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Shelia - I am so with you. I was be ecstatic right now to just lose 1 pound a week. I have just got to be more faithful to water and exercise. Are you getting enough of both in? You might want to push yourself a little harder on the exercise, then again you could be losing weight, but putting on muscle. Are the clothes changing in how they fit?
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Hi everyone- Just checking in. GM is about the same. I didn't get to see her today because I had another round of that stomach thing. I'm beginning to wonder if it really is a bug though. Both times I've been sick I've eaten something with iceberg lettuce in it. I've had trouble with it in the past though nothing this severe. I believe I'll just avoid it to make sure.

The good news is that between all that and kicking up my exercise program I've managed to drop 7.5 pounds this week. Don't know if it will stay off or not but hey, its' a morale booster right now.

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Shelia and Juli, I can understand your frustration over your weight stall. Before SB diet I could not lose the 10 pounds I had put on after my back surgery. Nothing seemed to work. I don't know if SB diet works better for some people and not for others. I do know that when trying to lose weight before my calorie intake was low, as was fat intake, but my carb intake was high. I've been in stage 3 now for a few weeks. I've still lost another pound or so, but I honestly am trying to maintain my weight now instead of losing more. Juli, you're right that whole wheat pasta is high in carbs, but as Shelia so aptly worded it, it's a "smart carb" if it's truly whole wheat.. one that your body needs for total nutrition. Staying under 20 g. of carbs a day may be too low for you, but try not to go over 50 in any one day. The latest studies have shown that adding calcium, especially in low-fat dairy products, speeds up weight loss. Try drinking a glass of milk (preferably skim) before a meal. It often helps to make you feel fuller sooner.

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Shae, thanks so much for your encouragement. I've been entering my info into fitday.com to see what my caloric intake, fat, and carbs are for the day. To lose 1 pound per week, I'm suppose to consume around 1750 calories per day. I've been averaging around 1650-1750 so I'm good there. I just looked and my average carb intake is around 150. Do you think I should try to cut back to 50 to see if that is what is slowing me down? I've also started a new workout program that is really working my lower body. I'm doing it 3 days a week along with cardio and upper body strengthening. I sure do hope it works.

Tami, I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, but congrats on the 7.5 lbs. I think if I stepped on the scales and saw that much of a lose, I'd faint! ;) I hope GM gets better soon also. Take care!
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Congrats Tami! I would be doing cartwheels if I lost that much weight in a week! :D I did the lose 4 lbs. [i]again,[/i] but now I've been stalled for a week. I've had a really busy and tiring week but have managed to get a few workouts in, no treadmill though. I've stepped up my water intake and I'm doing really good on my snacking. That's my downfall I don't get hungry during the day but then after dinner I used to snack all the way until bedtime. I haven't been doing that at all. I'm on Phase 2 and doing pretty well, I think. I've added fruit back in, mostly a banana for breakfast a few times a week and an occasional apple as a snack. Still trying to keep the bad cards out, I think I did have some rice this week, no bread or crackers though. I still need to lose 6 more lbs. any ideas?:confused:

My sister stepped up to the plate and took my mom to the doctor this week so that helped. We've changed her medication again, hoping this helps. Hope your GM feels better soon, Tami.
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Ok, I'm getting irritated here! I keep losing posts! :mad: Let's try for a 3rd time :mad:

Hi everyone! I'm feeling much better today. I'm so glad. I'm almost never sick so I make the worst patient. I'm down another 2.5 pounds though for a total of 10 this week. I REALLY don't reccommend the way I did it but hey! I'll take it anyway I can get it as long as I can maintain the loss now. Especially since I'm this "" close to having a 1 at the front of my weight instead of a 2 for the first time in 7 or 8 years. That's my goal for the next month is to not only maintain this loss but break below 200. I just hope that my "helper" stomach bug is gone for good. I'd rather lose it slowly than be sick.

Shelia- while you're assessing your carbs, etc look at your fats too. If I get too low fat I stop losing completely. I try to use olive oil and a small amount of real organic butter exclusively, though sometimes I end up with canola oil. We can't do alot of the spreads, etc because of DD's allergies.
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Shae - Thanks so much for the advice. You are always good for a pick me up:)

Shelia - I would say to cut the carbs back. I do try to keep mine pretty low. I have been keeping them under 20 for quite a while. That is why the whole wheat pasta's carb looked so high to me, but I am adding back good carbs and we will see what happens. I did much better drinking water yesterday.

Cindy - Congrats on the 4 pounds. That is wonderful!

Tami - WOW!! 10 pounds!!! That is awesome. Sorry you had to do it the rough way. Glad to hear GM is not doing any worse.

I got the 'snacks' last night before bed, but I did good. I had celery sticks and an avacado. I still wanted a snack so I just drank a glass of water and went to bed.
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Tami, I realized as I logged-out last night (when DH was calling me to come downstairs for bed time) that I forgot to congratulate you on your weight loss. I sure didn't mean to forget! It had been a long day, and by the time I got up here to check the thread it was late and I was tired. As you said, I don't recommend THAT particular method of weight loss.. much too hard. I'm very glad that you're feeling better.

Cindy, congrats to you, too. Four pounds is a substantial amount to lose. Good for you. It sounds like you're on track with your WOE. You might want to cut the banana back and have it just 2-3 times a week. Having rice occasionally won't hurt much, but try to avoid the white rice. Too little nutritional value. DH substitutes low fat cottage cheese for rice/potatoes at some meals. I can't stand c.cheese, so I usually add a second legal vegetable or even a low-carb piece of fruit.

Shelia brought this up before, but it's so true that I'll repeat it: Treat yourself to something tastey periodically so that you don't start feeling like you're denying yourself. Just control how much of it you eat and how often. If you feel like you're on too strict a program you're more likely to binge. I think DH and I are staying successful with this WOE because it doesn't seem like punishment to us. It's become the way we think about eating. Last night we both had some chicken and dumplings that I made for dinner since it's one of our D-I-L's favorites, and we were celebrating her birthday a day early. We even had 2 cupcakes that our GD made here for her mommy. Today we'll both really restrict the carbs to below 25-30, and then tomorrow return to our normal of below about 50.

Shelia, it's hard to say if that calorie intake is the right one for you. The same with the carb intake. 150 sounds high to me. Your calorie needs depend on your activity level and your particular metabolism. You, Juli and I, for example could all do the treadmill for 30 mins, but burn a different number of calories because the workload on each of us would be different even if we walked at the same speed. I know for me going over 1500 calories would cause weight gain, but I'm older (slower metabolism) , on the short side (5'4 1/2), have small bones (size 4 wedding ring before arthritis set in). If you decide to cut back do it gradually. You certainly don't want to get into a calorie level that your body perceives as too low. That's when it kicks into that mode that tries to story body fat rather than burning it. I agree with Tami that you should watch the fat as well as the carbs.

We all need to remember to give ourselves a "pat on the back" periodically for what we've already accomplished. The rest may come slower, but it will come.

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Guess I've been doing this weight management thing so long that it's become almost second nature. As we go through changes in our lives we need to keep adjusting our WOE, and all that goes with it. I do try to keep as informed as I can about the latest scientific studies regarding weight management.

I found an old log of mine from the 80's. It was kind of fun to read. Not only did I chart weight and body measurements but had some brief notes about which plans were working, which weren't. Even back then I had the most success with low carb. Not good success when carbs were "in"... remember the big bagel trend? It also reminded me of the period when I became addicted to exercising. I'd work out for hours before and after my shifts at the health club, then go home and do squats, etc. while cooking dinner. I was really lean and buff back then... but usually felt terrible. It was the guy who trained me who pulled me aside and told me I was doing myself more harm than good. It proved once again that moderation is the key! I was using exercise the way some people use food. Some how since then there are fewer hours in a day, so I don't think I'll have to worry about over-exercising again. Not enough time!
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Shae, I remember so well the low-fat craze in the early 90's! I would eat a big bowl of low-fat pasta with Molly McButter or Butter Buds sprinkled on it. No fat at all, but tons of carbs. :eek: I couldn't lose any weight at all and I kept trying and trying. I went to my GYN right when the Atkins diet started and he told me about it. I told him what I'd been eating and that there wasn't any fat. He said that some women just don't respond well to carbs. I guess I'm one of them. That was my first taste of low-carb and it worked for a while, but I couldn't stick with it because it was so limiting to me. I guess I find South Beach to be the best of both worlds.

I told DH just now that I'm going back to Phase 1.5 on Monday and adding 30 mins of low impact in the mornings. Maybe that will help.
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Hi everyone- It's been a whole 14 hours since I got up and I'm still feeling good. WOOHOO! :D I'm still feeling a little off kilter but the cold part has settled into my ears so I'm guessing it's just making me feel a little off balance. It is breaking up though so hopefully tomorrow it will be much better.

GM is doing well too. She thinks not, but I can tell by looking and talking to her that she is greatly improved. I was there when the surgeon saw her today and he was going to start letting her have foods again. I would imagine by now that she's had a couple of lovely meals of boullion and jello. YUCK! But at least she can drink. It's so horribly dry in the hospital that I'm hacking when I leave. I can't imagine not being able to drink for 14 days.

We're having a game night tomorrow and the menu is Italian. :eek: This could be bad because I could live on pasta. I'd be 500 pounds so I wouldn't live long, but ..... One person is bringing antipasto so I'm hoping for meats and veggies there. I'm taking a garlic and rosemary roasted chicken roasted potatoes and veggies. Yeah, I know that potatoes aren't on SB but I'm not a real big fan so it shouldn't be an issue. I think I'll add grape tomatoes and greenbeans to the roasting veggies so I have something to eat with the chicken.

I've been doing pretty well on exercise lately. There's no way I can put together a formal plan right now with everything that's been going on but with the exception of the 2 days I was sick and layed on the couch all day I've done exercise every day since Jan 1. Many days that's just making sure I get in 10,000 steps but heck, even with being sick I managed to get in 16,000 steps 2 days this week.

I also went and bought myself some rescue remedy today at Wild Oats. It's a homeopathic stress reliever. I think I need some right now. :rolleyes:

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HI There,
All the girls I work with are on some kind of diet, 2 of us on SB, some on Prism, others just making it up as they go along. Well, we decided to have a potluck on Friday basically to share recipes. One lady I work with brought meatless meatballs that were to die for so I thought I would share the recipe. I hope this doesn't cut me off midway, but here goes...

[b][u][font=Tahoma][size=2]Meatless Sweet n’ Sour Meatballs[/size][/font][/u][/b]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Times New Roman] [/font]

[font=Tahoma]1½ c. Carr’s Whole Wheat cracker crumbs[color=red] [i](you can also use saltines, but reduce the amount to 1¼ cups)[/i][/color][/font]

[font=Tahoma]1¼ c. ground walnuts[/font]

[font=Tahoma]½ tsp. salt[/font]

[font=Tahoma]1 onion, finely chopped[/font]

[font=Tahoma]1½ tsp. ground sage[/font]

[font=Tahoma]½ c. low-fat Monterey jack cheese[/font]

[font=Tahoma]½ c. low-fat mild/medium cheddar[/font]

[i][color=#ff0000][font=Tahoma][size=2](I like Tillamook best for both, but cheddar is sometimes hard to find. You can use all Monterey jack or all cheddar if you want.)[/size][/font][/color][/i]

[font=Tahoma]2 tsp. finely minced garlic[/font]

[font=Tahoma]3 T. fresh minced parsley[/font]

[font=Tahoma]4 eggs or 1 c. Egg Beaters[/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size]


[font=Times New Roman] [/font]

[font=Tahoma]¼ c. water[/font]

[font=Tahoma]¼ c. canola oil[/font]

[font=Tahoma]¼ c. lemon juice[/font]

[font=Tahoma]¾ c. Smucker’s Simply Fruit apricot jam[/font]

[i][color=red][font=Tahoma][size=2](or another all-fruit brand of apricot jam – I wouldn’t recommend any sugar-free jam that’s sweetened with Nutrasweet – it doesn’t do well when heated)[/size][/font][/color][/i]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]½ c. catsup[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]2 T. brown sugar[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]2 T. grated onion[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]½ tsp. salt[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]½ tsp. ground oregano[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]1 T. fresh minced parsley [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font][/font]

[b][font=Tahoma]Directions: [/font][/b][font=Tahoma]Mix all the dry ingredients together first; add grated cheese, garlic, parsley and eggs. Form into meatballs about the size of a 50-cent piece. Place on cookie sheet and freeze for at least 4 hours.[/font]

[font=Tahoma] [/font]

[font=Tahoma]When ready to bake, transfer frozen meatballs to Pam-sprayed casserole dish in a single layer, not quite touching each other. Bake uncovered for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Cover with sweet n’ sour sauce and bake uncovered for another 30 minutes.[/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Directions for the Sauce: [/b]Mix all of the above ingredients and refrigerate until ready to bake the meatballs.[/size][/font]
[font=Tahoma][size=2]Enjoy:D [/size][/font]
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Shelia- I'm impressed with me too. :D I've only missed the 2 days I was too sick to get up off the couch. True, most day's it's just making sure that pedometer gets over 10,000 but it's the most in a row I've every done. I'm not losing tons of weight but I'm losing inches so it must be working.

Speaking of, I put back on 4 of the 10 I lost from being sick and seem to have settled there. Hopefully I can get back into the groove and keep going down the scale this week without flu bugs. I still want to break into the 100's by the end of March. That's about 7 pounds to go.

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Well, I have a confession to make.....I cheated Saturday night with fried catfish and hushpuppies! :eek: They were soooo good though. I guess if I don't lose any weight this week, I'll know why.

Tami, I'm cheering for you to get in the 100's soon! At least your down 6 lbs and hopefully the flu bugs will stay away. It is going around crazy here. I hope I don't catch it.
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I have a confession too: I've gone off SBD. Did the first two weeks, and gained one pound. Not a big gain, but surely no where near the promised 8 pound loss! Being within 10 pounds of my goal, I wasn't actually expecting that, but I was expecting some loss, over a two week period.

Someone suggested why this might have occurred: My [i]normal[/i] diet was rather low in carbohydrates to start with. I never use table sugar; I always avoid foods with a high-calorie, low-protein macro-nutrient break-down. While I would have the occasional slice of pizza on my normal diet, I would otherwise never have any bread. On my normal diet, a portion of pasta for me has typically been a half-cup.

So what SBD Phase 1 was, for me, was simply my normal diet, minus popcorn, PLUS cheese and nuts, and PLUS enforced mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks (which I typically would never have), without any specific directive for keeping the total number of calories under control.

I have gained a greater understanding of SBD, of course. Indeed, although I didn't use SBD to lose 100 pounds, my maintenance diet (at least) was relatively close to SBD's Phase 3, and I've had rather decent success using that approach for maintenance over three years. It seems to me to be a great approach for folks with 25-50 pounds to lose. I think "those last 10-15 pounds," though, are the hardest to lose, and [i]jumping into[/i] something like SBD [i]for those last 10-15 pounds,[/i] as I did, is as likely as not to back-fire, as it did for me. I feel, especially for folks like me who have lost a substantial amount of weight and kept almost all of it off for so long, the best approach would be to refocus our attention on our original diet approach, whatever that may be, and rachet up the exercise a bit. That's my plan for the next few months.

I'll be unsubscribing from this specific thread. I want to thank those who've helped me work through the last few weeks, and wish all of you the best in your efforts. I hope to chat with y'all again soon in some of the more general threads here on the boards.
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Bicker, South Beach doesn't seem to be working for me right now either. I'm cutting out more carbs and increasing my exercise to see if that works. I lost 10 lbs on Phase 1, but NOTHING on Phase 2 for the past month. I've got at least 20 lbs to lose so this is discouraging. However, I'm going to stick with it and see what happens. Good luck to you.
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Hey Guys -

Can you believe that I forgot about you the past few days?!? Things have been a little crazy. I have been very good the past few days, BUT........I just ordered PIZZA for dinner! Bad me,very, very, bad me!!!! I promise to be good the rest of the week, but for tonight I am bad. I do promise to drink water for the night.

Shelia- Please don't give up. I know that plateaus occur. Hang in there. Things will start up again. Don't give up. You have come so far and I hate for you to give up. Keep at it, your metabolism will catch up with you.

Shea - Thanks again so much for the wonderful advice that you give. I do remember the butter-buds diet. Back then, I didn't need a diet, but...things change. It is now SB and hopefully I can keep it as a WOL (way of life)

Night all~~~
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SBD is not necessarily a diet but way of eating that is more healthy than many other approaches. I also watched calories, fats and carbs long before SBD. I had <10 lb to lose but I very much wanted to make healthier choices and meal plans. I have learned much and modify the "plan" (never really did ph 1) for my age, activity level, gocery/fruit market specials and general approach to life. That is one of the advantages to SBD,
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