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Way to go, Juli. I know what you mean about those chili cheese dogs. I've avoided GD Ritzy's since getting on SBD in Aug. so I wouldn't have to battle the huge temptation to have either their Coney dog or their shoestring fries.

DH and I took advantage of temps in the low 50's and no rain to grill a steak out last night. Fixed a couple of veggies to go with it. Heavenly.

Tami, we'd all love to hear from you. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

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Happy New Year everyone! Our party just broke up a little while ago and I got the kids in bed before 2am. I'm just making sure everyone is out before I go up.

Well, Granddad is still doing well. Grandma is in the rehab part of the hospital for 7-14 days and the kitchen is mostly put together! Things are looking up! :D It was definitely a rough week though.

Well, I'm off. I made lots of corned beef and cabbage for tonight so I'll be having lots this week. I also have a recipe to post for phase 2 that's a great dessert which gets you a serving of vegetables and dairy. (Yes, really!) It's one of my favorite treats at the indian restaurant.

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Happy New Year fellow SBers

Tami - So glad to hear from you and that things are beginning to look up. I talked to my mom (who is a nurse) and she said that it sounded like you Grandma was doing great because she was able to progress so quickly to the rehab. (Hope you don't mind that I shared your prayer request with my mom.)
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Happy New Year everyone!! My husband and I have recently started the South Beach Diet and I loved finding this "help" link so we can support each other. By the way, today for lunch I fixed the roasted vegetables (recipe in the south beach diet book) and they were wonderful!! Has anyone tried these?

How long have each of you been on this diet and how much have you lost? My husband and I are quite a bit overweight. My father-in-law had a minor heartattack several weeks ago, and it frightened us all, so we decided we needed to get healthy NOW!!

Let me hear your success stories, so it will motivate us to stick with the diet. Thanks.
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Ranger Dog,

I started the SB diet in August and have lost 30 lbs so far. I would like to lose 30 more pounds before my cruise in June. I am one of those that have been diagnosised as a prediabetic. Talk about being motivated! I don't have heartburn anymore and I can tell that my blood sugars have stabilized.

I haven't seen the roasted veggies recipe, but I will look it up. It sounds delicious.

Sorry to hear about your FIL, hope that he is doing well. Is he on the SB diet also? I have recommended SB to two diabetic that are also having sucess with it as well.

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Rangerdog- I've also lost 30 pounds between Jan-April of last year. I got off track after our cruise in May but was able to maintain the loss all year. :D Now I'm back on track and weight is starting to come off again. I regained a few pounds of the holidays because we spent most of them at various hospitals with my grandparents but I've already lost half of that. SB works and really is maintainable. Weight does come off faster if you're exercising though. I think that my haphazard exercise regime is what saved me from putting all 30 back on when I went back to my old WOE. Plus it allowed me to go from a size 22/24 to a 16 with only 30 pounds lost.

Juli- I don't mind you sharing at all. The DR who did the surgery wasn't all that positive. He told us that quite often this is the beginning of the end for elderly patients. I already knew that but my brother was really upset. Grandma's tough though so we'll see.

Deb- You could easily substitute pork or beef roast for the corned beef. Actually it would be better for you anyway since CB is very fatty. I only buy it once a year but love it and especially the cabbage.

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Ok, here's the recipe I promised!

[COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Navy]1 pound or 6 medium Carrots, scrapped and grated
1 can evaporated skim milk
enough skim milk so that when combined with the evaporated milk you have 4 3/4 cups of liquid.
3/4th cup splenda or the equivalent of stevia
6 tablespoons Almonds, ground
1/2 teaspoon Cardamom powder
3 tablespoons Pistachio nuts, coarsely crushed

1. Put the grated carrots and milks into a deep, large, heavy saucepan. Bring it to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to moderate and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture has reduced to about half its original volume and is thick enough to coat a spoon heavily.

2. Stir in the sweetener and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add the almonds and stir for a few minutes more.

3. The "halwa "is done when the mixture is thick enough to draw from the sides and bottom of the pan in a solid mass.

4. Remove the pan and stir in the cardamom. Remove the "halwa "into a decorative serving dish.

5. Decorate the top with the crushed pistachio nuts. Serve warm or at room [/COLOR] temperature.[/COLOR]

I really prefer to make this a day in advance and let the flavors meld together. It tastes completely different the next day. It's a bit like carrot cake without the cake part. We get the sugared, ghee'd and creamed version at the indian restaurant all the time. Like most indian food I've gone beyond trying to aquire a taste for it to having an addiction to it. :rolleyes:

Be sure to use good sweet carrots though. I got some the other day to make it and ended up feeding it to the goats because the carrots were so bitter that it ruined the whole thing. It's alot of stirring for something that has to be thrown away!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Did all of y'all make it without pigging out too much? Not me! I've been soooo bad!!! I finally weighed this AM and I gained 9 lbs between Thanksgiving and now. :eek: How did I let THAT happen? We're back on track today and I'll keep plugging away until I lose all of my extra weight.

Rangerdog, I began SB about two years ago and I've lost around 50 lbs. If I had followed it like I should, I would've reached my goal weight long before now. I'm determined to get the extra 25 lbs off this time. We cruise again in May and I want to be a size 8. I went from a size 18-20 Plus to a 12 misses. I find that SB is the easiest way of eating (WOE) because you don't have to count or measure anything. I've tried low-fat, low calorie diets and they just didn't cut it for me. Good luck and if you stick with it, the weight will fall off.

Juli, congrats on passing on that chili cheese dog. I'm so proud of you!

Tami, glad to hear your grandmother is doing better.

Hi to everyone else!
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Deb: Yes, my FIL was put on the SB diet by his doctor after his heart attack, so we decided to do it with him.

adoptmom: I, too, am a size 22-24 and would like to get down to at least 16. Exercising is also hard for us, because we are so tired when we get home from work. If we could just MAKE ourselves get on an exercise program, then I'm sure the pounds would fall off. What type of "haphazard" exercise program are you doing?

weirdeyes: I agree with you about this diet. We didn't like the other diets (and believe me, we've tried them all) because you had to count carbs, count calories, count points, weigh portions, etc. The SB diet seems so much easier, but we just have to stick with it.

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and you've given me motivation that this diet really works!!! Maybe I'll be able to lose 30 pounds between now and April, like you did last year adopt mom!!
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Tami, my mother-in-law broke her hip at age 87 and made a full recovery. Her recovery took close to a year, but she did return to a very busy, active life. She lived in a wonderful retirement complex where she had a lot of companionship and stayed busy with all sorts of activities that she enjoyed. She died just a few mos. short of her 90th birthday from a heart problem that had nothing to do with her broken hip.

Rangerdog, DH and I started SBD in late August. We both had a goal of losing 10 libs. We had always been able to maintain a good healthy weight because we belonged to a fitness center and usually stay active. Somehow, though, last year the extra 10 pounds "snuck" on. We decided to give SBD a try before weight became a major issue because we both have such a strong family history of heart disease, and we both had had an increase in choleterol, etc. last year. Our weight loss started out fairly slowly, but with the help of this thread we stayed on the plan and lost the 10 lbs. in 2-3 weeks. Since then we've both lost an additional 3 pounds, so for the most part we're just in the maintenance phase. For me that's closer to Phase 2 than Phase 3 since I'm apparently quite sensitive to carb levels. I think the keys to our success, besides the encouragement we received here, was to always have healthy options available, and to get rid of all temptations not allowed on SBD. (Boy, did my pantry look BARE!) Oh yes, keeping a log of everything we ate was important, and label reading is a must. So many hidden carbs out there! Good luck, and stick with us.

Sandy, glad you're with us, too. Once you get through Phase 1 and lose your cravings, you really shouldn't have to "work hard" to stay SB legal. It'll become second nature to you.
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Good evening all -

Rangerdog - Welcome. I started SB the first of August and have lost 30 pounds. I am half way to my goal. I am down from a size 18 to a 14. My goal is to be in a size 10 by my cruise in May. This should be easily done by losing another 30 pounds and I know that I can do it in 5 months. I did lose 30 pounds without exercise, but I know that is not good and I reached a point where I stopped losing and I know it is because I became laxed and because I was not working out. I have bought some pilates DVDs from Costco and plan to start them this week.

Shelia - I didn't do too good on SB over the holidays. DH made comment today about how laxed I had become. I told him that I would get serious again after the cruise. I do plan on staying as close as possible this week and working some pilates into my routine. I too think that you can lose the 30 pounds by June. I am right there with you. Want to see who can reach it first?

6 days until my cruise! Hope you all can stand to be with me this week:D

Everyone take care and remember to DEW!
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Good morning everyone! Well, I made it through my first day of Phase 1 yesterday. I had an awful chocolate craving though. I smelled chocolate EVERYWHERE! Isn't that crazy? I allowed myself a fat-free, no sugar added fudge pop (40 calories) after dinner and that satisfied the chocolate craving. DH buckled around 3:00 and had an egg & ham sandwich on whole wheat bread. I told him, "THAT'S PHASE 2!!!!" LOL

Sandy! I'm so happy to see you here. Good luck getting started. I'm sure you'll do fine. ;)

Juli, I might take you up on the challenge. How much weight do you have to lose to be at your goal? Just curious because the more you have the lose, the faster it comes off. :D

Shae, I'm beginning to think that I'm going to have to do Phase 2 as maintenance also....or maybe Phase 2.5. I do not do well with too much leeway.

Rangerdog, what is your name?
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[quote name='rangerdog']

adoptmom: I, too, am a size 22-24 and would like to get down to at least 16. Exercising is also hard for us, because we are so tired when we get home from work. If we could just MAKE ourselves get on an exercise program, then I'm sure the pounds would fall off. What type of "haphazard" exercise program are you doing?

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and you've given me motivation that this diet really works!!! Maybe I'll be able to lose 30 pounds between now and April, like you did last year adopt mom!![/QUOTE]

Rangerdog- here's what I'm doing this week. On Saturday- PM yoga, Sun- 30 minutes on the recumbant bike, mon- am yoga and a short pilates tape, Tues: 45 min yoga for weightloss dvd, Wed- iceskating lesson, Thurs: 30 min on recumbant bike, Fri- 30 min yoga/pilates and Sat- skiing IF there's snow or recumbant bike and elliptical trainer if not.

I change every week what I do and the order except the skating lesson. Those were a present to myself last year for my birthday. For Yoga- AM/PM yoga is a good set and Yoga for weightloss is great if you have a DVD player. With the DVD you can set it up to do your level so it's not so confusing. We got our recumbant bike at Walmart for $99 last year. We also bought an elliptical trainer. I was up to 40 minutes on it last spring before the weather got nice but started at 2. DH thought that was funny until he started trying to use it. :D

In addition to the cardio and Yoga I have a set of cards from a magazine that are done by the guy who wrote "8 minute workouts." It's strength training that you do a few sets of exercises Mon-Sat. I'm going to buy the book as soon as I get to a bookstore. I hate strength training but this way it's only a couple of minutes every day. Works too. I can always tell in the morning which set of muscles got worked yesterday!

Remember though, start easy and build. 2 minutes is better than nothing. Build from that if it's what you can do.

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Good Afternoon all -

Shelia - I have about 30 pounds to lose. I really want to do it before my May 14th cruise. I won't start losing the weight until I get home from my cruise. January 17th. I'd be happy to make a challenge with you.

I'm doing partially good today. I have not eaten anything bad. I also haven't eaten anything. Off to the kitchen to find something good.
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I'll be ready starting January 17th. (I have to go have fun on my cruise:p ) When I return we will start! I can't wait. I too would like the 'stuff' to be off by the first of May so I can go do any necessary shopping. I did go through my drawers yesterday and found several shorts that are a size 12, but not any 10s. Hopefully I will need to go shopping in May!!
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Juli, we get back on January 17th, too. I can't believe we're leaving next Wed. We're going to stick close to Phase 1-2 this week so we can "slide" a bit if we want in Tampa and on the cruise. I need to figure out what I can wear since the Caribb. cruise-wear clothes I have I bought before going on SB, and I'm now down more than a size. I think my capri sets will look okay if they're a bit baggy since they're not belted.

Juli and Shelia, if you both post your weight losses from now til May you'll inspire the rest of us to stick with the WOE.

Tami, not only does the strength training make you look and feel better it will keep your bones healthier, too. And having more muscle helps you burn more calories. I really need to get back to doing more strength training... one of the reasons for our joining the Y which we did this afternoon. It doesn't open til Jan. 17th, though, with a preview evening this weekend.

We had just walked in the door when my daughter's M-I-L called and said she was coming to town and had the Air Dyne we'd bought from her with her. It's better than brand new. They used it only a dozen times or so, and put a brand new seat on it. We do use our exercise equipment at home when we don't have the time to get out to exercise.
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Juli and Shae, I am so jealous that you both get to cruise so soon! How nice!!! :D

Juli, I started Phase 1 on Sunday and I've lost 5 lbs so far this week. Yes, I know it is water, but I'm not bloated any longer. We'll start our challenge when you get back from your cruise. What is it going to be.....whoever reaches their weight loss goal wins?
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California is so waterlogged we aren't going to falli into the ocean we are going to float instead. We are trying to send some of it to the rest of the U.S. At this point we are almost at 100% of our annual rainfall. :eek:

This is our first day back to "normal". DH and younger DS are back to work and school.

Hope everyone has a great DEW day.
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