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Live and Solo: Dustin's European Adventure (Explorer May 8)

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If you are still in Venice there is a nice dinner restaurant that is in what used to be a post office.   My friends and I were there twice during our stay, it had been recommended to us by semi locals. I would love to send you to this great corner shop we ate at for lunch but I don't remember all the twists and turns to get there from San Marco square. 


Thanks for a wonderful trip report.  


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4 hours ago, frosty52 said:

If you are still in Venice there is a nice dinner restaurant that is in what used to be a post office.   My friends and I were there twice during our stay, it had been recommended to us by semi locals. I would love to send you to this great corner shop we ate at for lunch but I don't remember all the twists and turns to get there from San Marco square. 


Thanks for a wonderful trip report.  


I will do some research and try to check it out! Thanks

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Busy day; after a rocky start, I am enjoying Venice very much!


As I posted earlier, getting the transfer turned to be no problem. The ship was cleared late and was running 30 minutes, then a full hour behind on the scheduled departure times. Then right at 8:45, called number 25. I am not sure if I just missed it, or if they skipped a bunch of numbers before that as they went from 16 to 25.


Was able to sleep on the ride, but woke up after 90 minutes having to go to the bathroom. There was not one on the bus and no mention of a stop, luckily when I looked at the map, realized we were getting close. Pulled into the Tronchetto station, which I now know is distant from the reset of the island, even though it is physically close. After finding a bathroom, tried to make my way to the hotel as it was not far, but could not get through, so finally paid to use the people mover. The first station for that was right by where we were dropped off, so I would have saved a bunch of time just using it in the first place.  This was my fault - had not researched after I changed my plans.


Photo from the people mover platform


It stopped at the Plazzale Roma, which again was very close to the hotel, but I learned that there is not such thing as a straight line in Vencie. Over a couple bridges and around some corners and made it. The rain was still coming down, the sidewalks were flooded and my feet got soaked. When I finally made it to the hotel, they had my room ready and it is lovely! Big win for the day; was able to relax in the room for a bit and get dried up. The place is really fancy; I'm learning that Venice likes fancy...  I choose this place (Hotel Antiche Figure) because of high reviews on Trip Advisor, decent cost, and great location. 





View from the room:







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After settling in, went for a walk and had a late lunch. It was fantastic! Already posted those photos earlier.  Throughout the day, came and went from the hotel and really started to enjoy Venice. This city is confusion though...I've gotten lost in the Venetian Hotel in Vegas and that does not even compare. Those who have been understand - there are no straight lines in the city! Streets curve and stop; deadends are everywhere, and only some alleys end up with bridges - many more just go straight into the water.


As the progressed, I got better at reading the signage and figuring out where the bridges are. Hit the some of the major squares, including Rialto and St Marks. Twice I doubled back on the same location while being absolutory sure I was going in a different location. Many other times I was sure I had been a spot before, only to realize that it was just very similar! I'm glad I have four days here; I think have a slim chance of getting my bearings.


Below are some random shots around the town.









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Some other shots:


St Marks (Piazza San Marco)




Rialto Bridge:



An example of the water alleys



And if I get desperate, have a century old Burger King around the corner from my hotel:





Edited by DandDM
forgot a photo
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I know it is Mother's Day so I called my mom (and if you are reading this, Happy Mother's Day again!). Since I'm not there to buy her a present, I found this chocolate pastry and ate it for her as it is what she would have chosen. Took a bite before remembering the photo. Happy Mother's Day to all the other Mothers reading along, as well!




Was going to write some final thoughts on the cruise segment of the trip tonight, but have to get up early for a tour tomorrow. Will find and buy a bottle of wine tomorrow to help with that. The tour is an all-day (6.5 hours) 'best of Venice' excursion. Seemed like a good option to get a general introduction to the city, although I've been crawling around it all day. Maybe they will tell me how to not get lost!




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7 hours ago, juanrod said:

@DandDM glad you made it, are you using google maps or any ap to are your way through Venice ? Was curious how accurate it is to help maneuver through the city 

Yes and no...I am using the app to generally see where I am and which direction I am going, however with the large number of small passageways, haven't found the turn by turn directions useful. The app has helped a lot by pointing out the major bridges across the Grand Canal.


Also using the app for time - it says it will take 19 minutes to get to the tour starting place; I am giving myself 30!



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Having a little show, the folks at the table next to me ordered drinks and a pizza. Drinks came then there was a misunderstanding about the pizza. Family wanted to leave, waiter insisted they pay. English was not the first language for any of them so a lot of confusion. Big argument ensued, they went inside so don’t know how it was resolved. 

certainly a mix of nationalities here!  Very lively. 

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11 hours ago, juanrod said:

@DandDM glad you made it, are you using google maps or any ap to are your way through Venice ? Was curious how accurate it is to help maneuver through the city 

I think my other post disappeared, if this is a duplicate, I apologize. Here are examples of the direction signs. When I see them, I know it’s the right direction and not a dead end. If I don’t see one for a while, consult my phone map. 



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On a lunch break. Tour has been very good, just went on a 40 min gondola ride. Some folks I met on the cruise said it was over rated, but I really enjoyed seeing the city from the water. Maybe because it was included- prices I’ve seen are 80-100 euro for a trip. 

photos of lunch. 





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Update for today; it has been busy. Left the hotel at 8AM and got back at 4:30; other than lunch and gondola ride, the rest was spent on my feet on the hard Venice stone. But worth it!


Started with a walking tour around Rialto bridge. We learned about the history of Venice and every day workings (pretty fascinating how they handle logistics with no vehicles and a lot of canals!). Learned about the Venice lion, bridges and masks. Hit some highlights, then went on a Gondola tour. For me it was interesting to see the city from that viewpoint - it was very clear that the place was set up with the idea that boats would provide much of the day to day transport. Most buildings have an entrance directly to a canal and there are more landings than bridges.


We had lunch on our own, which I posted earlier, then met again in St Marks Plaza. After a short tour of those highlights, we entered St Marks Basilica. Very impressive; I enjoyed more than St Peters at the Vatican. Next was a tour of the Doge's palace, which is now a museum. Saw some folks from the cruise! They were on a tour with the same company, but with a different guide.


I took hundreds of photos today; hard to pick a few from the little thumbnails but I'll do my best. Very impressed with the ancient Venetians (and I like the modern ones). They did a lot in a swamp!








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After the tour, found a store for wine and rested a bit in the hotel before heading to the Cannaregio district (near the train station). Enjoyed it as there is one main street that runs for quite a while - I didn't get lost once.


Found a nice place on the water for dinner:





The bread came out in a cloth basket.




Started with some classic spaghetti,




Wanted to try Venice seafood, so ordered the 'special'.  The waiter told me the type of fish, but I'd never heard of it before and don't remember now! When the fish came out, initially got a faint 'fishy' smell. In my experience, that often means old fish. But not to worry, the dish was fantastic! Came with sliced potato, mushrooms and tomato's and drowned in spiced olive oil. It is possible that the fish was a little old, but couldn't tell in the sauce. I think cardboard would have been eatable prepared like this!



Finally the sunset:




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On 5/14/2023 at 6:12 AM, DandDM said:

Made it to Venice!  Took two hours fifteen minutes with no bathroom stops…. Luckily a 1 euro toilet by the drop off. 

Trip from the terminal to hotel was an adventure. Hotel wasn’t far so tried to walk, but after failed attempts, couldn’t figure out how to get out of the bus area!   Ended up paying 1.5 euros for the ‘people mover’. Once off that, just a couple blocks, but up and down over canals. For folks carrying their luggage, a lot of stairs. 

was raining pretty solid and sidewalks had standing water - got my shoes soaked and slipped a few times (but didn’t fall!). Hotel is very nice and my room was ready. will post photos later. 

Took 45 minutes to get there, should have taken 10 if I knew what I was doing! 

We are dioing this trip for my 60th birthday in November but on Norwegian.  Flying into Venice 2 days pre-cruise.  I have been warned that it is hard to get from train station to hotel due to steps and heavy luggage.  Any tips on transportation to hotel and/or hotels in Venice.  Trying to decide the area of Venice to stay in to see the sights and a hotel that has easy transportation access.  Any advice would be most appreciated.

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Going back to the cruise, wanted to share some final thoughts. I'd say it was not a typical cruise as it was very port intensive (both on days at port and the time invested in those places), and I had the dining package. 


Going to organize my thoughts into bullet points, as that works best for me:


* Cabin steward was great; service twice a day with no issues

* The cabin did not have USB outlets, and only one plug in. Should have brought my USB splitter

* Every meal was fantastic, both food and service. Had some minor misses with a few items (as I mentioned) but nothing that affected the meal

* Noticed the cut backs at Windjammer, but didn't spend enough time there to report on it; also heard grumblings about the MDR, but have no report. To be fair, some other folks on my tours reported great food and service in the MDR...

* Thought the spread in the Diamand lounge was better than I've seen before

* Enjoyed the Ice Show (as I always do) but didn't find the other shows remarkable

* Did not attend any Game shows or trivia...this would not have happened if my wife was working the schedule, and I frankly missed going to them, so will endeavor to do that more on my next cruise

* Thought the ship looked good; saw some rust and wood that needed stain, pretty minor

* Could not get a good Old Fashioned on the ship, finally gave up. Speaking of that, only used up my five Diamond plus drinks one night. If this was more of a drinking cruise, would have worked harder to either find or help a bartender with a good version of that drink.

* Finally, met some real nice folks (mostly on tours)


Only serious negative was the transport after the tour - I should not have had to follow up on that late the last night. Of note - the folks I saw in Venice today had exactly the same issue and also had to wait in line the last night to get their reservation. Only possible good thing is that the transport was not on my final bill. Would not be surprised if that gets billed later on, however.


Oh, one other item, the casino. As I reported, spent some time there the first two nights. I didn't report again on that because I never made it back! Ended up going to bed early most nights. Good news is that I didn't lose very much, but also didn't get that chance to win the big one!


If anyone has questions about the ship, will do my best to answer from memory!

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3 minutes ago, auburngirl said:

We are dioing this trip for my 60th birthday in November but on Norwegian.  Flying into Venice 2 days pre-cruise.  I have been warned that it is hard to get from train station to hotel due to steps and heavy luggage.  Any tips on transportation to hotel and/or hotels in Venice.  Trying to decide the area of Venice to stay in to see the sights and a hotel that has easy transportation access.  Any advice would be most appreciated.

Not who you were asking, but there are many "water bus" stops along the grand canal, so you may not have to go over any steps at all depending on where you select your hotel.  If you wanna splurge you can hire your own water taxi I believe that takes you to your hotel or as close as possible.  Venice is not big, so with a water bus pass you can reach practically anywhere.  I would suggest you seek out the neighborhood atmosphere you are wanting or near a location you expect to be spending a lot of time in.  Pack light and you won't have to worry about heavy luggage! (though after taking a carry on with me all over trains in Italy for 2 weeks I wanted to chuck it out the window hahahah)

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24 minutes ago, auburngirl said:

We are dioing this trip for my 60th birthday in November but on Norwegian.  Flying into Venice 2 days pre-cruise.  I have been warned that it is hard to get from train station to hotel due to steps and heavy luggage.  Any tips on transportation to hotel and/or hotels in Venice.  Trying to decide the area of Venice to stay in to see the sights and a hotel that has easy transportation access.  Any advice would be most appreciated.

Timely question - the tour guide today reported that there are over 240 bridges in Venice, and only four don't have stairs! And some of the stairs are pretty brutal. As I reported, my worst experience in Venice was getting from the bus station to the hotel; and I only had a small bag.


That said, the train station is right on the Grand canal (below is a photo I just took out my window of it 🙂) If you wanted to stay at the Antiche Figure, it is literally right across from the station. But the hotel isn't very close to St Marco or Rialto, which are busier (more popular?) parts of town. 


I'm certainly not an expert after two days, but have seen a lot of water taxis coming and going from the station. I heard they are not cheap (from the tour guide, she didn't give a figure), but I should think that if the hotel you choose is on the Grand Canal or one of the smaller canals, it would not be an issue to take one of those to your hotel. To clarify what a water taxi is, they operate very similar to vehicle taxis at home. You flag one down, tell them where you want to go, then they drive pretty insanely to the destination. Once near the hotel, very possible that the hotel staff will help with the bags from the water taxi. My guess is that most hotels could provide info on cost and access.


I've also wandered by some doors that have 'hotel' signs on them, deep down a narrow winding street. Would advise avoiding those unless you get a really good price!


I'm here for two more days; if you have a place you are thinking about, I'd be happy to check it out.




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28 minutes ago, Kathscof said:

Not who you were asking, but there are many "water bus" stops along the grand canal, so you may not have to go over any steps at all depending on where you select your hotel.  If you wanna splurge you can hire your own water taxi I believe that takes you to your hotel or as close as possible.  Venice is not big, so with a water bus pass you can reach practically anywhere.  I would suggest you seek out the neighborhood atmosphere you are wanting or near a location you expect to be spending a lot of time in.  Pack light and you won't have to worry about heavy luggage! (though after taking a carry on with me all over trains in Italy for 2 weeks I wanted to chuck it out the window hahahah)

Great advice! The water bus is very popular with stops all over the place. Here is another photo of the water bus station, it is on the left side on the photo (train station entrance is on the right)


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A couple other important photos from today. Found a grocery store near Rialto which surprised me in being very modern. Found this bottle of 2019 Bordeaux for 9 euro. I've never heard of the name, but very happy with it. Also bought a bag of tomato flavored chips. I couldn't resist trying them out - and they taste like the chips are dipped in a light marinara sauce. I guess I can understand why they are popular here!




Also stopped at a booth in the farmers market and bought some spice/meal kits. They were pretty cheap (3 for 9 euro), compact, and Italian so I thought they'd made great gifts. My youngest kid is a chef and loves spicy stuff, so I asked the vendor's help in picking out some spicy stuff. Saw a chocolate shop while on the tour, but it was closed when I went back after. Will go by again to shop for more presents there. Don't have a lot of luggage space so trying to be creative!




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31 minutes ago, Kathscof said:

Not who you were asking, but there are many "water bus" stops along the grand canal, so you may not have to go over any steps at all depending on where you select your hotel.  If you wanna splurge you can hire your own water taxi I believe that takes you to your hotel or as close as possible.  Venice is not big, so with a water bus pass you can reach practically anywhere.  I would suggest you seek out the neighborhood atmosphere you are wanting or near a location you expect to be spending a lot of time in.  Pack light and you won't have to worry about heavy luggage! (though after taking a carry on with me all over trains in Italy for 2 weeks I wanted to chuck it out the window hahahah)

Will be on a cruise for 2 weeks.  Hard to pack light.  LOL

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19 minutes ago, DandDM said:

Timely question - the tour guide today reported that there are over 240 bridges in Venice, and only four don't have stairs! And some of the stairs are pretty brutal. As I reported, my worst experience in Venice was getting from the bus station to the hotel; and I only had a small bag.


That said, the train station is right on the Grand canal (below is a photo I just took out my window of it 🙂) If you wanted to stay at the Antiche Figure, it is literally right across from the station. But the hotel isn't very close to St Marco or Rialto, which are busier (more popular?) parts of town. 


I'm certainly not an expert after two days, but have seen a lot of water taxis coming and going from the station. I heard they are not cheap (from the tour guide, she didn't give a figure), but I should think that if the hotel you choose is on the Grand Canal or one of the smaller canals, it would not be an issue to take one of those to your hotel. To clarify what a water taxi is, they operate very similar to vehicle taxis at home. You flag one down, tell them where you want to go, then they drive pretty insanely to the destination. Once near the hotel, very possible that the hotel staff will help with the bags from the water taxi. My guess is that most hotels could provide info on cost and access.


I've also wandered by some doors that have 'hotel' signs on them, deep down a narrow winding street. Would advise avoiding those unless you get a really good price!


I'm here for two more days; if you have a place you are thinking about, I'd be happy to check it out.




Thanks!  I have been on Trip Advisor for several weeks.  I think I may be over thinking it!  I had back surgery February 2022 (Extremely bad rutured disc - but healed now).  I am now extremely careful with my back.  I may just do laundry on the ship.  We are going on the Norwegian Dawn 11/14/23  It is 10 days (all ports - no sea days).  We will stay 2 days pre-cruise in Venice and 2 days post in Istanbul.  It is primarily a  Greek Isles cruise.

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29 minutes ago, auburngirl said:

We are dioing this trip for my 60th birthday in November but on Norwegian.  Flying into Venice 2 days pre-cruise.  I have been warned that it is hard to get from train station to hotel due to steps and heavy luggage.  Any tips on transportation to hotel and/or hotels in Venice.  Trying to decide the area of Venice to stay in to see the sights and a hotel that has easy transportation access.  Any advice would be most appreciated.


You mention train station and hotel location ..... is that because you will take the train to Trieste?



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1 minute ago, mapleleaves said:


You mention train station and hotel location ..... is that because you will take the train to Trieste?



Yes  This cruise leaves from Trieste.  Also, we will be flying into Venice.  Thought the train would be more convenient/economical to get from airport.


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7 minutes ago, auburngirl said:

Thanks!  I have been on Trip Advisor for several weeks.  I think I may be over thinking it!  I had back surgery February 2022 (Extremely bad rutured disc - but healed now).  I am now extremely careful with my back.  I may just do laundry on the ship.  We are going on the Norwegian Dawn 11/14/23  It is 10 days (all ports - no sea days).  We will stay 2 days pre-cruise in Venice and 2 days post in Istanbul.  It is primarily a  Greek Isles cruise.

I had actually contacted Hotel Antiche Figure a few weeks ago and they mentioned that there were porters at the train station that would take our luggage to the hotel for 5 Euros per bag (extremely reasonable).  I was just concerned about the distance to attractions. My to-do list includes the Basilica di San Marco, the Accademia, Doge's Palace, Rialto Bridge and a Gondola Ride.  Hope these are doable in 2 days.  How is the noice at the hotel?

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