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I have been trying to post on this thread forever. It is the only one that won't open....drive me nuts! Whew, it finally opened. :D

Shae ~ I am soooo sorry to hear about your BIL. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family. How are you doing?

Tami ~ I just gotta ask...how does the lavender oil taste in water? Doesn't sound to pleasant to me. Am I wrong? ;)

Anita ~ Good luck getting back on track. You can do it!!!!

Belle ~ I'm drinking the Tangerine Diet Rite right now and I'm getting tired of it. I think I'll pick up the "Coke" favor next.

I'm still hanging in there. I've really drifted away from SB, but still think it is great. I'm trying to keep the whole grains instead of the whites.
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I have been trying to post on this thread forever. It is the only one that won't open....drive me nuts! Whew, it finally opened. :D

Shae ~ I am soooo sorry to hear about your BIL. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family. How are you doing?

Tami ~ I just gotta ask...how does the lavender oil taste in water? Doesn't sound to pleasant to me. Am I wrong? ;)

Anita ~ Good luck getting back on track. You can do it!!!!

Belle ~ I'm drinking the Tangerine Diet Rite right now and I'm getting tired of it. I think I'll pick up the "Coke" favor next.

I'm still hanging in there. I've really drifted away from SB, but still think it is great. I'm trying to keep the whole grains instead of the whites.
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Hi everyone- Glad to see someone posting again besides me!

Sheila- I put one or two drops of lavendar in a 1.5 liter bottle of water so I really don't get too much flavor, but you're right. Alot would be nasty.

There are tons of diet rite flavors out there and they vary by region. Here I can find white grape, tangerine, red raspberry and if I'm lucky, grapefruit. When I've gone elsewhere I've found a lemon soda that's like bubbly lemonade and my personal favorite, key lime. If you were a fan of HI-C when you were a kid you should also try some of the new 7up flavors that have splenda. I was a huge cherry addict as a kid and the cherry 7up (new, not old) tastes just like it. I can't drink it too often but it's so good.

Anita- Welcome back. I'm redoubling my efforts with WOE and exercise too. We CAN do this.

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Is it carbonated? I can't wait to get to the store and find some. I have a bad caffaine habit and am trying to cut back. Diet cokes and black coffee. I am adding at least 32 oz of water now and trying to up that. Had baked chicken and green beans for supper last night. It is easy to be good during the week. The weekends are the hard part:)

Tami, I would like the chicken shish ka bobs recipe. My kids love shishkabobs.

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[quote name='adoptmom']If you're really sick of the tangerine and want to use it up I have a recipe for chicken skewers marinated in the tangerine diet rite and also a couple of smoothy recipes I could post. Just let me know. :D

Please, please, pretty please!!

Anita ~ Yes, it is carbonated.
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Well, getting off of the caffeine is easier said than done. I got off the caffeine for a few days and totally lost my appetite. But I craved the caffeine, went back on caffeine and started getting hungry again. There is definitiely a corrolation between caffeine consumption and your appetite increasing.;)

I would definitely like a copy of those recipes, I love to try new things.

We got a new 2006 Buick Terrazo with Onstar, DVD player, leather interior, everything! I love it, but I've got to run down and get the wireless headphones which were supposed to be a part of the package but weren't there. See you later! - QT
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Hi there ...Im on the South Beach Plan also....Im trying so hard to be legal and get this weight off before the cruise in April 06...This will be our 4th cruise, but it's a special one as my son is getting married on the beach in St Thomas ....Woohooo...

When are all of you sailing??? We are on the Glory ....Just cant wait..There are like 50 of us taking the cruise ....

Hope to hear from you soon..and lets give each other moral support...
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Shirl ~ Welcome! That is soo nice that your son is getting married on St. Thomas. Do you know which beach? I just love it there! I don't have any cruises book right now. My next one will be in 2007. :( How much weight to you have to lose before April? QT ~ Congrats on the new car!!!!
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tangerine chicken kebobs- From Dana Carpender

3 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breast
1/4 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 TBLS garlic paste
2 TBLS splenda
1 TBLS lemon juice
1/2 tsp sugar free honey
1 12 oz can of tangerine diet rite
salt and pepper

Soak skewers in water for to keep them from burning.

Cut the chicken breast as thinly as possible into strips about 1inch by 4-6 inches. Mix together everything else in a ziplock bag. Add the chicken and seal. Marinate for several hours.

Preheat grill to medium heat. Boil the marinade. Place chicken onto skewers folding accordian style (about 2 strips per skewer.) Bunch the chicken up so it doesn't dry out. Cook approximate 7 minutes. Baste half way through with boiled marinade.

For 12 skewers- each with 0 carbs and 25 gms of protein

I do these for camping alot. We throw the chicken and marinade in a ziplock bag and then put it in the freezer. Then it just get stuck down in the cooler and then they thaw and marinate until we're ready for them. I do reccommend a double bag for the cooler though.

Strawberry -tangerine fizz Dana Carpender

1 cup yogurt
1/2 cup tangerine diet rite
5 medium frozen strawberries
1/4 tsp tangerine -strawberry sugar free drink mix powder
xanthan or guar

Combine in blender. (I wouldn't use more than 1/4 tsp of the xanthan or you'll have to eat it with a spoon.)

145 cal, 1 g fat, 7 usable carbs, 13 gm protein.

Dana Carpender's low carb smoothie book has several smoothies that use flavored diet rite. Personally, I prefer the chocolate ones like Death By Chocolate, Mocha Latte and Almond Joy in a Glass but all that I have tried have been good.

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Hi all- Sorry it took so long to post those recipes! It's been a zoo around here. We're having to move Grandma from Rehab to a nursing home this Saturday. Last weekend I spent trying to find my house. My main area of concern (all the grandma paperwork and pictures is dealt with, now I just have to focus on all the junk I ignored while trying to get that done.:rolleyes: )

The gastroenterologist gave me some medicine that I'm hoping will solve my ostomy issues I've been having. So far, so good. So now I'm going to start back on phase 1.5 for a week and see if that goes ok. Then if that does well I'm going back on phase 1 until the end of the month. Today my "starch" is the rice paper off some summer rolls. Friday could be the only day that is really difficult. I've been promising oldest DD that we'd eat indian food for weeks now. Some of that has hidden potato. Oh well, as long as I stay away from the rice (no biggie), gulab jamuns and jelabies (harder) and naan (really hard!;) ) I'll be fine.

For the rest of the day my food plan is summer rolls for lunch, shish kabobs with flank steak, mushroom, tomato and pineapple for dinner and a low carb dessert of some kind. I still have to see what I have on hand. I also plan for at least 30, preferably 45 minutes on the bike today.)

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Hi, everybody. What a crazy few weeks full of such highs and lows. The highlight of this time: the birth of our first grandson on Friday, Oct. 7th. Anthony David weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz. He's so cute. Has a headful of nearly black hair just like his aunt did. Mommy and Baby are doing just fine. Also the birth of our first great-nephew born the week before our DGS even tho he was due 2 weeks after. He, too, is adorable, and doing fine.

The low, of course, was my B-I-L's death from cancer, but the last few weeks were so difficult for him and the family that it is a blessing that his suffering is over. My sister and her daughters (teenagers) and her M-I-L are doing as well as can be expected.

I ate all sorts of wonderful, "not allowed" foods while in NJ. People were so kind to bring over all kinds of pasta and baked goodies. It just seemed impolite to worry about carb counts under the circumstances. I got home feeling so bloated. I finally did Phase 1 for a couple of days, but then the baby came and company arrived, so I found it easier to do Phase 2. I may return to Phase 1 til the candy cravings disappear completely. My D-I-L requested a pot of my creamy potato soup, and it was so hard not to keep some for us.

Shil, our next cruise will be in April of 06 on Cruise West. DH did win a trip for 2 to Buenos Aires in a company sales contest, so we'll be doing that in March 06. I wish the timing was better for the 2, but we had no choice about the BA trip, and ours is the last cruise of the spring for the Cruise West one.
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Hi Irislady, Sorry you had such ups and downs there for a few weeks....But just remember today is a new day and start from here ....Tomorrow gets better ....I too need to go back to Phase 1...Too many things are side tracking me also ....

Congratulations, on the new grandchild.... I hope someday I'll have a few...I just love kids...Enjoy them while they are little..They grow up so fast...

OH, about how much weight I need to lose ...Well, Id like 20 or 30 off but if I could go a few more, that would be wonderful....Im taking one day at a time ...I started riding the Gazelle along with walking now....So I hope the extra exercise will help....I know its the portions that should be cut down..We Americans just want to eat so much good foods ...Im Italian, and love to cook and entertain .... so I always have a house full here ....Sure not helping me take the weight off...But years ago I did it so, I think I can do it again.... Good luck to all of you....
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Shae ~ Congratulations on the grandson! That is such wonderful news. I love, love babies and can't wait to have some of my own one day....much later! LOL I'm so sorry to hear about your BIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I understand completely about eating those "no-no's."

Shirl ~ I'm with you, I want to lose about 15 more pounds, but could stand to lose 20-25 more. I just don't think my body will allow me to lose that much.
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Good morning everyone! I'm gearing up for a crazy weekend. Grandma has to move from one facility to the next tomorrow afternoon and we get to spend the morning at the soccer field. Thank goodness this is the last weekend of soccer!

I'm doing ok WOE wise and great WOEX wise. On WEd I did 35 minutes on the bike and a pilates for strength dvd then yesterday I rode the bike for 60 minutes while listening to the SB book on CD. I've exercised every day this week but I'm not sore. This is progress!

Shae- I'm glad you're back. Cancer deaths are hard to deal with. I lost both inlaws and my Granny to long slow bouts of cancer. It's excruciating for the victim and the family. I remember almost feeling relief when they passed but then guilt about that too. Congratulations on your Grand baby and nephew though. Makes me want my new baby NOW! Patience is not my strongest characteristic.:rolleyes:

Shirl- I love to cook and entertain too. It can be done pretty easily within the SB lifestyle and I can even entertain when my vegan friends come around. Definitely couldn't do that when I was on atkins! We're all fans of Indian cooking so we do alot of that. It's spicy, generally low fat and filling even without the rice and naan. I also make a killer lasagne with broccoli slaw mix and zucchini or whole wheat noodles. Success is all about the substitutions. If you must have meat in it I have used ground turkey too. They even make really good italian style turkey and vegan sausages.

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QT- We don't really eat much cornbread due to DD's allergies but I'm thinking that if you made it with stone ground corn meal from scratch you could probably have a little in phase 2. As for chili, I don't really have a recipe but here's an approximation of what I use. This makes a huge canning kettle full.

3lbs ground meat (turkey, beef, pork, venison.. really doesn't matter.)
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder (to your taste. I use the indian kind and it's much hotter.)
1 Tbls minced garlic
1 bag frozen onions
1 can green chilis
1 Tbls oil

Cook the onions until translucent. Add the meat and cook until brown. Drain if necessary then add the spices and garlic and fry them for a minute. Then add:

1 lg can diced tomatos
1 lg can pureed tomatoes
1 lg can beef stock
1 lg can tomato juice
1 lg can vegetable juice

Cook down for at least an hour for the flavors to come together and then add:

4-5 cans of assorted beans, drained and rinsed. We like black beans, navy beans and red kidney beans.

Cook for 20 minutes until the beans are heated through.

Well, that's it. If you don't have a can opener you can't make my chili.:rolleyes: However, it gets raves whenever I make it.

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Sheila- I actually am working on a cookbook of my family recipes. However, I really don't have much time to work on it these days.:D

I started phase 1 today. I had some kids cereal yesterday as I was cleaning up from breakfast and now the sugar cravings are about to kill me. So.. I'll just start over.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, everyone.

Things have been crazy for me helping to take care our our new grandson, our granddaughter and waiting for granddaughter #2 who is due at the end of this month. I've got to get back on to SBD. I just don't feel as good when I let the "bad" carbs sneak back into my diet on a regular basis.

Also I wanted you to know that the tornado that devastated much of our town of Newburgh early this morning (2 AM) and then touched down again north-east of us near Boonville missed us entirely. Thank goodness it did since we didn't hear the warning sirens at all. We should have listened to our dogs and headed for the basement. Our "boy" was far more aggitated by this morning's storm than he normally would be. Obviously he knew something serious was going on. Right now the death toll stands at 17, but it will probably go quite a bit higher since there are 27 people in critical condition. Our power has been back on since 7, but they say 27,000 homes are still without power.

Tami, I hope you didn't have any damage up your way. That line of storms was huge, and we heard of damage all over the state.

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Shae- I was just logging on to see if you'd been heard from. Wow, it really sounds like a mess down there. I have a friend whose mom lives just outside of E-ville and a nephew who is at the university down there. Fortunately he decided to come home for the weekend. We really didn't have that much storming up here. It thundered and lightninged but it wasn't even enough to get me out of bed. I'm a BIG TIME WEATHER GEEK so if we'd had anything like you I'd have been out looking for wall clouds.:rolleyes:

Glad to hear you're ok. Have fun with those Grandbabies.

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