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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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Am I the only one that thinks Paris Hilton would be perfect to play Jennifer in the movie of the week that we all know is coming?:rolleyes:

Vicki, that is soooo cruel. And also soooo funny!:D

Poor Jennifer is being given such a hard time that I admit to feeling a bit sorry for her. (It's just my nature to be like that. ) And then I think about how she's been acting on TV and elsewhere and want to tell her that if she wants compassion she needs to let the world she's a grieving widow, not what appears to be a selfish young woman.

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Every one is wondering where Inside Edition got the Wedding Video???? I have not heard any complaints from Jen or the Smiths about the showing of the private video. I was just wondering out loud. LOL


I would guess JHS's PR people. There was a statement, supposedly made by JHS, read at the end of the segment. IMO, that indicates some involvement of JHS.

JHS sure can't go on any more shows, she comes off as self centered. Better to let her spin doctors do her talking.

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Per Blogcritics.org:

Another American Tourist Goes Missing

George Smith IV of Greenwich, Connecticut was on a honeymoon cruise when he went missing on July 5.


Here's yet another murder handled terribly by foreign investigators. Much in the same manner as Natalee Holloway, missing in Aruba since late May in this year of our Lord 2005.


Folks, they want American money but when Americans go missing they don't want the bother of the investigation or bad publicity.

For the murder of George Smith IV on that Royal Caribbean International cruise ship too was an inexcusable delay in investigation by the authorities involved. There were reports of something untoward going on in that Smith cabin even BEFORE Smith went missing.

Barbara McCulloch reported screams coming from the Smith cabin and took pictures of blood stains on the canopy of a rescue boat. She was on the cruise with her family and the screams as well as the blood-stained pictures were reported to ship's authorities before it was even known that Smith was missing.


In addition, a retired cop phoned the ship's "911" number that very same night and reported a loud "thud" coming from the Smith cabin.

For five days no one interviewed either McCulloch or the retired cop.

Over time more details are emerging about this strange case.


There's that matter of Smith's new bride. Who was found passed out in the ship's lounge the following morning. Whose statements have been inconsistent, at first claiming that she and George went to sleep that night as normal. It's still unclear how newlywed Jennifer Hagel Smith ended up in the ship's lounge if both she and her husband allegedly went to sleep as normal.


The latest news on this case is the possible involvement of three men who were seen "helping" Smith to his cabin that night. Passengers all around the Smith cabin reported sounds of angry men from within. Two of the men are alleged to be Russian. Both Smiths were reported to have been very drunk that night.


As of this writing there hasn't even been confirmation that a crime has been committed.


What with the screaming and arguing heard all around, never mind the blood stains, one might reasonably assume George Smith IV did not innocently fall overboard that night.


Cruise ships are governed by no particular law. The FBI as well as the state of Connecticut are investigating the crime. How likely are they to be able to bring Smith's murderers to justice after all this time?

As for Smith's bride, Jennifer Hagel Smith, it's still unclear her involvement in this "crime".


Watch for details of this botched investigation to emerge this coming week.


The United States of America is a great big beautiful country. We've the Grand Canyon and endless oceans on both coasts.

Perhaps it's time for Americans to travel within the confines of our own wondrous land. Sure a crime still might occur but at least American investigators will get involved and will not be subject to the secrecy and coverup of whatever tourist government does not care..




Did anyone read on crimelibrary.com message board that they are going to have a Grand Jury investigation (in CT) on this case? Anyone else hear anything?
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yeah - blogcritics has so much wrong I don't know where to start.


Put me in the cynical camp - JHS hiring Walker, hiring Henry Lee, her weird behavior, her "it's all about how I was mistreated and oh by the way, my husband is gone" demeanor and now a PR firm. Ugh. In my extremely humble opinion this is not the behavior of a grieving young widow.


And so it continues..........


Still wavering between accident and foul play but her behavior REEKS no matter what happened.

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If you watched Inside Edition yesterday and didn't like it, you will like today's even less!

IE had a lawyer on and asked him what the taped showed. He said a happy and loving couple, blah, blah, blah, and if the case makes it to court, it will be bad for RCI.

There's a surprise!! :eek:

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If you watched Inside Edition yesterday and didn't like it, you will like today's even less!

IE had a lawyer on and asked him what the taped showed. He said a happy and loving couple, blah, blah, blah, and if the case makes it to court, it will be bad for RCI.

There's a surprise!! :eek:


Yeah, but, I don't get his logic. Just because people are all smiles on the day they get married, doesn't mean it's a perfect relationship. Of course they will be putting their best foot forward, it's their wedding day. :rolleyes: And it doesn't mean that they didn't get drunk and get in a fight with each other...


I also noticed, a long time ago, in the footage with George dancing with his mother, that they seemed to be having a serious conversation, in which he seemed to be listining intently, but had a look of disagreement on his face. I thought it odd to be having such a serious converasation on her son's wedding day....wonder what she was saying to him....if you get a chance to see it again, look at it and tell me what you think.

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I also noticed, a long time ago, in the footage with George dancing with his mother, that they seemed to be having a serious conversation, in which he seemed to be listining intently, but had a look of disagreement on his face.


I'll preface what I'm about to say by letting everyone know that I am a "benefit of the doubt" type of person. Frankly, it's a frame of mind that those who actually have a stake in this mystery (JHS and the Smith family) should try to adopt.


One day this week, my boss walked by my office to say "hello". I looked up, returning the greeting, and he asked "what's wrong?" Well, nothing was wrong, I was perfectly content, but concentrating on something. This happens to me very frequently in my life...people will *think* I am feeling one way, when I am actually feeling quite the opposite. Guess I have expressions that often don't match my mood. LOL


I'm not discounting how people perceive this very messed up and tragic situation, but it's almost impossible, from personal experience, to gain any valuable insight from a moment on a video tape....especially a moment that we were not present for.



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I'll preface what I'm about to say by letting everyone know that I am a "benefit of the doubt" type of person. Frankly, it's a frame of mind that those who actually have a stake in this mystery (JHS and the Smith family) should try to adopt.


One day this week, my boss walked by my office to say "hello". I looked up, returning the greeting, and he asked "what's wrong?" Well, nothing was wrong, I was perfectly content, but concentrating on something. This happens to me very frequently in my life...people will *think* I am feeling one way, when I am actually feeling quite the opposite. Guess I have expressions that often don't match my mood. LOL


I'm not discounting how people perceive this very messed up and tragic situation, but it's almost impossible, from personal experience, to gain any valuable insight from a moment on a video tape....especially a moment that we were not present for.




You're right, it was my perception of it. :) But for all I know, I could have been dead on too...;)

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I thought the same thing..........


Then there is Jen, who isn't a blonde with the roots on her wedding day, very tacks. And the way she is stumbling in the video, so they were bombed there also.


All this PR stuff with her, where is she getting the $$$ from? Guess she's a daddy's girl, so she can have what she wants. Poor sister who is 2nd in line.



Yeah, but, I don't get his logic. Just because people are all smiles on the day they get married, doesn't mean it's a perfect relationship. Of course they will be putting their best foot forward, it's their wedding day. :rolleyes: And it doesn't mean that they didn't get drunk and get in a fight with each other...


I also noticed, a long time ago, in the footage with George dancing with his mother, that they seemed to be having a serious conversation, in which he seemed to be listining intently, but had a look of disagreement on his face. I thought it odd to be having such a serious converasation on her son's wedding day....wonder what she was saying to him....if you get a chance to see it again, look at it and tell me what you think.

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Missed it or it wasn't a surprise. Hearing that the Grand Jury will watch this video, I doubt it! Has nothing to do with the case. Their photos getting on the ship & while on it will. The video cameras will tell the story and I wish someone could get some of those...........


I don't get what the FBI is doing 7 months later, or they know George is alive!

If you watched Inside Edition yesterday and didn't like it, you will like today's even less!

IE had a lawyer on and asked him what the taped showed. He said a happy and loving couple, blah, blah, blah, and if the case makes it to court, it will be bad for RCI.

There's a surprise!! :eek:

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The Thud:


Hyman: The first thought in my mind was somebody fell on the balcony because it was the last place I had heard anyone. However, I quickly dismissed that because the noise was just too loud. There was actually a reverberation to the noise. And somebody just falling you know off their feet to something on a balcony would not cause that much noise.


I read this to say that Clete thought someone fell down ON the balcony, not overboard. As has been stated before, striking the divider can make a lot of noise, as could possibly something striking the railing. I seriously doubt that whatever Clete heard was GS hitting the canopy two decks below. Maybe Lee can determine this if he ever throws his dummies over.


Possibly if someone was standing on the railing and slipped, their head might strike the railing and make such a sound. They then would fall to the canopy below. Why would anyone be standing on the railing? Maybe to try to get to the balcony of another room on the same deck to surprise the occupants. Just a thought.


As for why Clete did not go out onto his balcony, possibly because he had heard all the drinking, arguing, etc. and did not want a confrontation with a drunken crowd or individual. Starting a fight with a drunk is not usually a good idea. He had called security and was probably depending on them to handle it.

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Per Blogcritics.org:

Another American Tourist Goes Missing


George Smith IV of Greenwich, Connecticut was on a honeymoon cruise when he went missing on July 5.


Here's yet another murder handled terribly by foreign investigators. Much in the same manner as Natalee Holloway, missing in Aruba since late May in this year of our Lord 2005.


Folks, they want American money but when Americans go missing they don't want the bother of the investigation or bad publicity.

For the murder of George Smith IV on that Royal Caribbean International cruise ship too was an inexcusable delay in investigation by the authorities involved. There were reports of something untoward going on in that Smith cabin even BEFORE Smith went missing.

Barbara McCulloch reported screams coming from the Smith cabin and took pictures of blood stains on the canopy of a rescue boat. She was on the cruise with her family and the screams as well as the blood-stained pictures were reported to ship's authorities before it was even known that Smith was missing.


In addition, a retired cop phoned the ship's "911" number that very same night and reported a loud "thud" coming from the Smith cabin.

For five days no one interviewed either McCulloch or the retired cop.

Over time more details are emerging about this strange case.


There's that matter of Smith's new bride. Who was found passed out in the ship's lounge the following morning. Whose statements have been inconsistent, at first claiming that she and George went to sleep that night as normal. It's still unclear how newlywed Jennifer Hagel Smith ended up in the ship's lounge if both she and her husband allegedly went to sleep as normal.


The latest news on this case is the possible involvement of three men who were seen "helping" Smith to his cabin that night. Passengers all around the Smith cabin reported sounds of angry men from within. Two of the men are alleged to be Russian. Both Smiths were reported to have been very drunk that night.


As of this writing there hasn't even been confirmation that a crime has been committed.


What with the screaming and arguing heard all around, never mind the blood stains, one might reasonably assume George Smith IV did not innocently fall overboard that night.


Cruise ships are governed by no particular law. The FBI as well as the state of Connecticut are investigating the crime. How likely are they to be able to bring Smith's murderers to justice after all this time?

As for Smith's bride, Jennifer Hagel Smith, it's still unclear her involvement in this "crime".


Watch for details of this botched investigation to emerge this coming week.


The United States of America is a great big beautiful country. We've the Grand Canyon and endless oceans on both coasts.

Perhaps it's time for Americans to travel within the confines of our own wondrous land. Sure a crime still might occur but at least American investigators will get involved and will not be subject to the secrecy and coverup of whatever tourist government does not care..


I am sorry but I have to respond to this zenophobic BS. The US has among the highest murder rates in the world- surely of any developed country. There are as many unsolved crimes in the US caused by police issues as any where else...some places are just plain dangerous. Do you remember how many foreign tourist were killed in Florida, or the one who was knifed on a train in NY. Or the random shootings on the highways in the midwest. The case in Aruba, or this case have one thing in common- alcohol. While incompetemce may having something to do with solving it, it will have no effect on the cause. I am not saying you shouldn't drink nor that you shouldn't expect competent investigations. I do believe that the FBI was on the ship on the first day. If the agent felt something was wrong, why didn't HE complain. Yes do my a favor stay here, my cost in traveling overseas will drop....

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The above post says it very well. Everyone wants to blame those "foreigners" as they just can't handle these things as well as us "superior" US citizens. Get real!


After all, look at the outstanding job we did of solving and prosecuting the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson. I happen to love this country and our freedoms but a little humility wouldn't hurt any of us.

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Well said. When you travel in a foreign country, you are subject to the laws of THAT country. If you don't like it - don't go abroad!!! Who is to say that the laws and customs of any one country are better than another?


I am from the UK and I think our laws are best - natch - many of yours are copied from ours!!! However, when I am in the US or indeed, any other country, I accept that I will be subject to the law of the country I am in. I think it is ridiculous that in the US 16 year olds are allowed to drive (a very dangerous weapon) and yet not permitted to drink. But I accept this and don't rant and rave about it!!!


I keep hearing that the Smiths will sue RCCI - and that I don't understand. Is there a lawyer reading this who can give an opinion of what grounds there are for sueing RCCI? They complied with Turkish law and co-operated with the US Consul and FBI. They didn't pay for JHS's airfare and sent her a roombill - neither of which are crimes as far as I know - bad PR, yes - criminal, no!!!


Surely also, it is time the FBI put a stop to all this speculation and put out some kind of statement on the Smith case?

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I enjoy reading all your posts and after reading as much as I can about this...the videos, speculation, etc...all I can say is that I hope the FBI solves this soon. IMHO...although her actions have been strange, I really don't think JHS had anything to do with it. Unfortunately, she seems to be more concerned with her reputation and maybe that's why she hasn't been as forthcoming. Her actions that night are not something you want to brag about, especially on the night your husband disappears. I know that when Greta interviewed Marie she did say that when they told her he may have fallen overboard, she cried.


At this moment, I think that she is more concerned with damage-control (especially after the Oprah fiasco) and, of course, the lawsuit on RCI. As far as RCI goes, the only thing they should have done was continue to seal-off the cabin...but, they are certainly not culpable for what happened to George. My guess is that the guys that were with George, hit him on the head, and threw him overboard. I think they took advantage of this young couple and it is very sad. My heart goes out to George's family. Let's all hope and pray that we will hear some resolve from the FBI in the coming week.

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I keep hearing that the Smiths will sue RCCI - and that I don't understand.

JMHO but....What is there to understand? That's what this whole thing was about from day one.. Get drunk, make a fool of yourself, get yourself in trouble or worse hurt or killed and then you and/or your family sues everyone and/or anyone else they can blame for your stupidity. That's the way of life here in the US.

Don't mean to be cynical or critical of someone who lost a family member but it seems to me that this was the first thing they thought of after realizing that Mr. Smith was gone.:(

That was evident when RC was told "not to call them anymore"( with updates) by a family member who just happened to be an attorney ....:rolleyes:

( as per the press release by RCCL)

It's a shame that they are trying to ruin the reputation of the cruise line by lying and telling half truths for something that obviously was thier own fault.:mad:

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I enjoy reading all your posts and after reading as much as I can about this...the videos, speculation, etc...all I can say is that I hope the FBI solves this soon. IMHO...although her actions have been strange, I really don't think HHS had anything to do with it. Unfortunately, she seems to be more concerned with her reputation and maybe that's why she hasn't been as forthcoming. Her actions that night are not something you want to brag about, especially on the night your husband disappears. I know that when Greta interviewed Marie she did say that when they told her he may have fallen overboard, she cried.


At this moment, I think that she is more concerned with damage-control (especially after the Oprah fiasco) and, of course, the lawsuit on RICI. As far as RICI goes, the only thing they should have done was continue to seal-off the cabin...but, they are certainly not culpable for what happened to George. My guess is that the guys that were with George, hit him on the head, and threw him overboard. I think they took advantage of this young couple and it is very sad. My heart goes out to George's family. Let's all hope and pray that we will hear some resolve from the FBI in the coming week.


Very good post. Every person will handle and deal with things in life alot differently than others (ask 100 people that have had a loss like this). Lets all keep in mind that we are dealing with limited information that has been prescreened (for the most part)prior to release. There are no actual people responding to this thread that I'm aware of, that were actually on that same cruise. Lets also keep in mind that this girl is being watched by media every step she takes, It has been six months since this terrible event, and yet there have been no reports to show she is a stone cold person (being with another man). Also keep in mind that there has been no law suite filed yet (everyone is looking for an answer). I hope the people with all the facts come out soon and make a determination as to what may have happened to this man.

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JMHO but....What is there to understand? That's what this whole thing was about from day one.. Get drunk, make a fool of yourself, get yourself in trouble or worse hurt or killed and then you and/or your family sues everyone and/or anyone else they can blame for your stupidity. That's the way of life here in the US.

Don't mean to be cynical or critical of someone who lost a family member but it seems to me that this was the first thing they thought of after realizing that Mr. Smith was gone.:(

That was evident when RC was told "not to call them anymore"( with updates) by a family member who just happened to be an attorney ....:rolleyes:

( as per the press release by RCCL)

It's a shame that they are trying to ruin the reputation of the cruise line by lying and telling half truths for something that obviously was thier own fault.:mad:



Bree Smith was the one who said she was a lawyer and the family did not want to talk to the cruisline any more. That was on July 6th.


Why lawsuit maybe.


but then do not complain tha t the cruiseline is not giving you any information when you where the ones who did not want to talk to them.

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and he was tanked! A deaf gal who reads lips was writing down the conversation with Mom & basically she is telling him so SOBER UP! He is embarrassing her. But watching Jen falling backwards dancing with George & her father holding her up, and what they were doing on the ship er Dominic, who I wish would join us here but i can't find his email address & he is famous for all his quotes on Abrams, Greta, Rita, Scarborough, even Dateline but never on the TV! I told him mininum of $750 for an appearance of over 5 minutes.


So far Van Zandt is it for the FBI and him with the Entwhistle case is another piece of good work. He wants to watch videos of airport, parking lot at airport, and staff of flight that he bought a OW ticket on Wednesday to fly Saturday & now he has no idea how he got to London??? Jennifer giving lessons? His car is with FBI for gun residue of steering wheel, on seatbelt, even handles to get in. Why he would take the only car they own to the airport instead of asking for a ride leaving wife & baby stranded if he didn't kill them. Even his parents sent no flowers to the funeral. That is VERY wrong!

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