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NLC Joy Panama Canal - LA to Miami 2/24/23


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Day 1 – Embarkation

Some final grumpy thoughts on the whole embarkation process, then no more complaining. We’re on the ship, our room is amazing, the weather is already warming up, we’ve got food and liquor in our bellies…. All will be good for the rest of the trip.


All in all the embarkation process for us was around a 5 hr ordeal to get onto the ship from the time we arrived at the airport in LA. Never in my life have we had an embarkation take that long, or involve so many different steps. I get it, unusual weather makes normal thought out plans have to change to less ideal things – but this was truly insanity. Everyone was grumpy but taking it in stride as there were literally 1,000’s of us still checking in at the terminal an hour before scheduled sail away.


4:30am (NY time) – left our house and headed to JFK


5:40am (NY time) – sitting on the plane waiting for takeoff, scheduled for 6am departure. Before taxiing to the runway the pilot already got on and announced it would be a long flight due to excessive headwinds the entire trip. Not a good sign, but what can you do.


10:07am (CA time from here on out) – arrived in LAX, so about 30 mins later than our scheduled arrival time. All flights coming in from the East coast were being about 30+ mins delayed in arrival.


10:15am – down at baggage claim, checked in with the NCL agents to wait for our shuttle. We were told we just missed a transfer bus and the next one would be there in about 40 mins. So we grabbed a bench and waited, and waited…


11:10 ish – friends flying in from NC arrived about 30 mins past their scheduled arrival time. We thought we might see them down in baggage claim, but they weren’t using the NCL transfers so we missed them in transit to their Uber/Lyft as we were walking to our transfer bus.


12:00 – finally on the transfer bus from LAX to pier 93. It was a decently long walk to the pickup spot, and then we made 3 other stops before actually leaving he airport, I presume at other airline baggage claim pickup spots for the rest of the guests.


13:00 – what should have been a ~20 min drive from the airport to the pier took an hour. There was gridlock in all directions getting into the port area.


14:00 – finally allowed off the bus. The terminal inside had exceeded capacity, so they stopped letting folks in. Until they were able to bus those folks from 93 over to the ship, they couldn’t let more folks inside 93. They held us on the bus until the line outside to get in started moving again otherwise we would have been standing there in the cold rain. For those of you stuck on that line – sorry, it was real icky, so us on the bus were grumpy but at least we were dry.


14:10 – inside the building, so that part didn’t take too long once they had cleared folks out of there. But that was a tease, it was just another queue for the escalator to get upstairs to the actual check-in. After standing around another 5-10 mins not moving (too crowded upstairs again to let folks up the escalator), finally heard someone mention that Haven guests could skip the line and go next on the escalator. Hooray for small victories. Got to bypass about 50 people in line – sorry guys (not sorry).


14:20 – this is where it gets confusing…. When you get up the escalator there was supposed to be a Haven staff member to greet us and escort us to the front of security to the right and to the Haven check-in. That didn’t happen, there was no one there. They sent us straight ahead and to the right for a different Haven check-in. Well…. That table didn’t have our room cards. So the woman there had to leave her post and escort us the correct way after taking us through the whole check-in process with passports, photos (why do they make you retake a photo when they make you upload one during 21 day online check-in?), etc. So there they gave us our magical red wristbands, keycards, and sent us back to a different queue to wait for the bus.


14:45 – in the customs check-in area in yet another queue being pulled through ~50 guests at a time to get onto…. Wait for it….. another queue! This one was finally for the boarding of the actual bus that would take us to the ship (yes, another bus…. If there was a train involved I would have started looking for John Candy)


15:00 – that was a short ~15 min ride over to where the ship was actually docked, and we finally got our first glimpse at the Joy and the multiple circus tents in that area. I think the ‘normal’ tent stating area had been flooded, which was why they were keeping people at 93 because they had no where to put them until the ship was ready to take on new passengers.


15:15 – our NC friends were already on board and had said Haven was closed for lunch and they were the last folks allowed to even get a drink as everything was closing up in preparation for the muster drill at 15:30. We went straight up to deck 17 and they were raising the gates back up and letting folks get drinks because muster had been moved since there were still 1,000+ guests who hadn’t completed check-in. We were able to grab a scotch on the rocks for hubby and a glass of amaretto for me and vacation was officially underway. I chugged my drink (didn’t have anything to eat or drink since that 6am flight) and had them re-top it off to the top before I would leave.


15:30 – dropped our carry-on bags off in the room, then headed to meet our friends at American Diner. Still free for Haven guests on embarkation day. Again, it was ok. Not worth a dining credit IMO, but for free and something different it was fine. Then we were rushed out of there to the muster drill.


16:30 – in person muster drill. Talk about a cluster F…. way too many people in such a small area, and folks were still just getting onto the ship. Our meeting place was on deck 8 at La Cucina. Standing room only, bodies on top of bodies, handicap folks with canes with no where to sit and the folks in the few chairs weren’t getting up for them (boo to you!) – it was bad. Not sure why they bothered because I was about 8 people deep and couldn’t see a thing when they were demonstrating how to put on the life jacket. Such a waste – just make people watch the video and go check in and leave. I captured a short video just to show the lack of effectiveness it was having…. But yeah.


16:45 – headed down to deck 6 to the Cruise Next desk for our new sapphire pins and to sign up for events. Had to wait in line for 45 mins before I could talk to someone – why can’t they make it so you can sign up either on the app, your tv, the concierge…. Anything other than after must drill when everyone and their grandmother is headed there. The line for guest services was wrapped back and forth 3x from end to end…. Yikes.


17:30 – finally back in our room with another drink in hand and getting to relax a bit before dinner.


The RCC ship (Star Trek cruise) left around 4pm while we were still loading passengers. We didn’t sail away until 6pm. At some point we had caught up to them though as I saw them off our starboard side when I stepped out on the balcony before heading to bed. This morning they’re no where to be seen though, but we’ll catch up with them again in Cabo tomorrow after this sea day today.


But yeah…. It sounds like a lot of whining and complaining, but we’re happy to finally be on board and off on our adventure. I was taking a lot of photos with my phone as we went just to remember what was happening, will do my best to get stuff uploaded as time and internet connections allow. But as of morning #2, I have hash browns – so all is well. (no hash browns to be found my entire 10 day Canada/NE trip on the Joy in September, so we’re already ahead of the game). Time to veg out and relax today before Cabo on Sunday.

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Photos from when we finally got on board and up into the Haven bar.


Hubby's Talisker on the rocks with brandy cherries



My amaretto with the drunken cherries



Ok, we need to figure this one out. I've never once did anything in the casino - so not sure why my card says Casinos at Sea. Mystery to be investigated this week...



HH category Haven Family villa. Room is huge, one lounger and 2 chairs on the balcony.


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Lunch at American Diner. I opted for the nachos this time, friends wife had the mozzarella sticks and they looked similar to the ones I had in September. Again got my double sausage & grits since I don't do shrimp. Grits were nice and spicy, so good for a cold empty belly after mucking around all day for hours trying to get on board. Hubby had the chicken sandwich and lobster slider.


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Waiting on line at Cruise Next, and the view of part of the 3x wrapped line for guest services... 


Wines around the world is March 1st, Behind the Scenes tours is taking place on the 27th, and dinner with the officers TBD but most likely the night we're in Cabo. We're signed up for all of them.



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More photos from night #1. The beer we brought in our checked bag made it to our room with no issue. I think it's more of an intent thing, vs a 'no you can't bring it' thing. So our 2 cans and one larger bottle was fine. Now to find our UK friend and offer him a tasting.... Bob, if you're around, come find us at the Haven bar tonight and we'll sort out the details.




@ChiefMateJRK..... bubbles.... it's on like Donkey Kong



These were the flooded circus tents that we couldn't use, which created the cluster F at embarkation.


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Day 2 – At Sea

One of the most valuable perks to us as Haven guests is the free room service, although we typically only use it for breakfast. I always forget to let the butler know to just do a simple courtesy knock, wait a few seconds, then let themselves in. They call the room, then ring the doorbell, then I have to get out of bed and let them in. I’m usually awake, but hubby sleeps until the last possible minute. They’re always quiet and fast like ninjas when they see the room still dark, but in rooms with the separate bedroom it’s always nicer to not even know they were there and magically wake up to the smell of bacon.


Minor annoyance, but we had given the butler our letter on day one and in there we asked for pitchers of apple juice and lemonade to be put in the fridge. It’s now the morning of day 3 and still no pitchers. We’ll leave a reminder note when we get off the ship today, but we were hoping to mix it with our sparkling wine with breakfast. Yes, I know, we can just call them right now and ask for it, but it’s not that important so it can wait.


We had breakfast in the room yesterday, then walked and wandered the ship for our customary mango meltdown start of the cruise drinks. Finally found the sail & sustain bar on deck 8 outside (first time finding it in our last few trips that had one) and got the pineapple thingy which was ok. Did some price checking on the watches here on board for hubby, bumped into our friends in that shop and we headed up to the Haven observation lounge to veg. They have a bunch of snacks up there to nosh on, and we ordered some lunchable munchies to go with our honorary beers.



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When the pandemic hit, there was a group of us who became friends here on CC as we talked about cruising, planning our next trips, commiserating with each other as those trips got cancelled and rebooked, then cancelled again…. Eventually when cruising started back up, some of us were able to align our plans and travel together in person rather than just being internet friends. We consider ourselves lucky to have met some wonderful people, and as vacation days and interests align, we’ll continue to try and sail with folks from our little pack as often as we can afford to.


Having said that, the leader of our pack unfortunately passed away in October. By far the kindest, warm hearted man I’ve ever met or had the pleasure of traveling with. He was a merchant mariner, grew up with ships his whole life, and now that he was retired was cruising non-stop during the winter months as his “retirement activity of choice”. He was doing what he loved, and we loved hearing all the tidbits and trivia he would share during our travels with him (it’s a ship, not a boat). So now to honor his memory, whenever we sail we toast a Blue Moon to him as that was his favorite drink.


Marty, these beers were for you my friend. 🐀🧀



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I’m still out of sorts with the time – my phone says California time, my knock-off fitbit watch shows NY time, but the ship is on Cabo time an hour ahead of CA. So needless to say, I’m all out of whack. We had signed up for the chocolate & wine pairing, but missed it. Our friends went to bingo at 3:30 and I was conscious of the time so they didn’t miss it, but completely forgot that I myself had plans at 3:30. We went up to the top sun deck at the Haven hoping to lounge in the sun, but all of the cushions were put away and tied down from the wind. Found our way to the library instead and chatted with 2 nice gents for a while in there, then headed back to our room for me to nap on our balcony. We honestly didn’t even remember the wine tasting that we missed until we got back to the room…. Whoops. They’re doing that one again later in the cruise, so we’ll have to set an alarm on our phones I guess so we don’t forget again.


Butler had left a ton of snacks in the room for us, so we munched some more. The food and snacks have been somewhat excessive. So we weren’t overly hungry for dinner, but by 7:30ish could go for a bite of something small. Headed to our favorite O’Sheehans (it will always be that name to us). But….. it’s changed. The menu has been parsed down significantly. My favorite shepherds pie potato skins are gone. The Chicago hot dog is gone.  The watermelon salad is gone. The mac & cheese is gone. Sliders were switched from pulled pork to grilled sausage. The grilled cheese is gone. The pot pie is gone. The spaghetti is gone. The tortilla bowl is gone…. It’s just not the same.


Plus the debate on the wings…. Yeah, not the same. No crunch to them at all. Very tender, fall off the bone, but just not the same. We ordered the sweet chili – which tasted like a very hot buffalo. The BBQ is very smokey, good, but just not the same at all. Reallllllly hoping for our dinner with the officers (moved to March 1st at Taste/Savor) we get someone from food & beverage so we can talk their ears off. Skipped dessert since we still had cookies in the room from earlier and went back to the room. I headed to bed as I was still out of sorts and exhausted, hubby went back upstairs for his ritual closing of the Haven bar.


I think it’s roughly 8:30am, we’re not scheduled to dock in Cabo until around 11am. Headed on a short 1hr long boat ride around the coast so need to be at the Manhattan room to meet up with that tour at 10:45. Then we’ll try and catch a water taxi over to the other side and find the brewery over there. We don’t leave until 8pm tonight, so want to walk and wander as much as we can before heading back on board.


When we get back on later today we need to sort out the shows and our dinner reservations. I’m surprised, for a 15 day cruise the main shows (Footloose & Elements) are only being shown on 2 nights each, back to back. So Footloose is tomorrow and the day after I think, then Elements are the last 2 nights of the cruise. I just find that…. Odd. The only other entertainment to sign up for is the comedian nearly every night. I’ll try to take a photo of the show schedule and post it, I’ve got papers all over the place in here so it's tough to keep track of what’s what. Hopefully after today I’ll get back on schedule and in the right time zone. - Just realized now that I didn't even spell NCL correctly when I started this.... yeah, I'm out of sorts 😛      









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Some photos around the upper Haven sun deck. Not crowded at all.... we had the observation lounge practically to ourselves, handful of people in the hot tub inside and outside, but it's a private sanctuary here.



I think this is the Vibe area, I was peeking through the door between that private area and the Haven area.


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3 minutes ago, HBCcruiser said:

@Sailing12Away Do you remember the name of this drink? Looks yummy!



Great tribute to Marty BTW. Have a wonderful time in Cabo! 

I just asked them to make me something with Frangelico. It tasted similar to a pistachio martini.


The Haven bartender Rodney is great.... the other female one, is ok. She's just not fun. I'm used to being able to say 'make me something refreshing' and them saying 'I got you!'. With her.... she asks too many questions. If you don't ask for a specific drink that she knows how to make, she asks a lot of questions to the point where it's not worth it to stray from the set menu. 


She also refuses to give us cans of Coke at night to take back to the room unless our friends with the premium plus plan are there with us and she can scan their card. Otherwise she charges us. Rodney lets us have them when she's not looking. And don't get us started on that premium plus plan.... lots of changes to that too. Lando can gripe about it more since he's the one that paid for it, we're just semi mooching off of it. But essentially no one knows the rules, and they change from day to day. They wouldn't let us have a $27 bottle of moscato with dinner, but were happy to let us have the $80 bottle of reisling instead. It honestly makes no sense. If a glass is <$15 you can't buy the bottle, only the glass. If it's on the right side of the page, you can't get anything for free at all. It's so confusing, I'll try to take a photo of the wine menu next time but it honestly makes no sense.

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2 minutes ago, Sailing12Away said:

it honestly makes no sense.

Yeh I’m starting to think that the staff don’t understand the rules either. Sometimes we could get a full bottle of Veuve and other times we couldn’t. We shall see what changes they make for our April Prima cruise and try to go with the flow. If they want to keep running back and forth filling my glass then so be it. 

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1 hour ago, Sailing12Away said:

I just asked them to make me something with Frangelico. It tasted similar to a pistachio martini.


The Haven bartender Rodney is great.... the other female one, is ok. She's just not fun. I'm used to being able to say 'make me something refreshing' and them saying 'I got you!'. With her.... she asks too many questions. If you don't ask for a specific drink that she knows how to make, she asks a lot of questions to the point where it's not worth it to stray from the set menu. 


She also refuses to give us cans of Coke at night to take back to the room unless our friends with the premium plus plan are there with us and she can scan their card. Otherwise she charges us. Rodney lets us have them when she's not looking. And don't get us started on that premium plus plan.... lots of changes to that too. Lando can gripe about it more since he's the one that paid for it, we're just semi mooching off of it. But essentially no one knows the rules, and they change from day to day. They wouldn't let us have a $27 bottle of moscato with dinner, but were happy to let us have the $80 bottle of reisling instead. It honestly makes no sense. If a glass is <$15 you can't buy the bottle, only the glass. If it's on the right side of the page, you can't get anything for free at all. It's so confusing, I'll try to take a photo of the wine menu next time but it honestly makes no sense.

Following along. We are sailing Haven March 18th. Don't really want to deal with pushback from bartenders, etc. Is there a 3rd bartender or jus the two? Keep us posted on good/bad.

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On 2/25/2023 at 1:10 PM, Sailing12Away said:

All in all the embarkation process for us was around a 5 hr ordeal to get onto the ship from the time we arrived at the airport in LA. Never in my life have we had an embarkation take that long, or involve so many different steps.


Wow, that was a true horror.  Makes you miss the NYC pier, which, even when it's bad, it's really never really bad.

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I think there's a third bartender during the day, but haven't been there much to pay attention. Again, we're on vacation, even with the less than awesome parts it beats being at home.


Drunk as a skunk in Cabo. Between the brewery and margaritas over at The Office, living large, enjoying life. Life is good my friends.












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