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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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How much do you think alcohol impacts weight loss/gain? I enjoy a glass of wine a day, but I am wondering if that is what is slowing down my weight loss. I generally eat right and do 30-40 min of cardio and strength training about 4 times per week. Although I am more toned, I just can't seem to drop 10 pounds or lose my cellulite. :mad: I have been keeping this regimin for about a year--how frustrating! Any advice?

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Well - looking at it as just calories - how many calories are in a glass of wine? If you remove those calories & don't replace them with any other calories, you should eventually lose. For ex, if it's 100 calories per glass, you would lose 1 lb in 35 days. (3500 calories = 1lb.) On the other hand, having a 4oz glass of wine (especially red) with dinner, is supposed to be a digestion aid & good for your health.


About your work out regimen - saying that you have done the same work out for a year raises a red flag for me - Maybe you just need to "shake it up" a little. When's the last time you moved up to the next higher weight level in your weight training? When's the last time you increased the intensity on one of the cardio machines? Or maybe add an extra workout or 2 a month, or aim for one of your cardio workouts to be a full hour 1x a week. Or maybe even add a 15-20 minute walk at lunchtime 2x a week. If your cardio is always the ellipse or treadmill - try a step class, or vice versa. If your body is used to the exact same activities all the time, it gets "good" at them & your body works more efficiently. If you shake things up a little, your body is less "efficient" & will burn a few more calories, because you're using your muscles in a new way.


I just read an item in a new magazine (well, new for me, I had never seen it before - Women's Health I think it's called - It's at home & I'm at work now, so I apologize if I have the name wrong). Anyway, they reported on a study where women who run for exercise were found to slowly gain weight (a few lbs a year) if they remained at their same average miles run per workout from year to year. In order to MAINTAIN their weight, they needed to add 1/2 mile to their average run EVERY YEAR. TO lose weight, they would need to add more. Their bodies were so used to running their "regular runs", that it wasn't giving them the workout they needed unless they increased their miles.


I don't think this HAS to be particularly discouraging, tho. On the surface, it seems like a 40-yr old woman who runs 5 miles 3x a week will need to run 10 miles 3x a week by the time she's 60! :eek: But I think - in my non-scientific brain - that you just need to keep challenging your body. If you JUST run - yes, you will need to keep increasing your distance (and / or your speed) every year. But it makes more sense to just keep trying new things all the time. Stick with what you like, of course, but never stop trying new stuff or pushing how much you can do with the stuff you do.


And about cellulite - not much you can do about that, I think. :( Although they say that some of those skin firming lotions can work to minimize the "look" of cellulite by slightly plumping up the skin that's over it. But you need to use it daily for it to work & once you stop, your skin goes back to how it was. I haven't tried it myself, since it's really a lost cause for me. (Lots of loose skin from all the weight I've lost & gained over the years. Cellulite is the LEAST of my worries! :p )


Good luck!


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Wow. Thanks for the reply, Sharonella! I can't believe I never thought of it like that. I guess I was too close to the issue and needed to step back and get someone else's outside idea.


I do need to step outside my comfort zone and take those step classes to keep challenging myself. I was thinking today that it was odd that after 40 minutes of cardio exercising, my body wasn't really as tired as it used to be, even though I was increasing my level and incline. I just may need to do something new.


I do like the Jergen's firming lotion-- you do have to use it every day, but it absorbs really well, is cheap, and I can see a difference.


Thanks again for taking the time to respond so thoroughly. I will put your advice to the test tomorrow:).

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I've been using the Jergen's self-tanning lotion myself - for fair skin. It seems to work well, without looking orange. My skin is SOOO white!


And sometimes I respond TOO thoroughly - once I get started writing, it's hard to stop!



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rvalent2, I guess you have to find what works for you on losing weight. I have been cutting out alochal and coke... Coke is my main vice. I still have it but I'm trying to have only one or two every couple of weeks. It seems to be working for me. Also when I'm at home I eat all organic foods.


Right now I'm also trying to eat slower. I also work out on a ellipse machine. This type of work out so far is working for me. I think with watching the portion you eat and exercising like Sha was talking about you should lose weight.


Welcome georbeck. I hope you new work out works out for you...



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Well I took your advice and did a "Butts and Guts" class and Kickboxing today. All my muscles are tired now, but I have a feeling it will pay off!


Sounds like 2 extreme classes in one day. Wow! That should get your metabolism in gear!


Didn't work out Fri because I had to pack after work & then we drove up north (2.5 hrs). On Sat, we walked around a lot at an "Old Home Days", but I didn't do any "real" exercise. Made up for it Sunday tho, with a 33.5 mi bike ride! Woohoo! :D My butt is sore today! And I'm sure I'll be feeling some different aches & pains in my move'n'groove aerobics class after work - which will carry over into my free wts class & pilates classes I do tomorrow!


Kim - I've been trying the "eating slower" & chewing my food more thoroughly - when I remember. It's amazing how many times I eat on "remote control" without paying attention. No wonder it's hard for me to control portions!


rvalent - My weight loss plan involves working out as much as I can - I aim for at least 1 hr at the gym after work, & then bike riding on the weekends. Doesn't always happen, but I find it's easier to aim for every day, rather than "allowing" myself a planned day off. (I find that for me, 1 planned day off stretches into 2..... you see where I'm going?) Anyway, because of commitments or chiropractor appointments or whatever, I don't always make it every day, but the plan is unless I have "real" plans, I go to the gym. I bring my workout clothes with me in the AM, so no excuses. My eating plan consists of eating "real" foods as opposed to processed or fast foods. My "big" exceptions are SlimFast can for breakfast & SlimFast or Kashi Bars for easy, always-have-on-hand snacks. That's not to say I never have pizza, or Thai food, or frozen yogurt, or any other "forbidden foods", I just try to restrict them. The most important thing is, I try to do what I would do for maintaining, only less. The "Less" part is the hard part for me right now - especially at dinner & after. But I'm working on it!


Good luck!


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sharonella- bike ride sounds awesome!


my boyfriend rocks. i was worried id gain weight cuz i just got a car (was walking everywhere before) so sunday we pretty much spent all day shopping, walking around a big outdoor mall and not sitting down at all cept to drive to other stores :) it was awesome. and i got clothes that fit better yay!


kudos- can you drink the water+diet drink packets? one of my coworkers does that. is it just the caffeine youre avoiding?

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pinguino - cool that your BF likes walking AND shopping with you! Don't use the new car as an excuse to ride all the time, tho. :p If you still try to walk the errands you used to, it's probably the best workout, metabolism-wise, since it's spread out over the day. That's why when people do the added activity "tricks" like, "park further in the parking lot" & "take the stairs when possible", etc, it really helps. It gives your body little "lifts" to your activity & metabolism all day! And hooray on the new clothes!



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Pinguino, Well in general its not healthy to drink any soda. I used to drink a lot more then I do now. I have cut back alot... But still like to have it now and then :).


Well I'm 128.5 up about half a pound. Not bad though. I have decided to start trying to lose inches. Right now I think that is really my main problem. If I lose inches I know may weight will come down some more. I normally exercise most every day. I'm starting to include weights with the ellipse machine.


So today I started to wright down my inches. I'll see how I do.


Sha is right about the walking, thats what I try to do. Everyone in our neighborhood has golf carts. I don't use my golf cart to check the mail. I always walk.. Also I don't get the closes parking lot to the store either. I'm sure that little bit of walking is better then nothing at all.



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Good idea about the walking. I always think it's ironic to see people clamoring for the closest parking spots to the gym so they don't have to walk, but then they use the treadmills five minutes later!


I really think I need to throw away my scale and just rely on inches, too. I think that is another concrete way to measure progress.

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I've probably mentioned it here before, but I drink a lot of Polar Seltzer. According to the label it is just "Carbonated water, natural flavors". As far as sodas go, it's gotta be the least "bad for you" of anything else out there. :D There's no calories, no caffeine, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no sodium, no artificial flavors, no coloring whatsoever. There are no cola flavors of course, but they come in plain, lemon, lime, cranberry lime, black cherry, pomegranate... There are also some Polar SODAS, so be careful not to grab the wrong ones! Around here, they go on sale a lot - five 12-paks for $10 (usually cost $2.99+ for a 12-pk, depending on where you get them.)


I started drinking it when I cut back on the caffeinated diet cokes. They still seem like a "treat" without all the artificial stuff or caffeine. They also make a good mixer for wine spritzers.



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Well Ladies - Good weigh in yesterday - lost 1.5 in 2 weeks! Headed in the right direction, finally. Still not eating portions quite as small as I should at supper, but I seemed to have tamed the evening munchies WAY down! Have one more weigh in before I go on vaca at the end of the month. I should hopefully lose over vaca, too.


When I get back from vacation after Labor Day, it will be 2 years since I started this weight loss journey, so I hope I can commemorate the event appropriately, by staying on a losing streak!



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congrats sharonella!


any ideas on something easy for breakfast? that takes as much prep-work as a poptart and i can eat it in the car? i find that im ready to gnaw my arm off by 10a if i dont eat in the morning.


i got burnt out on breakfast bars...

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I'm not a "breakfast eater" myself. I basically roll out of bed, brush my teeth, get dressed & drive to work. (I shower the night before.) I only have a 7 min commute so eating in the car is actually more trouble than it's worth. I can eat at my desk, so I bring my slimfast can, (cappuccino is my fave) a banana & a couple slices of soy cheese (or a tablespoon or so of peanut butter). That seems to get me thru most of the morning til lunch. (When I do the peanut butter, I actually put it on a plastic spoon & wrap with a piece of paper towel or napkin - cheapo store brand napkin seems to 'stick' the least! Then I eat in the car - like a lollipop!)


The slimfast can would work in the car, & you could eat an apple with it instead of a banana. That should get you past 10am!


have a great weekend!


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congrats sharonella!


any ideas on something easy for breakfast? that takes as much prep-work as a poptart and i can eat it in the car? i find that im ready to gnaw my arm off by 10a if i dont eat in the morning.


i got burnt out on breakfast bars...


I agree CONGRATS Sha


As for breakfast, I often eat two hard boiled eggs and a small slice of cheese. I peel the eggs in the morning before I leave, but I have a few in a bowl in the fridge at all times hard boiled. I vary the cheese, Swiss, Mozarella, pepper jack, colby, not all are South Beach friendly but for a variety I still change some.

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DANIEL!!!! Hi!! Have you been lurking.......:rolleyes:


I haven't doen the "hard boiled egg thing" in ages - thanks for the reminder! I used to boil a dozen at a time & kept them on hand for a quick snack or breakfast. I think, like pinguino & her breakfast bars, I just got "egged out" a while back. Maybe time to do again!


Nice to hear from you again!


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Welcome back Indiana Cruisers :) I hope things are going well with you..


Congrats on your weight loss Sha... :D


Well I have a reason now to really lose weight. We are going on a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas.....


I have been doing pretty well. I haven't really been eating in between meals but I have been "snacking" some with meals. So I found some good natural snacks for me. So that should help..


Pinguino, you may want to try foods like strawberries. Or something like that, that's easy to eat. I eat them sometimes in the morning and very filling.

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I guess I need to hard boil some eggs - I dreamed I did over the weekend! Too funny!


Grapes make a good finger food to eat on the way to work, too - or to bring & eat at your desk. I find I need to have some protein at breakfast - cheese, peanut butter (did the peanut butter today!), or eggs to "hold me over". *Just* fruit or cereal doesn't usually cut it for me.


Went to a pool party on Saturday - ate a few things I probably "shouldn't" have - small piece of cake, small pc of fudgy brownie, a few chips, pasta & chicken (in oil & garlic). Oh yeah - 2 beers.:p But in the past, I would have totally grazed on everything the whole time & gone home in a high-calorie stupor! I think I've finally learned to pick & choose to have just a bit of the "bad" things I *really* like, & ignore the rest. I actually ate tons of carrot sticks, grape tomatoes, fruit..... I also spent at least an hour in the pool on a "noodle", paddling around with my arms & kicking my legs (not just floating). I could feel it in my arms & legs on Sun - I gave myself quite a workout in the pool! :D


Sunday, I rode my bike - 24.4 miles! I ended up with a flat tire - good thing I was only about a mile away from home at the time! I did have my cell phone, so I could have called my BF - but I decided to walk it instead. I decided on the walk home, tho, we're going to get those 12-mile range walkie talkies. So far my only problems with the bike have been here "at home" where I have cell service. But in the mountains there's none, so we need to do this, so I don't get stranded on a back road somewhere. Saw some in the Sunday flyer for $49.99 so I think we'll get them this week. Planning on riding up north this weekend, so I want to be prepared.


Kim - BOTH your cruises are before my next one! :D Lots more incentive than me - I still have 201 days to go.......


Hope everyone had a good weekend!


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sha- crazy bike trip!


also not-grazing at parties is hard to do!


the penguin trip is mostly cuz the ship is going to the tip of south america and hitting a couple penguin colonies. im throwing a huge art show in NY next year to help cover the cost of going :)


snacks- i dont buy a lot of fresh foods cuz i never get around to eating it :/ i love strawberries and stuff but they tend to get moldy yucky too quick. right now breakfasts that work for commuting are poptarts, hot pockets, and yogurt. used to be cup o noodle or a handful of crackers so i guess its a step up.

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I thought of another favorite! I bought an apple slicer last spring and have been eating more apples than ever. Just slice an apple with the slicer and have eight segments of apples to eat in the car. For some reason eating the apples in slices is more filling than eating it normally. Probably because I eat it slower and because it is in pieces it looks bigger.

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Pinguino what type of art do you do? I'm in to photography. I just started a photography course called The New York Institute of Photography its a home study course.


Nuts is another good snack, probably not a good breakfest meal. But we have whole nuts for snacks around our place. For me it only takes a few to get filled.


As far as my weight I'm down to 127.5. My measurements are down to.


Aug 8 Bust 37 Waist 29.75 Hips 36.75 Lower Stomach 33.5 (problem area)

Sug 15 Bust 35.5 Waist 28.5 Hips 36 Lower Stomach 33 (promblem area)


The inches I'm moving down on. Right now I'm at about a size 12 I would like to go down to a size 8. So two dress sizes I have to go down.... So I'm working on it. I'm sure the weight will follow.


Well hope everyone else is doing well... Hay Sha after my two cruises are done you still will be looking forward to yours. After Dec we don't have anything planned...

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Pinguino = Cool about seeing the penguins!!! You'll have to post pictures - hopefully you'll be able to see some from the ship? Will it be the "right season" to see them? Not sure if I'm asking the right question here - I know some penguins migrate and can spend months at sea.


The "trick" to fresh produce is to figure out what lasts as long as you need it to. I only buy "perishables" like strawberries if I know I will eat it in a day or two. Stuff like bananas, apples, oranges & carrots are pretty durable. Even grapes, baby cukes, cherry & grape tomatoes can "last" and are easy to take on the go. Part of it is getting into the habit of eating them regularly, too. (I bring an apple & banana every day to work & sometimes 8-10 baby carrots. Now that my dad's garden is "producing", I'm more apt to have cukes & tomatoes during the day, too. Normally, I have most of my vegs in a salad I have at supper.) Keep your fruit & vegs where you can see them & can grab them easily. Wash (& dry) your produce when you get home from the store, so all you have to do is "grab & go" when you want some.


georbeck - Love those baby bell & string cheeses! Can be pricey tho - what can be cheaper is low fat mozzarella. They come in 12 oz "shrink-wrapped" packages. When you get home from the store, cut each pkg into 12 1-oz cubes (don't worry about exact size - it'll all average out)! Put in a small zip bag & grab a cube or 2 whenever - already portioned!


Kim - awesome on the inches & weight! Size 8, here you come! :D



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