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Star princess 3/5-3/12


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This is my first attempt to write a review so go easy on me.


Precruise flew in on Friday the 3rd rented a car at Payless Rental. Made the drive to Ramada Beach Plaza Resort on Galt Ocean Drive in Fort Lauderdale heres the situation with this hotel because I have heard horror stories-Dont believe them seriously this hotel was great for a couple nights yes it is out of the way a little but we had a great CLEAN room on the beach with a very nice pool and hottub. If you have a rental car there is no problem driving to the main area. My advice dont drink at the tiki bar way way over priced and this is coming from someone who is willing to pay alot for a drink but this was ridiculous we are talking about 20.00 bucks for two drink (well liquor out of a cup that resembled a dixie cup I am not exaggerating) anyhow this is a nice hotel and we paid a little over a 100 bucks on hotwire and we were on the beach cant really complain...


Ok so back to the review we are skipping Sat as we laid on the beach and ate-nothing to exciting and we are moving straight on to Sunday.


Dropped off our car at the airport and hopped on a cab (important information here their is no shuttle unless you have rented at Hertz and a couple others but no shuttle for Payless rental) conflicting stories here as two employees said yes thier was and finally we were told no thier is no shuttle it didnt matter to us we grabbed a cab and out the door we went it was now 11:15. Twelve dollars later and maybe 10 minutes we were being dropped off at the pier the porters took our luggage and pointed us in the right directionand wow what a line it had already wrapped into the U shaped and we were in the second part of the U. We prepared ourselves for the wait. Guess what no wait within twenty minutes we were through the line and getting on board no sitting no nothing. Our room was ready so we went straight there to drop of our carry on and grab our swimsuits.


More helpful information here...We booked an inside room. Here is the reason why maybe it can help someone make a better decision.

Last year we cruised for the first time with Carnival for a 4 day cruise on Fantasy while it was fun and we loved it we never utilized our room at all and we had a outside cabin window whatever its called. Why would we spend money when we dont use the room was our method of thinking, heck with the money we are saving we will go to Miami after the cruise and stay there a few more days. Bad decision as this cruise we used our room a lot 7 days is alot longer or though it seems and there are times you just want to sit in you room and unwind. Anyhow our room was fine for us not to small had a lot of storage and was set up well I liked the setup better then the window room on Carnival but I did miss window it was wierd not seeing outside.


Ok so we went to the buffet to eat. Now I eat everything I dont care if I have no idea what it is I will try it and there is very little I dont eat maybe nothing I dont eat. I may not be the best person to judge the food but it was good to me and my more picky fiance ate everything on his plate so must have been good. Thus this far things are going great so we begin to explore wow this ship is hard to navigate and we never did figure where things were but we managed just fine. Elevators on the other hand do not cooperate they take forever and we soon learned it was much easier to walk, besides with all the food we would be eating walking maybe would help us from gaining way to much weight.

The rest of the day we relaxed had a few beers a few cocktails unpacked.

Dinnertime was a little wierd the first night we chose to sit with a group. unfortuantly that experience didnt go so good as one of the other couples could not speak much English and as hard as we all tried to talk it was not possible and it made for some uncomfortable silences. I hate to leave people of out conversation but it ended up being us and another couple chitty chatting and the other couple looking bewildered. At some point as dinner was served the gentleman must have gotten angry with his wife and started yelling quite loudly and they left before the main course and I sat there feeling terrible as I couldnt understand a word. Oh well the cruise must go on so off to the Comedy show we went had a few cocktails and called it a night.

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This is fairly boring but I will try.


Got up as we were awakened by room service. I love being able to have coffee and fruit delivered first thing in the morning while you wake up and get ready for the day. Went to the breakfast buffet tons of choices here people if you cant find something to eat then you probably arent looking. Lots of people though the buffet has a bit of a wierd setup but we managed. There were lots of spring breakers I was suprised we went with Princess because I figured less spring breakers. We are only in our mid twenties well I am in my late twenties but sometimes they get a little out of control and I know I was that age once but I dont remember ever acting like that.


Ok onwards to the main pool no lounge chairs imagine that..

Well keep looking because their is plenty stacked up and you just pull one of the pile put it in open spot and you are good to go. I think I laid there all day I know my fiance went to the Casino classes for awhile and then joined me by the pool for the rest of the day but that was about it all day we watched the pool games which were amusing and just had a few foo foo drinks. Now I cant forget this part because everyone deck was talking about it everywhere you went you people were talking so here is the story. About 8 spring break guys very early twenties (I think) they were drinking so I imagine they were 21 got into the hot tub with there beers they were having a good time not out of control they had one girl keep bring them the beer and noone got out to use the rest room... gross. When they finally got out hours and hours later noone got into that hottub at all...


So we laid around all day and sunned ourselves. Tonight was formal night so we went for dinner in the Capri dining room after we had went to Shooters to have a few cocktails and talk to Danni from Poland who was the waitress earlier in the day from the Lido deck. Then we of course had a zillion photos taken. I am a such a sucker for photos. Dinner was great we had reserved a table for 2 and it was very nice food was great. Went to another comedy show after dinner and hit Skywalkers but not much going on yet as it was to early so we retired to our room, decided we needed some more dessert so we ordered room service and 15 minutes later it arrived perfect service off to bed again.



Part 3 is to be continued I will try and work on it from home later .. Stay tuned its Cozumel day and it was great

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We booked a tour in Cozumel as we have been here before on a land vacation. The tour was a catamaran and snorkel tour it was advertised as a sail for a twenty minute tour or something like that and snorkel for 45 minutes. Wow it was way more then that.


Get got up early that morning via room service knocking at the door, what a way to wake up each morning coffee,juice,fruit and danishes delivered to our room. We were to meet in the Princess Theatre was 8:15 am & we arrived about about 15 minutes early and took our seats. This was so organized and easy. We were boarded on the tender right away and we were off very quick easy and effiencent. Once arriving at the pier the tour group lead us to the area where we waited for everyone to arrive that took all of five minutes.

We boarded on the catamaran where they began to explain our day and what a day it would be. We sailed for a little while except we didnt go anywhere but in a circle and we snorkeled with the cruise ship not far away for about 45 minutes which was nice not a whole lot of fish but definitaly more then we seen the last time we snorkeled in Cozumel. We then set sail complete with beer and margaritas all included and we were now in route to our next destination a beautiful private beach complete with little stands for souveniers, more beer and margaritas still included in the price of the excursion, hammocks, loungers, water sports for an additional charge and yes clean restrooms. I loved this part, to relax on a hammock with palm trees blowing with a margarita in hand is my idea of pure relaxation. When our time was up we sailed back to port with music playing more drinks and everyone having a good time. Back at port we had time so we shopped for the one item that everyone back at home had agreed was the only thing they wanted Mexican vanilla. If you buy one thing make sure it is vanilla years ago someone recommended me to buy vanilla while in Playa Del Carmen and I made the mistake to buy everyone in my family vanilla now it is the only kind we use. It is that good. We then headed over to Fat Tuesdays for a few drinks before getting back on the ship and there it begins where I lose the rest of the day. I started out having a margarita but mind you I had more then enough on the catamaran after one my fiance suggested that I get a yard glass for a souvenier for our bar back home so I bought a margarita in a yard glass... Uh oh there went the rest of the day once back on board the Star I took a nap and then next thing I remember I woke up at midnight needing food and water. So another call to room service I was ready to go back to bed and get some sleep as tommorrow was Grand Caymen and I hadnt been here before.

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I am enjoying your day by day review! I will be on the Star Princess' 4/23 sailing. I totally agree about the vanilla! Believe it or not, put a teaspoon or two into your bath water...you will sleep like a baby within 15 minutes after getting out!


Looking forward to your next installment!


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Woke up fairly early with a little apprehension about today. I had heard bad things about the tenders in Grand Caymen and as much as I wanted to go I almost felt like staying on the boat.... Well let me put you all at ease .. easy easy easy. We went and had some breakfast relaxed a little and then headed to the explorer lounge to pickup tender tickets about 10 minutes later we were called and off we went easy as that no wait to rough ride nothing so that was alot of worrying for nothing. Today I just wanted to take it easy shop a little and walk around and try to avoid alcohol at all costs so off we went. But my sweet fiance had plan B he wanted to go to Senor Frogs and since he only requested two things during the cruise we went. You have to understand he would go anywhere on earth if you told him they had a senor frogs and it is mandatory that if we are anywhere near one we go. So after having a margarita and doing the conga line for awhile we decided it was my turn to shop.

And shopping we went- the Tortuga Rum shop dont miss it very cheap liquor and you dont have to carry it around they take it to your ship for you.. we walked all the way to the far end by Paradise restuarant the town was super packed 5 cruise ships and I think everyone was shopping so we stopped at Eden Rock and had a look and suddenly I wanted to snorkel again so off we went to rent some snorkel equipment. Unbelieveable I am so happy we did this the amount of fish was incredible thier were big and small and huge and once in awhile the manager of the rental would come out and feed them and holy cow it was really like swimming in a full fish tank. Water was so clear. Best snorkeling I have ever done. By now it was getting late and the line was so long to get back on a tender I almost passed out so we decided be better get in line looked like it was going to be a long long wait. As we got up there we realized the line was for a different ship and whats this no line for Princess... sweet back on a tender and 10 minutes later we are back on the boat once again easy....

Dinner tonight was in the Portofino dining room once again it was just the two of us we figured why take the chance and its kinda romantic when it is just the two of us.

Now I may be off on the day but I think tonight was the Deck party now I am accustomed to the Deck Party on Carnival and this blew it away completely. I loved all the streamers it just made that whole party they had a drink special on the deck and I think it was Tequila sunrise and it came it light up glasses very cool to look around and everyones drinks were flashing red yellow blue and red. Neat experience glad we went.

We again made the trip up to Skywalkers as it was now about 11:30 and I was sure it would be getting busy but nope nothing waited around for 2 drinks and still nothing so we decided to head to the room to read the patters and relax I was asleep almost immediatly.

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Again woke up compliments of room service (room service made a boat load of tips off me during the week) Turned on the TV I was interested in seeing whether we were docked or if we had to tender in. We had docked which was a nice change even thought the tenders are not bad I still would rather just walk off. We didnt book an excursion here either we had a plan today we would head over to Doctors Cave Beach (I think thats right) so we hopped in a shuttle thing no here is where you get a taste of Jamaica half of the shuttle were going to Doctors Cave Beach the other half were heading to the Center something shopping I forgot the name.

So we board the shuttle there is probably around 16-20 people we ask the driver 3 times well not me but others to take us first to the Center place and then drop us off at the beach..


Ok we are in route and then we turn and I can tell right off the bat this isnt where we should be going. The driver stops the shuttle and jumps out and we are in the middle of some sort of straw market the looks of horror on these poor peoples faces that thought this was the center place shopping area and noone moved evantually a bunch of us was like no this is not where we are going and the driver kept on and kept on trying to convince these poor people they should just shop here evantually he could tell that people were getting unhappy and he jumped in and said no problem mon misunderstanding mon. Yea Right! We evantually made it to beach paid our 5 dollars and went and laid in the sun it is a beautiful beach. Had a waitress come over and we ordered a couple beers (red stripe yum)and relaxed. After spending a couple hours here df had enough of the sun and we went in search of jerk chicken. Now the second little bar to the right of walking in (it has swings) has the best jerk chicken,conch fritters rum punch and a awesome waitstaff our waitress was a joy to be around truly enjoyed this place the food was to die for. Next we are off to Margaritaville and I am not happy at this point because even though I could see Margartaville I have already had enough of want some ganja no how bout cocaine and I am in no mood to walk there but df is giving me no choice. After making is past the 50 cab drivers standing at the entrance fighting for your business we escaped and made the 5 minute journey ok it wasnt a journey just a short walk but every five feet we had to tell someone no for some reason do I want braids no do I want drugs no do I need a cab no. We arrived we went directly to the outside area ordered another drink and hit the slide I had to do it but once was more then enough. We started chitty chatting with some people from our cruise played on the trampoline and the rest if history everything from this point forward we pretty much hung out with them the rest of the cruise and we hope to remain in contact.

When it was time to leave we all hopped in a cab (their cab driver that brougth them there waited all those hours to take them back???) so we just hopped on the ride with them.

Back at the pier we did a little shopping and then back on the boat we went and grabbed some food from the buffet and headed back to our rooms to eat and rest and we were asleep before we knew it. Woke up around ten and headed to the buffet again I swear all we do is eat. Then off to the casino to test our luck.. We had none so off to Skywalkers and again pretty boring we keep hearing how busy and packed it gets at night but when?? never when we are there. So we decide to retire for the evening tommorrow is going to be a day of rest I am sure of it..

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Once Again wake up early I guess I am so used to waking up early that I cant sleep late oh well I will just take lots of naps. Down to breakfast we go and off to the pool to get some sun by this time I have a very dark tan and poor fiance who is fair skinned wont stay in the sun long enough so he doesnt. Today is going to be the day he gets tanned so I grab some chairs he runs down to the room to grab our towels and I am laying there trying to relax but I just cant sit i am laying there thinking this isnt going to work i cant just sit here when here comes our friends from yesterday. We are invited to see what a balcony room is all about not just a balcony but a mini suite so were off. Wow what a nice room, nice bedding, nice balcony.Ok now I know I can't cruise without a balcony.

Let the drinks begin somehow or another both of us were never questioned at Cozumel or Montego Bay about bringing liquor on board so both of us have tons in our rooms. We kick open a bottle of 140 proof rum and sit on the balcony talking about our lives it was so relaxing. Later on we decide to hit the Lotus pool and hottub and then the saunas. Tonight is formal but noone is much in the mood for getting dressed up but just to find out what the options are fiance and friend decide to run to the dining room to see whats on the menu its Lobster and we all want some. Friend calls rooms service to see if we can have lobster delivered to us and what he says yes are you kidding? It gets a little funny from here as we didnt believe him so his wife and I called ourselves and they told us that they would probably get in trouble and we dont want them to get in trouble so we say forget it thank you and have a nice evening. A few minutes later room service calls back to see if we actaully want it and we do so about half hour later we are eating lobster tails on the balcony along with asparagus milk & dessert . It was a great great day but we have had a lot of sun several drinks and now are belly's are full and we are tired so we all agree to take a nap and meet downstairs at midnight for the late late night comedy show. I am not feeling good when I wake up not good at all the boat is rocking. I dont get seasick so I think it was the rum from earlier but I am not feeling my best but I force myself up we get downstairs in the Shooters bar to meet up with them and I cant even sit in there the smell of alcohol is making me ill. So we wait outside and about 10 minutes later fiance goes and calls them they are in the same situation they came downstairs the smell of smoke and alcohol didnt set with them either so back to bed we all go. Stopping at the buffet on the way back.... :)

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Slept in a little today and forgot to put that darned room service slip on the door. Oh well we went down to a dining room for breakfast since we hadnt done that yet. Breakfast was good nothing spectacular but good really I prefer the buffet for breakfast but I wanted to try to the dining room.

Went to the explorers lounge a little later today maybe 15 minutes after they started calling the tender numbers grabbed a number and waited all of 15 minutes if that.

Stepped off the tender and I can hear someone calling my name its our friends. We didnt do much here laid in a hammock for awhile until it was to much sun and switched to a lounger under a little roof. Found these neat little monkey heads that you filled with a drink and it was just the perfect caribbean day I love this island I could move there and just live under a palapa. Had the bbq lunch the corn was great it was a nice lunch but to short of a day. Tendered back to the boat and had to go to our rooms to pack that sucked. Tonight we went to dinner in the Capri dining and went and bought the pictures that we wanted. Had to head back to our rooms early to finish packing and get the luggage in the hall.


Sunday day 8


Got in line at immigration we way over bought on the liquor so we needed to pay our duty but they threw us out of line so no duty owed...

Waited in the lounge for about a hour and off the boat we went walked outside got our luggage went through customs grabbed a cab and we were in route to the airport to pick up a rental car in about 5 minutes flat and off to Miami we went (thats a whole another story)




A little follow up first time with Princess and I really liked it. I liked the anytime dining I liked the ship there was so much I liked pretty much all of it except the only downfalls I can think of is I really like Carnival's bedding, I like the drink of the day in the hurricane glass I like Carnivals elevators they move quicker and I missed the piano sing along bar but would that make me cruise Carnival again and not Princess absolutly not.


any questions please ask.

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We eillbe on the STAR over Easter....my DH is starting to get obsessed regarding the "non-formal" or "casual" nights......He is questioning if it is nnecessary to wear a sport coat w/open collar shirt on the "informal" nights...please let me know what you observed so I can get him off my back!!! Your help is greatly appreciated!

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this will be our 8th Princess cruise. Your DH will be fine in a golf shirt or resort wear type of shirt without a sport coat on informal night's.

He doesn't have to wear a sport coat or tie - just something that would be appropriate at a nicer restaurant at home.


Have a great cruise!


THANKS ADW for the great review - have enjoyed reading it - has helped us to get even more excited about our upcoming cruise.


Were you allowed to where shorts in the dining room for breakfast and lunch?

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Wow! thanks for your help it is greatly appreciated! I have another question for either of you....as I posted before, my DH and I have a little routine every evening. After the show (early) we try to find some where on the ship that has desserts/coffee available. We have been successful on MOST of the ships...Canyou tell me if the STAR has this available! THanks

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Shorts are fine in the dining room at breakfast and lunch most people had there bathing suits on with some sort of cover up at breakfast.


I didnt notice a coffee and dessert place but I know I missed alot you could always grab some dessert of the buffet and either some regular coffee or order specialty coffee from one of the servers. Also dont miss the chocolate cake with some sort of cream from room service it was delicious.

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chocolate chip cookies from room service - they're still warm when they deliver them YUM.

I'm not sure about the Patissere (I know I'm not spelling that correctly) I know that earlier in the day they have goodies and speciality coffee's available - not sure how late they serve though.


You can always hit the Horizen Court as it's open 24/7. The later it get's in the evening the less they offer though.


Relieved to hear that we can wear shorts earlier in the day to eat in the dining room. Year's ago you had to dress for EVERY meal in the dining room. I can remember running from the sun deck to the cabin to clean up for lunch - then back to the cabin to change back into swimsuits to hit the sun again .

I so prefer to eat in the dining room rather than the buffet as it's not as easy to eat to much and I love being served my meal's :)


Only 11 days before we leave YEAH

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