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I had a really good day today. Had some red wine last night but went very light on the food and today the scale was going downward again so I was motivated to be perfect today. I plan to bike ride tomorrow.
Know exactly what you mean about those men losing so well and us having to suffer so much more!! My DH is so thin and exercises so much. He lost 25 lbs. on WW 16 years ago and never gained it back! Don't you hate him?! Of course part of the reason he stays thin and that we never have any junk other than a party and I basically cook S.B. all the time. Then why am I always battling the bulge? Life's so unfair.
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Greetings all,

Little down in the dumps this morning. On weigh in I lost a whole half a pound. Yes, I know slow weight loss is good for you, but I would like to see at least 1 pound.

Does anyone belong to the "official southbeach diet website? Myself, I just cannot justify the 60.00 to enroll. I did find another website for beginners to SB and it recommends adding just 1 good carb back to your diet per week (same good carb all week). It says the book has you adding too much too quick. Now, I didn't follow this website's advice but nor did I have as many good carbs as the book's menu plans suggest. However, I am wondering if I added too much too quickly, plus I realize I had no-no in the way of popcorn (mini bag buttered) twice, which probably contributed to my slow weight loss for the week. I purchased the good carb book, and saw it clearly states air popped unbuttered.

Anyone have any thoughts? How many good carbs did you add back in, in the beginning of phase 2?

Frustrated, but still on track.

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[quote name='waserdog']My DH is so thin and exercises so much. He lost 25 lbs. on WW 16 years ago and never gained it back! Don't you hate him?! Of course part of the reason he stays thin and that we never have any junk other than a party and I basically cook S.B. all the time. Then why am I always battling the bulge? Life's so unfair.


My DH is slender as well and can eat as much and WHATEVER he wants without gaining an ounce. If I have heard it once, I have heard it 100 times how he weighs the same as he did when he was 16. *rolls eyes*
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Good morning! I had to cancel my trip to Florida because my Mom was rushed to the ER on Thursday with a mini-stroke. Needless to say, I was at the hospital until Friday afternoon. She's doing fine now...thank goodness! It was scary there for a while.

I ate bad over the weekend...not so much off program...just too much of it. :o I'm pretty sure it was stress related. Also, it is hard to stick with SB eating hospital food.

I'm really busy so I'll respond to everyone later.
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Shelia, I'm glad your Mom is doing much better. My dad had TIA's or mini-strokes a few times, so I know what you went through. It's very scary til you find out what's truly going on.

I'm going to NJ tomorrow to help my sisters with some of my mom's belongings. Her townhouse sold back in January, and the closing is in April. My sisters are having a moving van take most of the furniture to their houses, but I want to help move the smaller things and help with getting Mom's clothes to a couple of charities. My mom had all her closets full of gorgeous clothes, but she was way shorter than anybody else in our family.

I had to take 2 of the dogs to the vets' this morning for blood tests so that DH won't have to mess with it while I'm gone. One of the dogs has had an awful tick borne disease that we have to keep monitored, and his mama was showing some of the same symptoms. Now I have to go pick up my granddaughter at school, and then come back here and pack! I don't need much for the few days I'll be gone... and now I keep my carryon packed with all my toiletries so I just have to throw the clothes together. I had to buy new slacks and jeans Friday because my old ones are too big! (YEAH!)

The sister I'm staying with is Phase 3 SBD, so it won't take me much modification to stay on plan, I hope. I eat more like Phase 2... pretty low carb at all times. Resisting the NJ pizza, Chinese food, and Italian specialty breads may be really hard, though, if we eat out anywhere.

Keep up the good work everybody!
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Shae ~ Have a wonderful trip. I too keep certain items always packed in the suitcase. Just makes packing simplier and I end up not forgetting stuff. Although, I do have a packing list that I use for packing when I go on a cruise or an all-inclusive vacation.

Patti ~ I had joined the SB official website. It really isn't very helpful. Save your pennies. Shelia has a free website that she uses. I am sure she will let you know what the site is. I think it is part of the prevention site.

Marianne ~ So glad to hear that things are going well. Keep up the good work.

Sheila ~ Glad to hear mom is home and doing better. Hopefully the headache will be gone soon.

I already know that this week will not be good. DH has his birthday tomorrow and we are doing a small gathering with friends and having beer and hot wings. Then on Saturday one of our good friends is turning 40. We are having a huge party for him. I will try to stay on track on Saturday, but Tuesday just won't work. Oh well...I will strive to be good the rest of the week.

Everyone have a great day and remember to drink your water!
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That prevention site is [url]www.prevention.com[/url] and they have lots of helpful SB information. They also have boards over there, I've just never joined. I spend too much time on this computer as it is. (I'd put a smiley here if I could get the danged things to work!)

My muscles are screaming today! I bought that "8 Minutes in the Morning" book last week and started doing it. Every muscle group that's gotten worked so far is lodging a protest. Plus it was nice enough that the kids and I went for a mile walk today. I'd like to train for and run a 5K but we'll have to see how the baby schedule goes.

We did get a call for a 10 month old the other day but it was with an agency that wanted us to sign a "statement of faith." I just don't want to even go there. the last time we were involved with people who were that strict some idiot told my DD that her birthmom was going to Hell because she was a hindu and that DD would too unless she renounced her birth culture completely. She was 6 at the time. Then they wonder why we don't go to church there! DUH! But then these were the same group where my son went to Bible school and then wouldn't sleep for 6 weeks because he was convinced he was going to die and go live with Jesus at any minute. He literally wouldn't let me out of his sight for 3 weeks.

Anyway, I'm still working hard to get a 1 in front of my weight before March 31. Easter is probably going to cause havoc with that plan but I'm going to try. I bought almost no candy this year. Heck, I just threw out chocolate eggs from last easter yesterday. The kids still have stuff from Halloween and Valentines day. They just don't eat that much of it.

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I do use the message boards at prevention.com. It is really helpful when you have questions about SB. The people are real nice also. My "handle" over there is Doodle-Bug. I don't post often though...just mostly read.

Tami, I feel bad for your DD and DS. I grew up in a church that was almost like that. Needless to say, it put me off of "organized" religion. I'm a religious person, but in my own way. I don't attend church regularly, but when I do it is to a contemporary service. My mom is extremely religious and I get fussed at a lot because I don't go to church. I have a lot of faith, pray, read my bible, and try to live right. Some people just don't understand that you can be religious without going to church. :rolleyes: Anyway, sorry to go off. Good luck with the baby. I hope you find one soon that you can give a loving home to.
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Sheila- You could be talking about my family. My mom is really rigid, which I think is hilarious. She's on her 3rd marriage and got pregnant with me before she was married. She was really bad while my step-dad was a minister. Drove me up the wall. He, on the OTOH is very laid back about the whole thing. Probably the reason he hasn't throttled her yet. I feel sorry for the guy. One of them could use some xanax and I'm not sure which one would benefit more by taking it.

I lost another pound yesterday. I'm still really working on getting down into the 100's.

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[quote name='adoptmom']Sheila- You could be talking about my family. My mom is really rigid, which I think is hilarious. She's on her 3rd marriage and got pregnant with me before she was married. She was really bad while my step-dad was a minister. Drove me up the wall. He, on the OTOH is very laid back about the whole thing. Probably the reason he hasn't throttled her yet. I feel sorry for the guy. One of them could use some xanax and I'm not sure which one would benefit more by taking it.

I lost another pound yesterday. I'm still really working on getting down into the 100's.

Tami, are you sure you're not my sister? LOL BTW, congrats on losing the one pound! :D
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Tami ~ Congrats on the pound! How close are you now to the 1? So sorry to hear about what happened to your DD. Those people must have been out of their minds to tell such a horrible thing to a child. Those type of religious people really irk me.

I too was raised in a VERY religious family. I had ideas put in my head and later found out that my folks didn't believe everything that I was taught. Anyway, I now attend a church that is anything, but religious or closely related to a traditional church. We really like it because the people don't judge you, they just love on you and accept you for who you are. What a refreshing change.

I did really good yesterday until I got hungry before bedtime. Instead of chugging a glass of water, I found some leftover pancakes from Saturday and ate those along with 'regular' syrup. Tonight is beer and hot wings to celebrate DH's birthday. When will things calm down again so I can be good again? Seems like I did so good when I first started SB and was faithful to the course, but now I seem to find any old excuse to cheat. I somehow need to kick myself in the butt and get going again.
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Tami and Sheila,

I hear you about organized religion. My family did start going back to church a few years ago and I really enjoyed it--until every Sunday it became about building a new parking lot or a new building or a new something or other. One offering for the special something, one regular offering, and one mission offering. We haven't been in months now. It was all about growing and growing and growing, I don't even think the Pastor knows most of his congregation now that we're 2,000 strong. I liked it when I actualy had some contact with him. I too am a religious person, I believe in the power of prayer and God's plan for my life, but I'm a little soured on church. Seems the most judgemental people can be found in Chruch and they say and do the most hurtful things in the name of God. I just don't get it:confused:

I've had another busy, busy week, only got 2 workouts in so far. Then I did a dumb thing. My regular tanning package ran out (I have to pre-tan or I burn to a crisp), so I used a stand up session of my husband's yesterday and got really burned. I guess there were parts that hadn't tanned in the bed and now the backs of my arms are red. We leave in 3 days so I hope it's better by then.
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Sheila - I was sorry to hear about your mother. My mom has had a number of TIAs, 1 small stroke, and 1 seizure. I know how stressful it can be. Glad to hear she is recovering well.

Cindyrella - So sorry about the burn. I do hope it is better by the time you cruise. Even if it is not, i bet you have a great time!

Tami - Congrats on the 1 pound.

Juli - Thanks for the heads up about the official SB site. I had pretty much decided not against it. Joined the WW site once, and then never used that.

I ordered the Good Carb Cookbook that Sheila recommended and though I haven't sat down to read it yet, I did try the Southwestern Pinto Bean Soup, and it was really good. Made plenty too, so I will have a number of meals. It is nice switch from salad, which gets a little old. There is also a meatloaf recipe I am going to try as well since DH loves meatloaf, and of course, the old way I made it is out.

Hope the week is going tood for everyone, and I am trying to drink that water.

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Cindy- I can relate to burning to a crisp! I use 50 sunblock for surfers any time I'm going to be out, especially near the water. I can't do the tanning beds though, they give me a migraine. To speed your recovery use aloe lotion on the outside and take aspirin or an ANSAID like aleve or ibuprofen. That will help reduce the swelling and inflamation from the burn. Have a great trip!

Juli- I'm 9 pounds away from that 1 at the front of my weight. I'm so excited and I really want to put some distance between me and the 200's before the baby comes. That said, I just had a quarterpounder with cheese for lunch. LOL, oh well, I have a skating lesson this afternoon and I made tomato bean pot soup (the one with tomatoes, celery, onion and chickpeas) for dinner. If I still feel the need I'll hop on the e-machine and do another 10 minutes. I really want to build back up on that because I know I get shrinking results from it.

Well, I'm off. I have to go get the skating bag in the car and get ready to buzz out. Talk to you all later.

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Cindy, the church I go to sounds exactly like yours. I haven't been in over a year. It is very sad. I'm sorry to hear about your burn. Get better!

Patti, I'm glad you ordered the cookbook. Let me know how you like the meatloaf. DH loves it also.

Tami, I know you can get those 9 lbs off before the baby comes!!!
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Cindy ~ Part of the reason I stopped going to church was because of the judgemental attitude. It is amazing how cruel those people can be. Part of what I like about our church is that they do not take an offering. There is a box in the back of the church and you just drop it in there. Money is never mentioned. Like I said, we are anything, but traditional.

So sorry to hear that you got burned. Now you have it out of the way and can enjoy your cruise.;) So excited for you that you are getting to be on a ship next week! Have a wonderful time. Which ship are you going on?

I think I am going to have to get the cookbook. I really need some more recipes. I think that would help me stay more faithful.

Tami ~ I know that you can do it! You are exercising so hard it is just a matter of time.

The party went really well. We were at Hooter's and they have small glasses of beer that the waitresses keep filled all the time so I really don't know how much beer I had although it was low-carb beer and I never got a buzz. The wings were awesome as usual and the company was great.

It is back to being good for the next 3 days and then we have a 40th birthday party to attend. Then I hopefully do not have anything for awhile and I will be able to get some more weight off before Jamaica. I have a little over 7 weeks. Maybe I can lose 14 pounds before the trip. I will be thrilled if I can lose 10.

Need to get to work. Everyone have a great day and remember to drink your water.:D
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Juli, glad you had a good time last night! I'm with you on the losing weight before our trips. I have 9 weeks from Friday and I want to lose at least 10 lbs. My size 12's are really starting to get loose so I at least hope for a size 10. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us. ;)
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Shelia, I'm so glad your mom is doing better. You provide so much for all of us, we're here for moral support anytime you need us.

I'm so proud of everybody, you're all doing so great!

Tami, you go girl! I know you can do it, look how far come already! And, I'm sure you'll be giving that new baby kisses soon.

Juli, you're party sounds fun. We sail on Sunday (flying in on Sat.) on Rhapsody of the Seas. Our first cruise ever so we're all very excited. I read on the RCI forum that last week the seas were rough around Grand Cayman and they stopped the tendering and made everyone come back on board. I hope that doesn't happen to us.
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My order from Southhavenfarm.com came in. I had ordered the whole wheat pancake mix, whole wheat bran muffins, whole wheat quick bread, and the cinnamon oat pancake mix. These products are sugar free. I made the cinnamon oat pancake mix this morning and YUMMY! Very tasty. My only complaint is it makes so many. One bag takes 2 cups skim milk & 1/2 cup plain yogurt. I would prefer to make 3 pancakes at a time instead of the whole bag. I am guessing this batter makes approximately 16-20 pancakes. Later when I am not working, I am going to make up the rest of the batter, and freeze them I think. I even think DH would like these.

It is my understanding they are discontinuing the pancake mixes. One bag is 2.49, which is probably a little high, but I would pay it again. I ordered 4 bags of the pancake mixes, 2 each kind.
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Cindy, you are so sweet to say that...thank you! I'm excited for you about your first cruise. You are going to have so much fun! I hope the seas aren't rough near Grand Cayman either. You'll have to give me details as we are sailing there on our cruise in May. Have a wonderful time.

Patti, thanks for the info about the pancakes. They sound yummy! I love me some pancakes and I haven't had any in forever. Now, I can! :D
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Cindy ~ You will have so much fun! Cruising is awesome. I have been on 5 cruises and this past weeked booked our 6th one. Have a wonderful time. Are you flying out the day before? How is the burn doing?

Patti ~ I had never heard of Southavenfarm.com Went over there and took a look at their stuff. Pretty interesting. Think I just might have to order some of their stuff. The cinnamon sounds really good!
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Patti- You might try freezing your extra pancakes by putting them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freezing until they're solid. Then you can put them in baggies. You could skip the cookie sheet step by sticking waxed paper between them too but sometimes they get squished before they get solid. I do this all the time for my youngest DD because she has food allergies and has to have special pancakes. To use them I just nuke them for a few seconds, although when I had a toaster oven they came out much better.

Well everyone, I have great news! No, no baby yet, but I'm transfering Grandma back to the retirement community where she lives tomorrow morning. She won't get to go to her house, probably ever to live, but they have a health center and she will go there for now. I hope that she can move into assisted living, also on the property, within a few months. She can do most of what is required for AL, but lacks the confidence to do it without someone there.

I'm dreading the drive tomorrow because all my muscles are screaming right now. I backed off a bit and only did my 10,000 steps and the "8 minutes" workout today. I hope to start seeing the results from this new workout soon. So far the only result has been me being hungry constantly.

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Juli - I had never heard of them either before I saw them mentioned in another forum I frequent.

Sheila - Thanks for the tip on freezing. I wish I had seen it before I did it though. :D I did use the waxed paper method. I had 3 more of these today with 2 eggs. Yesterday, I just had the pancakes and today it dawned on me that yesterday's meal lacked protein. They are not quite as good heated up. I have 3 more bags of these. I think I am going to experiment with it to see if I can come up with a way to make only 3 at a time. I will give the task to my husband to convert, as he is pretty good with math. Glad to hear things are going well with your mom.

Cindy - Have fun on your first cruise! You will love it. Our next cruise is only our second, but it took only 1 to get us hooked. I am already preplanning our third cruise. :)
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