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Cruising after weight loss surgery


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I have to ask - I am currently doing Nutrisystem and having great luck with it. But I have an extremely overweight son (395). He has been told by Doctors he will not make it to 40 (he is 35 now) if he does not lose weight. He has severe Apnea among other medical problems. He cannot work so he has no medical insurance. Does medi cal cover something like this? What are his options? I really don't want to lose my son and he needs help. Thanks fellow cruisers - I knew I could ask you.

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I have to ask - I am currently doing Nutrisystem and having great luck with it. But I have an extremely overweight son (395). He has been told by Doctors he will not make it to 40 (he is 35 now) if he does not lose weight. He has severe Apnea among other medical problems. He cannot work so he has no medical insurance. Does medi cal cover something like this? What are his options? I really don't want to lose my son and he needs help. Thanks fellow cruisers - I knew I could ask you.

Find out who is doing the surgery in Napa, I am not sure if Queen of the Valley is doing it or not. Maybe Oakland or San Francisco and call the office. Here in Georgia Medicaid will pay but Medicare won't. I happen to work for the hospital that does the surgery and the Doctors made sure with our CEO that our insurance will cover it if medically necessary. It is a decision that everyone has to make for themselves and I am glad I did. I am originally from Yountville, born and raised and my son was the 7th generation born in California. Oh how I miss the valley but boy has the traffic gotten bad. Best wishes for your son and may he choose what is best for him.

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Thanks for the info. You are so right about the traffic in our little Valley. I was also born in Napa and have seen it grow way too much. My Dad worked (and died while at work) at the Vets Home in 1964. Back when I was dating it was a hoot to go to see "Yount's Ghost" at the graveyard. Sure is a small world. Now we are contemplating a move to Ky!! Just too expensive here.

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I grew up taking swimming lessons at the Vets home and was born in 1964. Call around and do the leg work for your son and find out if medical covers the surgery. He is a candidate for the surgery with Sleep Apnea and over 100Lbs over weight. It can make such a difference in his and your life. If not check out what kind of fianancing they have available. My doctors would tell people it is cheaper than buying a car and will make you live longer. I'll keep your son in my prayers and hope he can make some life saving decision. Good luck on your nutri-system change of life, dieting is the hardest thing to do and those that don't need to just don't understand.

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Yes, many insurances cover the surgery, and many do not. Doing your research is the best way to find out. I know that my insurance carrier, Cigna, covers it and your son would definitly be a canidate. Plus with medical necessity, he might even have more to fight with. From other WLS canidates, I also know blue cross covers it. Insurance usually wants someone that is over 40 BMI and has tried and failed at other dieting, including doctor prescribed. It is definitly a lifestyle change, but for the good. If you or he has any questions, visit obesityhelp.com as you will find all questions answered there. Good luck!

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Hi everyone. Sorry it took me a bit to reply but our hard drive crashed and I am just now getting back up and running.


To answer why I am still doing the surgery when my pre-op is going so well - I am doing liquid shakes twice a day and while I am able to tolerate it during my pre-op diet I know I can't do it forever. Plus at any given moment I could sit and eat an entire pound of pasta.


I got a call from my doc's office yesterday and my surgery is scheduled for September 19th :D


So I can eat on my cruise and then two days after the cruise I go on the Proti 15 drinks for my pre-op phase.

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  • 1 month later...



I'm home and I'm banded. My surgery got moved to Tuesday the 20th and it started off great. Got released on Wednesday and by 10PM that night I was back in the ER. Sent home around 1AM and back in the ER by 8AM and admitted. I had severe dry heaving & dehydration :(


But they got everything worked out and I am home today drinking my soup broth and carnation shakes. Prior to our cruise I had lost 30 pounds. Then I only gained about a 1 1/2 pounds on the cruise. Lost 20 pounds on my pre-op diet two weeks after the cruise. So I am down 50 pounds and my goal is to lose 25 pounds by Christmas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone.


I'm doing really well. Down a little over 20 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks since surgery. I am going for my first fill on Monday, October 30th. Should keep me out of trouble for Halloween since I will be on liquids for two days following my fill. I am still eating pureed food, but it is going well. Found a few things that I don't mind having pureed. We went out to dinner yesterday for the first time. I went to a mexican resteraunt and ordered their sloppy joe (without bread) because I am allowed crumbled/groud meats now. Well I got less than 1/8 of a cup down. I'm just not ready for that phase yet - so I brought it home and pureed a 1/2 cup and it was wonderful.


Here is a link to my slide show I posted on Obesity Help.




The last picture of me is post-op at 11 days. I've lost another 13 lbs since that day and need to take some pictures.


I'm glad I got banded and haven't had any second thoughts since the surgery. I do get head hunger watching commercials some times, but not physically craving anything at all.


I want to book another cruise though :D Maybe for May or late August.

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Cuppy, sorry you had some post-op problems. Fortunately, I didn't experience any of that. I had a touch of nausea after I woke up from anesthesia, but an additive to my IVdid the trick and I was good to go.


My weight loss has been slower than yours, but I only had about 70 lbs. all totaled to lose (but being 4'10", my BMI was over 40). I'm down 45 lbs. (2 fills so far) and I feel fabulous. I had been at a bit of a plateau recently and my surgeon told me to increase my exercise, not to decrease my food intake. I increased from 30 minutes/day to 45 minutes/day and I dropped 3 lbs. this week. More importantly, my lab work is wonderful. I had very good cholesterol prior to surgery (160), but terribly high triglycerides (from my very high carbohydrate diet). Well, my triglycerides have dropped from 424 to 88 (normal is <150). I have found the band to be a wonderful tool in assisting to control my hunger. And the best part is I find I can eat everything, but I just eat much smaller portions. I do try to avoid foods that have no health benefits (white pasta, white rice, white potatoes, etc.), but once in a while I indulge in a little something. My surgeon says that's fine; he wants me to feel like I can eat like a normal, healthy person eats and I do. If I have a dessert, I take a bite or two and that's it.


Good luck with your weight loss journey. The best part is buying new clothes!!! (down to a size 10-12 petite!).



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Sorry just realized my slide show doesn't have a post-op picture on it. Last shot is my surgery picture.


I will update the photos in a few minutes so they appear on there.

I can't seem to locate your picture. Do you have a direct link? Don't see any albums for 2006 or a slideshow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to all of you for this thread. I am in the beginning planning stages of weight loss surgery. Just filled out all the paperwork and attended a seminar. I noticed most of these posts are about the lap band. I was leaning toward the laproscopic Gastic Bypass myself. I would appreciate any pros/con on each. I am about 200 lbs overweight and need to do something! My doctor does both but says about 80% of his surgeries is the gastric bypass. I am worried about the excess skin after loosing so much weight also.

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Thanks to all of you for this thread. I am in the beginning planning stages of weight loss surgery. Just filled out all the paperwork and attended a seminar. I noticed most of these posts are about the lap band. I was leaning toward the laproscopic Gastic Bypass myself. I would appreciate any pros/con on each. I am about 200 lbs overweight and need to do something! My doctor does both but says about 80% of his surgeries is the gastric bypass. I am worried about the excess skin after loosing so much weight also.


I had laparoscopic Roux-En-Y surgery 25 months ago. It was one of the best decisions I ever made!!


Which surgery is appropriate for you depends on a lot of different factors--your doctor can discuss each procedure and help you decide which is best for you. Generally speaking (disclaimer--I'm not a doctor and don't even play one on TV--although I am an RN) if you have a great deal of weight to lose, gastric bypass is better than the lap band because rearranging your insides reduces absorption. If you're a sugar-holic, gastric bypass may be better for you because most folks (not me :( ) will have unpleasant physical effects if they eat too much sugar. If you think you will want/need the procedure reversed, the lap band is better.


The amount of leftover skin also depends on various factors, your age, how long you've been fat, heredity. I have lost 165 pounds (I'm 5'3"), and I was 48 when I had the surgery, so I have lots and lots of loose skin. :o But it's not as bad as I feard it would be. I didn't do this to look good in a bikini, but to save my life. So I'm jiggly... I don't care. My wonderful husband loved me when I was fat, and now he loves me thin and flabby. :D


WLS isn't for every one. You will have to change how you eat for the rest of your life. There's no going "off your diet" for a day.


Good luck! If there's anything else you want to know, just ask. I'm happy to share my experiences with anyone.


And just to put this post on topic--on our last cruise in June 2005, our server thought I was unhappy with the food because I ordered so little and never finished that! :D She was quite concerned--I finally took her aside and explained the situation, and reassured her that, yes, the food was fine!


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  • 4 weeks later...



On 10/18/06 I chose to go with the laprosocpic lapband surgery. This was the easiest and most pain free surgery I have ever had. Considering I had 5 incisions after day 3 the incisions were just a bit tender and I was feeling like I hadn't done anything. I was ready to go back to work and haven't had any problems since. The hardest part was just being on liquids but that actually passed quite quickly. I am now 7 1/2 weeks post op and have lost 30lbs. Even tho I haven't had any adjustments yet, I still dont' eat anywhere near what I used to eat but I am able to eat pretty much everything but very small portion and must chew everything really well. I probably won't be eating bread, pastry, or pasta because those foods can and will get stuck and I don't feel the pain will be worth it. Once I start getting my adjustments, the weight will come off pretty steady.


I have no regrets with my choice and even tho I had to pay for the surgery myself since my insurance didn't cover any WLS, this was definately a good investment for myself. I can do without of stuff until I get this paid off because I know I will be alot more healthier and happier because I will be able to move around so much and not have the constant pain in my knees and back.


Research and read all you can about the pros and cons of all the different weight loss surgeries and then make your decision on what will work for your lifestyle.


Best of health to you!


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Magical, congrats on your recent WLS. I, too, had lap band 8 months ago, and I have lost 50 lbs., only 20 lbs. more to go to goal. Anyway, I just thought I'd mention to you that while I do avoid breads, I have no problem with pasta or cake/pastry, although I will say they are just an occasional treat because they are not healthy choices. If I do indulge in pasta or dessert, I take very little and am satisfied. But I've had no problem with anything getting stuck, as long as I chew VERY well and take my time eating. After my last adjustment, which is pretty much my "sweet spot", I had to be much more careful. My husband and I go out to dinner frequently and except for my eating slower and less quantity, nobody would even know I've had the surgery. I love my band!!!

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Hi Jerseygirl3,


It is good to know that at some point I will be able to have the pasta, desserts, and maybe even bread. Being new and getting to know my band has been very interesting and rewarding. I am down 30 lbs and will be having my 1st fill on the 7th. I love my band and how it helped me to lose these 30 lbs and I don't feel like I have really given up alot. I have had a little dessert but only a couple of bites and I am satisfied. The one thing I won't have is ice cream because that is my weakness so I will stay away from that. I can do without bread but do enjoy pasta & rice. I am sure after my fill I will be have to modify what I eat a bit.


I am hoping to be at goal by the time my Panama Cruise is here in April 2008. That will make it even more enjoyable that I will be able to do alot more and not be in pain.


Blessed to be on the healthy track again and regaining control of my life.



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Cusyl, a fill is when the doctor adds saline through a port located just under the abdominal wall. My doctor does it right in his office, although some surgeons prefer to do it under x-ray so they can let the x-ray guide the needle to the port. My port is just under the skin and very easy to palpate. The surgeon has me lie down, cleanses the area with betadine, and with a needle (really doesn't hurt, just a quick little pinch) he injects a small amount of saline into the band. The band is around the stomach and has a balloon along the inside of the band. As the balloon is inflated with saline, it tightens more and more around the stomach, keeping the pouch part of the stomach smaller so you feel full faster and it lasts longer. Generally several fills are required because most surgeons opt to insert very small amounts into the band each time you go for a fill. If they put in too much at once, the band will be too tight and food won't pass. I've now had four fills (each one was about half a cc). As you lose weight, the fat around the stomach also lessens, so the band loosens, and you need fills to compensate for that as well. Right now, after four fills, I feel I'm just at the right spot. You can continue to get fills as needed for the rest of your life.

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Cusyl, don't let fear hold you back. I'm 51 and how I wish I had been able to do something like this years ago. It is probably one of the easiest surgeries I've ever had done. You might try going to a seminar and learning a little bit more about the surgery, and it may quiet some of your fears. I was too chicken for gastric bypass, but the lap band has worked wonderfully for me.

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