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Live From Mercury (the Sick Ship) 3/27/06


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After reading threads like this one, I no longer will be cruising on vacation (not that you guys care). While no cruise line can control what passengers bring aboard with them and spread, they can control the environment with medically accepted practices. Spraying bleach in large quantities in an enclosed area can be toxic. While the CDC may have recommended bleaching everything and anything in sight, the amount of bleach used and the length of days it was used could induce bleach poisoning in children and suseptible adults. It sounds like X overdid it.


I'm truly sorry to read of this. To me, it suggests that cruise lines are unable to contain or control the spread of viruses in a safe manner. My sympathy to anyone on the Mercury who had to endure this.


Before you decide to write off cruising, keep in mind that the reason this episode has caused so much upset is because it is the exception, not the rule.


Yes, Mercury clearly overdid it. That doesn't mean that all viral outbreaks on all cruises will be handled this way. Matter of fact, most of them aren't handled this way. Which is why we are upset.


I do hope you don't give up on cruising vacations. They are usually wonderful experiences.



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Hi Karyn, Susan! What a fun breakfast we had. We should do that again real soon!

I am choosing to take the side that these posters who always have the right answer just can not wrap their minds around what went on during this cruise. In all fairness, I think it was so unusual that it is hard to believe. However, there are many of us posting on here saying the same thing, that it did happen and it was AWFUL. Was I bummed out 24/7/11? No. I enjoyed the ports, I enjoyed the dinners, I met some really nice people, etc. So the trip was not a TOTAL loss, just not an X cruise!:(


This was a total case of mismanagement on the part of Celebrity corporate and the Mercury Captain and Officers. There are MUCH better ways to handle these situations and most ship Captain's do it right. I think a good bit of this bad trip should be laid right at his germophobic feet!!

If you guys are ever going out of the east coast or south, let me know!!

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Sorry to jump in here so late, but I have family obligations to deal with whenever I return from a trip. My Mother has chronic health issues and matters to tend to before I can even think about turning on the PC.


Let me say Tuggers and others has given a fair and accurate assessment of the cruise. My heart goes out for all of those who had to undergo breathing treatments and other medical necessities. This cruise was miserable for some.


I will be honest and say that I did not go back and read each post....but did anyone mention that the container that they were getting the "bleach smelling liquid" was labed in BIG LETTERS......"CORROSIVE?"


I hope that the passengers embarking on 4-7-06 will have a better experience.


Also, I have great empathy for the crew.....they are exhausted. Even the "contract" employees (the Celebrity dancers, the spa employees, etc.) were "bleaching." We can not begin to relay all that happened.

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Susan, I've cruised sporatically on several lines throughout the years and loved all of them....especially X. My concern here is that if this proves to be an effective, quick measure to stop the current virus du jour, then the course of action taken will not be the exception but the rule especially if the CDC does not detail appropriate santizing methods. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions but I see it as a definite possibility.

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Hi Karyn, Susan! What a fun breakfast we had. We should do that again real soon!

I am choosing to take the side that these posters who always have the right answer just can not wrap their minds around what went on during this cruise. In all fairness, I think it was so unusual that it is hard to believe. However, there are many of us posting on here saying the same thing, that it did happen and it was AWFUL. Was I bummed out 24/7/11? No. I enjoyed the ports, I enjoyed the dinners, I met some really nice people, etc. So the trip was not a TOTAL loss, just not an X cruise!:(


This was a total case of mismanagement on the part of Celebrity corporate and the Mercury Captain and Officers. There are MUCH better ways to handle these situations and most ship Captain's do it right. I think a good bit of this bad trip should be laid right at his germophobic feet!!

If you guys are ever going out of the east coast or south, let me know!!




Bill and I, Susan and Ed are leaving out of New Jersey on the 28th!!! Wanna head north?



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Hi Cindy! Hope all was well with your mom.

I've been trying to explain our situation on board but there are some who still want to find fault with us for getting on the ship. I started this from on board so that others coming after us would at least have the true facts before they decided to sail or not. I've taken some heat for it, but, frankly, if I helped one person it's worth the personal digs. Those of us who were on board know how it was. Those who weren't there can not even imagine.

Sure did enjoy the time I spent with you and John. Let's do it again, soon!:D

John, I had no idea you were sick. We had fun at the Margarita tasting didn't we?:eek:


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Would love to, but I'll be already 2 days on Prinsendam for my 25 night Amazon.

Wonder if we'll hit any of the ports together? Are you guys going to Aruba? If so remember the restaurant I told you about!

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Would love to, but I'll be already 2 days on Prinsendam for my 25 night Amazon.

Wonder if we'll hit any of the ports together? Are you guys going to Aruba? If so remember the restaurant I told you about!


Gail we're doing the TA to Dover, but I will remember that restaurant and the Argentian beef! Your Amazon cruise sounds fantastic....enjoy!!



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Now this sounds like a very strong statement and it is confusing to me. What do you mean "you got a note" from whom, what are you talking about? 100 people with gastrointestinal problems is over the requirement that they report that to CDC, are you saying that there were over 100 people that had some type of gastro problem and they did not report it (in which case you should document this to CDC), because if CDC were aware of this it would have been posted on their site, which it is not. Or are you saying of those 100 ill there were heart attacks, hurt elbows, etc.....please clarify.


Can you see how making a statement like this without clarification can be seen as incendiary?


Lighten up Joe...go to http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/health/20060330-9999-6m30cruise.html and read it for yourself. Clear now?.:cool:

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When there is a highly contageous illness aboard a ship, the cruise line is forced to choose between doing everything possible to minimize the number of people who get sick or attempting to provide passengers with the best cruise experience possible even if it means risking their passengers health. In my opinion, aside from cancelling the cruise which would have been the best choice, they made the right decison. I think most people would rather be inconvenienced than become infected with the Norwalk Virus during their cruise.

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:cool: I read all entries this beautiful Easter Sunday, and noticed that way back somewhere someone jumped Gail/Tugger's case for not mentioning in her entry the 25% discount that came to all passengers


(:(-- noteably--a discount that came after some of us engaged in serious discussions with Miami and ship staff-- :( )


If you (that complainer) really had been paying attention, you, whoever you are, (I'm not gonna take time to go back to find your name) would have noticed that G/T posted her first entries WHILE the cruise was going on, and BEFORE all passengers received notice that a rebate would be forthcoming.


Gail, good work. See you again. :D


Oh...and don't worry. I only became seasick when I went up front to the Talent Show rehearsal on that last bouncy sea day...good thing I hadn't eaten anything at all yet that day!...a Bonine, and a laydown with my eyes on the TV and all became well. Good thing nobody saw me, or I would have been quarantined! :eek:

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. . .


I am choosing to take the side that these posters who always have the right answer just can not wrap their minds around what went on during this cruise. In all fairness, I think it was so unusual that it is hard to believe. However, there are many of us posting on here saying the same thing, that it did happen and it was AWFUL. Was I bummed out 24/7/11? No. I enjoyed the ports, I enjoyed the dinners, I met some really nice people, etc. So the trip was not a TOTAL loss, just not an X cruise!:(

. . .





That was a fun breakfast, Gail, even with the kid on the roof and the concertina wire.:D Too bad we'll miss you before leaving on the Connie!


I'm hope that X will learn something from this episode.


For myself, I can't imagine that after waiting for the day of a cruise to arrive and then flying across the country to enjoy a Celebrity experience that I would have walked away had I been given the information that you had. But then again, I am used to being wrong on occasion!;)



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As a 3/17 Mercury cruiser, I've posted earlier on my impressions. I'm not going to belabor the point further that our cruise, while having many highlights, did not meet expectations. My comments have been tame in comparison to some fellow cruisers. Regardless of the decibel, there is a tendency on this (these) board not to want to receive negative news about their favored line and a defensive posture prevails. I would say this was the situation here until tuggers post from the ship. You have earned credibility on this site, so those of us still trying to do the same appreciated the vindication. It would not surprise you, I'm sure, that we earlier cruisers are jealous of your compensation. I admit to guessing, but I bet a lot of that is due to tuggers getting the complaints off the ship to her ta and corporate while aboard. To my knowledge, complaints were all internal from our group during the cruise itself. Once gone and scattered, there's little incentive to deal with us. Celebrity could go a long way with goodwill, however, if they acknowledged in some fashion the limitations experienced by our group. Maybe no refund but an IOU on a future cruise credit. We boarded with no warnings or diminished expectations. As for those now speculating what they would have done in your situation, given the option not to cruise....or thinking they understand the condition of the ship after the "enhanced cleaning", it's hard, I'm sure, to envision the aesthetic result from the amount of bleach continually being applied. Second guessing is pointless without the experience. Personally, I thank you for shedding more light onto the situation. And, I'm sure you join me in hoping that the height of medical concerns has lowered so that future Mercury cruisers will not share our same experience.


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Hi Gail !


Just a quick Welcome Home ! Thanks for your posts throughout your Mercury sailing. I am sorry your Cruise was most difficult, but knowing you, I am sure it wont deter you. At least, I hope not :)


Take Care Gail !

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When there is a highly contageous illness aboard a ship, the cruise line is forced to choose between doing everything possible to minimize the number of people who get sick or attempting to provide passengers with the best cruise experience possible even if it means risking their passengers health. In my opinion, aside from cancelling the cruise which would have been the best choice, they made the right decison. I think most people would rather be inconvenienced than become infected with the Norwalk Virus during their cruise.


I'm sure everyone understands that the crew was doing what they thought was best in order to keep others from getting the virus. What tuggers and others who were on the ship are saying is that the measures were extreme, almost to the point of being toxic to passengers and crew. Even my TA was getting reports that the bleaching was overdone. Believe you me, I've been on a ship undergoing "sanitizing" and yes, we had to endure cloudy chrome, mirrors, and windows, and a "served" buffet, but it sounds like nothing compared to what tuggers and mercruiser describe.

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Hi Cindy!!!

It was really nice meeting you and John on the cruise. Thanks to you and Tuggers for being so assertive and focused with the Guest Relations Management on the critical issues faced by all of us on the cruise. Maybe some management problems will get corrected. We can always HOPE.

Again, thanks!!!! FortyNinerLiz

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Well said, Host Anne!

Hello to all you fellow MV Chlorine returnees! I enjoyed meeting each and every one of you and hope to sail with you again one day!

For those interested in writing, I have posted email addresses and names for President, CEO and Corporate Customer Service Manager.:D

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We were on the March 17-27th Mercury. We don't hold X responsible for the virus and understand the need to curtailed onboard services because of the public health risk. We feel sorry for the poor crew members working in conditons that would not be allowed in Ontario. We made the best of the cruise, met great people, great ports of call, good entertainment, best dining room waiters, great dining room food.


We have written a 7 page letter to X's President requesting compensation and detailing 3 major issues. Firstly, the norovirus which we feel X had no control over reduced the quality of the cruise. Secondy, we cited several examples of poor service in our letter which were not virus related. These services gaps would not be found on Holland America. Thirdly, we identified several health and safety issues which again, are not virus related but related to lack of attention to detail. Our letter cites specific recommendations on passenger communcation, use of hazardous chemicials, improved Guest Relations and others.


I am waiting for a written response from X before I jump the gun. They may need time to take this whole mess up with their Board of Directors. However, if X does not make this right, I have every intention of bringing down the wrath of God!

Bob...east of Toronto

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I am sure He will be a bit too busy to help you out peters5 ;) . So, barring that as a legitimate option, just what do you plan to do.



However, if X does not make this right, I have every intention of bringing down the wrath of God!

Bob...east of Toronto

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Those who chose to board the Mercury on March 27, in spite of having the option from Celebrity of not doing so, had to realize before they even set foot on that ship that this particular cruise would not be able to provide the typical Celebrity experience


Those of us not on the cruise have no right to downplay their experience, and certainly not to make inappropriate 'observations' and comparisons. A little respect is in order for those who were on these affected cruises, especially those like Gail who tried their best to warn everyone on land about the situation they were living minute to minute, day to day so that perhaps cruisers on the next cruise could make an INFORMED decision about whether to board or not, and not a decision based on a downplayed, watered-down PR version of events Celebrity painted to them AT THE PIER.


Everyone who took these recent MERCURY cruises did what they could to have a good time IN SPITE of having their cruise reduced to a biochemical laboratory experiment. I applaud them for doing their best to make lemonade from lemons. They will be the first to say that not everything was bad.


I am so disgusted with the Monday morning quarterbacks who are downplaying how this matter was handled on MERCURY. They were NOT on this cruise (neither was I, but know firsthand how dangerous bleach and disinfecting chemicals can be to our health and those who are immune compromised, frail, dermatologically sensitive, or have respiratory illnesses and disorders. Having an outbreak on a ship is bad enough without the cure being as bad as the cause. Even though Celebrity didn't cause the problem, the way they are dealing with it is horrendous and shows little regard for both crew and guests.

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Those of us not on the cruise have no right to downplay their experience, and certainly not to make inappropriate 'observations' and comparisons. A little respect is in order for those who were on these affected cruises, especially those like Gail who tried their best to warn everyone on land about the situation they were living minute to minute, day to day so that perhaps cruisers on the next cruise could make an INFORMED decision about whether to board or not, and not a decision based on a downplayed, watered-down PR version of events Celebrity painted to them AT THE PIER.


Everyone who took these recent MERCURY cruises did what they could to have a good time IN SPITE of having their cruise reduced to a biochemical laboratory experiment. I applaud them for doing their best to make lemonade from lemons. They will be the first to say that not everything was bad.


I am so disgusted with the Monday morning quarterbacks who are downplaying how this matter was handled on MERCURY. They were NOT on this cruise (neither was I, but know firsthand how dangerous bleach and disinfecting chemicals can be to our health and those who are immune compromised, frail, dermatologically sensitive, or have respiratory illnesses and disorders. Having an outbreak on a ship is bad enough without the cure being as bad as the cause. Even though Celebrity didn't cause the problem, the way they are dealing with it is horrendous and shows little regard for both crew and guests.


Bravo !

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