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Superstar Gemini


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Hi Everyone


I am taking my husband on the Strait of Malacca cruise for his 40th birthday next March and was wondering which shore excursions people have been on from this cruise and what is recommended. We have never been on a cruise before and my husband has no idea that I am planning this - can't wait!!


Any info would be of help :o


Also, is anyone else going on the March 25 cruise? If so, where are you from/ages etc???? :) :D





Im taking my husband on a surprise cruise for his 50th birthday.

never been on one before so am looking forward to it

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Hi there OuiselG and Kate and Chris,



On any of the threads in CC Boards, you will get a number for and against using the Ship organized Shore Excursions, as opposed to doing your own thing.:confused:



Let me say that by comparison to some here who have done 10-20-30 cruises and more, we are somewhat novices to cruising (4), as such we lack some of the confidence that other long time cruisers have, and therefore tend to use the Ship organized tours.



There are a number of reasons I suppose, firstly if you are visiting a Port of Call for the first time unless you do your homework you would have to leave it up to a private tour company or taxi driver to show you the places of interest.



The trap here is that you will eventually end up in a Shop or Factory and will have the hard word put on you to purchase something, and this happens all over the world with very few exceptions.:mad:



In addition to not necessarily going to all the places of interest, even if you have some idea of where you want to go, there are often communication difficulties if the driver does not have reasonable English.



I will be the first to admit that the Ship Organized Tours are normally expensive, however unless you can walk and or catch local transport such as buses or trains to visit the places you want, then so can privately organized tours, unless you get 4 or 6 people to share the cost of a mini bus or the like, if there is just two of you the cost of going private can be just as much.



One of the important things for us is the confidence in knowing that if the tour happens to go well away from where the ship is docked, such as 3 hours drive each way from Halong Bay to Hanoi, and for whatever reason the organized tour is late getting back, it is unlikely that the ship would leave without you.



However if you are doing your own thing and your late, then wave to us from the dock, as the ship will not wait for you, and I have seen this happen.:(



Now please don’t be put off doing you own thing, if you have the confidence, do your research and work out where you want to go, there are a number of local tour operators that you can often find on the web and book in advance, and or take your chances when you get ashore, there are often tour touts on the wharf, just be sure you negotiate a fair price, and tell them no shopping or you’ll end up spending much of your sightseeing time in a pottery factory, unless of course you want to!;)



Sorry but it’s been too long since we were on the Gemini and did the Malacca Straits Cruise, so I will not make any recommendations, rather leave it to those who have been there more recently.



Hope you all have a fabulous Cruise, as I know you will.:)



Regards, BJC

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Hi Everyone


I am taking my husband on the Strait of Malacca cruise for his 40th birthday next March and was wondering which shore excursions people have been on from this cruise and what is recommended. We have never been on a cruise before and my husband has no idea that I am planning this - can't wait!!


Any info would be of help :o


Also, is anyone else going on the March 25 cruise? If so, where are you from/ages etc???? :) :D





We went on a lot of ship organised excursions. Its the first time we have done this on a cruise but because we were unfamiliar with the languages etc we thought it was the safest option. The tours weren't that expensive compared to others we have seen on cruise lines. I can tell what ones not to go on. We picked some bad choices and were very disappointed. Don't go the shopping tour of KL. Don't do the shopping tour of Langkowi - the ship usually docks there on a Friday which is their Muslim holy day and every thing is shut in town. Its supposidly duty free but the prices you can get in Australia are cheaper than some of the things we saw. All the duty free shops sell suitcases, chocolate and alcohol and very expensive perfumes. Do go to the Night Fantasy in Puckett - very enjoyable evening.


You will find a huge range of ages on all cruises - from babies to very old people - there will be something to do to suit all ages on the ship so don't sweat it. Just enjoy. Gayle

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Hi Bruce,


I had word from our TA today re Vietnam visa. They said: " I have been advised by the wholesaler that your Vietnam visa will actually be issued on board your cruise. You will just need to take one passport sized photograph with you. Please note that the cost of the visa is included in the attached pricings.


Laughed at your name for the casino..............


Also, have put the word out on some other boards for info on Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. (hope that's kosher to say here....) Have found out where we dock at KK. If you Google Earth, you will see the port at the northern end of town, and it doesn't look that far into town. Kuching looks a reasonable distance from the sea, on a river. From my investigations so far, the orang utan experience may be better in Kuching. Will keep you posted. Wonder if any other posters have thoughts on this one??


WRX712, have fun, not long to go now, your enthusiasm is contagious. Don't forget to post your thoughts when you return. Bon voyage.




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Hi Tracey,

Thanks for the update on the Visa situation, I actually e-mailed Star Cruises in Aus, but once again got a funny answer, the response was written in such funny English I wondered if it didn’t come from a Mumbai Call Centre.:D

Anyway I think we have nailed it down to as you said, bring you Passport and at least 1 passport size photo and they will fix it up on the Gemini, at no cost.:)

The silly thing is that Mrs C just had her passport renewed this month, and they no longer want “photos” as such, but rather Digital Images that they will take for you at the Post Office when you apply, and you don’t get a hard copy!:mad:

So now we have to photo shop and pay for a hard copy set, I think it’s getting too hard for some to keep up with changes in technology, me too! ;)

I will e-mail you on the shore excursions.

Regards, Bruce

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Hi Braemar12,


In answer to your question about activities on board the Gemini, if you go to this link:




you will find a very informative account of the Gemini, written by Mike, including the info you requested. Hope this helps.


Tracey. :)

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Hi everyone,


I've been trying to get some idea of how the Gemini compares to the only other cruise ship we've been on, which was the P&O Fair Princess, now known as the China Seas Discovery. I'm curious as to how they compare size-wise.


I found a report from someone who cruised on the CSD and it sounds like the ship we have fond memories of is even more past her prime than when we were on board.......... :( although we had a great time. It now is a very 'non-western pax' cruise apparently.


Tracey. :)

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Hi Tracey,


You bring up a very interesting topic.


The ex-Fair Princess and the late China Sea Discovery, was appx., 25,000 grt, while the Gemini is 19,093 grt.


Not only is there a 6,000 grt difference in tonnage, the styles of both ships are like night and day. Gemini is built as a true cruise ship, while Fair Princess was re-built by Sitmar Cruises as Fairsea, from more traditional Liner like design.


The China Sea Discovery (ex-Fair Princess) was beached at Alang,India for scrapping, but caught fire and burned out completely in 2005 before she could be dismantled.


For a more indepth look at China Sea Discovery, I invite you to look at a report that I did on this ship while the ship was deployed in Taiwan. I had the opportunity to sail CSD quite a few times during her twilight years.


Here is the link:






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Hi Tracey,



You picked a Ship with a long history apparently, she started life with Cunard as the Carinthia from 56-68, then went to Sitmar as the Fairland from 68-71, then re-badged by Sitmar as the Fairsea from 71-88, then went to Princess Cruise Line as the Fair Princess from 88-97, was then transferred to P&O (Aus) still as the Fair Princess from 97-01, and finally to CDS in 2001.



She had a long and distinguished career it would seem, back then I expect her original design was for the "Transport" of people, mostly migrants, rather than as a Cruise Ship, from there the story is as Mike has indicated.



The only thing one could say is that, as Mike has pointed out, they are ships of two different times, and even with refits, it would be like comparing an old FJ Holden with the new Commodore.



As a young Marine Engineer I remember taking a tour of her Engine-room back in the early 70’s when she was the Fairsea, followed by drinks in the Officers Wardroom, back then it was the height of luxury, but it today’s terms a little small and very dated.



If you liked her, you’ll love the Gemini.:)



Regards, Bruce

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Hi everyone,


I've been trying to get some idea of how the Gemini compares to the only other cruise ship we've been on, which was the P&O Fair Princess, now known as the China Seas Discovery. I'm curious as to how they compare size-wise.


I found a report from someone who cruised on the CSD and it sounds like the ship we have fond memories of is even more past her prime than when we were on board.......... :( although we had a great time. It now is a very 'non-western pax' cruise apparently.


Tracey. :)

Hi Tracey, You will find a huge difference. The Gemini is a floating resort not a people mover that the old P&O ships were. :D The Gemini is beautifully set out and its very easy to find your way around on her. Gayle

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Haven't seen too much mention of the CD and the crew? Is Colin Kerr still the CD? Is he going back to NCL at any time? Thanks for the updates!:)


Just got off the Gemini yesterday. He is on leave till the end of the year. Talk from the crew is that Star Cruises want him to go on the Virgo to promote the Australian market but he only want to go back on the Gemini and so the saga continues.

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Just got off the Gemini yesterday. He is on leave till the end of the year. Talk from the crew is that Star Cruises want him to go on the Virgo to promote the Australian market but he only want to go back on the Gemini and so the saga continues.



i am going on the gemini for th first time, doing the starits of malacca. can you tell me about the ship and food and activities on board. I have booked a cabin on deck 6 any info appreciated I am so excited



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i am going on the gemini for th first time, doing the starits of malacca. can you tell me about the ship and food and activities on board. I have booked a cabin on deck 6 any info appreciated I am so excited




Your question is too general. I can tell you all you want to know about the Gemini, but I think what you want to know is what to expect on the Gemini.

The Gemini is an old ship when compared to the shinning new Virgo. The amenities on board I would describle as basic compared to the glitzy ones on the Virgo. It is a much smaller ship, 1/4 the size of Virgo.

Having said that the Gemini has many goodies going for it. The food is excellent, a culinary experience as I describe in my earlier postings.

The activities are not as extensive as in the Virgo.

You would find the service is better than the Virgo, maybe because it is a much smaller ship and the low pax load. Staff morale is much higher and I would describle it as a happy ship.

There is an exellent band playing nightly on the main Gemini Bar and while you Australians chalk up your bar bills, the locals would gamble in the casino and Star Cruises could then count their profits on the ship.

6 floor is OK. There are mainly 2 rooming floors only, the 4 and 6 floor and there is no difference.

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Well, that certainly got the memories flowing back!!!


Thanks Mike, Bruce and Gayle. It's interesting, I checked up and discovered the history up until she became the CSD, but didn't know what happened to her after that. I did see she was impounded somewhere when she was the CSD for non payment of wages..............


What can I say? It was our first cruise....... and we are easily pleased. The bathrooms gave away her true age though. I guess you always have rose coloured memories of your first time.. (cruise of course!!) :p What a sad fate.


Mike, I actually read your piece on the CSD and I thought it was yours, but it was signed Mike M.an, which confused me as you signed your Gemini piece, Mike W. Keep us on our toes hey??


Can't wait to see the Gemini!! :D



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Hi Tracey,


Yes, it was my report that you read. The signature was a mistake by administration which was never corrected.


Speaking about bathrooms, I will try to find a photo of a bathroom in a Suite that I occupied. Still had all the exposed plumbing, but it was huge! Could have had a cocktail party in there:D Truthfully, when I sailed CSD, I overlooked all the faded trappings of days gone by, and just enjoyed the ship as a true classic.




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We have our cabin number!! Makes it more real......... We opted for the least expensive cabin possible so we could do both legs of the Asian Odyssey cruise. So we're in 3104. We requested mid-ships but so does everyone else, we got in too late it seems............. Doesn't matter, as long as the coffee is good!!



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Hi Tracey,


You will be fine in this cabin. No problems. The seas should be calm and Gemini rides very well anyhow. You will be busy doing other things onboard, so you will not be in the cabin too much.

I know you are very excited now.




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Hi WRX712,



Hope I haven’t missed you, in that you are already on your way, just wanted to wish you a most wonderful Cruise, calm seas, a clear sky and a fair breeze, as the old sailors say.



I always think of the words of Mark Twain, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off those bowlines, and sail away from your safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, discover, dream"!:)



So do everything and have fun, and yes, I’m very envious.;)



Regards BJC

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