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Am I gonna get seasick????


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I don't know if I will or won't - I've never been on a boat except for a small river cruise that went very slowly!!!!! I do have problems in the car sometimes - I can't read - if I look down for long I start feeling queasy - that makes life a little tough when you are trying to read a map!!!!! I have heard about different meds which I really do not want to take unless I really have too - my body has poor tolerances for medicines and I often get side effects - not bad ones but headaches or stomach aches or the runs! I have also heard about bands???? What are they and do they contain meds???? Any-one help me!!! Leaving in less than 30 days!

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You might. Some people do. Most people don't. I've been on lots of cruises over the years and once or twice had a twinge of that yucky feeling. It's never held me back and it never will. Those feelings are few and far between. What we do it take all the precautions. We get the patches, they require a prescription. For a few years they were unavailable and we went to sea with out them. No problem. We were fine. They work like magic but do leave a cottony taste in your mouth.. Not bad, but they can be bad for some people. Your doctor will let you know. When they came back on line I got them again as we were going to Hawaii and I was unsure how the seas would be. We took them off after a few days as they were not needed. You can get Bonine at Wal*Mart or any drugstore. It is cheap, has no bad side effects, and it works. You can also get a little packet from the purser on the ship...free. I have given my wrist-bands to my sister as I would rather wear good jewelry (and suffer) but people swear by them. If all else fails and you do get sick the ships doctor can give you a shot that'll take care of it. I've never had to get one. What I want to tell you most of all, is don't worry. Go, be happy, don't worry and don't let the fear keep you off the ship and deprive you of a great time. The chances are slim you'll ever get seasick. Way too many people worry and never take a cruise and miss all that fun. Don't let them scare you.

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Thank you for replying and your advice - I am nervous about my cruise!!!! Never been on one before and am so scared that I won't like it - I hear (and read) so many people tell me that I will be hooked. Another question for you - sun burn - is it more likely on a ship because of the ocean or does the size of the ship take the water out of the equation??

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jn ~~~ You are wondering if you will like cruising. You will not like it.......you will LOVE it!!! You will be hooked, you will become a cruise addict. There is nothing like it. Where are you going and on what ship?? Who are you traveling with? You will find everyone feels differently about seasick meds. I personally have severe motion sickness...I cannot turn my head in a car to even look out a side window. Elevators are difficult, and I have cried in the tender boats. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.....a ship is different. I have very few problems. I tried the patch, but I had many side effects from it that made me worse. I find the wristbands seem to work, but I also hate how they look!! lol. Bonine and ginger (pills, candy and cookies) seem to be what everyone agrees on. The key to bonine is though is to take it the day before you leave. It needs to be your system. I am very meds sensitive, so I take a half and do fine. (I have also taken less drowsey dramamine..again only half a tablet...1 is too strong for me..makes me too tired) I am telling you, and promising you, you are going to have the time of your life!!


What makes you prone to sunburn is the power of the sun, which is stronger in the places the ships go, and the fact that people stay out longer too. Make sure you use plenty of sunscreen!!

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I agree with dzboss.


If you only get slightly queasy when you look at a map in a car, you will probably do well. I become sick and continue to feel sick for hours after riding in a car, so I use the patch (prescription). You are more likely to feel queasy if your stomach is empty, so there is an excuse to snack a bit while you're on board.


I have seabands (the wrist bands), and don't know if they work or not. I know that they don't help when I go on roller coasters. They are about $10 and available at most drug stores.


Ginger candy seems to be the choice for many people, but I recall reading that it is absolutely not suitable if you are on blood thinners. You can buy ginger tablets and ginger candies at a natural food store. My niece, who gets violently seasick, uses only ginger and feels great!


Bonine, Dramamine, Less Drowsy Dramamine, Gravol, Meclazine work differently for everyone. Everyone else gave you good advice on that so I won't cover it again.


As to sunburn - if you want to protect your skin, wear sunscreen all day every day. When you are on the suntanning deck of the ship there will be wind and you won't feel the heat. But you can get a WICKED burn in under an hour - especially if you are fairskinned. And a bad burn can make you more than red - it can make you sick. So take along some good quality, waterproof and sweatproof sunscreen.


You will love, love, love cruising! My husband fought with me for years and I refused to go. He finally convinced me this past winter and we went on Mariner in March. I was ready to book our next cruise by day 2!!! It's a really nice, relaxing way to holiday.

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Thank you all so much for answering me. I am going to try the ginger, I am not a big fan of medicine, but I am not very versed in the "natural" alternatives so thanks for the suggestions! Ginger does make sense - my grand-mother used to suggest it for morning sickness when I was pregnaunt (did that 5 x's - some-people never learn!!!!). Seriously though I am very excited about this cruise but in a sense also terrified - what if I don't bring the right clothes? what if they don't let me in the dining room? It seems like the older you get the more you worry (I am early 40's). There will just be the 2 of us cruising - all the kids are home or away! I'm going to try snuba too - boy am I gonna need an underwater camera for that adventure!!

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People react different ways to being on a cruise ship. Sometimes if it's not very rough then you don't even notice you are on a ship. But, if the seas get rough sometimes the boat starts rocking a little bit. I remember just standing there and feeling the boat go to the right a little then the left. I never got sick, it just didn't bother me. But, people who are going on their first cruise should be prepared in case they do sick. We still bring sea sick medications just in case. But, 99.9% of the time I don't get sick. I haven't got sick on most cruise ships. I do notice the rocking sometimes when seas get rough though but it usually doesn't bother me. Good luck on your cruise. Have a great time!

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I get easily seasick, but it does not stop me from cruising.


I've found that less drowsy Dramamine works best for me, with a backup of the seabands if we hit a rough patch on the ocean. I start taking it the night before we embark and continue for a week after we return. I also suffer from what is called Mal de debarquement, which is dizziness after you are off the ship. It's not uncommon, some people actually like it (:confused: ), but for me, it is very uncomfortable.


I've not tried the patch, because I'm one who has every side effect listed on most meds. I've tried ginger, but it give me horrid heartburn. If I take the Dramamine in the morning, it makes me a bit drowsy, so I just take it at night at bed time.


People say to book low and mid ship to avoid seasickness, but I don't give that much regard. We're only in our cabin to sleep and get ready for the next event and we like to be out and about most other times. If we stayed in our cabin a lot, it might be a concern for me. I don't get seasick while I'm sleeping.


Sunscreen, use a lot and at least a 30 spf. Put it on before you leave the cabin and don't forget your ears and wear a hat. Sunburn happens quicker than you think and can ruin a vacation. While I'm a huge advocate of packing light, sunscreen is the one item we take a lot of, at least one large bottle per person, with a smaller bottle in our beach bag if we go on an excursion. Don't worry about getting a tan, it will happen even with a 30 spf if you're in the sun long enough. There is no such thing as a "base tan" to protect you, even tanned people can suffer severe sunburn. I am outside every day, even in winter I use a sunscreen on my face.

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Thank you for answering - I was wondering about getting a base tan but you answered that for me! I thought about going to a tanning booth for a couple of weeks (I am very pale and tend to get red very easily!). The meds to take at night - you only take them once a day???? I too am awfully sensitive to medicines - allot of times with anything I take I only need 1/2 the recommended dose. Where do you get the wrist bands from? Must you wear them on the wrist or will they work around the ankles? Do they have a place to buy over the counter meds (like tylenol or heartburn/indegestion meds)?

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Seriously though I am very excited about this cruise but in a sense also terrified - what if I don't bring the right clothes? what if they don't let me in the dining room? It seems like the older you get the more you worry (I am early 40's).


Do not worry about your clothes, or being turned away from the dining room. On our formal nights there were people in tuxedos and gowns, suits, blazers, skirts, dresses, pants --- and even a couple of guys in crummy jeans and tank tops.


There are some nasty threads about clothing ... my personal advice is that you ignore the mean-spirited comments. 95% of people on cruises are wonderful, happy and they are in vacation frame of mind. No one will look at you twice or comment if you wear something different from them, or if you wear the same thing two or three times. Read the materials that the cruise line sends you about appropriate dress, find something in your closet and put all of those worries away. Of course, if you want to go out and buy all new things, this is a perfect excuse. ;) There is a nice board on cruise fashions, and that's a good place to go if you want to talk about cruise clothes.


You will have a wonderful time!

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I have to agree, some of the threads regarding clothing can get nasty, why, I don't know. The vast majority of people I've seen on cruises (10 so far!) have been just your average, everyday sort of people, no fashion models to be seen. That people obsess about it in advance is normal....on their first cruise.


Don't be shy to read the posts over on the fashion boards, the ladies there are typically nicer than on the line specific boards.


I'm sure you have much of what you need already, so don't go out and buy a new wardrobe (unless you really want to :) ).


Yes, I only take Dramamine once a day and yes, you can break it in half if you want to, or there is a childrens dosage. The armbands usually are sold right close to the Dramamine, but I also see them onboard cruise ships, if you cannot locate a pair before you leave. There is also a generic brand of Meclezine, I've not tried it because the Dramamine works for me and I don't want to experiment any more than I have to.


I might suggest that you try taking a dose a few days before you leave, to see if you have any sensitivity to it.

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Do they have a place to buy over the counter meds (like tylenol or heartburn/indegestion meds)?

Are you talking about onboard the cruise ship? Yes, there is a place to buy that sort of medicines. But, I bring them with me usually because the prices on the cruise ship are heavily inflated. I usually pay like 3 times the price that I would pay at home. Although, it is vacation so you should enjoy it.

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Makes allot of sense that the prices are inflated - I have begun a list of things to take and I try and carry it with me and add things as I go along. I am a "make a list" nutcase anyway - otherwise I worry about things so much I would forget everything!!! Thanks about the clothing hints - I have a few "nice" dresses that are not really cocktail but too nice just to wear out to the movies so I am going to dig them out - it's really exciting to have somewhere to finally wear them - a couple have spagetti strap shoulders - will that matter????

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Thank you for answering - I was wondering about getting a base tan but you answered that for me! I thought about going to a tanning booth for a couple of weeks (I am very pale and tend to get red very easily!). The meds to take at night - you only take them once a day???? I too am awfully sensitive to medicines - allot of times with anything I take I only need 1/2 the recommended dose. Where do you get the wrist bands from? Must you wear them on the wrist or will they work around the ankles? Do they have a place to buy over the counter meds (like tylenol or heartburn/indegestion meds)?


We do go to a tanning bed to get our base tans, and still wear some sunscreen. We do it longer than most people - 2 months. I burn very easily and do this to keep myself from turning into a lobster!


I think that the wristbands have to be worn on the wrists since they are (from my understanding) working on accupressure points.


Spaghetti straps will be fine! You will see all types of dresses on your cruise.


You think you are excited now? Just wait till your second cruise, you will KNOW how wonderful they are!


You will have a wonderful cruise!

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jn ~~~ What ship are you on and when are you leaving???


I am also very sensitive to medication, which is why I only take 1/2 a dose of whatever it says. The wristbands are cheaper off the ship. You can get them at Walmart or Target or CVS. Some places sell different colors too. I have 2 pair..both black...lol. Cost me $9 each.


I am soooo glad a few of you have mentioned "the nasty fashion" threads. I am sure they are wonderful people but those threads make you feel if you do not wear a ball gown, and coordinate it to a t, that you will be laughed off the ship!! I am going on my 9th cruise, and the dining room is really a mix of fashions. You need to wear what you feel comfortable in, not what other people think you should wear. Dig them out, Jn, and wear them and enjoy them!!!


If you want to read about how excited I am about a cruise, after all the ones I have been on..check out my thread. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=215944


You will see how addicted you will become. I just wish I flew (never will, lets not discuss) because I would do more!! But I am limited since I only go out of NY, NJ or Boston so we can drive there. I wish we had discovered cruising earlier in our lives!! And we love it so much that 2 months ago we booked our 2007 cruise.

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I am going on NCL Dawn and leaving on 7/8/06 - I see they have a "Roll Call" (all this - including message boards is all new to me!!!!!) I have been watching the roll call to see whats going on- so far there are only a couple of people that answered. This site is fantastic and takes away some of the fear and doubt - all you regulars must think I am totally nuts to use the word "fear" in the same sentance as "cruise" however I tend to be a creature of habit and tend to repeat vacations that I know will go as I expect - that however tends to make vacations lack the excitement of the unknown - so at 42 yrs old I bit the bullet and decided on a cruise this year - I am hoping cruising becomes my new "habit"!!!!!


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HI Jn ~~~ I just left you a message on the other thread you have. I was on the NCL Dawn three times as you can see from my past cruises list below. We had a great time on the ship!!! If you have a chance, try the specialty restaurants, They have an Italian one, French, Japanese, a steakhouse...we ate in them all and they were wonderful. You pay extra per person for them, and you need to book them the first day you are on the ship, but worth it if you can. The "roll calls" are great to meet your shipmates. Not too late for you to join in. I have threads for all 3 of my upcoming ones.


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Thanks dzboss - I was so happy to hear that you had been on Dawn 3x's - means you must have liked the ship!!! The think that really made me want to book a cruise is that you can do an activivity if you want OR you can lay in a lounge chair and read or sun!! Some of the resorts we have been too after a few days I am bored. I have problems sitting still sometimes - I don't watch allot of TV ('cept for Deal or no Deal!!!!!) and I often have problems relaxing - at the resorts I would spend the 1st day at the beach - the 2nd we would do a trip somewhere and then it's back on the beach - by day 4 I am full of nervous energy!! The cruise idea lets you relax a little then you can browse the store or the library - hit the gym or do a class or something!!! On top of that you get to stop at a couple of ports (we are stopping at 3 on this cruise) - boy I have just talked myself into a state of excitement and anticipation again!!!!

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See..I think you are finally getting the thrill of cruising.....you can do everything, something or nothing!! Each day when you get up that choice is yours. Cruising gives you so many options!! Did you check out my 6/30 Explorer thread in Roll Call? Has some great tips for newbies like yourself on what to pack and such. I think by the time you go, you will be so much more relaxed having obtained all the info you are getting from all these threads.


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If you can't take meds then try this. At the 1st breakfast of my 1st cruise, (very small ship) we were told keep your stomach full, from seasoned cruisers. One morning I woke up feeling a bit queazy, went to breakfast and felt perfect right after. I've been prone to motion sickness all my life. Give it a try and good luck.

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JN ~~~

It's the first cruise for you, but it isn't for me,

The best time you'll ever have, is the time you'll have at sea.


You can worry about food, rain, excursions, and what you're gonna wear,

But when you step foot on that ship, you won't be left with a care.


You body relaxes, your brain come as alive as you start to view,

The beauty of the ship and all there is to do.


There is nothing like the wonders of cruising, this advice you must heed,

The people are friendly, and the staff is there to fulfill your every need,


The outside world goes away, and you will experience such a thrill,

Well that is up to when under the door the last night, you find your on board shopping bill.


You are not alone in what you feel, we have all felt that way once too,

But you will never look back and regret your decision to go, we are all promising that to you.


Please know that you will positively love this experience, and will want to book another right away,

You will become a hooked like us all , and end up in cruisaholic AA.


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