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Sorry Peter, I didn't realise it was not against the law to drink at 18 in the US. I thought it was. I still say though that I think 21 is a much better legal drinking age (maybe that's because I have an almost 16 y.o - getting close:eek: ). Don't know about US but here in Australia, most 18y.o. are still at school (not college or Uni). And yes I agree that many adults don't act like adults.




No, you are correct... it is against the law for an 18 year old to drink in the US... the drinking age is 21 here. And I agree, there were many other reasons that the states started raising the drinking age from 18 to 21, one of the number one reasons were the fatalaties and arrests that were occuring in the younger set (high school, early college)...


And again, many people throw out that they can fight and die for this country at 18... how many of you are??? Don't say it if you don't do it... just because you CAN do something means nothing if you aren't willing to actually do it ;)

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Actually that is not quite right. It is NOT illegal for a person under the age of 21 to drink ( else catholic churches would be raided )

What is illegal is for a person under the age of 21 to BUY alcohol. If an older person buys it, and in small moderation allows some one under the age of 21 to drink it ( and is their legal guardian ) that is not illegal.

To excess however might be considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor and could be punished.

For example, at a wedding I once gave my 19 year old daughter champagne for the toast, I did nothing illegal.

I grant you, it is a very fine line.

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Actually that is not quite right. It is NOT illegal for a person under the age of 21 to drink ( else catholic churches would be raided )


What is illegal is for a person under the age of 21 to BUY alcohol. If an older person buys it, and in small moderation allows some one under the age of 21 to drink it ( and is their legal guardian ) that is not illegal.


To excess however might be considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor and could be punished.


For example, at a wedding I once gave my 19 year old daughter champagne for the toast, I did nothing illegal.


I grant you, it is a very fine line.


At 19 I would have begged to differ, as I called my parents from the jailhouse :( Perhaps different states have different laws... I was drinking, I went to jail... I was released, paid a fine and did community service. The parents of the kid who had the party, were arrested as well. They didn't get off quite as easily as we did... they did not serve us, and were not involved, however, it was their house and they were responsible in the eyes of the law.

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No, you are correct... it is against the law for an 18 year old to drink in the US... the drinking age is 21 here. And I agree, there were many other reasons that the states started raising the drinking age from 18 to 21, one of the number one reasons were the fatalaties and arrests that were occuring in the younger set (high school, early college)...


And again, many people throw out that they can fight and die for this country at 18... how many of you are??? Don't say it if you don't do it... just because you CAN do something means nothing if you aren't willing to actually do it ;)


Well said!!. And the ones that are fighting for their country generally are mature people but let's all be honest, most 18 y.o. are not mature. I was still in high school when I turned 18 (a long time ago:eek: ) but whilst I think I was reasonably mature I don't think I was mature enough for serious drinking.

We have decided to do another cruise in 2 years time (our oldest will be 17), he asked us to wait until he turned 18 but I said "no way".



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Actually that is not quite right. It is NOT illegal for a person under the age of 21 to drink ( else catholic churches would be raided )


What is illegal is for a person under the age of 21 to BUY alcohol. If an older person buys it, and in small moderation allows some one under the age of 21 to drink it ( and is their legal guardian ) that is not illegal.


To excess however might be considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor and could be punished.


For example, at a wedding I once gave my 19 year old daughter champagne for the toast, I did nothing illegal.


I grant you, it is a very fine line.


So you're saying that the age you can buy it & the age you can drink at are different? That's a bit strange. Sorry, as an aussie I'm trying to understand your laws. Here, 18 is the legal age, buy it or drink it. And it's the same in every state.



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Karen, you speak of things you are not exposed to. The young men and women who join the military are no more mature when it comes to drinking than those who do not. I lived in an area quite near Army/Marine bases and a college of approx 20,000. I've seen the behavior. I'm not saying those in the military don't deserve the right to a drink. I believe they do. And while on post they are allowed to drink.

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Karen, you speak of things you are not exposed to. The young men and women who join the military are no more mature when it comes to drinking than those who do not. I lived in an area quite near Army/Marine bases and a college of approx 20,000. I've seen the behavior. I'm not saying those in the military don't deserve the right to a drink. I believe they do. And while on post they are allowed to drink.


I agree with you there... many of the men and women that are in the military are no more mature than others... Having lived in NC most of my life, I've seen the behavior, LOL. Just because someone is in the military does not mean they are mature. Don't get me wrong, many are... however, the thought of some of them with a gun in their hands, is frightening. But I do respect every one of them that joins and is willing to defend our country.

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......... But in any case it is not against any law for an 18 year old to drink on a ship. It may be against the cruiselines policy, but that is about it.Peter


Yes, the cruiseline makes its own policy....and THAT, my friends, is the bottom line.


Since it's Carnival's policy not to serve anyone under 21, the moral obligation on purchasing alcohol for underage passengers is up to the individual adult traveling with that young person.

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It is a very fuzzy line, but no I could not have been convicted for allowing my 19 year old daughter a glass of champagne at a wedding for a toast.

No more than the priest that gives a 19 year old wine at a communion with their parents consent.

I’m not really arguing here, Going-cruising is right in general for practical purposes, but the line is a little fuzzier than that.

On a Cruise ship however I am sure the insurance company hold their feet to the fire on this. So yeah, they probably do put families off the ship for this.

It is also possible that under state laws it may be different.


p.s. Going Crusing - having a party with kids drinking is very different than what I was talking about you understand. At a party how much was comsumed? Just a sip? was EVERY parent actually there to give consent and supervise? A party with kids underage drinking would indeed be crossing the line, however allowing my 19 year old a small glass of wine at dinner is not illegal. All I am saying is that the line is a little fuzzier than people usually realize.

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So you're saying that the age you can buy it & the age you can drink at are different? That's a bit strange. Sorry, as an aussie I'm trying to understand your laws. Here, 18 is the legal age, buy it or drink it. And it's the same in every state.





No, the age you can buy it and drink it in public is 21. Whether someone under 21 can drink it in private with his/her parents' permission varies by state.


From Wikipedia: While the legal drinking age is 21 in all states, the legal details vary. Some states do not allow those under the legal drinking age to be present in liquor stores or in bars (usually, the difference between a bar and a restaurant is whether food is being served). Contrary to popular belief, few states specifically prohibit minors' consumption of alcohol in private settings.

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I've seen teens get most anything they wanted to drink when someone else got it for them. Haven't heard of many being able to buy it under Carnival's policy but have heard of some. So it's possible for teens to get a drink depending on the bartender.


As far as luggage being opened without permission. They can and do open luggage if they want. Most of the time they let luggage go thru even though there is obviously bottles in them. If they see something suspicious other than booze they will open luggage.

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I am formally from NY and am now living in Vienna Austria (Contract) The drinking age here is 16..... yes 16. I was pretty suprised. The general feeling here about drinking is much more relaxed. Drinking is a very social thing. Drinking to excess is frowned upon in all circles. People in general here (Europe) are not so concerned about someone having a glass or two of wine at a business luncheon. In the States you would be labeled. I do think 16 is very young but these kids are not out getting wasted maybe because it is allowed and accepted??? The weekend rolls around in the States and it is this lets get wasted mentatlity (I had it too when I was 17-18) I am not sure if this would ever really work in the States because for so long it has been seen as such a bad thing (and can be). The kids here sit (they don't stand at a bar) there are couches and lounges with techno music but evryone is in groups talking and talking and talking. It's kind of nice and relaxed. Just another thought on the subject.

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The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21. States that did not comply faced a reduction in highway funds under the Federal Highway Aid Act.... It does not prohibit persons under 21 (also called youth or minors) from drinking. The term "public possession" is strictly defined and does not apply to possession for the following:

  • An established religious purpose, when accompanied by a parent, spouse or legal guardian age 21 or older
  • Medical purposes when prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, pharmacist, dentist, nurse, hospital or medical institution
  • In private clubs or establishments
  • In the course of lawful employment by a duly licensed manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer.” 1

Many of the states that have chosen to specifically prohibit alcohol consumption by those under age 21 have a variety of exceptions. For example,

Some States allow an exception for consumption when a family member consents and/or is present. States vary widely in terms of which relatives may consent or must be present for this exception to apply and in what circumstances the exception applies. Sometimes a reference is made simply to "family" or "family member" without further elaboration.


Some States allow an exception for consumption on private property. States vary in the extent of the private property exception which may extend to all private locations, private residences only, or in the home of a parent or guardian only. In some jurisdictions, the location exception is conditional on the presence and/or consent of the parent, legal guardian, or legal-age spouse.

Some States also allow exceptions for educational purposes (e.g., students in culinary schools), religious purposes (e.g., sacramental use of alcoholic beverages), or medical purposes.

Exceptions to Minimum Age of 21 for Consumption of Alcohol as of August 5, 2005 3 usmap_minimum_age.gif

Note: This map is based on statutes and regulations only. It does does not include exceptions created by case law (judicial decisions), custom, or application of constitutional protections.

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Seems to me I saw somewhere, maybe another cruise line, that 18 year olds could buy beer or wine if they had parental consent.


As an aside, I believe if you are old enough to sign legally binding contracts, vote for president and die in battle then you are old enough to decide if you want a beer or not. Just my opinion.



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Just for the record --


I'm 25. I think I look at least 21, some say I look younger. Needless to say I normally don't get carded for drinks since my S&S goes through (obviously) but I have been carded for drinks and I am almost ALWAYS carded for the disco...which is 18+ -- not 21+


If you plan on drinking take it with you I guess, because I don't have high hopes for you being able to be served on the ship.

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Carnival ships sail in international waters and are flagged in foreign countries so, U.S. drinking laws are irrelavent (witness different regs on different lines).


Carnival is working hard to get rid of their "party boat" image, thus the 21 y.o. drinking age on their ships.


Just imagine how bad this thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=354993 would be if these prohibitions were not in place.

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Sorry Peter, I didn't realise it was not against the law to drink at 18 in the US. I thought it was. I still say though that I think 21 is a much better legal drinking age (maybe that's because I have an almost 16 y.o - getting close:eek: ). Don't know about US but here in Australia, most 18y.o. are still at school (not college or Uni). And yes I agree that many adults don't act like adults.




Sorry Karen, but it IS against the law to drink in the US at 18. The US government required that all states enact this law. While it is illegal in the US states, it is NOT illegal outside of the US, and that includes a cruise ship in international waters. I'm sure the US would like to make laws for other countries, but at present they really can't. :D




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Yes, the cruiseline makes its own policy....and THAT, my friends, is the bottom line.


Since it's Carnival's policy not to serve anyone under 21, the moral obligation on purchasing alcohol for underage passengers is up to the individual adult traveling with that young person.


Exactly, if you are happy to do then, then by all means go ahead and do it.


These are the same policies that set up alcohol smuggling, dress codes, pool /hot tub ages, chair hogging, and the like. Pick and choose the policies you wish to adhere to at your discretion.




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Exactly, if you are happy to do then, then by all means go ahead and do it.


These are the same policies that set up alcohol smuggling, dress codes, pool /hot tub ages, chair hogging, and the like. Pick and choose the policies you wish to adhere to at your discretion.





I don't think they will put you off the ship for being in the pool at the wrong age or chair hogging or wearing shorts... but they WILL for underage drinking (the entire family actually) ... for alcohol smuggling, they will take it away... but underage consumption, they will put you off the ship if they feel like it... that's the biggest difference ;)

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Exactly, if you are happy to do then, then by all means go ahead and do it.


I believe you misunderstood my meaning. I do not condone anyone buying an underage passenger a drink. I was saying that it has to be a moral decision of anyone doing so. Personally, I would not do it.


These are the same policies that set up alcohol smuggling, dress codes, pool /hot tub ages, chair hogging, and the like. Pick and choose the policies you wish to adhere to at your discretion.


'Way big difference in those things and underage drinking.:rolleyes:

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