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Tanning story & dumb question...

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I have always tanned... moderately... enough to give me a nice bronze color. Yesterday, I asked a retail sales clerk, with a great tan, where she went and she told me her story. She then added.... to my horror... this awful story about a woman she waited on the other day that had tons of stitches all over her arms face and lips. She apparently noticed the woman's nice tan too and showed her her wounds and explanied that these were a result of recent biopsy surgery to remove spots of skin cancer. The lady told me she freaked and it scared her but not enought to stop. She said the woman begged her to stop... "because this is what could happen to you!"

I just stared at the woman! I had just signed up that day for my tanning sessions to give me some nice color. I am scared now.

I have always known the risk... but that really put it in my face I guess.


So here is my question. I can't stand my white body, and have to do something. My sister and I just ordered some products from a recent posting on here for Designer Skin products. My sister tans all year and is not worried at all, or at least not enough to alter her regimen. Since I am... she suggested that I only go a few days and then use sunless for the rest. My thoughts on this are that it would be less damaging... but will it make a difference?

Also, I know there are a lot of decent sunless products out there, but can they or SHOULD they be combined with actual tanning?

What are all of your thoughts..... my vanity is getting the best of me I guess... as I know I probably should just quit all together?

Help me....:(

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I tan moderatly before a cruise. I have 2 grandparents who have survived skin cancer and a good friend who just had 3 spots removed due to skin cancer. I understand I'm at risk and the risks, but I also don't tan enough EVER to burn. There are people who will criticize you either way.


Just remember if you use a sunless tanner with regular tanning that most sunless tanners do NOT contain any sort of sunscreen and won't protect you from very damaging rays. Even if you don't look burnt, you may be more "tan" from the sun than you think. You'll be getting a tan, but it's MUCH harder to judge how much you're getting if you're using a sunless tanner as well.


Go to a professional tanning salon (we have an AWESOME one here in my town) they will be able to advise you on which lotions and things are the best. Tell them your concerns and questions. A good salon will be able to help you with your questions and concerns. My salon here in town has actaully turned people away they feel are getting too much exposure or at too high of a risk.


The tanning decision is entirelly yours. Like I said, people are going to try to convince you either way, but in the end, it's YOUR decision. There are risks involved, yes, and the fact that you're aware of them makes you MUCH smarter than many who fry blindly. The way I, personally, look at it, there's risks in EVERYTHING you do. Whether or not you take the risk, is up to you! :) GOOD LUCK!

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Yes, there is a risk of skin cancer, but I am still tanning for my upcoming cruise. Now I'm only tanning for a month to get a good base tan to keep myself from burning on vacation and I only use tanning beds for that one month period every few years. So I consider it a small risk and take the chance, since it's such a rare occasion for me. Plus, I'm very careful about taking it slow so as not to burn (but I have to admit that I blew that last week by getting into a stand-up tanner and not realizing how much more powerful they are and it got me a little pink...something I plan to learn from and always ask when I'm unfamiliar with the equipment).


My SIL tans every day and has been for years, she even owns her own tanning bed. She's always dark and though I caution her constantly about the danger of cancer, she blows me off. The years of tanning are catching up with her and her face is showing the damage. She's in her mid-40s, but her skin ages her to mid-50s. That scares me more than the cancer! :eek:

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You can kid yourself all you want...if you think you're NOT doing damage to your skin cause you don't burn...you're only fooling yourself, which of course, is no one's business but yours.


Seems like some people are just as addicted to tanning as people are to smoking. All you have to do is look around at women in their early 40s who have tanned a lot and you'll see what the sun and tanning beds can do.


I supposed the risk is worth it to some, but to look good for a cruise?? I don't get it. Especially when being rubbery brown is not particularly in fashion these days....and there are such wonderful self tanners and bronzers on the market.


I don't mean to be so harsh, but I have a sister who used to tan with a baby oil and iodine mixture and an aluminum shield thingy to reflect the sun around her face even more. She is 53 now and has half her face missing from dug out skin cancers. She doesn't worry now about looking good with a tan. She's never going to look good again.

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When I was still cutting hair, I saw a lot of people who had scars from sun damage/skin cancer removal/age spots/wrinkles. Most of it was on faces, necks and arms, the places most people will see on you.


I think the problem stems from people not realizing what damage they are doing when they are young and beautiful. You just don't think it will ever happen to you. The damage is cumulative and can take years to show up. It's probably a good thing for young people to really look at older skin, they can make a more educated choice when it comes to things like tanning.


I enjoy laying in the sun and reading/relaxing. But, I always use a 25-30 spf, higher on my face and wear a hat, to further shield my face. I don't lay out for hours, if I still want to stay out on a lounger, I move to the shade after a while. I did not enjoy sunbathing in my youth, so my skin still looks pretty good for my age.


I had a friend (unfortunately she recently passed, not from skin cancer) who was only a year older than me. If you put us side by side, you would have thought she was in her late 70's, instead of her early 50's, from the condition of her skin. Not only was her face wrinkled, but also her arms and legs. Up until her demise, she was a toasty brown. She thought she looked good.


The problem stems from so many thinking that a tan looks "healthy" when a tan is the skins way of screaming out from damage. I stopped worrying about the color of my legs when I was around 40, I wear shorts in spite of my skin color and a few spider veins. That it may offend some people is their problem, not mine. I refuse to be uncomfortable and hot because someone doesn't care for the appearance of my legs.


I've stated on other threads how I am not in judgement of tatoos, piercings or revealing clothes that younger people wear. Perhaps younger people can be more accepting of the inevitable ageing of our bodies, they will get there soon too, if they're lucky!


We'd all be so much happier if we stopped worrying so much about these little things and just concentrated on our experiences while they were happening. A tan is the last thing I worry about, or plan for, when we're leaving on a cruise. A tan also does nothing to protect your skin from a sunburn, you can still burn with a "base".

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I will be going on my first cruise in January. It is a charter cruise with a bunch of friends that all have the same musical tastes. I would love to brown and tan for the cruise, but I won't.


Kathy is right, you can burn anyway, you are still going to have to use sense.


My daughter tans and I can't fuss at her, I did the same thing years ago. My husband had a skin cancer removed from the top of his head (it's not very protected by hair :p) and it scared me.


I am a very large, pasty white woman that freckles with long gray hair. Whoo, sounds good doesn't it??? ;) I will be wearing shorts and I will be going down the slide and I want to snorkle. I am going to have fun and anyone that doesn't want to see, doesn't have to watch.


Here is a link to a program where you can have a photo taken of your face that shows the damage that you have already sustained. It is offered at a day spa locally, you can probably find it in your area as well.




If you get your photo done and still want to tan, go for it.



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The key to anything is moderation. A fatty piece of bacon will not clog your artires. The "All bacon diet" might (no, that is not a dig at Atkins). A drink once in a while is not a bad thing. Constant drinking can and does lead to liver problems. A cigarette a few times at a bar in your 20's is no big deal but smoke two packs a day... You get where I'm going here right?


Sunblock when you are out and about and some moderate tanning will not kill you or cause skin cancer, imo. My stepmother bakes for hours a day and has had three sights of cancer removed.

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Tanning can be very addicting..I go practically everyday, but if I notice that I got burned, ill lay off for about a week. I also cover my face when I go tanning, because there are so many facial bronzers out there, and i dont want to increase my chance of getting wrinkles later on.. im 17 now btw


When i'm tanning for an occasion, like a party, Ill go tanning all that week then get airbrushed a day or two before the party. The results are awesome and last for about a week. It is kind of like the mystic tanning, but a lady does it for you. its about 30 dollars, but so worth it :p


anyway always take caution with whatever you do :)

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Thank you , thank you......

I have given it a lot of thought and read all of your comments. I have always had a beautiful tan and now I am terrified as to what I may have done. I had a mole last year, while I was pregnant, removed that was iffy. Luckily, it was NOT cancerous, but that was God whispering to me I guess.Before he decides to go from a whisper to throwing a brick at me, I will heed the warning immediately.


I am still vain I guess, as I am needing my "color fix" regardless. However, it will NOT, I repeat NOT be coming from the tanning bed this year.


Thank you to all of your thoughts and advice. I have been researching some great sites on sunless products, WOW... there are TONS these days!!!! I will be buying some immediately and using those instead.I have had great luck in the past, but loved the "real thing" more. Not worth it to me anymore.

When I go on my cruise I will use sunblock and limit my direct exposure.



Those pictures scared the HELL out of me! Thank you

P.S.... my hubbie will thank you too, as he points this out every year!:rolleyes:

Thanks Again!

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I use a self tanner and mix it with my regular moisturizer. I use a skin-firming lotion on my legs, and I use about half and half of lotion and the self tanner. I've found it's MUCH easier to get it even. Using it on your own, the self tanner can really cling to dry spots like knees, elbows, and other patches, causing that blotchy look. Exfoliate VERY well, and consider mixing the self tanner with another lotion. I saw very nice results in less than 3 days. Another bonus is that your self tanner will last MUCH longer! :)

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I love a beautiful tan and feel much prettier, sexier, etc when I have one. I use to go to the tanning bed and get a nice dark tan for the summer. Five years ago I came down with shingles and my skin was so sensitive I had to stop tanning for what I thought would be only maybe a year of so. Then 2 years ago, I had to have a medical device implanted in my abdoman to control the pain left from the shingles. I was told by the manufacturer that tanning beds were out because it would affect the device adversly. My solution, Jergens Natural Glow. Certainly, it's not as good as tanning, but its safer and it helps me feel better about how I look.

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My l7 year started tanning in a tanning booth the first of April for prom the end of the month. I have told her to take it easy but..............

I understand where they want to look tan in their pretty dresses. Last year I didn't let her do it and she did look awfully white in her pink dress. After this month, I'm not paying anything for it. I am guilty of the sun also. Although I am 51, I do use sunscreen more than I ever did. I still want to tan but not burn.

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My l7 year started tanning in a tanning booth the first of April for prom the end of the month. I have told her to take it easy but..............

I understand where they want to look tan in their pretty dresses. Last year I didn't let her do it and she did look awfully white in her pink dress. After this month, I'm not paying anything for it. I am guilty of the sun also. Although I am 51, I do use sunscreen more than I ever did. I still want to tan but not burn.


95% of the sun damage you do to your skin you do before the age of 18.

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95% of the sun damage you do to your skin you do before the age of 18.


I don't know if anyone here is old enough to remember the 70's. I'd put baby oil on and lay out. Fortunately I didn't do it a lot. I have no patience for laying in the sun baking. I did spend tons of time outdoors without sunscreen though. I grew up on Lake Michigan and I was in the water every day in the summer.

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Tanning can be very addicting..I go practically everyday, but if I notice that I got burned, ill lay off for about a week. I also cover my face when I go tanning, because there are so many facial bronzers out there, and i dont want to increase my chance of getting wrinkles later on.. im 17 now btw


When i'm tanning for an occasion, like a party, Ill go tanning all that week then get airbrushed a day or two before the party. The results are awesome and last for about a week. It is kind of like the mystic tanning, but a lady does it for you. its about 30 dollars, but so worth it :p


anyway always take caution with whatever you do :)



Was that you who tried out for American Idol?


Just kidding, I know it wasn't very nice, but I couldn't help myself :p . It was probably the awesome comment, the over-tanned girl on that show also thought she looked awesome with her tan.


I highly doubt that tanning is an addiction, it's just something that you want to do and have the time for right now. However, you really should reconsider what you are doing to your skin, it's not just your face that will get all wrinkly and leathery. It happens sooner than you think, too. When I was in my early 30's I met up with a gal I had gone to high school with, she looked about 50 by then, she had also been a sun worshiper.


If you continue to tan as much as you say you do, your skin won't be so awesome in 10-15 years from now.

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The key to anything is moderation. A fatty piece of bacon will not clog your artires. The "All bacon diet" might (no, that is not a dig at Atkins). A drink once in a while is not a bad thing. Constant drinking can and does lead to liver problems. A cigarette a few times at a bar in your 20's is no big deal but smoke two packs a day... You get where I'm going here right?


I absolutely agree! I quit smoking, rarely drink, TRY to watch what I eat, think about exercising (and actually DO once in a while!):o ...geesh...how perfect does any ONE person have to be?:D I don't tan alot, so I figure if I want to go a few times before a cruise or vacation, then it's no big deal. I like the way my fat looks with a tan, rather than without! Somehow just having a little bit of color makes me feel better about myself.

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What is it about a tan? Is it a cultural thing that some people adore brown skin? Have we ever looked at a toddler and thought "gee, wouldn't that chubby little thing look better with a tan"? I grew up in the 70's when tanning was the essential summer activity. I tried it - but with my northern European heritage I just burned and gave up. I have never been a sun worshipper and at the ripe old age of 49, I look at least 10 years younger than most of my peers. I think it's just a societal norm that a lot of people think tans look better. There is so much more to looking beautiful than brown skin - and besides, looks are quite superficial. I guess I just don't get the fixation with tanning.

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What is it about a tan? Is it a cultural thing that some people adore brown skin?


In my parents' culture having brown skin meant that you were a laborer (in the farm, fields, etc) and were of lower social & economic status. My parents favored my younger sister's milky white skin and would always try to get us to cover up.

Growing up in American culture though, I had to have tanned skin (though I could not escape it too much) & wonder how much damage I have done to my skin. I run outside for an hour everyday with a hat & sunscreen, but still, damage was done ass a child.

Oh well, in preparation for this cruise, I have not tanned. I may go to the pool and lay out for a bit, but I will probably be the only 20 something not baking in the sun :D .

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I thought about this in the middle of the night. Yes, it's a sickness. Anyway, there are reasons white types are attracted to tan skin. It's a visceral reaction and there are studies that back me up. In older cultures a tan skin would be associated with someone who labored, and was therefore productive and fertile. Someone sickly would have lighter skin.


This is not true across the boards, by any means and has been replaced in some cultures by lighter skin meaning that people do not labor and therefore have more money.


There is more to this, but I cannot remember the stupid study. I will try to search for it later today.

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