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Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard


Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard

    • I do not feel jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard.
    • I think jeans are fine during the day but, not at night.
    • I think jeans are suitable dress anytime of the day.
    • No Opinion

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"Well, madam Maria, that would never do. But are you familiar with the REAL Ballroom Slow Foxtrot? - the fall-aways, the tumble turns, the reverse waves, the hover telemarks, etc. etc? Danced correctly, the Slow Foxtrot is a joy to behold - but the hardest to execute. The Queen's Ballroom on QM 2 is not quite large enough to dance it properly, but one can get by providing the floor is free of what we call 'plodders'. On any other ship you can forget it. Of course one can do the Social Foxtrot but this is kindergarten stuff and a different ball-game altogether. But should our paths cross on the dance-floor, rest assured I would be gentle with you. Incidentally, no-one in the civilised West has ever heard of 'Friends of Dorothy'. Is this some sort of Klu Klux Klan? We are thinking of starting a 'Friends of Jonquil' Society. Needless to say, they will meet each evening in the Commodore Club. My very best regards to you" S.F.


My "dear" SF <sniff!>


I have it on good authority that Maria virtually inVENTed the Foxtrot! She and her Dad were known to cut quite the rug in their day! And though her Dad will not be along on our Labor Day outing, I suspect she could still dance grand boxes around the likes of you and Master Carruthers! Speaking of which, Carruthers has FRIENDS? How much did they cost him? <LOL>!!


And you did mention that you would be in full pinks! Hmm, wasn't that some sort of motto for some product which solved excess gasciousness and sour stomach? How appropriate for you!


As for the Commodore club, Please see my post under the other thread. Men will have to pass a civility test before entering, and I suspect you won't be allowed in, due to your neanderthal attitudes about modern women! We might not let you in the Queens Ballroom, either!


As for the Dorothonians, they snap a mean wrist, Mister, and can read your beads all the way across the great pond. If you cross them, you will know the true pain of being dissed by some of the greatest wits aboard (with sterling manners and attire, I might add!) You will run whimpering back to your cabin, tail between your legs.


Hell hath no fury, etc, etc, etc.



Who is taking Mr. Trot off of her Christmas Card list as we speak.

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My "dear" SF <sniff!>.......

I suspect she could still dance grand boxes around the likes of you and Master Carruthers! Speaking of which, Carruthers has FRIENDS? How much did they cost him? <LOL>!!.....

......as for the Commodore club, Please see my post under the other thread. Men will have to pass a civility test before entering, and I suspect you won't be allowed in, due to your neanderthal attitudes about modern women! We might not let you in the Queens Ballroom, either!


Hell hath no fury, etc, etc, etc.



Who is taking Mr. Trot off of her Christmas Card list as we speak.


Well, Madam Karie, in our lovely English shires it's usually the salmon that jump to the bait but we seem to have hooked you as well. At least it will give you an excuse to write yet another five thousand words autobiography for the benefit of Cunard devotees who are now, doubtless, waiting with baited breath for your daily pearls of wisdom. I must say that we have had many compliments in the past but 'neanderthal' is a new one. I shall have to explain to Jonquil Carruthers what it means and I am sure he will be delighted to have incurred your angst. But don't despair, if you fit the criteria for entrance to the Commodore Club you may still gain admission. Remember, you must be either elegant and wealthy or, alternatively, a pouting soft-porn actress looking for a father figure. Please rest assured, despite your disparaging remarks, Basil D'Arcy-Clarke and the selection committee will certainly give your application a fair hearing.

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If memory serves, the last time that John Bull and Uncle Sam went toe -to-toe (1812'ish) the following happened;


The USA was blockaded

Our White House was burned

Our Capitol was torched.


(What can I say, Would you please do it again! Quickley!)


Seems to be a bit of a squable on several points.


The "Queen's" grill - (not the dining room) I must admitt, I liked it better when everyone "special" was still in the closet. I detest the "in your face stuff" that some activists seem to prefer. That being said, for those who would rather be something they were not biologically intended to be, I say enjoy your life and good luck. Don't bother me and I shant bother you. Peace.


As for the Club and Woman, I strongly suggest that the men allow it. After all, we'll need someone to get the coffee and clean the place up!


(already diving for cover!)

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The "Queen's" grill - (not the dining room) I must admit, I liked it better when everyone "special" was still in the closet. I detest the "in your face stuff" that some activists seem to prefer. That being said, for those who would rather be something they were not biologically intended to be, I say enjoy your life and good luck. Don't bother me and I shan't bother you. Peace.


I'm not keen on the "in your face" stuff but, if you've ever been closeted, you'll know that is a miserable state to be in. I think that we should ban all hand holding, kissing, cuddling in public for both hetero and homo-sexual couples unless it's in private. In this country in private for a gay man means no more than the two of you in a private house - not a hotel bedroom, not if you've got guests staying, not in a tent. I think that stopping Ethyl and Bertie slobbering over each other could be an excellent thing:) (I don't want to start an argument about homo-sexual equality, I just can't stand being told that I was "better" when I was still "in the closet").


As for the Club and Woman, I strongly suggest that the men allow it. After all, we'll need someone to get the coffee and clean the place up!


(already diving for cover!)


They don't have to be there at the same time to clean! Who drinks coffee? A barman can serve the gin!:D


(come and shelter here, under this overturned table)

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The "Queen's" grill - (not the dining room) I must admitt, I liked it better when everyone "special" was still in the closet. I detest the "in your face stuff" that some activists seem to prefer.


For some folk around here - even better still when the jeans were in the closet- preferably back at home several thousand miles away!



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Of course, That's it!

They said that it may be something in the jeans, and I heard it as "Genes".

Denim. It there nothing it can't corrupt? A pox on you Levi Strauss!


Oh well, as the old saying goes "Do as you'd like but don't scare the horses"

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" Cunard has rejected Jonquil Carruther's idea of bringing his hounds aboard to tear the backsides out of the wearers. "


Oh dear, this may be seen as a fashion statement by some denim wearers. It's bad enough that some women chose to wear low rise jeans with visiible thongs, but now we'll be subjected to views of dimpled cheeks, too. Horrors.

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If memory serves, the last time that John Bull and Uncle Sam went toe -to-toe (1812'ish) the following happened;


The USA was blockaded

Our White House was burned

Our Capitol was torched.


(What can I say, Would you please do it again! Quickly!) ......


As for the Club and Woman, I strongly suggest that the men allow it. After all, we'll need someone to get the coffee and clean the place up!


"Ah, there you are again Blacksmith. I take your point - you'd like America to be overrun by the English. That's quite understandable, and probably the only way that you'll get rid of your strident feminists. You know the sort I mean, the ones who attend the Captain's cocktail-party wearing jeans and drinking from the bottle in some pathetic attempt to establish their 'rights'.

Well, sorry old boy, they are the ultimate deterrent, and whilst they are running amock in America there's no danger of you being attacked by anybody, least of all the English.

As for letting them into the Commodore Club to serve the coffee and do the cleaning; best not to take the risk. Without, of course, they qualify under our strict membership criteria. We've already had some applications from elegant women of means and nubile, pouting soft-porn actresses. In this respect the Club is scheduled to do record business in the future. Your very good health, sir"

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"Ah, there you are again Blacksmith. I take your point - you'd like America to be overrun by the English. That's quite understandable, and probably the only way that you'll get rid of your strident feminists. You know the sort I mean, the ones who attend the Captain's cocktail-party wearing jeans and drinking from the bottle in some pathetic attempt to establish their 'rights'.

Well, sorry old boy, they are the ultimate deterrent, and whilst they are running amock in America there's no danger of you being attacked by anybody, least of all the English.

As for letting them into the Commodore Club to serve the coffee and do the cleaning; best not to take the risk. Without, of course, they qualify under our strict membership criteria. We've already had some applications from elegant women of means and nubile, pouting soft-porn actresses. In this respect the Club is scheduled to do record business in the future. Your very good health, sir"


pnhmrk, I was all ready to take up your defense against closets (unless w, as it has been said, You were really GOOD in that cloeet...or under the table, or wherever!) But then you had to go and mke that sexist comment about coffee/ Under the table for sure!


I gotcher cofee right here! go ahead! Drink it up! It'sGOOD!



AS for brits overrunning America, they already did that remember? As those of us who came down through the Eastern Cherokee clans, You brits overrunning us got us into this mess were in now! You can take your anglos and your saxons and go back back where you came from.! Leave our great wide praires, mountains, and shores to the natives, who did not have a concept of OWNING what the great mother has given us all to share, providing her bounty to us all, in exchange for our keeping her spirits alive.



who understnad why Brits have the likes of Benny Hill. He is the epitome of their manhood! <teehee!)


P.S. SF, maybe you'd better ask your doctor if you could safely discontinue those meds you are on. They seem to be giving you hallucinations... and delusions of grandeur!

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You know the sort I mean, the ones who attend the Captain's cocktail-party wearing jeans and drinking from the bottle in some pathetic attempt to establish their 'rights'.



Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I WAS invited to the COMMODORE's table. And he picked and had the wines served to me. I said wineS. There was scintillating conversation, and Marc agreed to meet later with Kim to discuss a subject of interest to them both, while the Commodore sent some reading to my cabin later on a subject we had discussed.


What's your point?


Oh yes, I was wearing a lovely royal blue velvet floor-length asynetrically hemmed gown (slight train in the back) with spaghetti straps. Accesorized with a real diamond and sapphire ring, "chandelier" type crystal earrings, if I remember correctly, a royal blue choker (or was it the crystal and sapphire pendant necklace, I forget) and a lovely wrap.



Who needn't sip cognac in the Commodore club if the riffraff has taken it over. I can surely share my charms with others who are more appreciative of them!

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Ahh....yes...what I love to hear...."royal blue velvet.....full length with a train...." Sumptious! And the asymetric hemline? Devine! Forget the necklace...the sublime wrap; is the best!


(What are men doing on this site again??):confused:



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Well, now we have some fun brewing!


The chicks are up in arms (as they should be), the rednecks are stocking up on guns, groceries and guts to await the attack, the royalists are resisting the draft and the gays and homophobics are heading for tables and closets!


Ah, Democracy!


Having helped to create this confusion, I believe that SFT and I should quietly excuse ourselves and head to the bar. The line is much shorter now.


Oh, almost forgot, one more group to "dis". Ahem,,, All you "native Americans" came from someplace else too. These Bering-Straights pedestrians would have us believe otherwise. If that observation offends, maybe next time try fighting a bit harder!:eek:

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Excuse me, but did we leave the Vikings out of this intentionally? Or was that just a faux pas of major proportions?? They did hang out around these parts a bit before you Brits if memory serves....not that I was here with the first wave of them mind you...Cheers, Penny

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I gotcher coffee right here! go ahead! Drink it up! It's GOOD!


I've told you - no coffee if there's gin about!


AS for Brits overrunning America, they already did that remember? As those of us who came down through the Eastern Cherokee clans, You Brits overrunning us got us into this mess were in now!


NO! You're mess is entirely home made - don't blame us (we're in a mess of out own).


Brits have the likes of Benny Hill. He is the epitome of their manhood! <teehee!)


They haven't shown him over her for 15 years - we've realised how unpleasant he is - now we just sell the tapes to people too ignorant to know!

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Excuse me, but did we leave the Vikings out of this intentionally? Or was that just a faux pas of major proportions?? They did hang out around these parts a bit before you Brits if memory serves....not that I was here with the first wave of them mind you...Cheers, Penny


The Brits are descended from all sorts of minor tribes, the Angles, Saxons, Picts, VIKINGS, to name but a few. We're only trying to get back what we originally conquered:p

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We're only trying to get back what we originally conquered:p


Ah Ha..but given the present state of previous conquerees (is that a word???) why on earth would you even want them back? Yup, we Vikings were a generous sort...diluting our genes with all that fraternization and stuff...just look what happened to me when they comingled with a Swede!! I ended up with this evil twin who posts absurd things to questionable people.

Cheers, Penny

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Benny Hill? Are we back on that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang kick again? (He was the Toymaker)


Let's face it, America was made with refuse of Europe, coupled with a native population that had yet to even invent the wheel. But Today, hundreds of year later, look what we've done for the world!


On second thought....nevermind.

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Let's face it, America was made with refuse of Europe, coupled with a native population that had yet to even invent the wheel.



"Oh, come, come, Blacksmith, don't run your country down too much or you'll incur the wrath of those dreadful feminists who insist on infiltrating this site.

America has (or rather had) most of the world's greatest song-writers and many's the time I've appreciated their skill when dancing a classic slow foxtrot. Of course, not everyone appreciates it, for instance my neighbour Jonquil Carruthers is only inspired by the sound of the hunting horn - and that's like holding a red rag to a bull! Woe betide anyone or anything that gets in the way when he's at full gallop. And Jonquil's not a man to stand for stroppy women; I've often seen him put cheeky stable girls across his knee and administer a good spanking. However, he had to change tack on this eventually because he found that the stable girls enjoyed it! It's a funny old world, especially in the English shires."

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Oh don't get me too wrong. I do love my native land. But let's face it, we've been a bit lacking of late.


Ask most American's about our greatest achievement and they'll usually say "landing on the Moon". My friends, that was almost 37 years ago. It's not that we don't contribute, it's that we don't nearly live up to our potential.


Well, I've said enough. And SFT, why is it that your posts of late have included spanking, soft porn and girls looking for father figures? I am a bit concerned...

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Well, I've said enough. And SFT, why is it that your posts of late have included spanking, soft porn and girls looking for father figures? I am a bit concerned...


I concur blacksmithcrm...it's getting worrisome. And I'm hardpressed to relate it to the actual function of this forum...cruising??? Unless I've missed the boat somehow.;) Cheers, Penny

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Whew! I just came up for air! It takes a while to read through what began as a simple question.


Let me vote yes on the jeans issue. I'll tell you why.


Denim is only a cotton fabric. It is done up in farm wear and country/western wear and mostly the "look" is casual. You don't see denim worked up in a man's suit or woman's ballgown. (Although some C/W wear can be worked up quite high-end. Quite. Still, it all does look of the farm and the saddle, although as if they just fell off the turnip truck.) You now see denim worked up in all colors, mostly in items of casual clothing.


Behold the blue jean! Jeans!


In most any public gathering today are not nearly half the people wearing some type and color of jeans? Yes. Look around you. Jeans and tee shirt. Jeans and halter. Jeans and blouse. Jeans, sneaks and sweatshirt. Jeans, trainers and jumper. Jeans and jacket. Also, you now see "jeans" done in most all fabrics as a cut, a type, of trouser style. But the look is always going to be informal and casual. I don't think you'd wear jeans to meet the Vicar or HM The Queen or the President or to any obvious coat-and-tie occasion; but jeans are here with us to stay and have been since ... well, I've never not known them!


Bermuda shorts, Capri pants, madras, twills, sweats, khakis, corduroys, seersuckers, jeans...it is all a clothing choice for a type of pants. For many men and woman today, jeans are a wardrobe staple. Look upon them for what they are, not what they were. But I think all will agree jeans are always and only casual and informal, even when dressed up enough to pass for something other than denim.


On ship, on the Cunard Queens, you are always going to see people wearing jeans: fresh jeans, done-to-jeans, new, pressed, but only as articles of clothing and not as examples of their mind-set or background, or lack of both. Some will be mannered, some not. Some knowledgeable, some not.


I hope this board agrees, or at least accepts, that jeans are only suitable for casual day-wear! I hope that on this board all are of the after-six necktie-for-men school and agree that proper evening wear for women is best and not some assemblage of product, that a tuxedo and not a suit is preferential attire for men on black tie nights, that white dinner jackets can be ok on really hot nights in hot months on hot waters...but that is all another thread.


This is not to be a "jeans are today, deal with it" post. For casual days at sea, even when boarding or at disembnarkation, I vote "yes" on the jeans issue. I mean, one could be wearing khakis or madras, it's all today's casual non-tie-event dress. It's a clothing choice.


Last summer on both Cunard Queens I had some time on ... in jeans. Mostly I lived in Gucci loafers, no sox, well-fitted Levi 501s, white Lacoste, navy blazer. To the table I brought impeccable manners. And impeccable pecs. No one threw rocks or food at me. :)

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