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Review of First Cruise: 7 Day Western Caribbean on Caribbean Princess


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Scurveydog, I am also thoroughly enjoying reading your most interesting and entertaining memoirs of your trip. You are a truly gifted writer.


My wife and I will be sailing on the CB in October and will be doing a similar SRC and Coral Reef tour with Capt. Bryan's.


As we are to be at Capt. Bryan's meeting place at 7.45 am (which is a 2 or 3 block walk from the pier) I have been most anxious about the ability to get quick tendering, as the ship gives priority tendering to those using the ship's tours. Did you go to a special meeting place to get those quick tenders or did you have to tell them that you were on a private tour and would appreciate an early tender? I'm just interested in the specifics as how you went about this and where you went to get the tender.

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Scurveydog, I am also thoroughly enjoying reading your most interesting and entertaining memoirs of your trip. You are a truly gifted writer.


My wife and I will be sailing on the CB in October and will be doing a similar SRC and Coral Reef tour with Capt. Bryan's.


As we are to be at Capt. Bryan's meeting place at 7.45 am (which is a 2 or 3 block walk from the pier) I have been most anxious about the ability to get quick tendering, as the ship gives priority tendering to those using the ship's tours. Did you go to a special meeting place to get those quick tenders or did you have to tell them that you were on a private tour and would appreciate an early tender? I'm just interested in the specifics as how you went about this and where you went to get the tender.


Redtop101, Actually I just went where I was told:o . Those going on a ship-sponsored tour were asked to assemble in the Theatre and those of us freelancing were told to go to the Explorers Lounge- so I went. I feared that this might result in unfavorable treatment for us but, thankfully, it did not. The next thing I knew they were calling for all of us in Explorers Lounge to go. I did not even really have time to grow concerned and start schmoozing for a favor, though I would have if time was ticking away. The key seemed to be getting there very early. Each Princess tender holds about 125 folks I estimated. I wonder what your tour operator would say if you gave them an early heads up about your potential to be a bit later than 7:45? They may have a plan to accomodate this.

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oh, that's all? I've reached the end of this post and can't wait for more. I truly felt like I was there again........We also did the stingrays with Nativeway. It was wonderful. What day are we on????? There is more right????? Gosh, I feel like I am right there with you. I love it. Are you going to do a southern caribbean cruise on the new Crown anytime soon? I would love to read that review. Princess should pay you to cruise on their ships just for your wonderful reviews.

Thank you so much!!!!!

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Thanks Scurveydog - The information was great. I'm glad to hear you didn't have any problem getting a early tender boat since you didn't book through the cruise ship. I'm really looking forward to this excursion. The prices are so much more reasonable than the ships excursions and it sounds like everything worked out great for you. Poppycat

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Sunshine426, Yes the Stingrays were great. I still marvel at having their gentle, graceful but strong bodies all around us. Chris held a few of them for us to feel including one very large female that was pregnant. You could definitely feel the offspring inside. One time he picked up a small male (15" in diameter) and held it vertically so that the mouth on its underside was out of the water. He "aimed" the mouth at DS and the stingray suddenly shot this jet of water 5 feet hitting DS right in the kisser. We all erupted into spontaneous laughter at the shock- especially DS. What a blast- literally!


Must be something many of the guides like to do, as our lovely daughter's had the same experience:D Now a picture of this is on our screen saver to remind me abt that day. Keep the review coming, want to hear what you did in Cozomel.....

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C'mon Scurveydog...keep writing!!!


...so you're back on the ship after your wonderful day in the Caymans...steaming towards Cozumel....and then....(please don't leave us hanging)


As with everyone else on this thread, I've thoroughly enjoyed your review! :)


Did you do any of the shows? I'm also interested in your review of Sterlings...


<patiently drumming fingers on desktop awaiting the next installment>:D

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I have to add my thanks and congratulations to Scurveydog for an outstanding review, it is bringing back wonderful memories of more than one cruise. Our most recent Western Caribbean cruise was on the Voyager of the Seas two years where we also booked with Nativeway - although we we just doing a half-day Stingray City. We cut the tender time a little too close and we late for the morning pickup by Nativeway. We had just managed to miss one tender and had to wait for the next one to fill - a very long time, getting to shore much later than we were supposed to arrive. However, the Nativeway staff was very gracious and told us to come back for the afternoon trip. Once I got over being grumpy with my family for not hurrying more in the morning, we had a lovely time wandering around town and having lunch there. Once we were on our way to Stingray City, the Nativeway staff was excellent and gave us a great trip for a very reasonable price. Just like Scurveydog mentioned, we saw other tours with big crowds on ship excursions while our small group played with the Nativeway staff giving us very personalized attention.


Coolrunnings6 asked about teen activities on the Caribbean Princess. When we sailed last summer, my daughters were 15 and 16. They are outgoing and social and like going to organized activities - they've been cruising since they were 3 and 4. They always go to the first announced teen event because that when the most kids will be there. They we disappointed with the Princess staff and didn't feel that there was much effort to get the kids to mix. But they made some friends and had a great time with them for the rest of the rest of the week. There will be plenty of teens on your June cruise so you'll have the chance to meet plenty of other kids.

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You have me checking back several times a day to see read the remainder of your cruise. We leave for our first cruise on the 23 and cant wait. Please finish your review for the sake of my curiousity.....................

You really should look at writing a book!


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C'mon Scurveydog...keep writing!!!


...so you're back on the ship after your wonderful day in the Caymans...steaming towards Cozumel....and then....(please don't leave us hanging)


As with everyone else on this thread, I've thoroughly enjoyed your review!


Did you do any of the shows? I'm also interested in your review of Sterlings...


<patiently drumming fingers on desktop awaiting the next installment>


LCfromFL, Here's that next installment you've been patiently awaiting. I did not do any of the shows but we did go to Sterlings. I will review that in the next installment. Glad you are enjoying the review. I am too.


Day Five- Cozumel:


Finally, a day to sleep in a little since our ATV Tour with WildTours doesn’t require showing up until 12:15 pm for a 12:30 departure. Wild Tours offered three different times for ATV tours on their website and I had originally booked the earliest, requiring an 8:30am arrival. When my Travel documents arrived, I noticed they indicated an 8:00am to 6:00pm port stay in Cozumel and I began to worry if I could arrive at Carlos & Charlie’s in time for the early tour. I contacted Paula via e-mail, citing my concerns. She completely understood and sent me the following e-mail:

Hola Doug:

Yes, I was able to change your tour to the 12:30 pm timeframe. Please remember that this is a cash or travelers checks only tour. You will meet your guide at Carlos and Charlies location at least 15 mins prior to departure.

Your confirmation number will remain the same.


Whew! I felt much better and was excited about the tour which was to last 4 hours and cost $94 each since we would each have our own single-rider ATV. Here is a description found on their website www.cometocozumel.com.


Kayaks & Snorkel tour: Our tour starts from Mezcalitos beach heading along a 16 KM scenic trail that leads us through dense jungle to a secluded beach, protected by the Hanan barrier reef. At this point we get on the Kayaks and paddle our way to the reefs best snorkel sites. Back on the beach, snacks and soft drinks will be served before we continue to La Palma ruin.


Boy I’m glad I changed the time because the Cruise Planner I received upon embarkation had shifted our Cozumel stay 30 minutes LATER. I would have been a no-show.

This day will be Father - Kid bonding and I am looking forward to it. For some reason DW was not interested in being jostled about on some loud, motorized device as it traversed, rocks, mud and stumps. (We were later told that this tour is referred to as a Mexican Massage.) No, DW will be on her own today, bonding with various store merchants and, conversely, parting with U.S. currency. She loves to shop so much- and she had an absolute ball. In fact, DW armed herself with the map of each shop’s location and contents-which map was helpfully provided by Princess. She then planned her shopping assault on Cozumel with a precision that would impress a fleet commander landing on Normandy. No wasted time or steps. Nothing but an efficient, streamlined search and rescue mission!


There was one functional pier space at Cozumel but it was occupied by another cruise ship so we tendered in. All four together. The process took longer than expected because tendering was being done with different tender vessels which each held over 300 people instead of CB’s 100+ passenger boats. These vessels were much nicer to ride in. They were even air-conditioned. I could not believe the mangled, twisted blocks of concrete encased rebar that were once piers and docks jutting haphazardly out of the water as we passed. It was startling to see things which months ago were massive and solid enough to hold a cruise ship in place and were now twisted like curling ribbon on a Christmas present. Scary how vicious and powerful that hurricane must have been!


Upon our arrival, DS desperately needed something to eat and I was starting to get antsy because time was getting short and I still didn’t know how far I was from Carlos & Charlie’s. I was futilely trying to relax. While DS and DD quickly wolfed (and shared with me) a delicious mushroom & cheese Quesadilla I ascertained that we would need to take a cab to Carlos & Charlie’s. How long would that take:confused: ? More anxiety- dang! The bottom line is that we arrived at Carlos & Charlie’s at almost exactly 8:15—and, of course, the guide wasn’t even there yet. Another proof of the old adage that “punctuality is the art of knowing how late the other guy is going to be”. He was 15 minutes late. It was 8:30 and after paying the fee (curious that this operator required payment prior to the tour- I would learn why later) seven of us were off in an air conditioned van to experience our Mexican massage. Anxiety for nothing. The stress eased away and I wondered, “Hmmm, could there be a lesson here for me about worry and anxiety?”


The weather was overcast today making it mercifully cooler than I expected. As we drove, we saw mile after mile of still devastated countryside. The short scrubby vegetation was green and lush but every single tree was nothing but a ghostly gray trunk, tall and jagged where it was snapped off months ago. When we arrived, it started to very lightly sprinkle.


The ATV’s were in good condition and after a brief explanation of rules and operating instructions, we donned helmets and climbed aboard our bikes. Everyone had their own bike except one couple on their honeymoon who rode a double bike- what a romantic way to get covered in dirt. This was going to be a blast. We stopped to see a cave, a small ruin and a swamp in which there were two alligators. Cool! The ride was everything I hoped for and then some. We traveled single file down narrow, technical paths for the most part, sometimes strewn with boulders, sometimes muddy, sometimes gnarled with large roots and stumps. The ride required every bit of clearance, power and suspension on the machines as well as quite a bit of arm and hand strength to control the bike as it surged over around and through obstacles. We traveled about eight miles in all for the first leg. DD was having some difficulty and stopped briefly to massage a cramp out of her right hand. We stopped at a private beach from which I assumed the kayaking and snorkeling would commence. Disappointing news:( . We were informed that this tour no longer offered kayaking, snorkeling or snacks and soft drinks. Now I was beginning to understand why payment was required before the tour started. Educated from my earlier lesson on stress, I was able to let it go. I resolved to contact the tour company later but to enjoy this time here and now with the kids. DD promptly got in the water with her goggles and began to hunt shells. DS and I ordered Mexican Beers and Nachos from the bar (delicious), sat at an umbrella-covered table and chatted about life while a peacock strutted by. I felt misled but if sitting on a private beach eating nachos and drinking beer for 90 minutes was the worst to befall us, I could deal. The trip back covered essentially the same route and we were all more confident now, so the ride went faster. DS and I felt obligated on certain places with long stretches of smooth straightaway to ascertain the top speed of these vehicles AND to determine whether it were possible to “get air” when bumps in the terrain were encountered. It was!:D DD also did much better on the trip back. We finished the tour a little damp, a little dirty and very exhilerated. We all filled out an evaluation form which I hope has an effect to remedy the unfortunate situation we experienced on this otherwise very enjoyable tour. The van took us back to the pier. I couldn't wait to get back into the stateroom to get a shower and veg out before dinner.


The seas were moderate tonight and the rocking movement they caused to the ship served to enhance the delightful effect of our wine at dinner. The wine I brought tonight had been highly recommended to me and buying it to bring aboard this cruise was the perfect way to see what we thought. Our server from Poland recognized it as it sat on the table waiting to be opened. He commented that we were in for a treat. We were all busy yakking about our day as he opened the bottle but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that before he provided me the cork, he sniffed it himself. I caught him and teased him about it. We laughed together and then I invited him to get a glass so I could share a taste with him. He seemed so shocked that I would make such an offer. Tomorrow I would notice that there were no corkage fees assessed this evening. We could see lightning through the dining room windows and hear occasional thunder out there on the ocean as we dined on King Crab Legs, Rack of Lamb, and the best French Onion Soup I have ever tasted and several other things I cannot remember- I wish I had collected and saved the menus. For me, the best part of a meal is in the space after the entree is finished, the plates are cleared and there is still a splash of red wine left to swirl & sip while awaiting dessert. Satisfied, savoring the residual medley of tastes that were new moments ago. In this relaxed euphoria DW and I planned aloud to have another nice breakfast tomorrow morning and the kids asked if they could join us- I was somehow a little flattered. Despite my caution that doing so would require them to forgo sleeping till Noon, they were undaunted. They wanted to join us for breakfast! Cool! I had another White Burgundy left with which to treat them and us.


Walk the Line at MUTS was scheduled at 10:00pm. Would they still have it in the rain?? I called and asked. “Yes” was the answer, so DW and I walked to this maritime equivalent of the Drive-In Movie-which would be showing IN THE RAIN!!! We arrived 20 minutes early in order to find one of the few seats that were tucked under the overhanging areas on the first deck. Here, under the overhang, the sound system was not as crisp and clear and we had some trouble understanding the dialogue. But we had no trouble understanding the music and the great performance by Mr. Phoenix and Ms. Witherspoon. More than once I realized that I was sitting in this chair, enthusiastically tapping my foot against the damp deck and my palm against the arm of the chair to the beat of these great songs. With sudden self-consciousness and embarrassment I would catch myself and wonder “Who saw me???” Each time I would answer “Who cares?”

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You have me checking back several times a day to see read the remainder of your cruise. We leave for our first cruise on the 23 and cant wait. Please finish your review for the sake of my curiousity.....................

You really should look at writing a book!



Allison, I just posted review of our day at Cozumel I hope you enjoy reading it since you've been checking the boards for it. Will try to complete the review tomorrow. When I resolved to write a review of the best vacation I have ever taken, I had no idea how long it would become. I must also say I am completely flabberegasted by the response it has elicited.:o

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I cannot remember ever having enjoyed a review more. So glad I decided to read it. Have not done this cruise and didn't have any plans to do it in the future. However, reading your review is so enjoyable, I may change my mind. Can't wait for the next installment. I really think you should consider writing somewhere in your professional life. You definitely have what it takes. Thank you!:D

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Scurveydog, thanks so much for your review. It really is a wonderful treat to read, as we count down to the Western itinerary on CB in a little over 13 days from now. I had not thought about an ATV tour in Cozumel and your review has enticed us a little further!


Cheers, Ash

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oh, that's all? I've reached the end of this post and can't wait for more. I truly felt like I was there again........We also did the stingrays with Nativeway. It was wonderful. What day are we on????? There is more right????? Gosh, I feel like I am right there with you. I love it. Are you going to do a southern caribbean cruise on the new Crown anytime soon? I would love to read that review. Princess should pay you to cruise on their ships just for your wonderful reviews.

Thank you so much!!!!!


Vawoods, No plans for Southern Caribbean or the new Crown but DW and I definitely have the cruising bug. The next cruise we want to take is to Alaska. We have tentatively discussed going about 2 or so years from now. You have my hearty permission to encourage Princess (or any other cruise line) to pay me to cruise their ships.;)

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With such wonderful cruise reviews, you have also piqued my interest in the wines you choose. May I ask what wine (& year) you chose to have with dinner after Cozumel, and who made the recommendations? I'm always looking for a good wine. White Burgandy with breakfast?? I'd like to try that!! But my problem is, one glass of wine & I'm ready to go to sleep. Maybe that's a good thing!

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With such wonderful cruise reviews, you have also piqued my interest in the wines you choose. May I ask what wine (& year) you chose to have with dinner after Cozumel, and who made the recommendations? I'm always looking for a good wine. White Burgandy with breakfast?? I'd like to try that!! But my problem is, one glass of wine & I'm ready to go to sleep. Maybe that's a good thing!


Lynn247, The wine we had was a 2001 Chateau de Reignac Bordeaux blend. It was $19.99 at the Total Wine & Spriits store I referenced earlier. As I recall from reading the back of the label it was a blend of three varietals, mostly Merlot & Cabernet. I can't remember who made the recommendation but if you go to the website and do a search for reignac, you can see a review or two. Cheers.

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Scurveydog, once again I marvel at your review. It brought a memory back to me of us being with the kids in the Bahamas. They were I think 7 and 9 and I thought it would be great to walk over the A & P bridge to Naasau. What a long walk. I was only 29 and thought I was in decent shape. Wrong. By the time I got half way over on the way back my DS was pushing and my DD and DH were pulling. By the time we got over my DS said I hope you found everything that you wanted, because I am not going back.


It sounds like you had a fantastic time with the kids. I would have been with your DW. I too am the shopper of America. There is no better hobby.:D


I so look forward to the next and final chapter of your cruise. How sad it will be not to look forward to another. Please feel free to review your weekends at home. I would love to read those.:)

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Great Review. I attempted to write a brief review after my cruise, and it turned into a multi-episode event, with encourgement from the great readers here at CC!! I printed it up and it is now in the back of the scrap book with our photo's. My review was detailed, but not written as lovely as yours, more as a cathartic let me tell you what happened...


Anyway, I am enjoying hearing the travels and the enjoyment you are having with your "kids". Mr. Sunshine had a wonderful bonding moment with our two "DD's" in skywallkers enjoying many martini's, dancing, and then escaping from fire!!


Looking forward to hearing about Sterlings as we did not get to experience that.

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Scurveydog, once again I marvel at your review. It brought a memory back to me of us being with the kids in the Bahamas. They were I think 7 and 9 and I thought it would be great to walk over the A & P bridge to Naasau. What a long walk. I was only 29 and thought I was in decent shape. Wrong. By the time I got half way over on the way back my DS was pushing and my DD and DH were pulling. By the time we got over my DS said I hope you found everything that you wanted, because I am not going back.


It sounds like you had a fantastic time with the kids. I would have been with your DW. I too am the shopper of America. There is no better hobby.:D


I so look forward to the next and final chapter of your cruise. How sad it will be not to look forward to another. Please feel free to review your weekends at home. I would love to read those.:)


Cathy p, I hope to complete and post Day Six- At Sea tonight some time. I am also planning to write about "disembarkation, return to real life and try to remember how to live within your means" day so it looks like 2 more chapters will about cover our cruise exploits. Then I will check back in from time to time to see if there are any questions to answer.

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I have cruised 9 times, 4 of which have been to the Western itinerary. Though I have been in the ports and done some of the things that are being written about in your reviews, I have very much enjoyed them and am living vicariously until my next cruise in August!


Keep up the great review!!! While I am an experienced Princess cruiser I have not yet been on the Caribbean Princess, so especially enjoy your little tidbits of info per food and dining.


May you have many more enjoyable cruises. May I suggest the Coral or Island Princess to the Panama Canal in January or February time period.

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What a wonderful and extensive review you have treated us with. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I write extensive reviews as well and will be sure to post as extensive one of our Crown cruise.


Thank you so much.

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:D Great review!


From One first time Cruiser to another - I wrote a Western Caribbean Princess Review 2 years ago. Frankly - yours is way more descriptive than mine, although we both are very long winded.


We are now getting ready for our second Princess cruise, almost exactly 2 years later, Eastern Intinerary from NYC on the New Crown Princess! We are cruising with friends we met off our Roll Call in 2004 - We can't wait!


Welcome home, glad you had a great trip! I can't wait to hear the rest!


check it out! Western Itinerary/Caribbean Princess July 2004


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Scurveydog, thanks for reminding me just how much the DW & I enjoyed sailing on the CB last fall. We are just about ready to book the next cruise...the DW & I are taking junior with as a HS grad present this time. Will likely do the Eastern caribbean this next time, probably on the CB again. Look forward to your next installment.

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I cannot remember ever having enjoyed a review more. So glad I decided to read it. Have not done this cruise and didn't have any plans to do it in the future. However, reading your review is so enjoyable, I may change my mind. Can't wait for the next installment. I really think you should consider writing somewhere in your professional life. You definitely have what it takes. Thank you!:D


Lyndabaker, You are welcome. Here is that next installment.


Day Six- At Sea:


Breakfast would be at 9:00am in the Coral Dining Room. I slept till 8:15. Woke refreshed and rested so, as Dad used to say, “Up and at ‘em”. Before we left to dine I retrieved the White Burgundy (a Louis LaTour Meursault) that had been chilling in our stateroom fridge since last night. In its place I put the German Eiswein which I had saved all week in order to have with dessert tonight at Sterlings Steakhouse. The last remaining bottle from my “cellar in a box” was a big, bold, Italian Barolo which should readily stand up to the red meat which awaited us. Our breakfast conversation was a cocophony of memories, stories, and lots of questions that had the same basic format; “What has been your favorite ______ so far?” As the silver-plattered pastries were offered to us by the young lady, we were reviewing ports of call. DD admitted she thought Skipper Chris was cute. When the Meursault was opened and poured, we were reviewing meals and wines and drinks that were memorable. DS was so glad he had tried escargot in the dining room and that he had loved it. My breakfast of steak and eggs arrived to accompany my embellishments on the new found gambling prowess I was afforded due to a 45 minute personal lesson by a kind Blackjack dealer. DW opined over her smoked Salmon with bagel and cream cheese that the 24 carat margaritas were delicious and especially enjoyable when she lounged on the uncrowded Sports Deck with its quiet pools in close proximity to Morgan’s bar. The review of our cruise had already begun. It was being done, like so much of our week, under the watchful eye of attentive servers. It was relaxed and delightful.:)


Sometime after breakfast and before I visited the art gallery, it happened. I think I was back in the room or on our balcony. Some perceptions came to me unbidden but welcome. I realized that somehow on this ship with over 3000 others, I had not been in the least, crowded. I realized I had not had a single thought of any kind about work in 6 days. I realized that my expectations for the food on this vessel had been significantly exceeded in virtually every venue. And somehow, in this week-long embrace of real, extended rest and active, delightful play, I had become aware of something else, something very unusual… how I felt. Awareness of my feelings is an oddity for me. They seem to take so long to unearth and DW’s are very near the surface and always at the ready. I was finding this experience curious and utterly alien. But I determined that I liked feeling- I should make a note to try and do more of this! The dominant feeling was one of gratitude but I was aware of other feelings as well- feelings I would later share with DW when the kids bid us adieu after dinner but we remained at the dinner table sipping coffee contentedly for another hour.


The art Gallery was very enjoyable. Smallish but they had it well laid out with an interesting variety. I enjoyed a good 40 minutes there having been enticed by DS & DW who had enjoyed it earlier in the week and recommended it. DW and I had really enjoyed the Champagne art auction and concluded that we would like to get smarter about purchasing art so that we might know what we were doing when/if attending a similar auction on a future cruise.


I went to play some more blackjack this afternoon and found a table of three or four players that looked inviting. I still had all 20 of my $5 chips from the first time I played. $5 was the minimum bet per hand in CB casino, though I noticed in Princess Patter that there are some select times during the cruise when they lower the minimum bet to $3. There are several other versions of blackjack offered in the casino so I learned to look at the signs above the table to make sure it was offering regular blackjack and not some enticing version which, though fun, gave the house better odds. I also learned to look for the small metallic sign on each table which indicated the minimum bet for that table- some tables stipulated a higher minimum bet than $5. There was one non-smoking blackjack table which I found amusing since it was in a casino full of smoking gamblers. Ventilation system was pretty good- I was not bothered by the smoke at all. CB Casino dealt BJ from an 8 deck shoe. No surrender was allowed. Player is allowed to split any card and to double after split. Split aces got one card only. Dealer stays on hard 17. Insurance is offered when dealer shows an ace and even money is offered when dealer shows an ace and player has blackjack. Blackjack pays 3 to 2. All pretty standard blackjack rules. The table I selected was friendly indeed. We offered encouragement and congratulations to each other for good plays, good cards, successful doubles and of course blackjacks. I really enjoyed this social interaction. As friendly as my colleagues were, the dealer was even friendlier. After about 75 minutes of play, I had doubled my initial $100, at one point being up $130. I left the table to attend afternoon tea with DW & DD in the enviable position of making all my money back and I would now be playing any future blackjack with $100 of Princess’ money instead of mine.:D Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!! I would return to the Casino later tonight and make Princess’ money last as long as I could before cashing out $5 to the good. I had been the recipient of five hours of entertainment playing blackjack and the casino paid me $5 to do it! That was something to take to the bank.


Afternoon Tea was made even more enjoyable when I provided DW an accounting of my Blackjack financial status. She did not seem at all sure that I needed to acquire a new vice, since I already had so many others.


Our reservation at Sterlings was at 6:30. We could smell the searing meat as we approached the entrance and my mouth began to water. We were seated immediately and I asked the server to keep the Eiswein chilled and to open the Barolo so it could breathe. We ordered cocktails and a basket of bread featuring delicious a Jalapeno bread loaf was provided to us and we all partook. Out of the corner of my eye I discerned our server approaching our table with a platter of cellophane-covered raw meat. The meat had my undivided attention. The server explained the cuts as we looked on. “Blah, blah, blah”, he said as I observed the marbling on the bone-in strip and the thickness of the filet about which he said, “blah, blah, blah”. I have experienced this ritual plenty of times in other steakhouses and yet I never tire of this important observance which I like to call… the ogling of the carnage. I ogled the strip. I ogled and reogled the filet (DW would boldly order the 12 oz version rather than the 8oz). Decisions, decisions. In the end I employed a tactic which had served me well all week when encountering a choice between two great things to eat—WHY CHOOSE? Yep, there it was. In the center of the platter was the object of my affection this evening- a 22oz Porterhouse. DS & DD also ordered the filet. My appetizer was shrimp cocktail, featuring 4 shrimp that did not deserve the name. “They’re huge”, my family exclaimed as I admired them- -the shrimp, not the family;) . DW requested a spinach dip appetizer with chips which she indicated was not as flavorful as she would have liked. I had a taste and agreed. After the salad (which I consider a bit of a nuisance) came our steaks accompanied by fabulous sauteed mushrooms and smallish baked potatoes which were offered all the customary toppings. The wine was poured and it looked exactly as I expected it to- deep and dark. This was a truly delicious meal. The meat was cooked exactly to our liking and the steaks were appropriately seasoned with salt and some pepper. The restaurant nowhere claimed and I do not believe that the meat served was of the designation “Prime”, but it was delicious. The Barolo performed its accompanying role magnificently. Later we would conclude that Sterlings was delicious, and that it was worth the $15 per person charge- especially for a carnivore that craves a large, steak. But we would also conclude that because of the profound excellence of several other meals we took in the regular dining room, if forced to rank our dining experiences onboard the CB, Sterlings would be near the bottom. Quite an overall compliment when a meal you would force rank near the bottom is still as delicious as this one:D . I cannot remember a single dessert including my own but I have an indelible memory of the Eiswein. Dessert wines can be so tricky but I continue to be impressed with the Germans. Our server brought out smaller dessert wine glasses and poured the syrupy elixir- mmmmm, sehr gut!

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