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Teen documentation problem! yikes


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I know that you're traveling on Carnival but most cruise lines have the same requirements and this is what RCI has on their website.


Domestic Sailing Requirements:

U.S. Citizens: A passport (valid or expired) is highly recommended as it will speed-up your check-in formalities as well as your departure procedures with government officials (if you would like to find out how to obtain a passport, you can do so at the U.S.Department of State Passport Services and Information website). In the absence of a passport, a birth certificate (original, notarized copy or certified copy), plus a picture ID card issued by a federal, state or local government agency is required. A voter registration card or Social Security Card are not considered to be proof of citizenship. Children under 16 years of age do not require a picture ID. Visas are not required for U.S. citizens.


Not so sure that a Sam's card will work. Remember that the problem will not be getting on the ship but when you come off and have to go through Immigration. That can be the stickler. I wish you all the luck on this. It's a a shame that you are having to deal with this and it is not even your daughter. Good luck and hope all works out.

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Kaki, this is what I received back from my PVP. She has been there a while and has always been very good about giving out info that is valid... I asked her about the Sams club card and if there were any options at all...


She has to have a state issued photo id and copy of her birth certificate. She should be able to get a state issued photo id in less time.

Sorry to hear about her misfortune.

Take care.

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oh, how i love nc! I hope everything works out for your cruise. if there is a college or university around the area they may give a student id if you explain the situation. one of my friends had to get one so they would have proper id to get on a flight.

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Kaki, this is what I received back from my PVP. She has been there a while and has always been very good about giving out info that is valid... I asked her about the Sams club card and if there were any options at all...



She has to have a state issued photo id and copy of her birth certificate. She should be able to get a state issued photo id in less time.

Sorry to hear about her misfortune.

Take care.


Wow, more new information. Originally, I was told multiple times that her school ID was fine (the driver's license was an added "bonus" that just came in the mail a week ago).


Thanks for checking. I really appreciate it


I am more nervous now than ever!


In my dozens of conversations, no one EVER said her school ID wasn't good enough. And I asked...boy did I ask....


time for something in writing. I will go as far up the chain as I need to


thanks again




I need a drink

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I just went to the carnival website, and if you click on travel documentation at the very bottom, then click on URGENT new passport requirements for 2007, it says in the 3rd paragraph, that if you need a passport right away you can get one within 24 hours with their passport services. Ya might try that:)

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From Carnival's Website:



"Proper travel documentation is required at embarkation and throughout the cruise. Even though a guest has completed registration using FUNPASS, it is still the responsibility of the guest to bring all required travel documents. Guest should check with their travel agent and/or government authority to determine the travel documents necessary for each port of call. Any guest without proper documents will not be allowed to board the vessel and no refund of the cruise fare will be issued. Carnival assumes no responsibility for advising guests of immigration requirements.

U.S. citizens must present proof of citizenship in the form of a passport (valid or expired for less than 10 years), original birth certificate, state-issued certified copy of a birth certificate from the Department of Health and Vital Statistics, or original Naturalization papers."




Hope this helps! We're using b-certs as we booked too late for passports.

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They may take the school ID bcs the school (usually) is state supported.


I would be hesitant to take the Sam's card...heck you cannot tell whether I am male or female on mine!


I would work towards the school ID and maybe call the school adminstrative office.


Any chance you might be able to get her a driver's license in your state? Or maybe get a school ID from someone in your area?


Teenagers!!!!! (Mine "lost" his DL too, but I found them later and "hid" the ones that I found just in case he LOST them again!!)

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I am very sorry you are having this frustration so close to vacation, and I hope you enjoy a RELAXING time once you get onboard.


I'm also very THANKFUL that you posted this situation. We are traveling in August with a large group, including a bunch of teenagers. Since my kids are younger, I had no idea the over-16 teens needed photo id and a bc!


Thank you to all the posters helping out on this thread---you just helped me, as well!

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I don't know how big a town you live it. Is there anyway the mayor's office would issue her a photo id "city pass" (like the employee passes)?


Sometimes when you tour certain areas as students, they issue you a day pass with a photo. Since it is issued by a "government" and has a photo...it may work. I know this is pretty far reaching, but my son (who is now a senior) took a tour of a local government installation and they were presented with photo ids for the duration of their stay.

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Does she have a "last year" photo ID from school? Maybe that, along with her new receipt for her lost driver's license would do?



Best wishes! Hope it all works out for you!

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Look on the internet, there are plenty of places you can get a passport in 24 hours as long as your willing to pay.


A few hundred but its better than losing the cruise fare.


Yes, there are... but if you are going to do it online, you have to have a drivers license (issued more than 6 months ago)... if not you have to follow the supplemental ID requirements below...


Supplemental ID Requirements

If you do not have a current, valid driver license with a photo, issued more than 6 months ago then you must prove your identity by following the steps below. Even if your license was renewed in the same state within the last 6 months you should still follow the instructions below. The government may delay the processing of your application if you do not follow the steps below. If the government feels you have not provided satisfactory ID your passport could be delayed. All ID issues for passport applicants are treated on a case by case basis by the government. Even if you follow our guidelines here the passport agency may still request additional ID information and may not issue you a passport!

You are requested to send a minimum of five (5) documents which would tend to better establsih your identity. The documents submitted should be at least 5 years old or older. The follwoing is a suggested list of documents which have proved helpful in the past with other passport applicants. In particular, school records have been very useful. You may send copies of any personal documents that you have, which may not be listed, and they will be considered. Any type od document which is expired, such as ID card or license, will also be considered.

1. Professional employee identification card

2. Government employee identification card (Federal, State, Municipal)

3. Student identification card (high school or college)

4. Driver's license or state ID card

5. High school yearbook cover and photo pages (copies)

6. Selective service registration/classification card

7. Report of separation from active duty (DD Form 214)

8. Official military identification card (copy front and back) 9. Union membership card

10. Professional license (pilot, nurse, cosmetician, realtor, etc.)

11. Baptismal, confirniation and communion certificates

12. Medicare/Medicaid, welfare, or food stamp card

13. Marriage certificate/license and/or food stamp card

14. Grammar school transcript

15. Middle/High school transcript

16. College transcript

17. Technical/trade school transcript

18. Credit cards (must contain issuance or member since date) 19. Bank statements

20. Insurance papers

21. Real property tax assessments

22. Expired passport (U.S. or foreign)

23. Expired voter's registration card

24. Vehicle registration and/or title

25. Tax return(s)/W-2 forms prior to 19 ____

26. Numident printout from Social Security Administration

27. Social Security card (copy)

28. Job pay statement

29. Utility bills

30. Apartment lease/home mortgage papers


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We are sailing 7/23 and have a will be 16 carnival said school id was fine if not a state id not so sure about the sams card good luck on that one. ;)


If you have a "will be 16" year old.. you should be fine, only passengers 16 and older need an Official photo ID ;)

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More conversations with Carnival and poking around on the immigration/homeland security website led me to the information that a school ID is indeed considered "official" and/or government/state issued. So that is ok. We were on the right track to begin with before she lost her wallet! :mad:


My sister (her mom) is going to the school in the morning personally to see if she can get this taken care of. I don't think she was taking me very seriously until I just now told her "ANGIE CANNOT COME ON THE CRUISE!! SO DON'T BOTHER DROPPING HER OFF AT THE AIRPORT SATURDAY!".


In her defense, they are moving this week - - and she isn't very well travelled to begin with. Thinks you can sweet talk your way into anything. Hope that works for her tomorrow at the school.


Michigan Sec of State is out of the question. No rush available. They only thing we can hope there is that the driver's license gets here this week. Not counting on it.


I checked on the Illinois website to see if I could get her an Illinois ID or temporary driver's license when she gets here Saturday, and we do not have the proper documentation to do - - the stickler is that we have nothing with her name and OUR address on it (they want a utility bill, etc...).


Worst case scenario is that my dreams of having a nanny to watch our 2 and 5 year old (as well as spending time with my niece) are squashed - - and we are out the cost of 2 airfare tickets and one inside cabin.


We are trying to think of someone to take her place, but no viable options are coming to mind.


What really bugs me is that I have meticulously planned this and I was really looking forward to having a relaxing vacation (spending time with the family, yet having some help)! Don't get me wrong, it will still be nice...just not the same, not what I had planned. :mad: Those with young children will understand the difference between some help and no help.


I know, it could be worse, right?


I will keep ya posted. Still have 5 days left in the business week. Who knows what might happen.

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I know you didn't mean it this way AT ALL, but I figured my post might elicit some "should have gotten her a passport" comments. I am just trying to head those comments off by saying this...a passport wasn't an option in our timeframe - - I just got her official birth certificate last week! (let's just say my sister (her mom) isn't the most organized person.) Plus, she isn't my daughter, so I don't have as much control over this as I would like. Would have LOVED getting her the passport, I asked for the birth certificate MONTHS ago from my sister :mad:. Plus I am out of state, so there is only so much I can do from here.


Between that birth certificate (which I am holding right now), the driver's license and school ID, we were good to go.


Then she loses her wallet at the movie theatre!!


And now I can't get a straight answer from Carnival!!



You're right, I didn't mean to start a passport posting frenzy, just wanted to say what my kids used before they had their passports.


I think you are just as determined as I would be in your situation to get this resolved. As you said in a later post, there are still a few days left for her to get some acceptable form of picture ID. I'm pulling for you!! :)

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Thanks John, when my husband called earlier they said it really wasn't Carnival's decision but a "homeland security" decision as to what documentation would be accepted (I don't know, this is my 4th cruise and each time I seem to remember Carnival employees checking my docs...probably trained to homeland security standards, but still Carnival employees).


I am a nit-picky person and I felt like I did the due dilligence to make sure she had what she needed to travel with us - including a notarized note from her parents.


And now this...


All this on top of the fact that my 2 year old was recently diagnosed with a neurological disorder - - well, let's just say I am a little over the edge :mad:


Somehow I feel like we REALLY need to get away as a family, now more than ever, and I am so frustrated I can't get a straight answer from the folks at Carnival.


They really need to have their act together on what an "official photo ID" means for a 16 year old - and be consistent!


If you are very concerned about it you should go ahead and get her a passport. If you are willing to spend the money there are agencies that could get her passport to you by friday. There are lots to choose from just go to a seach engine and search for passport. There is other documentation you can use instead of a drivers license when you apply for a passport. I would give a couple places a call and explain your situation, can't hurt to see what they say it is another good option and it would ensure no problems in Tampa. Good luck I hope to see you (with the rest of you family) on Sunday!

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You also might check with a travel agency. They may have some options for you to try.


Last summer my sister inlaw had to fly to Australia, due to her son being in a Surf Boarding accident, on a Saturday Morning no less. Long Story.


She actually called the State Consolate's office and they expiditated the passports.


They had to fly to LA, take a cab to the State Consolates office,took their pictures there and they attached them to the Officel Passport, thity minutes later they boarded the flight to Sydney.


Now granted this was a life or death situation, but hey it's worth a try.


I would also have your sister call the Mayor's office. There might be someone there with a heart that could work some magic.


Good Luck.

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In December 2004 my family took a cruise on the Sensation, and my brother (17 at the time) managed to lose his wallet on the way from Ohio to New Orleans. After several frantic calls from my mom to our TA and a Carnival rep (who contacted someone actually on the ship), the final verdict was he could board with his birth certificate, and he had to stay with us at any port we went to so we could vouch for his identity if need be.


Good luck, and I hope everything works out for you like it did for us! :)

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I have not read all the postings on this thread so perhaps this has already been mentioned - - Since she is your niece and not your own daughter, you will need a NOTARIZED statement signed by BOTH her parents giving their permission for you to take her on this cruise out of the country. It should include permission for you to make emergency medical decisions on their behalf while on the trip. Cruise lines require this although sometimes the person at the embarkation desk will overlook the need for such documentation if the minor has the same last name as you. Carnival is pretty sharp on such matters so you had better have the notarized statement or she'll not be permitted to board even if she has a passport. Incidentally, this requirement is usually enforced FOR YOUR OWN CHILDREN if only one parent is accompaning the child on the cruise. The cruise lines do not want to be caught in any child custody disputes which can involve one parent taking the child where the other parent cannot find them.

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We are just off the Conquest 4/16. We took our DD's friend. We had her birth certificate, permission letter and medical emergency authorization(notorized), adoption papers, (parent's divorced), photo ID. The only thing they ever looked at was her birth certificate. I was a little anxious that with alll that info maybe I had forgotten something. The notorized letter is essential just in case something happens.

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