps or until he retires.


I am on a group cruise on Jewel to Europe/Scandinavia in May & I will get to see Endeavor of the Seas being built at Aker Finnyards. I plan 100 photos to show everyone.


So yes, post what you see on the news & addresses to transcripts so we can read the show you saw. I have TIVO & tape all news magazines, watching them all every morning & some have found new stories so others can delve deeper into this is he dead or alive as I feel.


So do join us in the great conversation.........



MACOP, wasn't saying that all the news in the RC link was new, but the fact that it is now on the home page in bright red under "important updates" is. Royal Caribbean is really taking this seriously and rebutting some of the rumors, read: top 10 myths regarding the George Smith disappearance.


I will go away now and stop posting on your thread.

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Ok, here's something interesting, or stupid, depending on your views. I was looking for info for the Carver lady, and found this...site.....which appears to be a bunch of maritime attorneys, and also has links to the NEW site for cruise victims and their families.


Although, I hesitate to post the link, because they can track it back here, and lord knows, the last thing we need on this site is an ambulance chasing attorney, but I think you all need to read this;





Name: George Allen Smith IV


Age: 26


Home Town: Greenwich, Connecticut


Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines


Ship: Brilliance of the Seas


Attorney: Maritime Lawyer Brett Rivkind, Miami, Florida represents the parents


Maritime Attorney: James Walker (the wife's)


Reward: $100,000


Key Points:


George and his wife Jennifer (an elementary school teacher) were on their honeymoon cruise, and George goes missing on day 8.




He and his wife were in the casino. There, they met several other passengers and became friends. It was reported by several passengers George, and possibly Mrs. Smith were drinking Absinthe, which is not sold on the cruise ship. For info on Absinthe - click here




Several passengers reported that his wife was flirting with other men, and the casino manager and he was flirting with her. They say she was so drunk she could barely stand up, and was hanging on one male in the casino.




At that point several passengers report hearing George call his wife a 'hussy'. Then, they claim, she pushes him back, then swiftly kicks him in the groin. He bends over in severe pain, and she wanders out of the casino, "with an attitude" according to one passenger, not be seen again until after George is presumed to gone overboard.




Mrs. Smith denies kicking George, but acknowledges that she was drunk, she doesn't remember leaving the casino, or where she went from there, only a couple minutes after the alleged kick.




George is extremely intoxicated according to several passengers, and is helped back to his cabin by two Russian speaking brothers, a third Russian speaking man, and an english speaking man.




After arriving at his cabin, one of the men, Rustislav 'Rusty' Kofman, says they all left to try to find Mrs. Smith, to no avail, and returned to the cabin.




A police officer, Walter Zalisko, and his wife in the cabin next door, reported hearing George (presumed) return to his cabin with others on several nights and hearing the sounds of loud parties.




He said he heard sounds of people having a party the night George went missing, he banged on the wall to try to quiet them, and even knocked on the door, then he called security. He reports hearing cheering, such as might be done after doing shooters of alcohol, and he says he hears this repeatedly. Security arrived at the cabin, heard nothing, and left, without knocking on the cabin door.




Walter Zalisko reports hearing people leaving the cabin, opened his door to look out, and saw three men leaving the cabin. There were reports that four men helped George to his cabin.




Capt. Bill Wright, senior vice president of fleet operations for Royal Caribbean, said that the investigation has found that four passengers did indeed escorted George back to his cabin on the night that he vanished.




Next, Walter Zalisko heard a loud argument by male voices, on the balcony, heard furniture moving, a loud noise on the balcony, followed by a huge thud, then silence. It is about 4:15am




At 4:30am Mrs. Smith is found sleeping or passed out in a hallway. She is unable to make it back to her cabin, and a wheelchair is brought to take her to cabin. At that time, George is not there, and ship staff do not notice any blood in the room.




Around 8:00am, people in other cabins notice the blood on the overhang, and call security. Sometime after that, one of the men with George the night before, is brought to security and questioned. They ask if he knows where George is, and say it is suspected that George went overboard. He asks if they found blood. Security begins looking for Mrs Smith.




Mrs. Smith had reported for their 'couples massage' appointment, at 8:30am, an hour and half early, right after other passengers found the blood outside and reported it, wearing the same clothes she had on the night before. It was there she was retrieved and brought to security, where she was told that it was suspected something happened to her husband, and he may have gone overboard.




Jennifer Hagel has passed a lie detector test and is not considered a suspect.




Lawyer, Albert Y. Dayan for Rustislav Kofman, one of the Russians questioned by the FBI, denied any role in the disappearance




The 3 Russian speaking men are forced off the ship in Italy, when they are accused of raping two women, one of them men in the Jaccuzzi, and filming the rape. They deny raping the women, saying it was consensual sex.




The ship's captain, says he figures that George pushed a chair up to the balcony, sat on the railing, and then fell overboard.




The railing is 50" high approximately, only a few inches wide, and George is 6'4" high.




A photo of the blood on the overhang, has the appearance, of something drug across or through the blood, such as a body being dragged off, or sliding off the overhang. There is an area in the image, where the blood is dense, in a small circle, such as where a wound would be. There was a bloody towel in the bathroom the size of a fist, bloody tissues in the cabin, and a small blood spot on the sheet, the size of a finger print.




Questions: Does the video tape show anyone leaving or entering the cabin, before Jennifer was taken to the room by wheelchair, or after the 3 men were seen leaving the room. Four men entered with George; who is the 4th person, and when did he leave, before or after George is suspected to have gone overboard? What was the argument in the cabin about, and who was arguing? Why was furniture being moved around after an argument in George's cabin? Was somebody looking for something, if so, what?



Ok, who the heck is Walter Zalisko? I know there was another cop on a show a long time ago, but how could he have been in the room next to the Smith's, when the Lawyers, and the Hymans were? He coudn't. This account has all of the Clete Hyman details, but they are calling him Walter Zalisko? :rolleyes:


Man, they screwed that up! Interesting site, biased, but interesting.......


If you want to go to the site, Google, Cruise Bruise.


Corona you sure do find some interesting stuff! Walter Zalisko is another cop (from NJ, I think) who was on the cruise. He's been on at least one of the cable shows (Rita IIRC). I remember seeing him but sure don't remember what he had to say. Maybe it will be in a transcript???

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Corona you sure do find some interesting stuff! Walter Zalisko is another cop (from NJ, I think) who was on the cruise. He's been on at least one of the cable shows (Rita IIRC). I remember seeing him but sure don't remember what he had to say. Maybe it will be in a transcript???


LOL, yeah, I do. And here is a transcript from the "other cop".(I don't believe anything he says, I just think he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame)



Joining us now is Walter Zalisko. He was a passenger on that ship, and he's also the chief of police in Oak Hill, Florida.


Chief, thank you for being with us. Your perspective, I think, is particularly keen here, because one of the problems is the evidence seems to — some of it seems to be washed away very quickly and people got off that ship without being questioned. And from your perspective, you were there, and with your background, do you think it was handled properly?


WALTER ZALISKO, CRUISE SHIP PASSENGER: Well, no, I don't. That's the ironic part of it. What we've seen and what we've already reported is that the FBI had come in rather late into this investigation, two days later.

What was occurring on the day the incident occurred was that you had the ship's crew already in the morning attempting to clean up the blood splatter on the lifeboat overhang. We had a number of people going in and out of that room. So thereby they're contaminating that crime scene, as well as sanitizing the entire area.

So that's not a logical way of conducting any kind of crime scene investigation.

HANNITY: What does your gut tell you, based on, as you watch this case unfold — and I also understand that you knew that Mr. Smith was on the ship bragging that he had $50,000 with him?

ZALISKO: That's correct. All the reports have come back, and it has been determined that Mr. Smith was, you know, mentioning to people that he was associating with that he had received a substantial amount of money from his wedding and that he had $50,000 of that money on the ship with him, for whatever purpose, for the gambling or on excursions.

HANNITY: If we look at the three people that — remember, there was another retired police officer in the cabin adjacent to Mr. Smith.


HANNITY: He had heard this thud. First he had heard some arguing; then he heard a thud. Then he looked in the hall, and he saw these three individuals leaving. In your mind, do you think you've been able to piece together, based on what you're saying about the money, what you think may have happened?

ZALISKO: Well, you know, what a good investigator would be doing in this case is looking at all the pieces that we've been receiving from the media and from witnesses.

You have the three individuals in the room with Mr. Smith. You have an altercation. You had Mr. Hyman reporting that there was, like, something like furniture moving. That would indicate a struggle of some type. Then you hear the thud and then you hear the individual — then he sees the individuals leaving the room.

What's also important is that you — people have reported they heard like closet doors and drawers being opened and closed and slammed. Now, why would George be doing that? The only indication is that you possibly had people searching for that money there.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Chief, it's Alan Colmes. Let me ask you, we showed where the blood was. We showed a shot of that. And you've indicated that you'd have to know how to get to that ledge. That's not something the average passenger would know how to get to. Is that correct?

ZALISKO: That's correct. If you look at that photo closely, there was one shot at one time where there's a clear footprint visible on that photo. That would indicate that somebody was standing there. We don't know if that was Mr. Smith's footprint, which I highly doubt, because it would appear that there was a thud. My theory was he was already unconscious when he hit that canopy.

COLMES: Are you saying a crew member would have had to be involved here, because that's not where an average passenger would go on the ship?

ZALISKO: Well, that would lead, you know, a good investigator to follow that it was a crew member that was involved with that. Because to get to that canopy, you would have had to have gone down two floors and then know where the access ladder was to climb up onto that canopy.

HANNITY: Walter, thanks for your expertise. Thanks for joining us tonight. We thank you.

ZALISKO: Thank you for having me.

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and every night we will pass the Absinthe via the net into our glasses as this is getting very unreal lately.


They hire Dr Lee who is so proud that he found a scrape on the canopy. So a chair missing from the balcony that went over first? George's watch or belt if he did go over bleeding from a stab would as report the other day on Rita's or whomever I posted.


Now we have Carona, find the site mentioned by never written down by any of us or in a transcript, that names a replacement for Clete, the great officer next door who hears stuff but doesn't investigate? So he is an office cop doing paperwork & answering phones. Or was he using a fake name on Greta, Rita, Scarborough, etc?????? So now we have a WALTER??? (Who's gonna pour)



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LOL, yeah, I do. And here is a transcript from the "other cop".(I don't believe anything he says, I just think he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame)



HANNITY: Walter, thanks for your expertise. Thanks for joining us tonight. We thank you.

ZALISKO: Thank you for having me.



Yes Walter, thanks for your expertise! Thanks for misleading the media. Thanks for misleading the investigation. Thanks for pointing a finger with no real knowledge of well "anything". Thanks for turning hearsay into testimony. Expertise ..... $50,000.... Yeah, If the excursion involves buying a Mercedes. Ha ha ha. Gimme a break!


And people say we need to get a life.

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LOL, yeah, I do. And here is a transcript from the "other cop".(I don't believe anything he says, I just think he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame)



Joining us now is Walter Zalisko. He was a passenger on that ship, and he's also the chief of police in Oak Hill, Florida.


Chief, thank you for being with us. Your perspective, I think, is particularly keen here, because one of the problems is the evidence seems to — some of it seems to be washed away very quickly and people got off that ship without being questioned. And from your perspective, you were there, and with your background, do you think it was handled properly?


WALTER ZALISKO, CRUISE SHIP PASSENGER: Well, no, I don't. That's the ironic part of it. What we've seen and what we've already reported is that the FBI had come in rather late into this investigation, two days later.

What was occurring on the day the incident occurred was that you had the ship's crew already in the morning attempting to clean up the blood splatter on the lifeboat overhang. We had a number of people going in and out of that room. So thereby they're contaminating that crime scene, as well as sanitizing the entire area.

So that's not a logical way of conducting any kind of crime scene investigation.

HANNITY: What does your gut tell you, based on, as you watch this case unfold — and I also understand that you knew that Mr. Smith was on the ship bragging that he had $50,000 with him?

ZALISKO: That's correct. All the reports have come back, and it has been determined that Mr. Smith was, you know, mentioning to people that he was associating with that he had received a substantial amount of money from his wedding and that he had $50,000 of that money on the ship with him, for whatever purpose, for the gambling or on excursions.

HANNITY: If we look at the three people that — remember, there was another retired police officer in the cabin adjacent to Mr. Smith.


HANNITY: He had heard this thud. First he had heard some arguing; then he heard a thud. Then he looked in the hall, and he saw these three individuals leaving. In your mind, do you think you've been able to piece together, based on what you're saying about the money, what you think may have happened?

ZALISKO: Well, you know, what a good investigator would be doing in this case is looking at all the pieces that we've been receiving from the media and from witnesses.

You have the three individuals in the room with Mr. Smith. You have an altercation. You had Mr. Hyman reporting that there was, like, something like furniture moving. That would indicate a struggle of some type. Then you hear the thud and then you hear the individual — then he sees the individuals leaving the room.

What's also important is that you — people have reported they heard like closet doors and drawers being opened and closed and slammed. Now, why would George be doing that? The only indication is that you possibly had people searching for that money there.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Chief, it's Alan Colmes. Let me ask you, we showed where the blood was. We showed a shot of that. And you've indicated that you'd have to know how to get to that ledge. That's not something the average passenger would know how to get to. Is that correct?

ZALISKO: That's correct. If you look at that photo closely, there was one shot at one time where there's a clear footprint visible on that photo. That would indicate that somebody was standing there. We don't know if that was Mr. Smith's footprint, which I highly doubt, because it would appear that there was a thud. My theory was he was already unconscious when he hit that canopy.

COLMES: Are you saying a crew member would have had to be involved here, because that's not where an average passenger would go on the ship?

ZALISKO: Well, that would lead, you know, a good investigator to follow that it was a crew member that was involved with that. Because to get to that canopy, you would have had to have gone down two floors and then know where the access ladder was to climb up onto that canopy.

HANNITY: Walter, thanks for your expertise. Thanks for joining us tonight. We thank you.

ZALISKO: Thank you for having me.


Corona you beat me to it. I just found the same thing LOL. Quick Draw that's what you are. :D

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and every night we will pass the Absinthe via the net into our glasses as this is getting very unreal lately.


They hire Dr Lee who is so proud that he found a scrape on the canopy. So a chair missing from the balcony that went over first? George's watch or belt if he did go over bleeding from a stab would as report the other day on Rita's or whomever I posted.


Now we have Carona, find the site mentioned by never written down by any of us or in a transcript, that names a replacement for Clete, the great officer next door who hears stuff but doesn't investigate? So he is an office cop doing paperwork & answering phones. Or was he using a fake name on Greta, Rita, Scarborough, etc?????? So now we have a WALTER??? (Who's gonna pour)







Ok, it was not my intention to confuse anyone, so let me try to clear this up. Apparently Walter, was another pax on that ship, and the first site I posted the story from has Walter's name in their version not Clete's, which is the one they should have had in it.


Now Walter, he's just some schmoe in my mind, looking for his 15 minutes of fame, and if you notice, he said "the reports are coming in"...HERESAY.


So, I thought someone might want to write to that CB site, and tell them they need a new paralegal, or someone else to check their facts before they publish something ignorant like that on the web.....and I thought I was just the person to do that......... wink2.gif

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Ok, it was not my intention to confuse anyone, so let me try to clear this up. Apparently Walter, was another pax on that ship, and the first site I posted the story from has Walter's name in their version not Clete's, which is the one they should have had in it.


Now Walter, he's just some schmoe in my mind, looking for his 15 minutes of fame, and if you notice, he said "the reports are coming in"...HERESAY.


So, I thought someone might want to write to that CB site, and tell them they need a new paralegal, or someone else to check their facts before they publish something ignorant like that on the web.....and I thought I was just the person to do that......... wink2.gif


You've got my vote. Go get em! :D

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