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Thanks so much Shelia - I have just had these headaches for so long that I feel like it is the only thing that I talk about anymore.

Fell really far off the wagon last night, but have gone looking for it this morning. Have glass of water in hand and am starting over.
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Juli, don't worry about it. I fell off of the wagon Fri. night at the party. I start doing Phase 1 tomorrow so I'm sure I didn't do much damage. It is really hard to eat on our WOE when you're sick. You want comfort food when you're sick. Good luck and I hope the headache is better.
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For me one of the best aspects of SBD is that once you find your "groove" in Phase 3.. or Phase 2+ you can "fall off the wagon" every now and then, but get right back on without losing any ground. It's DH's birthday today, but we went out to eat to celebrate yesterday afternoon since DD and S-i-L had to head home at noon today, and D-i-L had to work yesterday evening. DH chose to go to Cracker Barrel because of the wide variety of selections on the menu. He did choose not to stay on SB for that meal and had one of those humongous breakfast choices that are available all day and eve. I think he regretted it later because he said he felt miserably bloated. I got one of their big salads and shared it with GD. For dinner we ate really light. I did buy him a birthday cake, but he and I both only had a tiny (literally!) slice because that kind of sweet treat now has very little appeal. It really does taste too sweet now after months of no sugar. He sent the remainder of the cake home with the kids... none of whom have any trouble with sweets.

Cindy, so sorry to hear about your surgery, especially so close to your cruise, but hopefully you'll be feeling SO much better after the surgery, and a cruise can be such a wonderful way to unwind and get some pampering. I wish you a very speedy recovery!

Tami, I, too, think it's amazing how well you keep everything together with all you've got going on in your life.

Juli, my heart goes out to you with your migraines having suffered with them fairly often when I was in my 30's. Apparently that was the start of peri-menopause for me and hormonal changes were my biggest triggers. D-I-L's are caused by misshapened blood vessels in her brain which were found during a CAT scan. Usually they don't find any specific reason for migraines when they do a scan, but it's wise to have a scan to rule out other things.

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Shae - The doctor basically said that 99% of the time they are never able to figure out why a person is having the headaches. He did look into my eyes and said that he didn't see anything. I know that he didn't push for any additional testing because we are currently without insurance. I don't think that not knowing why they are occuring is bothering me. I just wish they would stop. I start out the day and things are going so great and then WAM! there it is again. At least today has been a very good day and I have not had any problems. Good news is that DH has a new contract that starts a week from Monday. The contract does include health insurance and that will start April 1st. So things are looking great!

Shelia - Are we suppose to go back to Phase 1 each time we blow it? I was just going back to normal because I only blew it for one night.

I have some more good news. DH talked about going out last night to celebrate his new contract. Luckily the end of the day hit and neither of us felt like going out so we stayed home and had hamburger patties, green beans, and cottage cheese! Excellent choices! I even had water instead of a diet pepsi or wine.
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[QUOTE]Shelia - Are we suppose to go back to Phase 1 each time we blow it? I was just going back to normal because I only blew it for one night.[/QUOTE]
No! I just meant that I was going back on Phase 1 (with fruit) because I'm staring Oprah's Boot Camp today. ;)
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Shelia - Oh! I forgot that you are boot camping it. ;)

I was excited when I got over to Phase 2 and could eat grapes. Albertson's has them on sale this week and I picked up a bunch of green & red. They are so good! I munched on some yesterday afternoon.

We did do the celebration dinner last night. We did Mexican. There is no way to do SB at a Mexican restuarant. So, I just ate whatever I wanted to. We even had a picture of margaritas! Yum!!! It is back to being good today. I already have some chicken breasts thawed out for dinner and will have a salad and veggie. I also have some bean soup I will do for lunch. So I am prepared for today, which is what I need to do to behave each day.
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Tami, Don't sell yourself short. Raising kids is enough of a juggling act. Throw in home schooling, a sick GM and all the other activities you do, and there is so much to be admired. By the way, did you get any snow today? It came down hard for awhile here, but it was too warm to stick on anything. It was windy, wet and miserable, though.

Juli, way to go sticking with your wise choices last night. Do watch the grape intake... those little suckers add up quickly. I know... they're one of my favorites, too.
I'm so glad your health insurance will kick in on April 1st. My son was laid off right after Christmas last year til May, so health insurance was an issue for them, too. There seems to be more research being done about migraines now than ever before, so maybe before too long we will have some answers. If they can figure out specific causes (regardless of which triggers set them off) then maybe they can come up with truly affective treatments.

I don't go all the way back to Phase 1 after a day or so of "cheats", but do go back for a "detox" if it's been several days (like when cruising).

Cindy, how are you feeling?
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Juli, Be sure to ask your doctor about Imitrex for your headaches. My husband thinks it's a wonder drug. I can sympathize with your pain from watching him go through it.

Shae: My pain pills are helping and I was actually able to move the surgery up a week so I'll be going in next Monday. My mom has to have a procedure similiar to a D & C on Friday so I'll be with her over the weekend.

Sheila, good luck with boot camp, it looks tough! I just bought the March issue of Shape magazine and the whole issue is devoted to weight loss. There is a 28 day cardio exercise plan that looks interesting. For faster weight loss they recommend mixing cardio with strength training in the same workout, kinda like what the Oprah plan. Looks hard but I bet you'll get great results. Let us know how it's working.
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Juli, A BIG WHOO HOO!!! for your insurance starting now. That is wonderful news. Keep us posted on when you schedule your CAT Scan.

Cindy, I'm sorry you're still feeling poorly. I'll be thinking about you during your surgery. I'm happy for you that you got to move it up a week. Hopefully you won't have black eyes on your cruise. But, if so, who cares? ;)

Shae, thanks for all of your helpful tips and encouragement!

Tami, I agree with Shae. With everything you are juggling, I'm surprised that you've lost any weight at all. Good job!

My workouts seem to going well. I was pooped last night because I got up at 4:15 to do the step aerobics, got to work at 6:45, left work at 5:15, and started my 2nd workout at 6:15. Thank goodness that today is not a "two-a-day" workout day! LOL I'm combining cardio with strength training and it does seem to make a difference. I can actually feel my hip bones without pressing way in for the first time in YEARS! :D
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Thanks Shae and all!

We got 2 inches of snow so nothing major.

The doctor called this morning and Grandma is doing very well. She no longer needs IV nutrition and her hip and leg have healed enough that they are going to start serious physical therapy today. Hopefully by this time next week we'll be discussing where she goes next.

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Cindy - Great news that you were able to move up the surgery! Now you have an extra week to heal. Sorry that you are needing pain meds. I completely understand with the headaches that I have been having. The doctor gave me another med on Thursday when I called him and told him the two samples he gave me were not working. I think the medication is called Maxal. Seemed to work really good. He did say that we might need to try several different medications to find one that works. He also said that we might never find one that works and may just need to give me super dooper pain killers. I am hoping that this is not the case because I don't want to be flat on my back passed out each time I get a migraine.

Shelia - Not sure if I can mix the two. I will do the Walkblaster and hold some weights in my hands, but I don't have anywhere that I can do weight training. Maybe I really should look into Curves.

Tami - Great news about GM. So glad to hear that she is doing better. How is GD doing?

I behaved very well yesterday and ate every meal except for breakfast. I even had a mid-afternoon snack. Everyone have a good day!
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Hi Fellow SBD'ers!

I've been "back" on SBD since 2/6 and have lost 10 lbs! I went on it 1/20/04 and stayed on it till Mid may and lost 35 lbs. Kept most of it off all summer and thru the fall. Gained about 6 lbs over the holidays! :(

I didn't do much exercising last year, but this time I'm at the YMCA 2-3 times a week. I started on Phase 2 last week, but this time I'm UP 2 lbs! (I did "pig out" at the Chinese Buffett last friday, but ate mainly SBD foods) My clothes do fit better so I'm replacing fat with muscle.

Anyone else "gain" when they started PH2?

I've got about 12 weeks till I cruise and I want to lose another 15-20 lbs.

Good luck on SBD all!

Jacquelyn :D
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Hi Jacquelyn! Welcome!! You sound like me!! I lost last year on SB and gained some back during then holidays. This time around, I've lost 11 so far. I've got about 20 more to go. I also gain when I start Phase 2. I'm doing Oprah's Boot Camp so I back on Phase 1, but with one fruit a day. I'm really losing the inches now, but not the weight.

Juli, when you hold the hand weights while doing the aerobics, you are actually strength training. :D
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OK, my first day on SB is winding down. Last year I did Atkins before I cruised and while the results were good, I didn't feel so good while I was on the plan. So this year, I'm giving SB a try. I have the book and the hand book with the quick food refrences is around here somewhere!!! I don't know where I put it right this minute.
I haven't found a new food lifestyle I can stick to more than 6 moths and I'm ok with that...I just modify my eating habbits to a healthier lifestyle before I go on vacation and then I just go right back to my old ways a month or two after I return...It's a vicious cycle.

This how my first day went.
B-2 boiled eggs and a lowfat cottage cheese
L-1 rottisserie chicken breast (no skin) and spinach
S-pistacchio's (a handful)
D-sliced roasted turkey breast, veg. medley with no carrots and a few green beans. No desert, but I did eat a piece of cheddar cheese.
I tried to drink lots of water, I did have a diet coke and coffee today and I'm now on my second cup of green tea. I probably should be drinking more water.

So, I'm not going to do this everyday...write my menu down in here. But being on the first day is probably the toughest for me. Once I get going I'll be OK. I'm looking for support if you can't tell :o). I'm going to look back in the thread here and try to pick out a few helpful hints. I'm sure there is lots of great stuff to read.

Now that I look at it, it seems like plenty of food for one day (and I'm really full right now), I just miss the sweet I guess.

I'm trying to decide if I want to walk on the treadmill for 20 ro 30 before I go to bed or just wait until tomorrow. I'm now distracted by cc...at least I'm not eating "foods to aviod".

I'll be visiting this forumn quite often over the next two months since I cruise on May 2.

My goal is loose 10 lbs and tone up. I don't think that's an unrealistic goal but it's easier said than done. I LOVE SUGAR. OK, I just had to get that off my chest. I'm ok now.

Be back soon!!!
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Shelia - So doing the pilates and the walkblaster, I should be good to go if I do the walkblaster with the weights?

Cobra - Welcome! The first week of SB is hard because you are detoxing your body from bad carbs. I suggest you get the items for the ricotta desert and keep it made up and some sugar free jello. Those really help when you are craving something sweet. Good luck! 10 pounds in 9 weeks should be very doable. I leave on my trip in about 11 weeks. I hope to be down 20 more pounds.

Jacquelyn - Welcome also! You sound just like a lot of us around here. I lost 30 pounds last summer/fall on SB. I put 8 back on over the holidays and then another 2 during my cruise. I have lost the 2 from the cruise, but the 8 are being stubborn. I am now working exercising into my WOE and feel like this will help to kickstart my weight loss again. Yes, the weight did come back on when I switched to Phase 2. It made me want to go back to Phase 1, but that is not healthy. Just keep at it, things will improve. If you are not exercising then start, if you are exercising then kick your exercise up a notch. I know this has helped out Shelia.

Had another nasty headache today. We were in our lawyer's office setting up the LLCs for the businesses and it started creaping up on me. I didn't have any medicine with me. By the time I got home, my head was pounding and I ended up on the couch. :( Things are a little better. I am just waiting to get our insurance cards and then I am calling the Dr for my CAT scan.
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Cobra,I too am addicted to sugar. The second day on Phase 1 I had to go--no RUN to the grocery store and buy some sugar free fudgesicles. I lost about 15 lbs when I did SB last year but this year am having a tough time with the 10 lbs I put back on. I'm down 4 lbs--not much weight but I think I'm really losing inches by exercising. My clothes are fitting loser and the girls at work today actually asked me if I'd lost weight:D .

Jacquelyn, this is great place for moral support.

Juli, good luck with the CAT scan.
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[QUOTE]Shelia - So doing the pilates and the walkblaster, I should be good to go if I do the walkblaster with the weights?[/QUOTE]
Juli, the WalkBlaster has a DVD that incorporates aerobics with strength training. It is called "Sculpt & Burn." It really works!! I hate to tell you this, but you probably won't be getting your WalkBlaster for 4-6 more weeks. It took mine FOREVER to come in. You might want to find something else to do in the meantime (along with your pilates DVD). Good luck!

Cobra, your vicious cycle sounds like mine. I drop 25 and gain 10; I drop 15 and gain 5. I'm determined to keep it off this time. Also, from all of our yo-yo dieting, our metabolisms are very screwed up. We have to exercise like crazy to get it to increase again. Your menu looks great! Please go buy you some fudgesicles for a sweet treat. You should buy the no sugar added kind. I buy Blue Bunny and they are fat-free and only 35 calories each!

Cindy, congrats on the weight/inches losts. You know, I haven't lost much weight at all since Phase 1, but I've lost a lot of inches. Some of my pants are swimming on me now. Who cares how much we weight, right? It is the clothes size and how we actually look/feel that count. ;)
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Since you were on the Mariner last year, do you know what types of "milks" they have available? I only let my family drink skim, at the most 2%. My son also love chocolate milk, do they offer that also? ( I also noticed we are a week apart from our upcoming cruises :) )

I always take DaVinci's SF Hazelnut syrup to flavor my coffee. It would be too hard to take on the LoCarb creamers that are refrigerated. The DaVinci's and skim milk are usually enough to get me by! I usually bring my insulated coffee mugs with me and either order room service coffee or run up to the drink bar at the buffet and get it. One of my favorite parts of cruising is being able to drink coffee off my balcony!!

Well, back to my Low Carb fish lunch from Captian D's!

Jacquelyn :D
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Shelia - I like your thought process. I am not so much going for a certain weight as being able to nicely fit into a size 10 again. That is where I was when DH met me. I didn't know what I weighed back then, I just knew that I wore a size 10.

4-6 weeks! UGH!! Did you do the separate payments or the whole enchilada at once? I went ahead and just did the one payment and it said I would get priority mailing. Not sure what that means. If my knee would hold up, I could get on the treadmill. Hmmm...have to think about that.
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Jacquelyn ~ I also use the Davinci SF Hazelnut syrup in my coffee!! RE: milk...I really not sure, but I think they did have skim milk and chocolate. I only drink skim also. We're getting very close to our cruises!!!

Juli ~ Yes, it takes FOREVER!!!! I made the one payment, but I don't think it did much good...LOL! Also, I used to NEVER know how much I weighed..just my size. ;)

I just ordered this book from Amazon (The Good Carb Cookbook: Secrets of Eating Low on the Glycemic Index). It came highly recommended on the SB board. I'll let y'all know if it's any good.
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Hi..nice to meet you and thanks so much for the support. I'm going to buy some sugar free jello tomorrow. I wanted to hit the grocery store today but I was starving by the time I got off work and I wanted to be a good girl so I had to focus. I ate a sensible dinner and hung in there...menu below.

Hi, good to meet you as well...thanks for the support!! I love this board! I'm glad to hear you are losing inches ...that's really great and a big deal you know. All my jeans have gotten like teenager tight in the past few months. It's not just losing the lbs that matters...seeing those inches melt away is like magic!!! I'm anxious to see results...but I'm sticking with the plan. I'm looking for the fudgesicles tomorrow too!!!

You are so right!! I have totally confused my matabolism. My body is really making me work hard. I did manage to get in a 30 jog on the treadmill this morning and I do mean jog. I also did a little ab work and then it was off the my job. Thanks for the encouragement and menu compliment. I really appreciate the support. I am sitting here with a cup of hot tea again. I'm getting to bed a bit earlier tonight. I hope to make it to the gym again in the a.m. I'll look for the Blue Bunny brand fudgesicles..I shop at Giant here in VA. What grocery store do you use? Did you find that cookbook you mentioned above? I'm interested in getting that if you recommend it.

OK, here goes day 2..I made it and it's just about over..

B-2 boiled eggs and a cottage cheese (I'm changing this tomorrow)
S-15 almonds (precounted and bagged the night before)
L-tuna salad on a bed of fresh spinach leaves and half of a cucumber on the side (home-made with low carb mayo, no carb dill relish, mustard, boiled eggs and mrs. dash seasoning)
After this I should have had a snack..about 3pm hunger struck me..hard. So I drank a diet mt. dew and a bottle of water and focused on work.
D- 6:15pm...I'm dying by now and I'm sitting in Applebees resteraunt praying for strength. I had a dinner salad with no croutons and I picked out the carrots..I used V/O for dressing. I had a sirloin steak, broiled shrimp and broccolli w/ squash veggies. I drank unsweetend tea but...I squeezed the lemon on my shrimp and in my tea... OK, not supposed to but it tasted soooo good.
No desert this time either.
I tried to drink a lot of water once again but I'm a traditional a.m. coffee gal and I must have at least one diet soda a day.

Well that's my day...I'll be back tomorrow...after the grocery store shop...my list is ready!!!

Thanks everyone. BTW..I haven't weighed myself yet but I'm planning on doing it Friday.
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