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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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i know that i need to take time to recover, but i am getting so antsy not going to the gym!!! i finally got into a good routine, and then got sick!:(


i think that i am going to try doing a mini pilates or yoga workout today - should help a little bit because it is a thorough workout, but concentrates on breathing...


hope everyone is having success with their various routines!



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Jocey-how are you feeling after the gym?

Cobra-are you back from St. Louis? Were you able to workout on your trip.

The last two nights i managed to make it to the gym:eek: I only sat in the sauna for 40 minutes each night. Something is better than nothing. After being sick, it is so hard to get back into routine. I am going again tonight for another 40 minute session. Tomorrow I promised myself to attend my kickboxing class. I will probably be sore afterwards because i haven't done anything in almost three weeks.

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well, i didn't make it to the gym (working late and other stuff that piled up last night) but i did do about half of my yoga dvd (none of the inverted positions because my nose is still a bit stuffed up) this morning and i felt good afterward - i am going to go for a mini-workout at the gym tonight (probably just treadmill at a slow pace) and see how that goes. but, on the whole, i am feeling much better than last week and earlier this week...but now i have to work off the 2 lbs i gained while i wasn't going to the gym...grrr...


to those of you discussing food journals - i think that they are great! it takes a couple of days to get into the routine of writing everything down, but it really helps to see if you have eating patterns that need to be corrected. also - mine is a spiral notebook that fits into my purse so that i can have it with me at work or when i go out for dinner, etc so that i can write down exactly what i am eating and when i am eating it so that i don't forget by the time i go to enter it into the journal at the end of the day.



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Hi everyone. I'm back from STL. It was an interesting trip. It was Fat Tuesday when we got there and there were plenty of playful young ladies running around earning their beads!!!

I did a small 10 minute work out each morning. It consisted of stretching, sit ups, crunches , push ups and a few other easy moves...like leg lifts and arm rotations. It at least got the blood moving but I of course did not break a sweat.

I'll head back to the gym tomorrow hopefully.

I am not weighing in until Sunday due to my trip...I didn't stick to a healthy way of eating...I blew it...but I'm not giving up. I'm just going to move on and I'll keep trying. I'll find discipline somewhere.;)

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Cobra 01-glad you're back home safe and sound. It is always hard to stick to an exercise and diet program when your on the road.

OH My..I did my kick boxing class night. I though Iwas going to die. I had to use my inhaler twice during class. When it was finished I was soooo glad. I slept like a log last night.:)

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Daycare...Kick boxing!!! That sounds like a fun class. I have done the Tae Bo tapes before. They are kind of fun...but very difficult to keep up with sometimes.


I went to the gym today. I have done well so far eating today too.


I think I'm about to find my rhythm.


I got a new swim suit in the mail for my cruise. It's from Victoria's Secret. I love it...It's a tankini. The top is a little short so I still have lots of sit ups to do...!!!


Be back soon.

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I would love to join you guys even though I have more than 20 lbs to lose. I've been posting on the Menu Thread for awhile and just happened upon this one.

Started back exercising yesterday for 1/2 hr of treadmill and plan on going again tonight. Had surgery a month ago so I had to take a little break.


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well, i'm back at the gym full swing and it feels great!!!:D


some friends and i usually give up something for lent (not because we are religious, but because we are competitive...i know, it is sooo very wrong - but the motivation factor is there) but this year i've decided to take up things for lent. so, by the time lent is over i will have: logged 100 miles at the gym (bike, treadmill, stepper, crosstrainer), lost 10 lbs, attended at least 2 group exercise classes at the gym per week, painted my laundry room and cleaned my basement thoroughly (i still have unpacked boxes from when we moved in)


obviously the first 3 are to help me in my weight loss and general good-health, and the last 2 are just things that need to be done at home!!! with any luck all 5 of them will be done by april 9 (and since i started a week ago, they should all be doable!) - i will keep you posted on how it goes!


debbie - glad you found us here! i only pop in every once in a while, but it is a good group and you will fit in just fine!



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I go to the gym 4 times a week. I work out anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 hours .I have even done spin classes and water aerobics. I have to say I hope your number is bigger then 3!!! Mine is about 3/4 to 1lb a week now. I have lost 16 1/2 and have 8 more to go by April 14.OUr curise leaves the 16th. After that I want to loose 10 more. I haven't been this weight in years and it is very diffiucult to maintian.


I have always lost weight very slowly and it is frustrating. I am 45 and it was easier in my 30s'. My father has his first stroke at 55 and needless to say I am not going there. I don't smoke either!!!!


So keep up the good work and good luck!!!!




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Today I worked out to my Tae Bo tape and did some sit ups and a little work with some 5 lb weights. I'm pretty satisfied with my work out today. I might walk a bit before I take a shower tonight. I need to put my treadmill to work.


Daycare, for some reason I'm afraid of the scale. I haven't gotten back on it in a few days now. I guess maybe I'm hoping for a larger loss number too. Somehow I just don't want to get dissappointed because I know I'm trying and I don't want to feel like I'm not making progress.


Macwoman, You are lucky to have the time to get in those great workouts. I lose weight slowly too. You will probably have an easy time keeping the weight off as a result though...


jocey, I see you are definitely using lent to your advantage!!! You go girl!!!!! :D


Be back soon.

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We have been back from out cruise since Monday night. So this has really been the 1st time I have a chance to write. I wieghted my self when I got back I was really surprised that I only gain 1 pound from the last post! So I weighted 136 from last Tuesday.


My husband and I start back to doing our 1 hour walks today. Plus we are back to eating organic food at home. We switch to eating all organic foods at home about 6 months ago. When we go out to eat or go to family members homes we just watch what we eat and eat small portions.


Eating organic has helped us a lot as far as health and losing weight. You still have to whatch the amounts and of course exercise. We have a "mini" jym out in our hangar. I'm going to start using it again. I'm going to work out a schedule for me to do. When I get it together I'll post what I'm going to do.


Well talk to you later and hope everyone is lossing.



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hi all,


i didn't manage to make it to 2 gym classes last week, because i hurt my ankle and stayed away from the gym so that it could heal - i'm better now, so i'm going to do 3 classes this week and 3 next week to make up for last week missed.


i can check the laundry room off my list - got it done this weekend!:D


i'm making progress on 100 miles by the end of lent (with the help of the bike i have knocked off about 30 miles!)


basement is slowly coming along, as is the weight loss!


hope everyone is taking care of themselves and losing weight too!



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Hi all!


I can see there have been quite a few posts, as well as a bunch of new people joining since I left on my cruise. I don't have time to reply & say to hi to all individaully - so a big HELLO! to all for now! :D


We got back on Thurs & I haven't had a chance to post here til today. I know I gained at least couple on the cruise, but since I only weigh myself at the chiropractor's office, I have a few days to get "back to normal" before I weigh in this Thurs! :rolleyes: I know I ate more than I needed to, especially at dinner, plus on this cruise, I drank more alcohol than I usually do while cruising.


I did keep up with my water & ate lots of fruits & veggies. I only went to the gym 1x, but I took the stairs ALL THE TIME - up and down - & walked the deck every day (some days I walked for 30 min at a time, plus other "random" walks during the days) - also walked the beach for about 1/2 hr & swam at St Martin. I swam off the catamaran when we were in Barbados.


If you'd like to see my BF's full review of our trip - Click here: LEGEND REVIEW 3/1/06 to 3/9/06 - Cruise Critic Message Boards


Keep up with all your efforts!


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I've been off & on this past week but at least I exercised about 3 times so I'm glad about that. This past weekend was our big St Patty's Day Parade and parties but I seem to be holding my own, we'll see come Thursday.


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Well I weighted my self today. I'm 136.5 so up half a pound. Yesterday was when I started my exercises program. I'm going on the treadmill for 20 minutes and working out with weights. Also I walk an hour with my husband. We are going to cut out all sugar and cut what we eat in half.


I figure by exercising and whatching the portions we eat we can train are bodies to eat less. We snack to much. We have organic cookies, but they are still cookies. Today we made the decision to start snacking on apples and have more fruits.


It's nice to have two of us wanting to lose weight. We both can work at it together. Well I'll write in a week.



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kudos - i am a huge believer in portion sizes, and so far it has helped me (along with exercise when i am not injured, and healthier eating choices) lose around 15 or so pounds this year. it is kinda tough in the beginning, but becomes easier. as for the fruits - i always have 2 days a week (currently sunday and wednesday) when i gather all of the fresh fruit in the house and dice it up so that when i get hungry it is no work at all to grab fruit since it is ready to eat. it is actually less work to go into the fridge for diced pineapple than it is to grab a bag of chips out of the top cupboard in the kitchen!


good luck on snacking on fruits and your portioning! and yes, it is always easier with 2 people having the same goals - i think that my (continuing - hopefully!) success is largely in part because the hubby is helping me out!



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I've been back for almost 2 weeks & I'm still not back into my pre-cruise "routine". I did gain on my cruise. :( I was up about 3lbs when I weighed in on Thurs last week.


My rehearsal schedule for our Cole Porter revue has changed & I haven't been able to get to the gym every weekday after work like I used to. And, because of that, my evening eating schedule is "off" too - been having to do a bit of take out (turkey subs on pita bread, mostly - but the portions are a 'bit' larger than I should be having.) I think next week I'll be closer to where I want to be, schedule AND weight wise. Getting to the gym 5x week is a MUST for me! If I can't do it during the week, I need to make time on the weekends instead!


It's amazing how quickly everything can just "get away from you" when you don't stay focused on your schedule, or WOE or WOEX. I need to start writing my workouts back into my sched so I'll have to think 2x about missing them. I also need to write my grocery lists & plan ahead for meals. I was in a good routine before the cruise, & hardly had to think about it - it was all almost "automatic", but I haven't gotten back into it yet. You can't eat good stuff for your meals if you forget to buy it, or buy too much of 1 thing & it goes bad before you can eat it! Before the cruise, we pretty much cleared the fridge of any fresh foods. My BF & I each shop a couple of times a week for "fresh" food - veggies, fruits, stuff to grill, but between our schedules, we just haven't totally got back to "where we were".


Just writing all this down has cleared my head a bit & focused me, so I can get back on track. I need to lose the few I gained on the cruise, plus more in order to fit into a lovely dress I just bought for the show. It fits now, but snugly. 5-10 lbs lost between now & the end of April will "do the trick!


Kim - Congrats on your loss! SUPER that you only gained 1lb on your cruise. My gain had a LOT to do with the fact that I definitely had more to drink than I should have, plus my portions at dinner were definitely more than I should have had - 1 night 2 entrees, another 1 1/2 desserts, another 2 appetizers AND soup. :rolleyes:


I can hardly wait until I can say I'm 135 - still about 30lb to go for that!


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So, I've been reading the posts in this thread and others about losing weight, so I thought I'd raise my hand and join up.


All the posts are very realistic and healthy in their approach to weight loss. I'm guessing most are not 20-somethings wanting to look good in a bikini, but family women with busy lives and stubborn weight gain.


I'm 47 and reached 150 pounds around Crhistmas, so decided to do something about it. I've lost 17 pounds so far, and have another 7 to go to reach my goal of 126 by cruise date May 14th. It's been really hard. Weeks of working out every day, lifting weights, eating the right foods...really really hard.


Okay, so I'm joining the gang. I'll check in to see how everyone is doing (so far you guys are really serious about it...very inspiring!)


01 Cobra, do you drive a Cobra??

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Hi Sha also. Glad to hear from every one.


Well as for this week weight I'm at 133.5. Which I'm surprised, being in the last few days I haven't worked out that much and eating out more then we normally do. But I never brought any thing home.


Also on Thursday we will be going to Sun N Fun which it the second largest airshow in the world. So I probably will not being eating healthy that day. But probably will walk alot. So maybe that will make up for the food :o. Last year we walk 4 or 5 miles. We probably will do the same this year.


What I need to do is set a goal of losing weight by a date. I haven't done that. Really there is nothing going on in the future for us. I guess I'll have to set my own date.


Well I hope everyone is losing weight.



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Welcome Chupa! We're not very active in this thread, sometimes, but then again, the more people who are here, and the more some of us post, the more everyone else posts! (I think that makes some sense!) :confused:


Hi Kim!


Bring a few healthy, easy to carry & eat things with you to your air show - apples, baby carrots, bananas - so you won't be ravenous & eat too much of the kind of "fast food" they usually serve at fairs & shows! And remember to drink more water. Walking around, especially outdoors, can dehydrate you quicker than usual - even if the weather is not particularly hot. (Since you eat mostly organic, you probably stay away from sugary sodas already, right?) Of course, like you said, walking 4-5 miles will take the "edge" off additional calories!


I weigh in Thurs & hopefully I'll be back on track!



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hi chupa!


i'll volunteer to be the exception to the rule this time - i'm a 28 year old who would love to look great in a bikini!!! actually, my husband and i have started talking about having a family, and i realized that my weight had gotten to a point where it never had before. i am 5'6" and over christmas weighed in around 175 lbs (give or take a couple of pounds depending on the scale), while for the rest of my life (when i wasn't sick) i weighed between 150 and 160 lbs. i realized that i didn't feel good about myself, i was tired and irritable, and that if we decided to have a family immediately, it would push me up over 200 lbs (a place that i don't want to be) and that i wouldn't be happy and that wouldn't be fair to everyone else around me. so i decided to do something about it. jan 1st i started out by watching my choices, portion sizes and trying to fit in more exercise (easier said than done!!!) - so far i have lost 17 lbs. if i can get to 150 lbs by the time i leave for my cruise (may 27) i will be ecstatic!!! i will be happy if i get to 155 and maintain. my ultimate goal is 140-145, but if i can make it under 150 and maintain, i will declare success!!! anyways, enough about me - welcome aboard!!!


kudos - i always take some grapes with me wherever i go, to have a healthy snacking alternative!!! have fun at the show!!!


i've been making the 3 gym classes a week, and slowly building up the miles, so all of my lent goals should easily be accomplished! now that i am in a routine, i hope that it will be easier to maintain this lifestyle - i find that i am happier, have more energy and i like the way that i look for the first time in a long time! oh, and i am down a notch on my belt and can now wear a dress that i haven't worn in 5 years!!!



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Hi Sharonella, Elotfan!


Elotfan, being so young you should be much more successful in losing the weight at a reasonable pace. Once you hit the 40's, everything slows to a crawl, and I mean painfully slow!! Keep at it girl, and you'll be looking great by May.


My mini goal is to be under 130 by my birthday on April 8th. That's also the first race day of the season. I'm hoping that losing almost 20 pounds since Novemeber will help my times. I yank everything out of the car that isn't bolted down to lighten the load, and 20 pounds should really make a difference!!

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I'm sure we will bring our own stuff to eat. At least to snack on. We haven't thought that far ahead. Right now we are just thinking on what we will be buying there :D.


Well I'll check back in a week or so.



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