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Lawyer already to sue for Celbrity bus accident


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Just a simple correction here. The authorities in Chile have stated that the driver of the bus was confronted with a truck coming at him, head on, and he had to swerve to avoid the collision, losing control of the vehicle in the process.

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It appears that the ambulance chasers have decided that there may be deep pockets to get their hands into, and they can't wait to pick those pockets. Next step is for them to create a class action suit, and the pocket gets even deeper. A legal firm has recently claimed $1,400,000 in fees for getting Netflix (a dvd rental company) to give a class of customers a free month of rentals.


Some of the deepest pockets I know of (evidenced by the amount of their political contributions) belong to trial lawyers. Maybe we can come up with a class of citizens that have suffered monitary losses due to the depradations of trial lawyers. For example; trial lawyers have added billions of dollars annually to our medical care costs, and politically protect this money stream by bribing government officials with hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions each year. There should be enough money available from the ABA and their members to attract some first rate shysters. I would be at the head of the line to sign up for this class action.




Finally someone who thinks like I do. I have actually sent letters to several major class action law firms informing them that if I loss money on a stock position becasue of their class action suit I will form a class action suit against them. Worked in one case. The firm dropped the attempt. Gues they were abulance chasing on that one and got caught. I totally agree, $1,200,00 for the attorney and a free month of DVD rentals. Big woop. Time we started to fight back.

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What it comes down to is that none of us knows the entire story and it's really premature to blame ANYONE (the driver, the tour company, the cruiseline, the passengers, the lawyer who might sue) until the investigation is done and we know the cause of the accident.


I'm not sure that we can ever really blame the passengers (other than to say that they should have been more careful in choosing an excursion) but as far as anyone else goes, no one knows whose fault this was. If it really was the fault of the tour operator or driver, there's a legitimate lawsuit there. Maybe this particular lawyer is a little too anxious to get in there... but if people were killed because someone else messed up, it's a valid lawsuit.


I'm a lawyer, so I may be a bit quick to defend the lawyer in this case (although I do defence work and rarely take the side of any ambulance chaser... :D) but if someone was negligent, the families are totally entitled to their lawsuit.

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What it comes down to is that none of us knows the entire story and it's really premature to blame ANYONE (the driver, the tour company, the cruiseline, the passengers, the lawyer who might sue) until the investigation is done and we know the cause of the accident.



. but if people were killed because someone else messed up, it's a valid lawsuit.


but if someone was negligent, the families are totally entitled to their lawsuit.


Couldn't agree more Suzy. But why let your sensible approach get in the way of a good vent?

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of course someone was negligent. But how is the cruise lines responsibility? It should laughed out of court except what happened was so tragic. Some people try to make money off other people's misery. BTW merely because they might have been unlicensed doesn't mean they were negligent. Some people drive without a drivers license. It doesn't mean when there is an accident with them involved that they are automatically at fault.

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Was the tour operator a agent of the cruise line? If not can the line prohibit you the cruiser from going on said tour? And if you do can they remove you from the cruise for putting them in a legal potential issue? Let them sue if they lose their lawyer pays both his client for services rendered in a unsatisfactory manor and pays the other parties for legal fees rendered.


Need to put the fear of God and money in folks.

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Why, why, why is there so much hostility toward an attorney willing to represent someone who has suffered a loss? He or She is looking for a client. If no one steps forward, he doesn't have a job.

In Iraq, we lose sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, mothers, fathers, etc., daily. The close relatives complain. Who else listens? The tragedy in Chile was about the same loss of American life as a normal day in Iraq.

Get realistic. A life is a life. Does it matter where? Does it matter that the person was on vacation? A death in Iraq is as important as a death on a cruise ship!

Why are we questioning whether or not a cigarette caused one death on a cruise ship when we have thousands of death in a foreign country. The deaths in Chile equate to one unfortunate soldier stepping on a mine in Iraq. The soldier and a lot of his buddies lose their lives.

The dialog about "we are sorry about this tragedy" doesn't mean much when we are are losing American citizens daily in a foreign country with no acknowledgment. GET REAL. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE!

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Why, why, why is there so much hostility toward an attorney willing to represent someone who has suffered a loss? He or She is looking for a client. If no one steps forward, he doesn't have a job.

In Iraq, we lose sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, mothers, fathers, etc., daily. The close relatives complain. Who else listens? The tragedy in Chile was about the same loss of American life as a normal day in Iraq.

Get realistic. A life is a life. Does it matter where? Does it matter that the person was on vacation? A death in Iraq is as important as a death on a cruise ship!

Why are we questioning whether or not a cigarette caused one death on a cruise ship when we have thousands of death in a foreign country. The deaths in Chile equate to one unfortunate soldier stepping on a mine in Iraq. The soldier and a lot of his buddies lose their lives.

The dialog about "we are sorry about this tragedy" doesn't mean much when we are are losing American citizens daily in a foreign country with no acknowledgment. GET REAL. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE!



Please don't preach war and its reasons to me. I spent my time in hell and don't need to hear you

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:( First let me say, my heart goes out to all of the families of this tragic accident. We as American citizens tend to think that where ever we travel in the world, our American justice system travels with us. Believe me it doesn't. I know,as my mother, who was an American citizen, was murdered in another country. All legal claims will be handled under the government of Chile, according to their laws, and judicial system, which is entirely different than ours. We have no legal claims outside of our own country. When you travel to another country, you do not take the protection of the United States legal system with you. Once you set foot in another country, you are under their legal jurisdiction. It is important that we all realize this. Will this stop me from traveling to see all parts of the world, and experiencing all of its beauty? Not in a heartbeat, but it does make me more aware of what is around me, and to appreciate all of the beauty of it, and its reality.I couldn't be with my mother when she died, but she died in the arms of her best friends, in a beautiful setting, where she loved to be. The one conselation that I hope all the family members will have, is that they were together with friends, at a place that they were thoroughly enjoying, doing something that they loved to do, when they were taken from this earth. Everyone, please say a prayer for those family members that are left behind, as well as those who died. I hope I haven't offended anyone, just wanted to offer my condolences, and to tell everyone, live each day to its fullest and enjoy life,it is so precious!


" Life is a journey, not a destination"

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I am against ambulance chasing, but the tour company and driver bear extreme responsibility in this case and are responsible and should be held responsible. I am probably going to be flamed, but this is not like falling off a bar stool - what a horrible analogy! I am actually appalled that someone would compare this to that. While I agree Celebrity should not be involved, to think that these people, their estates, and their families should have no recourse is unfair. I imagine this is going to be a terrible case to go after, foreign company and all that. While I don't advocate immediately going after an attorney, and am completely against ambulance chasing, these families deserve their day in court for the loss of their loved ones.
of course there is a difference between what some sue for and others, I really don't think anyone doesn't feel the tour company is liable, but my understanding is: the lawyer wants to go after Celebrity; he knows sueing a company in a foreign could be a lost cause. Of course the families deserve their day in count, but not at the expense of Celebrity. NMNIta
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of course there is a difference between what some sue for and others, I really don't think anyone doesn't feel the tour company is liable, but my understanding is: the lawyer wants to go after Celebrity; he knows sueing a company in a foreign could be a lost cause. Of course the families deserve their day in count, but not at the expense of Celebrity. NMNIta


Totally agree.:) :rolleyes:

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Just a simple correction here. The authorities in Chile have stated that the driver of the bus was confronted with a truck coming at him, head on, and he had to swerve to avoid the collision, losing control of the vehicle in the process.
and do you believe all the stories you hear about the Easter bunny and Santa as well? I don't mean to say this wasn't the case, but I certainly wouldn't jump to the conclusion that what the authorities reported is true. NMNita
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Why, why, why is there so much hostility toward an attorney willing to represent someone who has suffered a loss? He or She is looking for a client. If no one steps forward, he doesn't have a job.

In Iraq, we lose sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, mothers, fathers, etc., daily. The close relatives complain. Who else listens? The tragedy in Chile was about the same loss of American life as a normal day in Iraq.

Get realistic. A life is a life. Does it matter where? Does it matter that the person was on vacation? A death in Iraq is as important as a death on a cruise ship!

Why are we questioning whether or not a cigarette caused one death on a cruise ship when we have thousands of death in a foreign country. The deaths in Chile equate to one unfortunate soldier stepping on a mine in Iraq. The soldier and a lot of his buddies lose their lives.

The dialog about "we are sorry about this tragedy" doesn't mean much when we are are losing American citizens daily in a foreign country with no acknowledgment. GET REAL. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE!

your peace and freedom lectures have nothing to do with what happened in Chile, the person who died in the fire had a heart attack, we do not know what caused the fire, we have a son who fought in Desert Storm, so we don't need to hear about Iraq and I personally do not think these boards are a place to aire political views.
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Why, why, why is there so much hostility toward an attorney willing to represent someone who has suffered a loss? He or She is looking for a client.


I agree.....don't know the attorney, but he is just doing his job. Everyone gets bent out of shape over (insert your own description) an attorney representing the worse criminal. The person is just doing his job. Am I an attorney? No Do I really care for them? No But, once you realize they are just doing their jobs, it is easier to go on.

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I've got to agree the Shirley and Les post really galls me...not because of content, as I agree with them, but because of placement...it doesn't belong here. I do believe that there is some responsibility of the victims here but that doesn't lessen my sympathy for the families left behind. My prayers go out to all the families at their time of need...BTW I doubt any of them are reading these ramblings. JMHO

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The attorney wants clients. Clients=money no complaints there. So do they say no way is Celebrity liable? Or do they do as requested and collect a paycheck? This can be debated. As I watched the news today they showed the remains of the people returning to New Jersey. Not buired yet but lawsuits started. Money does strange things to people.


Yet how can we turn this tragedy into money is the issue. I pray for those who truly mourn and those deceased. I do not pray for anyone looking to make money disguised as grief.

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I have never lost a family member or loved one in anything as tragic and unexpected as this but my first thought when I hear that a family member contacted him (Rivkind) is that maybe they are so grieve stricken that they are looking for someone to blame. It is very common in the grieving process. They will come to in a few weeks with the right counseling but let’s not jump on them. People grieve in very different ways. I for one will not be surprised when they start showing up on TV (it is inevitable) blaming X. Again this is their way of grieving right or wrong and it will pass.


As for Rivkind.... there will always be sleazy lawyers out to make a quick buck. Unfortunately that isn't enough to be him disbarred.


How true about grief. My father passed away recently, and the anger that I felt towards just about everyone involved with his care really surprised me. Three days after his death, I would have sued everyone remotely connected to him - but as time went on, I saw things in a more realistic perspective.


Very insightful of you - Thanks

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Every spring, various towns will hold a rattlesnake round-up. Controls the population and generates tourist dollars.


The most interesting part is that various animal rights groups keep trying to stop it, but to no avail.


There is a group that recommends we cease doing it, and begin rounding up lawyers....


SInce a rattler will not bite a layer (professional courtesy) they are kinda one and the same and I bet we would get bigger crowds as they drop those lawyers into the canvas bags like they do the rattlers.

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Hell, let's kill all the lawyers (Shakespeare, sort of :)) Lawyers are a necessary part of life whether we like it or not. They are also very easy targets. Hopefully, most people will never be in serious need of the services of a lawyer but, if you are, you will be praying yours is one smart tiger. For the poster who stated lawyers had an enormous effect on healthcare costs, you have been listening to too much rhetoric. Frivolous malpractice suits are an irritant for sure but hardly a dent in the overall costs of healthcare.

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your peace and freedom lectures have nothing to do with what happened in Chile, the person who died in the fire had a heart attack, we do not know what caused the fire, we have a son who fought in Desert Storm, so we don't need to hear about Iraq and I personally do not think these boards are a place to aire political views.


Shirley and Les are way off base.



Korea, 1952

Proud father of a U.S. Navy veteran 1989-1993

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Hell, let's kill all the lawyers (Shakespeare, sort of :)) Lawyers are a necessary part of life whether we like it or not. They are also very easy targets. Hopefully, most people will never be in serious need of the services of a lawyer but, if you are, you will be praying yours is one smart tiger. For the poster who stated lawyers had an enormous effect on healthcare costs, you have been listening to too much rhetoric. Frivolous malpractice suits are an irritant for sure but hardly a dent in the overall costs of healthcare.



I don't think that's the entire drift of this thread. Rattle snakes helping grieved love ones find a way to put money in their pockets. You are what you are. To see Uncle Louie die anywhere and for whatever reasons tragic. Even if you liked uncle Louie the money you gain makes you feel so much better right? Please give me a break. I have no malice against lawyers but will admit most politicians are lawyers. You be the judge. Opps another lawyer. Ok you be the tooth fairy.

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