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Updated requirements for scuba diving on the PG


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Hello divers,


I had some questions about the requirements to dive with the PG dive team on my upcoming cruise. I learned that PG has recently updated its requirements, and the verbiage of its "Scuba Diving Policies" as stated on the PG website. To read their updated verbiage, here's the link:  https://www.pgcruises.com/scuba/policies


My specific questions pertained to these requirements, as stated on their website:


1. The need to provide a logbook:

If a guest wishes to embark on a dive at the “active advanced diver” level, he or she must have logged 100 or more dives and must have their logbooks with them.


2. The requirement to have completed the PADI Deep Diver Specialty certification in order to dive in the Marquesas or Fakarava:

For dives farther below the maximum depth, an Advance Open Water Certification plus Deep Diver Specialty is manadatory. (Drift dive in Fakarava and dives in the Marquesas Islands) Deep Diver Certification is available onboard for an additional $99 USD.


3. The requirement to have the Medical Form signed by a doctor prior to boarding:

Guests must be in good physical condition in order to SCUBA dive from the m/s Paul Gauguin, and they must possess a valid recent medical certificate less than a year old of no contraindication to SCUBA dive before signing up for a dive. Without this certificate, guests will not be able to dive. The doctor on board will not be able to issue this certificate.


I have issues with all three of these, none of which were required the last time I dove on the PG. As an advanced diver with hundreds of dives, I stopped logging dives years ago. (I live on my sailboat in Mexico and dive at least weekly if not daily, so it's just not practical to keep a logbook.) As for certifications, I have AOW and Nitrox but never bothered to get more certs, given how often I dive. I do not want to pay $99, and take time away from the cruise, to take a course for something I've done hundreds of times (deep diving). And obtaining a medical sign-off will be a challenge for me, as we are constantly moving around Mexico and finding an English-speaking doctor who can sign off on that form will be difficult. Last time I was on the PG, as long as you answer "NO" to all of the medical questions (which I do) you do not need to have a doctor sign-off.


So I obtained the email address of the Marina Supervisor, Karim Djoudi, and emailed him directly. Here's his response:


The log book is usually for the unexperienced divers, and it's a way for us to check the level of the divers. So if you don't have it, it will be ok.
If you are advance diver, you won't need the deep dive specialty, but something very important, it's the medical certificate from your doctor, it's mandatory.


I'm relieved I won't need to produce a log book or take a course! 😁 As for the medical certificate, I will get it translated to Spanish and try to find a doctor who will sign the English one. Kind of a pain but I'll figure it out.


I thought it would be helpful to share all of this with other divers planning a PG cruise. Do NOT forget to get your medical certificate signed off by a doctor before you board! And be sure to fill out the required forms before you meet with the dive team to sign up for dives, as that will expedite the process. The dive forms are here: https://www.pgcruises.com/scuba/required-forms


Happy diving! 😁


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We were also planning on diving on the Aug 26 sailing... the original dive forms I downloaded from PG Website clearly indicated that if you only need to complete the medical certificate from your doctor "if you answered yes to any of the medical statement questions" .  

I have noticed that the forms on the website have changed since I downloaded the first ones.  


I agree that this is a pain and was looking forward to diving on the PG... BUT.. I am wondering if I choose and schedule to dive with another dive op on my own.. is all of this necessary?  


All experienced divers understand the risks and sign waivers.. so I am not sure why the forms changed or the policy changed?  Regardless... I will begin researching if I can dive with someone else... .  If I am able to schedule a Dr. Appointment to get the medical certificate filled out correctly I will, but like you @Leejnd4 I have NEVER had to produce this form in my 10 plus years of diving.  



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Thanks for confirming my interpretation of their mandatory (regardless of answers) med cert, I was a little worried I relied on the website instructions incorrectly.


I went to an Undersea MD (also consultant with DAN) for mine and they said the requirement is common for French Polynesia (and any France diving). Something about a 2018 law, but I can't tell if it is law or custom or some combination because not all shops require, only some. Anyway, maybe helpful to know not just new requiremnt for PG. 


Those looking for Undersea MDs - https://www.uhms.org/education/credentialing/uhms-physician-diver-assessment-listing.html 



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I also noticed that there is wording missing from page 1 of the PG forms at the bottom.. wording that is on the same "form" found on diving websites .  

It usually states "* If you answered YES to questions 3, 5 or 10 above OR to any of the questions on page 2, please read and agree to the statement above by signing and dating it AND take all three pages of this form (Participant Questionnaire and the Physician’s Evaluation Form) to your physician for a medical evaluation. Participation in a diving course requires your physician’s approval."  at the bottom of page 1, but the PG form omits this part.... 

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Wow, ok! @Leejnd4 Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Not great news and as @ltdemptynest noted, our dive forms were different as well. 

ok well off to search for an MD that can sign off. Not sure our primacy care physician can sign off but I’ll start there. 
We sail on 8/26 so I need to get working on this! 

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3 minutes ago, sjkoen said:

Thanks for confirming my interpretation of their mandatory (regardless of answers) med cert, I was a little worried I relied on the website instructions incorrectly.


I went to an Undersea MD (also consultant with DAN) for mine and they said the requirement is common for French Polynesia (and any France diving). Something about a 2018 law, but I can't tell if it is law or custom or some combination because not all shops require, only some. Anyway, maybe helpful to know not just new requiremnt for PG. 


Those looking for Undersea MDs - https://www.uhms.org/education/credentialing/uhms-physician-diver-assessment-listing.html 



Thank you for the information and link... glad I have this info now as opposed to learning on the ship!!

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18 minutes ago, sjkoen said:

Thanks for confirming my interpretation of their mandatory (regardless of answers) med cert, I was a little worried I relied on the website instructions incorrectly.


I went to an Undersea MD (also consultant with DAN) for mine and they said the requirement is common for French Polynesia (and any France diving). Something about a 2018 law, but I can't tell if it is law or custom or some combination because not all shops require, only some. Anyway, maybe helpful to know not just new requiremnt for PG. 


Those looking for Undersea MDs - https://www.uhms.org/education/credentialing/uhms-physician-diver-assessment-listing.html 



Thank you for that link! Looks like there is a Hyperbaric medical center at UC San Diego although our insurance will likely not cover it. I’ll give them a call 

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3 hours ago, ltdemptynest said:

We were also planning on diving on the Aug 26 sailing... the original dive forms I downloaded from PG Website clearly indicated that if you only need to complete the medical certificate from your doctor "if you answered yes to any of the medical statement questions" .  

I have noticed that the forms on the website have changed since I downloaded the first ones.  


I agree that this is a pain and was looking forward to diving on the PG... BUT.. I am wondering if I choose and schedule to dive with another dive op on my own.. is all of this necessary?  


All experienced divers understand the risks and sign waivers.. so I am not sure why the forms changed or the policy changed?  Regardless... I will begin researching if I can dive with someone else... .  If I am able to schedule a Dr. Appointment to get the medical certificate filled out correctly I will, but like you @Leejnd4 I have NEVER had to produce this form in my 10 plus years of diving.  




I know, what a pain! And for me it's going to be even more complicated. First of all is the fact that I don't HAVE a primary care doctor, nor are there any Undersea MDs anywhere in Mexico that I can find. I have only had to visit doctors a couple of times in the four years we've been living on our sailboat in Mexico, and that has only been for minor ailments so I went to a local clinic. I have no idea if a local doctor down here will be willing sign off on this form! Plus, I'll have to get it translated into Spanish, and then hope the doctor will be willing to sign the English form since he will have no way of knowing if my translation is actually what's on the form. Finding an English-speaking doctor in Mexico is no easy feat!


This was DEFINITELY not a requirement on my prior two PG cruises. I'm not pleased. But I also don't want to deal with booking dives with an outside dive op - it's so much more convenient to dive with the PG team, since many of the dives are off an inflatable that takes off right from the marine platform.


FYI, if you do want to book an outside op, Top Dive is the predominant dive op in the area and they do a great job. I dove with them when I visited FP another time. You will also likely save money, especially if you book a package of multiple dives. 😉 I would probably do this except that I am taking this cruise with a friend who is a non-diver, and I don't want to spend too much time away from her while doing dives. We have a number of other types of excursions planned.


2 hours ago, ltdemptynest said:

I also noticed that there is wording missing from page 1 of the PG forms at the bottom.. wording that is on the same "form" found on diving websites .  

It usually states "* If you answered YES to questions 3, 5 or 10 above OR to any of the questions on page 2, please read and agree to the statement above by signing and dating it AND take all three pages of this form (Participant Questionnaire and the Physician’s Evaluation Form) to your physician for a medical evaluation. Participation in a diving course requires your physician’s approval."  at the bottom of page 1, but the PG form omits this part.... 


I fully agree that this verbiage is all VERY CONFUSING! I read those forms multiple times, and I was convinced that you only needed a medical sign-off if you answer YES to any of the questions. I'm very dismayed to learn that we ALL have to get one, no matter how healthy we are. UGH!


2 hours ago, minidonuts85 said:

Wow, ok! @Leejnd4 Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Not great news and as @ltdemptynest noted, our dive forms were different as well. 

ok well off to search for an MD that can sign off. Not sure our primacy care physician can sign off but I’ll start there. 
We sail on 8/26 so I need to get working on this! 


I do not believe you need to go to a specially trained doctor. Your Primary Care doc should be able to sign this form. The form makes it clear the types of conditions that would preclude diving, and as long as you don't have them, the doctor should be willing to sign it.


So sorry to be the bearer of unwelcome news! Good luck everyone, and I hope you all are able to get yourself underwater while on the PG! It really is some of the best diving on the planet. Here's a few shots I took on my last PG cruise to get you motivated! 😉 





FrenchPolynesia2012-26 (2).jpg




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1 hour ago, minidonuts85 said:

@sjkoen May I ask, did you check the boxes yourself or have the MD do it during your appt? 

I was able to schedule an appt for 8/9 with the UC San Diego Dive Medicine office. No idea what it will cost but all relative since we leave in 4-weeks haha

I completed my portion ahead of time - only left the doctor fields - including clinic name etc. empty. But I had a second copy of each form just in case they didn't want me to do it that way - they were fine using the pre-filled form.


My primary probably could have done it, but appointments are booked out forever in her practice and the office couldn't tell me for sure if she'd be comfortable to review and approve until she saw the forms at the appointment. 


Wishing you the same easy and efficient experience I had with the dive dr. visit. And great diving. 😀

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My primary is reviewing the form now… hopefully it will go through!  Would hate to go to a new dr. 
Did anyone notice that the new questionnaire … if you are over the age of 45 then you must have dr sign off?  Uggg makes me feel old. 

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1 minute ago, ltdemptynest said:

My primary is reviewing the form now… hopefully it will go through!  Would hate to go to a new dr. 
Did anyone notice that the new questionnaire … if you are over the age of 45 then you must have dr sign off?  Uggg makes me feel old. 


I feel ya! I'm 63, but I sure don't feel like I remember 63-yr-old people looked to me when I was young. 😉 I have zero health issues and run 5 miles a day. Which is why I was so sure I wouldn't have to get that damn form signed. UGH!

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FWIW, I've found dive operators in FP to be particular about the paperwork, especially in Fakarava and Rangiroa. In Rangiroa, we saw some PADI AWD divers without the deep certificate offered a different dive from the rest of us with a shallower profile. The deepest we dove was 102 feet there and I believe they were at 60.


The operators we used were governed by CMAS and were looking for CMAS Two Star certification. They accepted PADI AWD plus Deep as equivalent, for the most part, though the operator in Fakarava said that PADI Rescue was "more" equivalent (take that for what it's worth). All of us diving in Fakarava were either CMAS Two Star or PADI Rescue.

Not every operator wanted to see the medical form, but at least a couple did.


For many years, my PCP has been fine to sign the form for me. I have it pre-filled out and he signs each year at my annual.

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1 hour ago, AussieBoyTX said:

FWIW, I've found dive operators in FP to be particular about the paperwork, especially in Fakarava and Rangiroa. In Rangiroa, we saw some PADI AWD divers without the deep certificate offered a different dive from the rest of us with a shallower profile. The deepest we dove was 102 feet there and I believe they were at 60.


The operators we used were governed by CMAS and were looking for CMAS Two Star certification. They accepted PADI AWD plus Deep as equivalent, for the most part, though the operator in Fakarava said that PADI Rescue was "more" equivalent (take that for what it's worth). All of us diving in Fakarava were either CMAS Two Star or PADI Rescue.

Not every operator wanted to see the medical form, but at least a couple did.


For many years, my PCP has been fine to sign the form for me. I have it pre-filled out and he signs each year at my annual.

Thanks for the info, I'll need to check what SSI equivalents. And, thanks for the suggestion, I'll be bringing the latest UHMS diver medical form to my next annual visit for future, just in case.

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woo hoo! We sent the forms over to our PCP via message and will see what they say. Much closer to home as UCSD is about an hour+ away but keeping those 8/9 appts as backups. 


are they going to sign, scan and send back or you'd pick up the original from their office? Just wondering. 

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39 minutes ago, ltdemptynest said:

Woohoo!!! My primary will sign the doc no appointment needed.   Now just got to get hubby to get his signed!!  (OR I will be in need of a new dive buddy lol).  Disaster averted.  



YAAAY! Now I'm super glad I posted this. I hate to think of all the divers who aren't on Cruise Critic who might board the PG thinking they are about to experience the diving of their lives, and learn that they won't be allowed. 😞 I'm hoping the PG is flexible about allowing the on-board doc to sign off, considering these are new requirements.


9 minutes ago, minidonuts85 said:

woo hoo! We sent the forms over to our PCP via message and will see what they say. Much closer to home as UCSD is about an hour+ away but keeping those 8/9 appts as backups. 


are they going to sign, scan and send back or you'd pick up the original from their office? Just wondering. 


Wishing you the best of luck! I still need to find a doc in Mexico who will sign my forms, but we're currently traveling inland during hurricane season so we're nowhere near the coast, where I would be more likely to find an English-speaking doc. My cruise isn't until November so I've got time.

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@Leejnd4 seriously thank you! Not great news but to your point, had we shown up without the new forms and doctors sign off, we would have been devastated. I had the old forms all ready to go! Thank you to @sjkoen for tipping us off to look into this further. 

Fingers are crossed that you can find someone local to sign it for you! Worst case, not sure how far down you are in MX but worst case, you can get it signed off in San Diego for sure. 

Edited by minidonuts85
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1 hour ago, minidonuts85 said:

woo hoo! We sent the forms over to our PCP via message and will see what they say. Much closer to home as UCSD is about an hour+ away but keeping those 8/9 appts as backups. 


are they going to sign, scan and send back or you'd pick up the original from their office? Just wondering. 

Just sign and scan via email..Should have it Monday. 

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3 hours ago, minidonuts85 said:

@Leejnd4 seriously thank you! Not great news but to your point, had we shown up without the new forms and doctors sign off, we would have been devastated. I had the old forms all ready to go! Thank you to @sjkoen for tipping us off to look into this further. 

Fingers are crossed that you can find someone local to sign it for you! Worst case, not sure how far down you are in MX but worst case, you can get it signed off in San Diego for sure. 


I wish I could get to San Diego! Unfortunately that's not in the cards. We are currently in San Luis Potosí, which is pretty far south in Mexico, and we will be visiting a few more towns in the Southern interior before we return to our boat in Puerto Vallarta, in mid October. I will have 3 weeks in Puerto Vallarta before I leave for the cruise. I'm going to start looking now for an English speaking doc there, who will be willing to sign this form. I should be able to do it. PV is a heavily touristed area, and tourists sometimes need to see doctors, so I think it'll all work out. 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Leejnd4 said:


I wish I could get to San Diego! Unfortunately that's not in the cards. We are currently in San Luis Potosí, which is pretty far south in Mexico, and we will be visiting a few more towns in the Southern interior before we return to our boat in Puerto Vallarta, in mid October. I will have 3 weeks in Puerto Vallarta before I leave for the cruise. I'm going to start looking now for an English speaking doc there, who will be willing to sign this form. I should be able to do it. PV is a heavily touristed area, and tourists sometimes need to see doctors, so I think it'll all work out. 🙂 

Ahhh ok…I couldn’t recall and for some reason I was thinking Baja. We just got back from PV and had some great dives at Los Arcos and Majahuitas. I’d bet you’d have good chances finding a doc in PV! 

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4 hours ago, sjkoen said:

my post advising to contact PG cause I interpreted med cert was required was deleted, i was worried i did something wrong  🙃😀 

@minidonuts85 there's one sail between when you go and we go! if you are able to report back on the afternoon Huahine dive (the pics flightmedic shared showed 1:15 pm dive), I'd appreciate it. we have a private custom land/snorkel tour booked and will need to decide whether to return for afternoon dive or stay out on tour until 2:30

 We’ve got a tour booked on Huahine with Marc’s and will just be diving in Bora Bora and Moorea (7-night itin). If something changes and we do dive on Huahine, will definitely report back. I was going to post on this thread during the cruise on dive stuff anyway 🙂 

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42 minutes ago, minidonuts85 said:

Ahhh ok…I couldn’t recall and for some reason I was thinking Baja. We just got back from PV and had some great dives at Los Arcos and Majahuitas. I’d bet you’d have good chances finding a doc in PV! 

We've spent a lot of time sailing Baja and the Sea of Cortez, but it's hurricane season right now so our boat is in a hurricane-safe marina in Nuevo Vallarta. But we'll be back sailing Baja again next season for sure. 🙂


Yes, I'm sure I can find a doc in PV. It's just a pain that I have to! And I won't have a lot of time to do it. 

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2 hours ago, ltdemptynest said:

Documents in hand!!! SO HAPPY!  BUT... My husbands Doctor is requiring him to come in for an appointment to get sign off.  (LOL)  This is the same Medical Practice, just different doctors.  To be continued... 


Woo hoo! Congrats! I got a message from my Primary Care doc on Sunday night saying she could complete it and asked if I wanted to pick it up this week! Will feel better once I get the doc in hand. Fiancées doc hasn’t replied yet but like you, with the same medical group. 

Kept the 8/9 appointments with the dive doctor just in case. 

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