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Cruising after weight loss surgery


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Reviving this thread for a review of what it's like to be banded while cruising. I've been banded for 18months and have lost 70lbs. Just 30lbs away from goal. :rolleyes:


I went on my first cruise, the Carnival Pride to the Mexical Riviera while banded. I was *very* nervous about eating on the ship. Being my first cruise, I didn't really know what to expect. There was nothing to worry about - and the good thing about the band - I gained 1lb in 7 days while on the ship. Not bad, eh?


Buffet Meals:Ate breakfast and lunch in the buffet everyday while at sea. Buffets are great for us bandsters because there's less scrutiny regarding the lack of food on our plate and we can pick and choose. For Breakfast, I'd get some oatmeal, a piece or 2 of cut fruit and maybe a sausage. I could take a few bites of each (I'm pretty tight in the morning). I can eat bread, so I was able to eat half a Ruben for lunch one day (although....ate it very slowly). My normal routine for lunch was to go to the dessert or salad bar and grab a small plate, then get in the regular line. I'd fill my little plate and be able to eat a few bites of everything. Dessert - I'd fill one of the plastic coffee mugs with those yummy bite-sized chocolate chip cookies and snack on those while sunning near the pool, or just to have in the room to eat later.


Dining Room Meals: Our server eventually got used to the amounts I ate. I'd just tell him "I fill up quickly" or "I prefer to eat a small dinner". I offered what I couldn't eat to my DH, DSister or DBil. I think they all GAINED a few pounds from all the food I couldn't finish. :)


The first night I asked for a cup of hot water. I sip on it during the meal. It's a trick I use when eating out - really helps the food from getting stuck. Another trick I use is about halfway thru the meal I stand up and go for a walk (especially on formal nights since everything is so cinched up!). Just once around the room or to the restroom and back. Getting up, stretching and moving around really helps loosen me up.


Foods that worked/didn't work for me: After one bite I knew I can't eat the shrimp cocktail (too stringy). I couldn't do the salads well (normally can), did well with the vegetables, small bites of steak and fish. Didn't eat potatoes but do fine with a small amount of rice. Saved room *every night* for the Chocolate Melting Cake. Even if all I could fit in was a spoonful, that was enough. Got a decaf cappucino every night after dinner. I rarely ordered multiple servings, but did order the lobster and filet mignon at the same meal! Ate what I could and gave the rest away. One night all I had was 2 crabcakes. The waiter was really cute "oh honey, that's an appetizer, what are you going to have for dinner?" I laughed and told him I was still pretty full from lunch. Or you could say you're saving room for the Midnight Buffet! :p


David's Supper Club Meal: This is the additional cost prix fixe 5-course restaurant on the Pride. Since it's 5 servings, each serving is on the normal/smaller size. I took a few bites of everything and enjoyed my meal.


Overall - don't stress about what you can/can't eat. There's plenty of choices. They really aren't used to people eating so little on a cruise ship and do kinda look at you funny (especially when all your table-mates are ordering multiple appetizers, entrees and desserts). Lastly - there are plenty of bathrooms, but make sure you know where they are in relation to where you're eating. I did have to PB once but had already scoped out the restrooms near the buffet and dining room.


Lastly, I just got another .2cc this week and won't be eating sandwiches again anytime soon. Ping me if you have any questions and happy banding!

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Glad to hear things went well on your cruise.


I just booked my first cruise since being banded on 9-19-06. We are going on the Disney cruise the end of September. We are going to Disney for a wedding and had decided to spend a week out there; it is actually cheaper to do the 3 day cruise than to spend the whole week at Disney.


A little nervous about cruising and eating though. I'm down about 116 lbs now, with 57 more to go. I am also going in for skin removal of 20 - 30 lbs total toward Christmas into early 2008.


I probably pb once or twice a month. For me there are some things I just can't do at all. Turkey and lettuce are two major issues for me. Pasta is hit or miss...depends on how tight I am that day. Used to be able to do tuna but not lately. No problem with steak, fish, chicken, ham and potato. Bread doesn't like me either. Currently I have 2.8 cc in my 4 cc band and will be going for another fill the end of the month. Getting close to that sweet spot though. Some days I think I'm there and others not so much. I think my next fill might be the one.


Do you go on OH? If so let me know, you will find me on the board under Cuppy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will only be 1 1/2 months post op when I cruise. I would like to know if anyone had any problems with bringing their protein powder for their drinks in their luggage. I am concerned with all of the airline restrictions.

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I haven't been on a cruise since surgery, but I have flown with my powdered protien mix, along with my liquid pre-made carnation instant breakfast and I haven't had any issues. My packages have been completely sealed and I hadn't even opened the original boxes.


Will you be having a fill before you cruise or will you be waiting til you come back?

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I had a Roun Y. I've had some complications, but all have them have been better than an early death. Mine was seven years ago, now. I've kept the weight off. I'm ten pounds heavier than my lightest weight, but I've had two children and those last ten pounds are a bear to get off.


I do triathlons now. I don't suggest this for anyone else, but me. It's a silly hobby, but I can do them. Which is great. I detest my extra skin. I am getting a tummy tuck, when I have the time. Probably this fall, after my marathon.


If it sounds like everything is perfect, it's not. I have some bile duct issues (my gallbladder is gone, but my bile duct remains). The muscle at the end closes down and dumps bile back into my liver. It's painful, horribly so. I am getting that taken care of when I get my tummy tuck. It's going to be some very invasive surgery and took forever to diagnose, because they cannot do an endoscopy on me because of the surgery. Again, as horrible as the pain is (it's intermittent) it's not as bad as dead from being 320lbs at 5'2" and having horrible cholesterol.


I didn't have a choice about which surgery to get, at that time, but I would have still gone for the by-pass. The results seem to be a bit better than the lap band and I don't want to fail. If there was any chance the weight would not all come off, I was not interested. The by-pass is more dangerous, but not as much as it was seven years ago. I had a huge incision, now they can do it laparoscopically. I look like a train ran up my stomach.


I was a bad girl about my protein powder. Still am. I just eat my protein first and I don't have any hair loss issues. For me, hair loss is the first sign that I've been bad about my protein.

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I haven't been on a cruise since surgery, but I have flown with my powdered protien mix, along with my liquid pre-made carnation instant breakfast and I haven't had any issues. My packages have been completely sealed and I hadn't even opened the original boxes.


Will you be having a fill before you cruise or will you be waiting til you come back?


Thank you. I am having the bypass and not the banding. My DH just had the banding and we will be doing our next cruise together in December. He is not coming with me in July.


I will take your advice and just have everything sealed in the suitcase.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm tired of being fat! I've lost weight many times over the past 25 years, but it keeps finding me again. My cousin recently had lap band surgery in Mexico (for half what it would cost in Canada) and seems very happy with it. The waitlist here in Alberta is at least 4 years. Anyone have any experience with Mexican clinics? I'm kind of nervous about it.:confused:

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I'm tired of being fat! I've lost weight many times over the past 25 years, but it keeps finding me again. My cousin recently had lap band surgery in Mexico (for half what it would cost in Canada) and seems very happy with it. The waitlist here in Alberta is at least 4 years. Anyone have any experience with Mexican clinics? I'm kind of nervous about it.:confused:


I did not have my lap band surgery in Mexico, but have known some people online who have and most have a good experience.


I WAS down 120 pounds, but put 11 back on. I am trying to get myself in gear and lose some more before the cruise.

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Losing 120 pounds is incredible!! You must feel so different. My biggest worry is finding aftercare here at home.Did you need a lot of care after your surgery? It would be hard and expensive to go all the way to Mexico every time I needed a doctor. We have a cruise booked next February and I don't want to be this big then.

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If you have the surgery in Mexico, just make sure you have found a local doctor for your after care. Some doctors will not like the idea, but they will still take care of you.

I had the Roux en Y in August 2005. First cruise on our honeymoon, January 2006 (5 months). Had a few issues: brain and stomach not on same page. I threw up twice because I got too full. Had to leave the dining room once cuz i got sick. After the first day, we just told our servers that I had surgery and I can't eat very much so they understood.

Second cruise, 1 year later: 115lbs lighter, not too many issues. Still got sick after David's supper club (Carnival Spirit) just because I ate too much. It was my own fault.

I can't eat ice cream, sugar, milk products. I get horrible gas and diarrhea and abdominal pain. Foods that I used to love, like tuna and eggs; just the smell makes me gag.

Alcohol..... hahhahahaha. On first cruise to Cabo, we went to Cabo Wabo. Had one sip of a Waborita. Have you seen ET, where his heart turns red in his chest? That's what happened to my stomach!!! Have learned that one sip makes my heart start racing, I get light headed and hot. Not fun.

Anyway, you would think that will all that, it wouldn't be worth it.... wrong. Worth every incident. Went from size 28 to 14 top, 10 bottom. No more hypertension, diabetes, knee pain.

Just remember, stop BEFORE you feel full. If you wait til you feel full, then everything in your esophagus still has to get in there and it will be too late. (Wish I would have heeded this one better!) Eat your protein first and don't worry about the rest. No liquids with your meals.

Enjoy your cruise, enjoy life, just pay attention to the rules and you will be fine.....

Bon Voyage!

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With so much available food on the ships, I'll try to remember your lessons. Congratulations on your success. I hope one day to be able to report such great numbers. I'm still trying to decide where to go and which surgeon, but I want to get it done this summer so I can be healthier and more energetic on our cruise. Thanks for the help.:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm 6 years post RNY (200 pound loss :) ) What I do anytime I'm eating out: I make an eating plan in my mind.... how much of what I'm going to eat - how many bites of each course.

Eat SLOWLY, it takes a while for your stomach to catch up with your brain!! I put my fork down after each and every bite - having new people to talk to on a cruise is great, too, just spend more time talking than eating, no too hard for me :D

DON'T deny yourself things you love, take just a bite or two. I do dump, which is a great control tool for me (did it twice, will NEVER do that again :eek: )

Good luck, and ENJOY!

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I'm tired of being fat! I've lost weight many times over the past 25 years, but it keeps finding me again. My cousin recently had lap band surgery in Mexico (for half what it would cost in Canada) and seems very happy with it. The waitlist here in Alberta is at least 4 years. Anyone have any experience with Mexican clinics? I'm kind of nervous about it.:confused:


Although I was banded in Texas, I know a lot of people that have gone to Mexico for their surgery. I have met two of the surgeons at a Bandster convention in town, Dr. Ariel Ortiz and Dr. Roberto Rumbaut. Dr. Rumbaut is also banded. Prior to making your final decision, make sure you have someone to go to for fills and follow-up; that will take patients banded in Mexico.

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Hi Everyone,

I have been on cruise critic for a long time and just now found this post. I had banding three years ago and have lost 165 lbs. We went on our first cruise last June. Just before the cruise, I had my band losened just a bit because I was having difficulty swallowing anything. Well, while on the cruise, I gained 12lbs, and enjoyed EVERY bite. However, it took me 3 months to get those lbs back off once we got back from the cruise. We will be going on another cruise in August. I will not have my band losened this time so I dont expect to gain much. I am also exercising more than before. I still dont exercise much, but more than I ever did before.

Having the band changed my life!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad to hear the stories of others.


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I had the gastric bypass 17 months ago (lost 165lbs)...and went on a cruise just 4.5 months later. I had no problems at all. I was able to eat my 3 small meals (or I should say protein) and had plenty to choose from. I did bring my own protein shakes with me. I got lots of exercise and in the one week on the cruise and one week post cruise excursion I lost 15 pounds. I didnt feel bad not eating or drinking all the cruise had to offer. I really didnt care. I made up my mind when I had my surgery I would change my habits. I am going on another cruise in just 4 days and I still have the same eating habits as I did right after my surgery. I am well below my goal now, and can taste what ever I want, but I just dont want to. It is just not that important to me anymore. I found other things on the cruise to do that didnt involve eating and had tons of fun. I am so pleased with the way things are going and the changes I have made that I have made it my permanent lifestyle, even when Im on vacation. You will be fine and you will see that after the surgery you have to be reminded to eat your 3 meals, food is the fartherst thing from your mind. :D

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:) Hi, I am so happy to see this section. My husband and I are going on our first cruise Next June to Alaska. I had the gastric bypass Oct 17th ,2007 I started out at 320 and today I weighed in at 209.Now I can do the Glacier flight and landing .And wont need to ask for an extension for seat belt on the airplane.Yeah. Life is good .Even though I had complication at first. I would do it again in a heart beat.Any advice from you seasoned cruiser for a 1st timer.Thanks Sandy:)

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Food is plentiful, which you can think of as a minus. But since you can eat anytime, anything - you can also just eat to satisfaction because you know your next meal is around the corner. Also, your not eating much doesn't effect your traveling pals' meals. They also get what they want.


TONS of activities to keep you diverted. Many of them have nothing, little to do w/ food.


It's a relaxing environment. You won't need those easy carbs to flip the switch in your head to signal downtime.


Exercise equipment and walking available!


OK, so this is what I'm telling myself. I had RNY (bypass) open procedure last week. My cruise is in 6 months. I have some experience with chewing, etc. Six years ago I had a "stomach stapling" procedure (VBG) which was successful for about 2-3 years, then began to gain weight steadily no matter what I did; due to complications I had to have surgery - so I opted for the "Gold Standard."


Congrats to anyone who has the determination to face their challenges and reach out for help. Think of how less common diabetes and other comorbities will be with our age groups! Think of all the grandkids that will know their grandparent that might not have survived to meet them, or only knew them as health-compromised.


Someday, obesity will be more clearly understood. My surgeon says that the understanding of obesity now is at the level of the understanding of diabetes before discovering insulin. WOW. But until then, WLS is all we have.

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Hey - it's nice to see some posts on this thread. I was banded 9/05 and have lost 70lbs to date. Cruising wasn't that bad - except when i didn't listen to my body. :o


Would love to hear how your cruise went and what specific tips you can offer others in this process. For bandsters, I would recommend doing what you do now and don't pay too much attention to the servers who think you're starving yourself at each meal. They really do expect to see people ordering multiple appetizers, entrees and desserts and it really throws them off their game when all you want for dinner is a crab cake. :)

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Its plain and simple....eat no different when you are on vacation than you do while your at home! There are so many things to do on the boat that are good for you. I find it best to eat in the dining room...without having to look directly at all the choices in front of you on the buffet. I order off the menu take a few bites of food until my pouch is full. I spend the rest of the time enjoying the conversation with my fellow cruisers while they dine. In seventeen months I have never had dumping syndrome because I stay away from anything that might cause it. Exercise is plentiful on a cruise...dancing, the gym, swimming....do it all. You will burn the extra calories that you do partake in. I do bring some protein shakes with me on the cruise as sometimes I cannot eat enough protein to get my daily requirement. Or at times when off the boat during a meal they come in handy if there are no protein choices available. My surgeon is very adamant about 3 meals a day....with a protein shake for a snack. You have to be sure not to "graze" (eat all day long) when you are on a cruise. I stay away from the food except for breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. My family is very supporting...when they want to snack, I go and find a class, or some activity to partake on my own. You"ll see it is not difficult. You have made drastic changes in your life just by having the weight loss surgery, you are looking good and feeling good, and wont let a vacation change that.

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I'm glad to see some posts here. Congratulations to everyone on yor success!! I had my lapband surgery 2 weeks ago and am only slowly progressing through the stages. Our cruise has been changed to Jan 19, and I hope to lose 60 pounds by then.

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I'm glad to see some posts here. Congratulations to everyone on yor success!! I had my lapband surgery 2 weeks ago and am only slowly progressing through the stages. Our cruise has been changed to Jan 19, and I hope to lose 60 pounds by then.


You can do it if you follow your surgeons orders. I lost 92 pounds in the first 10 months of being banded.

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For those of you thinking about surgery or the ones that have had the surgery, check out this site if you havent already. They have great support and information.




My DH is looking to get the lapband and I was worried about him feeling deprived on the boat with everyone eating there butts off. He said he would rather eat less and feel comfortable and be healthy on the boat than eat till he felt horrible about himself. So with that said that makes me feel better. I think that will make me want to eat less myself.


Got a question for you guys: Has your spouse lost weight after you had your surgery simply b/c of seeing you loose and they naturally make better choices? I would think so b/c just by me thinking of it makes me want to cut back so I would think if I see him eating less I would naturally want to eat less. Dont you think?





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I got my lapband recently and have seen research that shows spouses either lose weight along with bandsters because both are eating healthier or they gain weight because they end up finishing what the bandster can't finish. No one likes waste!! I was told to ask for a take home container when the meal is served, so no one is tempted. I don't want to lose 80 pounds and have my husband find it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone!

I'm so glad I found this thread!! I was just banded July 21, not even a week ago!! And I have had a cruise planned...October 13 and was worried about eating on the cruise, It sounds like it should be no problem with everyone's advice!! I really enjoy "cruise food", so it was nice to hear I can still have filet/lobster, just a lot less of it!


I was banded in Tijuana, Mexico by Dr. Gonzalez, I was very happy with the whole process! I'm still healing, but never had any problems after surgery! I am so excited about being banded, I have been on almost every diet and I lose and gain......This definitely will put a stop on this, I am very determined, but I have to say it is not easy!! The pre-Op diet I was ready to eat my arm off, but I know the hard work will pay off!!



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Good to see a new bandster here. I got my band in Tijuana June 29 and had a great experience. I'm still eating mushies for a few more days then on to regular foods. Our next cruise isn't til January 19, so I hope to have good restriction and be a lot smaller by then. Take care.


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