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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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ergh re-posting, dont think it worked the first time



argh i gained 4 lbs. lame. gonna try to eat less.


i like the string cheese idea :) my bf found the baby carrots i bought probably a month ago (or longer?). not pretty. i ate almost all the fruit i bought a couple days ago cuz i put it on the counter :P



kudos- day job is web design at a movie company, doing stuff for theatrical, home video, and internal projects. i have an art company that does shows sometimes- i paint, do vector illustration, publish comics and zines, make stuff. i also do freelance photography for popculture websites pretty much, covering local events. and im the anime gallery director on deviantART.


sharonella- yeah ill definately post pics. its a good time of year to go there and see them. =) there are definately times of the year the water is too rough to go. they dont book ships then. did you know that 26,000 people went to antarctica last year? i didnt know that many people were into penguins.

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I still have probs every now & then with fruit or veggies going bad - my BF & I both do shopping & sometimes we both buy stuff & there's just not enough time to eat it - or one of us forgets we're not going to be home for supper for 2 days in a row..... Salad greens all wilted!


Hint for wilted (not slimy :eek: ) salad greens (spinach or mescaline mix) - chop them up & put them in soup! Make your own "quick soup" with lo fat chicken broth, chopped up wilted greens, frozen veggies, leftover brown rice - whatever's handy. If you have any leftover chicken that's great - or think "asian" and add a drained can of shrimp, or some frozen shrimp. Season to taste. I've even done this in a microwave in a big glass bowl!


(If you're doing this in the microwave - cook everything thoroughly in a just a small amount of the broth, then add the rest of the broth at the end & heat again to get broth hot - less "boiling & mess"!)


And no - I didn't know that many people were into penguins - but I should have guessed from the popularity of March of the Penguins!



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i think you guys cook more than i do. throwing hot pockets into the microwave sounded like way too much work this morning.


went to disneyland sunday and a comic book show saturday so walked around a lot :) weight went back down to around what it was before. yay :)

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I practically never cook! :p My BF does most of the cooking (because he grills ALL the time - year round! I'm the queen of one pot meals! That's why I like that microwave "quick" soup - cooks all in the same big bowl from mostly leftovers or frozen veggies! I don't mind "cooking" actually, it's all the "prep" time & cleanup that gets to me! :rolleyes:


I do like salads tho - but my salads are not the typical "bowl full of greens with a few tomatoes & cukes". More often than not, it's some combination of small whole beets, artichoke hearts, ripe olives, cukes & tomatoes, canned beans, baby corn, baby carrots, etc (choose 3 or 4 from this list - not ALL!) - spread over a small mound of greens (if they haven't wilted!) - think "salad bar"! (I make the "salad" right in the bowls we will eat out of - one serving each!) If I want to make a whole meal out of salad, I make it a bit bigger - at least add more greens - and add some grilled chicken or canned tuna or canned crabmeat. And leftover brown rice stays soft & chewy when cold, so it's a nice "nutty" addition to salads! See - a whole meal in one dish & I haven't cooked a thing! :D



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Great idea about the salads. I love anything with artichoke hearts and olives! Sometimes I eat just a boiled artichoke and lowfat dressing for lunch. Since that advice to vary my workout routine, I have lost 3 pounds!!! That was the best advice I have had in a long time. :)



I am re-starting membership in the working world this week. I am a teacher, so I have summers off--time to exercise and focus on getting fit. Now that I am back to working full time, it is REALLY hard to force myself to the gym. On top of feeling guilty about "neglecting" our lovely lab and my husband, and having to grade papers from school, I am expected to spend an hour at the GYM?


So how do you people who work all day find motivation to go to the gym every day? Last year I tried waking up early to do a 5 am workout, but that was WAY too much. Then after school, I am so worn down and tired. I did make it to the gym today, and was energized after the workout, but getting there is half the battle. I have a few workout tapes and an exercise ball at home, but no cardio equipment. So, any tips?? Incentives??


By the way, I find this board very motivational, even though I don't post that often!

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I'm not a morning person, either. I work out right after work. On weekends in warm weather I ride my bike for 1-2 hrs. In colder weather I try to walk for an hr on Saturdays. If you can motivate yourself to use cardio tapes - it doesn't matter if you don't have a bike or treadmill at home.


I bring my gym bag with me when I leave the house in the AM, so I have no excuses about going to the gym right after work - plus it saves time not making the extra trip home & back out. And I find that, no matter how "tired" or "drained" I feel after work, a workout usually gets me energized again (like you said)! If you plan to work out right after work (before supper), try to have a snack about 1/2 hr to 1 hr before - I usually have a 140 calorie Kashi snack bar. Also, be sure to have enough water during the day & during your workout. Nothing is more fatiguing than being dehydrated!


And you know what - a brisk walk with your dog whenever you can is great exercise, too!


You can do this if you make it as important as scheduling time to grade papers & the other important things you do in your life!


Good luck!


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Hi All


Just wanted to make a quick post. Today & tomorrow are going to be crazy, as I'm going on vaca form 8/26 - 9/5. Of course, when I get back it will be crazy, too! I weigh in tonight & again 9/7. I will try to post my LOSS (thinking positive here!) tomorrow & will try to post again by my next weigh in.


While I'm away, Internet connection will be "iffy" at best, so probably no posting while I'm away. I'm bringing my bike & hope to ride everyday & will definitely walk the fairgrounds at the county fair several days!


In case I don't post for a while - I'll be thinking of you all & trying to stay on track, to come back with a loss!


Bye for now


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Have fun Sha....


I haven't posted, but will next Tues on my weight and inches. But I don't think I lost anything this week. I have been off my diet and exercising. I going to get back to normal after Saturday...


I'll post on Tuesday again.



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Okay, I am new to this. I have more than 20 pounds to lose before I cruise December 2, 2007. I had gained a lot of weight when I quit working back in 1980 (about 50 pounds). In 1986 I went on the rotation diet and lost it all in about four months time. I worked out about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours a day (weights, abs, cardio). I was in the best shape of my life at 35!! Well, I had rejoined the work force after eight years of stay at home mom/full-time housewife, only to lose my job after over 8 1/2 years. I found a new job in a smoke free environment so I quit smoking October 5, 1996, and managed to keep from gaining weight until February of 1997. Now I am 51 and still fighting to lose the extra weight. I have a treadmill, but it seems like I get one good week in then things go nuts and it is a couple of weeks before I get back on it. I am trying to help my elderly mother with end stage congestive heart failure as much as I can plus I am expected to work 50 hours per week at work. I can use all the help I can get. Thanks

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Hi Stritt - See my longer reply to you on the other thread! Major congrats on the quitting smoking :D - been there, done that! I've been smoke free for over 15 years now! (it took 3x to permanently quit)


The one thing about working out - don't think a workout HAS to be "an hour or nothing". Put the treadmill where you can watch TV or listen to your fave music & even if you can only get 10-15 min in some days - it's still great!


And I want to report my LOSS of 1 lb in the last 2 weeks! The 2nd loss in a row!! I'm on a roll! And if I can rack up the miles on my bike in the next 1.5 weeks, I'll come back with a loss at my next weigh in on 9/7. Oh - and just in case you worried - I really don't plan on eating much "fair food". My BF gets all the junk stuff & I'll have a bite or 2, but there are a few places that have healthier offerings that I ususally stick to!


I'l read & post if I can, otherwise "I'll see you in September....." ;)


I'll be thinking of you guys!!


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Well a couple of weeks ago I got off my diet in away. I wasn't really watching what I was eating. So I went up to 130 :(. So after a couple of weeks I'm back on track. Today I'm down 1 1/2 pounds, now I'm at 128.5.


Now I'm really watching the amount I eat and staying away from all sweats... Also my husband is doing the same. We both are staying away from sweats and trying to whatch the amount we eat.


I'm hoping to lose a few more pounds before our cruise in Oct. Also I have been exercising more, like 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. I don't do it every day, but try to do it at least 4 or 5 times a week.


I hope everyone else it doing well.



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kudos- thats good youre doing well :) also.. wow. awesome on the exercising. its a billion degrees out.


my weights kinda hovering around 149. i had a chicken caesar salad and a yanyan (japanese candy, not really sweet though) today so im eating healthier than normal. :) i hope to lose more before oct too but its ok if i dont.

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Well I'm down to 126.5 :D Since I have been recording my weight which was back in Sept 05, I haven't been down to 126.5 at all.


So all the work I'm doing is starting to pay off... I think the key to me was whatching the amount I eat, cutting out all sweets, and increasing my exercise.


Although I do indulge now and then. I did this weekend. We went to a house warming party. I did have the snacks their but had a "lite" dinner.


Anyways, I would like to hear how everyone else is doing on losing weight..



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Hey All -


I'm finally back & able to catch up on posts. I weighed in last Thurs after getting back from vaca on Tues & gained .75. Not too bad - mostly it was from eating too much, not eating too much junk! I did ride my bike most days for a total of 125 miles & walked around the fair most days, too! Was really good about not eating too much "fair food". Did indulge in some chicken fingers (incredibly awesome & worth every calorie!) & fries one day & also shared a full-fat ice cream cone with my BF another day. Most other food was made by us at the cabin - pretty healthy, but didn't watch the portions as well as I should have.


I've got a busy schedule now that vaca is over - back into rehearsals for our annual Christmas show 2 nites a week, plus one of my friends finally convinced me to take dance lessons with her - Tap & Jazz - 1 night a week. Don't know how long the Jazz classes will last - I'm not as good at that - but I'll definitely stick with the tap class thru June.


I actually expect that I can get back into the groove of losing now that I'll be so busy. It's occurred to me that the nights I'm not at home I eat so much less than when I'm home. Because I get "burpy" :o when I sing or dance right after eating a regular meal, on rehearsal & dance nights, "supper" will be just a bar & piece of fruit between going to the gym & then rehearsal or dance. When I get home after, I'll usually just reheat a small portion of whatever my BF had for supper, or some brown rice & frozen vegs (which we always have on hand). Either way, even with the bar & fruit earlier, it ends up being fewer calories than if I'd stayed home & ate a regular supper, then maybe a snack of some sort (which is usually bigger than it should be!):rolleyes:


Kim - glad to hear you're at your lowest since you started this weight loss plan! Woohoo!!! :D I'm still a little up from earlier in the year, but I'm still hopeful. Other times when I've gotten "stuck" like this, I just totally give up & gain it all back, plus more. This time, I figure, even if I never lose another pound, I am still way better off doing this WOE & WOEX for the rest of my life. Of course, if I really watched my portions - which I will do by default by not being home to overeat - I can lose more weight!


Hi to everyone else out there - how're you all doing?



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works been crazy this week. i still weigh the same but snacking on some weird "global nut mix" from trader joes so havent been hungry much. i ate healthier and last sunday made rosemary chicken without using ingredients from boxes or cans. im trying to avoid awesome desserts til the cruise (like cheesecake and tiramisu)

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Pinguino - I'm also staying away from sweets until our cruise... If I do have something sweet it has to either have no or very little sugar in it. I only have about 3 weeks until our 4 day cruise.


Our last cruise was 7 days and I only gained 1 pound. Which really surprised me. So I'm thinking this cruise will be the same. I don't want to gain back all the weight I have losted!! I still have more to lose..



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im not worried about gaining weight on the cruise. its vacation- gonna eat crazy amounts of sugar! especially chocolate buffet, yum!!! plus theres so much walking and swimming and dancing and stuff that even if i had like my weight in cheesecake, id still prolly not really gain weight :P


also. fountains of chocolate are probably the best invention ever. its like willy wonka come to life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I was doing pretty well untell a couple of weeks ago. I have had a lot going on and its been a bit crazy. So eating stuff I shouldn't be eating so needless to say I have gained a few pounds. But everything is back to normal. So I plan on being good these next couple of weeks. I"m going to work on losing some weight before the cruise so at least I can get back down to where I was a couple of weeks ago.


I'm still at 130, I haven't gone above that. So that really is a good thing. I use to be at 135 and wouldn't go below that but now I'm before 130 all the time. So I have over all gotten better with my weight.


So I goal is to lose a few pounds before the cruise and not to go above 130 while on the cruise.. We will see how that goes.


I hope everyone else is doing well on their weight lose..

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Hi Kim - looks like you have a new, lower "set point". Congrats! Mine seems to be hovering around 160-165, but it's still way better than where I was 2 yrs ago! I'm still trying to lose the 15-20 we had pledged when the OTHER thread was started :o !


I had a weigh in last week - I don't think I updated here. Another gain. :( 2lbs. I've still been having a heck of a time with portion control at & after supper. The worst thing I did in the last 2 weeks was eat a HUGE bowl of pasta one night for supper. (I mean HUMONGOUS huge!) My BF cooked a whole pound of pasta while I was out at rehearsal, figuring we'd have lots of leftovers for the week, but it was so good, he ate half of it himself. Then when I got home at 10pm, instead of taking a small bowl & reheating it (I hadn't had supper), I actually heated ALL of it & ate ALL of it! I have not eaten that much pasta at one sitting since before I started this WOE 2 years ago! I used to be the "pasta queen" & my BF & I would have huge bowls of pasta of some sort or other 3+ times per week - usually with cheese sauce. At least this had a nice light red sauce with shrimp & chopped clams.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not on some sort of carb-free diet so that I'm "craving" them all the time. I've just limited them to whole grains & brown rice, veggies, etc, all which I LOVE. I wasn't even planning on having pasta for supper, I didn't know he made it til I got home. (There was a little bit of pork, brown rice & veggies from the night before that I "planned" to reheat.) When I saw the pasta sitting there, all reason left me, and I just ate it ALL! I guess that just goes to show you, I should not only make a plan AND I should plan to stick to it!!!! :o


Pinguino - I don't like how I feel when I have tons of sugar. I like the rush, but then I actually get the "hangover"-like low afterwords, unless I just keep eating sugar. I do more like Kim - enjoy my sweets in moderation - I actually find I really do enjoy them more!





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Sha your right. Looks like I have a new set point for my weight 128.5. I was 130 last week now I'm back down to 128.5. All I did was starting back to my woe. But I still haven't gotten back to my exercising which I'm going to do today.


When I get back from our cruise then I'll "really" get back to losing weight. Its only a 4 day cruise. I can't get my self in to much trouble on that cruise...


I'm still working on getting down to 117-120 and staying there... I really want to do it before the cruise in Dec..


Well I'll talk to everyone next week..

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