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Bringing beer onboard from FFL (embarkation)


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Not me – I’m a Scotch drinker.


Sorry, thought it was you! My husband is a Scotch drinker as well. That or an extra dry grey goose martini with blue cheese stuffed olives.

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Dear Princess,


the Cruise Critic Communtiy decided that it is in our interest having a Beer Card System like the Soda Card.We suggest a Flatrate of $25 a week.






please Print,sign and send to Princess;)


LOL, I wish ;)

We're going for a friend's onboard wedding, with a big group 70+ people. There IS in fact a wedding/group alcoholic drink ''deal'' for $250pp for unlimited alcoholic drinks up to $6.50/per drink... the catch is EVERYONE in the group must purchase it. $500 for me and DH is, like, a lot of alcohol...we're not in college anymore :)



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Dear Princess, the Cruise Critic Communtiy decided that it is in our interest having a Beer Card System like the Soda Card.We suggest a Flatrate of $25 a week. thanks, CCC;)


please Print,sign and send to Princess;)


Will I be able to share it with my brother ???? :D After all we can stiff them on the coke card according to many CCers.

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I must admit I've often lain awake at nights wondering if my actions are enhancing the revenue stream of my selected holiday location. :D


As to the policies of the selected venue, when they conflict with my own policies, mine normally win due to lax or nil enforcement of said policies which render them moot in most cases. ;)


In addition anything that is a guideline can be ignored at will as it is purely a suggested course of action. :cool:


As to the beer, pack it up, move it on and enjoy! But be aware you have probably denied Princess $180 in enhanced revenue stream. :D




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Why does a simple question asking for advice turn into an attack. Did your mom ever teach you "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all".


Apparently most people on this board live for the "drama".

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I guess I have a problem wrapping my mind around carrying 48 cans of any beverage on board a ship when it’s available there.


Then don't do it. Only a school yard bully would keep at those how don't share his/her views. (your view of this type of discussion, more precisely... your take on my words anytime I am at odds with your views on BYOB aboard Princess)


The rules say you may bring the stuff aboard, and a few people choose to do so. Why do you hate them so much?


Bully's at school never did very well with me.

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Aren't you an uppity jerk!


No one goes on vacation for a week to a resturant...your analogy doesn't make sense in this case.


And I CAN afford to buy drinks onboard...my point is, how can wine and champagne be brought aboard in unlimited quantities, but not a case of beer? It must certainly be more expensive for a glass of wine/champagne than a can of beer. Until Princess changes the unlimited wine/champagne allowance, I'll bring my own beer.


**Thank you to all the others with helpful tips!**




The point being...the restaurant has a rule that you buy your drinks from them.

As you state, you are familiar with the policy "No Beer". Why do you insist on breaking the rule? Another breakdown of American society, do what you want. If your beer was confiscated, I guess you would blame the cruise line.

After the recent tragedy on RCL, beer smuggling may be a little tougher.

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Not to get into a fight here, but, I am not at a eatery for a week. And it seems strange that you can bring wine and champagne on board. There is no need to rude here, we are just posting suggestions for each other. I usually take a little beer and we usually spend plenty of money on the cruise in one form or another, why are you not teling the wine drinkers to stay home and drink or if you can't afford wine stay home?


You tell 'em Claire.

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That's a good argument for raising fares and relying less on secondary revenue streams, PeterV. :)


Exactly, stop the nickle and diming all together, if you price things at a certain price point then keep adding all these individual fees, charges, add-ons etc, what is the point. Other than "You are a captive audience" and "We charge because we can."


Some day there will be nothing included in the fare. I guess that will please those that "Need to keep the fares low." crowd.




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It never ceases to amaze me that booze is such a "spirited" topic. Har har har... Bringing stuff in your luggage is OK (sodas, beer, wine). They don't want you bringing the whole bar. I don't think the few dollars Princess doesn't make from the folks who bring their own will make a difference to them. If cruising wasn't profitable, there wouldn't be dozens of companies and scores of ships out there. They make plenty!


For those of us who want to buy the drinks on the ship, great! It's not a bad deal. For those of us who don't, great! It's not like you're stealing. If Princess says OK and you're not being stealth about it (a case isn't exactly covert), then run with it. It's up to the passenger whether they do it or not. It's not like Mr. and Mrs. Jones are bringing a flask to dinner!! You want wine with the formal dinner, buy a glass or bring your own and pay the corking fee. No harm, no foul.


For people to lash out at fellow posters the way I've seen, they must have strong feelings. Perhaps stock in Princess? The prices vary anyway depending on the season and year-to-year with inflation. It's not just the people drinking a cold one in their room before dinner.

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It never ceases to amaze me that booze is such a "spirited" topic. Har har har... Bringing stuff in your luggage is OK (sodas, beer, wine). They don't want you bringing the whole bar. I don't think the few dollars Princess doesn't make from the folks who bring their own will make a difference to them. If cruising wasn't profitable, there wouldn't be dozens of companies and scores of ships out there. They make plenty!


For those of us who want to buy the drinks on the ship, great! It's not a bad deal. For those of us who don't, great! It's not like you're stealing. If Princess says OK and you're not being stealth about it (a case isn't exactly covert), then run with it. It's up to the passenger whether they do it or not. It's not like Mr. and Mrs. Jones are bringing a flask to dinner!! You want wine with the formal dinner, buy a glass or bring your own and pay the corking fee. No harm, no foul.


For people to lash out at fellow posters the way I've seen, they must have strong feelings. Perhaps stock in Princess? The prices vary anyway depending on the season and year-to-year with inflation. It's not just the people drinking a cold one in their room before dinner.


Well put!.


It's the policy that Princess maintains on simple things like BYO wine/beer that has me coming back. No I am not bringing the bar, just a bit to enjoy in my cabin. Why somebody would feel that Princess's profit margin is being upset by my actions is simply ludicrous. It is the very reason why I have choosen to be one of their customers.


As I've said before, I can think of no other vacation where a more economically diverse group of people are thrown together in one spot than a cruise ship.


The least expensive cabins allow passengers to enjoy a week for as little as $400.00 -500.00 each, while sharing the same facility with those passengers in suites paying literally several thousands of dollars more!:D


Now.... is a rolling cooler the best way to transport those cans of soft drinks and beer aboard? :rolleyes:

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Then don't do it. Only a school yard bully would keep at those how don't share his/her views. (your view of this type of discussion, more precisely... your take on my words anytime I am at odds with your views on BYOB aboard Princess)


The rules say you may bring the stuff aboard, and a few people choose to do so. Why do you hate them so much?


Bully's at school never did very well with me.

First of all, the rules don’t say you may bring the stuff on board – you were talking beer and soda, Princess says you can bring wine or champagne. As for bullying you, I was only responding to your post – I thought the interchange of opinions was the reason for this forum…perhaps I’m mistaken. But it’s interesting that first you call me a control freak and now a bully – again, instead of calling people names, perhaps a fair debate of the topic is more appropriate.

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First of all, the rules don’t say you may bring the stuff on board – you were talking beer and soda, Princess says you can bring wine or champagne. As for bullying you, I was only responding to your post – I thought the interchange of opinions was the reason for this forum…perhaps I’m mistaken. But it’s interesting that first you call me a control freak and now a bully – again, instead of calling people names, perhaps a fair debate of the topic is more appropriate.


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were bullying me. You brought up the school yard analogy and I simply applied it to the bully by the water fountain who insists his way is the only way.


You do tend to come across rather negatively when someone posts a simple question on this type of subject as qwertlop did when she made a simple inquiry.


So, Princess does not in practise mind if you bring your own soft drink, water or beer aboard. That's how it works in practise and qwertyiop I hope you have a great cruise and should we ever sail on the same ship, you are welcomed to come and enjoy a cold beer (likely imported from the Ft Lauderdale 7-11 Corporation) with Joni and I on our balcony!


I keep a very open mind especially when it comes to travel. There are thousands of ways to enjoy the world.

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Well, it sounds like the boarding on May 27th will be a lively one! I, too, am part of the wedding party that qwertyiop mentioned. We will definitely be bringing some alcohol with us on board. In fact, my in-laws are literally bringing cases of champagne (and other additional alcohol including beer) onboard with permission from Princess. My SIL is the one getting married, and Princess does not carry her favorite almond champagne. So, they had it shipped down and will be bringing it onboard.


Even if that were not the case (pardon the pun!), we would still be carrying on alcohol. Trust me, we will still have a very large bar tab on Princess. We will still drink at the bars, at the pool, and in the restaurant. We will drink most of what we brought on board on our balconies, using the fridges they kindly provide for that purpose.


As for denying Princess additional revenue and breaking rules agreed to in the passenger contract... if Princess says it is okay, then why does anyone else care? They are the ones "losing" the revenue, and they seem okay with it when you ask them on the phone about this issue.

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Well, it sounds like the boarding on May 27th will be a lively one! I, too, am part of the wedding party that qwertyiop mentioned. We will definitely be bringing some alcohol with us on board. In fact, my in-laws are literally bringing cases of champagne (and other additional alcohol including beer) onboard with permission from Princess. My SIL is the one getting married, and Princess does not carry her favorite almond champagne. So, they had it shipped down and will be bringing it onboard.


Even if that were not the case (pardon the pun!), we would still be carrying on alcohol. Trust me, we will still have a very large bar tab on Princess. We will still drink at the bars, at the pool, and in the restaurant. We will drink most of what we brought on board on our balconies, using the fridges they kindly provide for that purpose.


As for denying Princess additional revenue and breaking rules agreed to in the passenger contract... if Princess says it is okay, then why does anyone else care? They are the ones "losing" the revenue, and they seem okay with it when you ask them on the phone about this issue.


Sounds like a fun group! What is almond champagne? I've never heard of it before.

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You know, sadly enough, I have not tried it either... but I will soon. My SIL lives near LA and frequents the vinyards when she and her fiance have the time. She found this champagne somewhere there. It is a lighter champagne with a hint of almond flavor.

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You do tend to come across rather negatively when someone posts a simple question on this type of subject as qwertlop did when she made a simple inquiry.
I guess that’s because I think negatively about the subject. There is a stated alcohol policy and I think just because Princess follows it’s own passenger relations policy to never say “no” to a passenger, people seem to think that the policy means nothing – and perhaps that Princess’ lack of enforcement means just that. But it doesn’t negate the fact that bringing on case loads of beer is against the alcohol policy as published. Princess loses revenue and they lose control of the dispensing of alcohol which can be considered a narcotic (see the Mariner of the Seas threads).

I don’t quite understand why people buy a product that doesn’t fit their needs. And then post on these boards looking for ways to circumvent the stated policies that they agreed to when they paid. It doesn’t make sense to me and I think it’s wrong…hence my negative thoughts about the whole thing.

That being said, haul on as much possible while the ability is available. But please remember a point that I made earlier - don't complain about cruises becoming less inclusive and/or more restrictive when contributing to the issue.

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I guess that’s because I think negatively about the subject. There is a stated alcohol policy and I think just because Princess follows it’s own passenger relations policy to never say “no” to a passenger, people seem to think that the policy means nothing – and perhaps that Princess’ lack of enforcement means just that. But it doesn’t negate the fact that bringing on case loads of beer is against the alcohol policy as published. Princess loses revenue and they lose control of the dispensing of alcohol which can be considered a narcotic (see the Mariner of the Seas threads).


I don’t quite understand why people buy a product that doesn’t fit their needs. And then post on these boards looking for ways to circumvent the stated policies that they agreed to when they paid. It doesn’t make sense to me and I think it’s wrong…hence my negative thoughts about the whole thing.


That being said, haul on as much possible while the ability is available. But please remember a point that I made earlier - don't complain about cruises becoming less inclusive and/or more restrictive when contributing to the issue.


Sure, I can see where you're coming from.


As far as "buy(ing) a product that doesn’t fit their needs" I think that the opposite is true with Princess. They are offering a premium product marketed to a varied economic group and doing a pretty good job at it IMHO. The schmo's in the interior class ZZ four per cabin room at the bow of the ship, "China Deck" are treated with as much respect as the customers in the Grand Queen Sheba Suite. (BTW I am that Schmoo often, I have a lot of time off, just not as much money as I wish)

I was on a Carnival Cruise ship (Destiny) and was talking with a couple who were in one of the premium suite. They had their favorite scotch and gin delivered to their room with the blessing of the ship at the same time staff was rifling through select bags looking for smugglers, silly enough to only afford a standard cabin. They thought it was funny, I thought it was time to look into another cruise line. Glad I found it! :p

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If you can't afford to spend 3 or 4 dollars for a beer, you shouldn't be on a cruise. You are in fact reducing the ship's revenue which in turn drives the price up. Would you sneak a beer into your favorite restaurant?

If the restaurant had a policy of allowing wine to be brougt in, I might well try to bring in beer.

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I am always amazed at people who delight in pointing out the "rulebook" as if it means something.


These are the types of people that drive their cars in the US in the left hand lane doing 55 or whatever the speed limit is and making others swerve around them, believing themselves to be in the right because they are "doing the speed limit". Yes they are, they are also impeding traffic and causing a danger to others, but, yes, they are doing the speed limit.


That and along with the tattler in primary school telling teacher that "Bobby got up while you were out of the room teacher."


Why do so many feel the need to point out rules to others that are rarely, if ever, enforced, and more importantly, do not affect the person noting the rule in the first place. Similarly, why are the rules in place if they are not enforced or applied equally.


The best one however is suggesting that people look elsewhere for their holidays, "If they don't like the rules and policies as stated." I find this to be the most offensive statement I see here, and I see it quite often. I don't particularly like all the policies of most governments, should I not visit those countries? Perhaps I should give up my citizenship if I don't like all the policies of my own government? I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions as to what I enjoy, and where I choose to spend my holidays thank you very much.




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Because you are part of a "captured audience" on cruises, it is very expensive to consume large quanities of alcohol. Five star hotels don't rifle my bags, cruiselines shouldn't either. To me there should be some middle ground. Do I bring alcohol on board for my stateroom, yes. Do I support the bars on board, yes. Do I openly fluant the alcohol as I am "sneaking" it on board, no. I am in NO way a saint but I try to display some "stealthness" when circumventing the rules.


For those that bring alcohol on board - be "cool" with your activities, don't act like a teenager displaying his/her rebellious events for attention, act like you have been there before.


For those that judge us as felons - save it for the one who judge's you.


I know this posting will lead to some snide bashing but that the way it goes.

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