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RCI Loyalist - now looking at Princess...


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Right, the kids and passengers on Princess are of a much higher class than those on the other (inferior) lines. Give me a break.:rolleyes:

Maybe better parents? :)


All of our past incidents with RCI have stemmed more from unruly....adults! Both cruises were soured greatly by poor parenting, adults who reverted back to their teenage years once they stepped onboard, and wild kids whose actions were almost always defended by the parent. They needed to have Adult Security Enforcement.


Given that Princess limits the percentage of children onboard and there are overall fewer passengers than the voyager series; it would seem likely that the percentage of kids is fewer. This could mean the possibility of having more disruptive, unruly kids is less. And when the youth security actually enforces things, it would sure make for less opportunity or chance someone will attempt something.

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I have no experience with RCI but I find it interesting that a number of people who do are commenting positively toward Princess on this thread. Makes me think I’ve made the right choice (of course I knew that anyway and if I ever have a doubt, I just go hang at the mall for an hour or so).

Maybe better parents?
:D :D
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I have no experience with RCI but I find it interesting that a number of people who do are commenting positively toward Princess on this thread. Makes me think I’ve made the right choice (of course I knew that anyway and if I ever have a doubt, I just go hang at the mall for an hour or so).

:D :D

Brian, would you really expect to find it otherwise on the Princess board?:rolleyes: Go to any cruiseline board and I expect that most of the posters, unless they have a particular complaint, post favorably about that line as opposed to the competition. Snide remarks equating all RCI ships to a mall really don't do much to enhance your image.

BTW,I'm sure you were thrilled to read about the new "street performers" featured on the Crown Princess (can you say Krooze Komics?):D

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I just checked the RCI board and found a thread seeking comparisons between Royal Caribbean and Princess. Overall the posts favored Royal Caribbean. Quelle surprise! :D Take all comparisons with a large helping of salt. They usually aren't objective and are usually colored by personal tastes and preferences.

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For a change of pace, I would recommend the southern Caribbean on whatever line you choose next. All of the islands or so scenic (many are mountainous and lush) and a change of pace, especially from western ports.


It's so funny that opinions can be so different. I thought the WJ buffet was 10 times more efficient than the HC on Princess. I thought the dining rooms were more beautiful and seemed more formal than the feeling you get on the Grand, which to me is like a Hilton or Marriott banquet, but with low, low ceilings. I never felt like someone was watching me from above, but that may have been due to my table locations.


The service and wait staff were definitely better on RCI (but I had anytime on the Grand so that point of view may be skewed). I'm looking forward to experiencing Princess traditional on the Tahitian. One great feature at RCI is full room service, 24 hours.


I thought the cabins were better on RCI, especially not having a club chair that you have to move around to get out on the balcony. A sofa would be much better. My favorite is RCI but I would hop on just about any Princess ship in a heartbeat. Like Pam says, neither line is perfect and each has great qualities and offers different things. The only way to find out for sure is to try as many as possible! So many possibilities, too few vacation days!

I agree with you in some respects... I liked the sofa and table in my EOS and Nordic Empress cabins. However, I'll trade that off with more, and better, storage space. I also MUCH prefer the cabins and bathrooms on the Regal Princess where you have a tub-sized shower.


As for the service and wait staff, our two experiences on RCI were really bad. On the EOS, we had the same staff as the Captain's table yet they were inattentive, lazy (put 3 iced teas in front of me rather than getting fresh ones), and generally, very poor. On the Nordic Empress, we had the experience of two waiters carrying full trays who didn't communicate -- an entire tray of hot soup, including tomato soup, crashed down on us, breaking on our heads and getting all over our clothes. On Christmas Day, there was a set menu -- absolutely no choice of appetizer, entre or dessert. If you didn't want steak, too bad. I've had excellent, good and poor service on Princess but the poorest service was better than two RCI cruises.


I see that you like the 24-hour room service on RCI. On Princess, there's 24/7 buffet with a wide variety of food and dishes throughout the day and night.


Preferences are based on personal experience and if my only Princess cruise had been on the Grand, I'd probably feel the way you do. Our poorest Princess experiences were on the Grand and I will never go on her again. They couldn't pay me to go on the Grand and I'm pretty much a Princess loyalist! Heck, we booked on HAL rather than take a cruise on the Grand next summer. :)

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Pam, I remember your experience with the hot soup, tomato of all things (which can never be completely removed from your clothes), spilling on you. That would have left an impression on me, too. I would hope they reimbursed for the clothes.


You are correct that the Grand is my only point of reference as far as service. Our dining service was appalling and I attribute it to anytime. That was the only area where I felt major disappointment, everything else was minor. I am counting down the days for the Tahitian which I am sure will be completely different. They will probably have to drag me off that ship kicking and screaming.


If you do decide to try RCI again, the Radiance class would be a good one. I am hoping that the overall itinerary changes this year will prove to be so popular that they make more changes to include even longer itineraries and exotic ports down the road. In the meantime, I will try to manage 1-2 cruises a year and the line we choose will come down to itinerary, price, then the ship.

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Preferences are based on personal experience and if my only Princess cruise had been on the Grand, I'd probably feel the way you do. Our poorest Princess experiences were on the Grand and I will never go on her again. They couldn't pay me to go on the Grand and I'm pretty much a Princess loyalist! Heck, we booked on HAL rather than take a cruise on the Grand next summer. :)


The travel agent we used for our Princess cruise, who is great, steered us away from the Grand as well. She was vague about why, and after reading mixed reviews on the Grand we followed her lead. What is it about the Grand? :confused:

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Brian, would you really expect to find it otherwise on the Princess board?:rolleyes: Go to any cruiseline board and I expect that most of the posters, unless they have a particular complaint, post favorably about that line as opposed to the competition. Snide remarks equating all RCI ships to a mall really don't do much to enhance your image.

BTW,I'm sure you were thrilled to read about the new "street performers" featured on the Crown Princess (can you say Krooze Komics?):D

Would I expect to find it otherwise? Maybe not, but I still find it interesting that many who have sailed RCI are now over here on the Princess board.


And why would you think I’m trying to enhance my image? Right or wrong, I have no appreciation for RCI and it will take a lot for my feelings to change - if that tarnishes my image, so be it.


As for equating RCI ships with shopping malls, that's what they are advertising, isn't it? As a non-customer, if RCI wanted to get another impression across to me, shouldn't they tell me something else in their media?


And knowing Princess' sensibilities, I'm sure the "street performers" on Crown Princess are far and above anything on RCI.

I just checked the RCI board and found a thread seeking comparisons between Royal Caribbean and Princess. Overall the posts favored Royal Caribbean. Quelle surprise! :D Take all comparisons with a large helping of salt. They usually aren't objective and are usually colored by personal tastes and preferences.
Right, thanks for that insight – so I guess I wonder why the surprise when I indicate my personal taste and preferences aren’t geared toward the RCI product?
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Perhaps I should have said enhance your credibility. :) I certainly don't deny you the right to prefer one line over another. I just wish that you were less condescending when you describe a cruiseline you know only from advertisements and ascribe the shopping mall analogy to all of RCI's ships when only the Voyager class and Freedom have that feature. The primary themes of their advertising, incidentally, seem directed more to the active vacationer and show much more of the many activities available on and off the ship than focusing on the Royal Promenade.

Despite what you may think, the RCI and Princess' cruise products are more similar than they are different, and I say that from personal experience with both lines. I just think that it is possible to prefer one over the other without descending to sarcasm when referring to the other line. It just isn't an attractive character trait:(.

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Perhaps I should have said enhance your credibility. :) I certainly don't deny you the right to prefer one line over another. I just wish that you were less condescending when you describe a cruiseline you know only from advertisements and ascribe the shopping mall analogy to all of RCI's ships when only the Voyager class and Freedom have that feature. The primary themes of their advertising, incidentally, seem directed more to the active vacationer and show much more of the many activities available on and off the ship than focusing on the Royal Promenade.

Despite what you may think, the RCI and Princess' cruise products are more similar than they are different, and I say that from personal experience with both lines. I just think that it is possible to prefer one over the other without descending to sarcasm when referring to the other line.


You are probably right with regards to the cruise line, but again, I believe the overall passenger clientele is slightly different. Hopefully that isn't too condescending.


It just isn't an attractive character trait:(.


What I am I in sensitivity training? :rolleyes: The cruise lines have feelings now? The guy doesn't like it, he doesn't like it! Give me an honest up front answer any day over some waivering indescisiveness. I think BDJAM is right on so far with his analysis. And being satirical is not an unattractive character trait.

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You are probably right with regards to the cruise line, but again, I believe the overall passenger clientele is slightly different. Hopefully that isn't too condescending.




What I am I in sensitivity training? :rolleyes: The cruise lines have feelings now? The guy doesn't like it, he doesn't like it! Give me an honest up front answer any day over some waivering indescisiveness. I think BDJAM is right on so far with his analysis. And being satirical is not an unattractive character trait.


I'm not sure "satirical" is the right word. :rolleyes: It's almost a hatred, maybe even a jealousy, that is puzzling sometimes.


It's weird on the RCI board, if someone posts that they "jumped ship" once from RCI to Princess, posters ask questions, welcome them back, etc. It doesn't matter if they liked it or didn't and will never leave RCI again, there is no animosity whatsover. So in a way, your statement about the clientele difference rings true in that regard.

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The travel agent we used for our Princess cruise, who is great, steered us away from the Grand as well. She was vague about why, and after reading mixed reviews on the Grand we followed her lead. What is it about the Grand? :confused:


Interesting question. I've been on the Grand twice, and loved it both times. We've booked the Grand again for next March. We really had no complaints either time, but some of the negative comments are from people who were on the same itinerary as us during the same cruise season, but not necessarily the same sailing. I have a couple theories about why the Grand gets so much "bad press." These are just ideas...

A lot of complaints are about poor service in the dining rooms. It seems like most of the concerns are from passengers who had anytime dining. We always do traditional, and have found the service to be exceptional. Our waitstaff on the Grand in March of this year was the best we've ever had. I think the overall cruise experience can be very different depending on your dinner arrangements. We had a glitch in our reservations and had to eat in one of the anytime dining rooms the first night of our last cruise. I thought the service was impersonal and markedly different from the service we got in the traditional dining room.

Lots of passengers on the Grand out of Galveston are new to Princess. I think to a certain extent people go into a cruise expecting things to be a certain way, and then when they're not, they're disappointed. My first cruise was on Sea Princess to Alaska. I loved everything about it. My second cruise was on the Rhapsody, and I expected things to be just like they were on the Sea Princess. I had a good time, but I was a little let down when things weren't quite the way I expected them to be. RC does some things differently than Princess. Not bad, just different. A lot of it is what you're used to and what your expectations are.

What do I like about Princess? First of all, I think the food is MUCH better on Princess than it is on RC. We tend to stick to the dining room instead of the buffet as much as possible, so that statement is based on the quality of food in the dining room. We have also had better service on Princess, but since we've only been on Royal Caribbean once this is probably not a fair comparison. We had a terrible table location on the Rhapsody that impacted our service. I like the space ratio on Princess. Even on a fully sold-out Grand Princess over Spring Break, I never felt crowded. There are nice adults-only areas and plenty of places to get away from it all. This is important to us since my job limits my travel times to school holidays. All three times I've been on Princess I thought the ships were immaculate. Finally, I like the pace of the ship. It's hard to explain, but I just feel very comfortable on a Princess ship.

What do I like about Royal Caribbean? Our standard balcony room was quite a bit bigger than our balcony cabin on the Sea Princess. I liked having a small couch to lounge around on. I thought the entertainment was great -- much better than Princess, although I found the entertainment on the Grand in March to be much improved.

I found the pace of shipboard life on RC to be different than Princess. There were more "active" things to do on the Rhapsody, whereas I relax more on Princess.

These observations are just my opinion, and they're only based on 4 cruises, so I'm far from an expert (although I'd like to cruise enough to be considered an expert!).:D

I will be taking my second RC cruise in a week. This time we'll be on a Voyager class ship. I'm actually a little apprehensive about the size of the ship, but my mom ruled on this one!:eek: I'm sure I will find some things I like and some things I dislike, but one thing I know for sure...it beats the heck out of staying home!!!:cool:

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Caviargal and others,


Princess (within the last year) has added Youth Security Officers, dressed in a bright yellow polos, patrol the ship 24/7 making sure to stop the kids from getting out of control before they do, we were on the Grand during Feb vacation with over 600 kids on board and saw no kids acting bad or annoying passengers. But saw some adults acting bad and annoying other passengers.:D


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Interesting question. I've been on the Grand twice, and loved it both times. We've booked the Grand again for next March. We really had no complaints either time, but some of the negative comments are from people who were on the same itinerary as us during the same cruise season, but not necessarily the same sailing. I have a couple theories about why the Grand gets so much "bad press." These are just ideas...

A lot of complaints are about poor service in the dining rooms. It seems like most of the concerns are from passengers who had anytime dining. We always do traditional, and have found the service to be exceptional. Our waitstaff on the Grand in March of this year was the best we've ever had. I think the overall cruise experience can be very different depending on your dinner arrangements. We had a glitch in our reservations and had to eat in one of the anytime dining rooms the first night of our last cruise. I thought the service was impersonal and markedly different from the service we got in the traditional dining room.

Lots of passengers on the Grand out of Galveston are new to Princess. I think to a certain extent people go into a cruise expecting things to be a certain way, and then when they're not, they're disappointed. My first cruise was on Sea Princess to Alaska. I loved everything about it. My second cruise was on the Rhapsody, and I expected things to be just like they were on the Sea Princess. I had a good time, but I was a little let down when things weren't quite the way I expected them to be. RC does some things differently than Princess. Not bad, just different. A lot of it is what you're used to and what your expectations are.

What do I like about Princess? First of all, I think the food is MUCH better on Princess than it is on RC. We tend to stick to the dining room instead of the buffet as much as possible, so that statement is based on the quality of food in the dining room. We have also had better service on Princess, but since we've only been on Royal Caribbean once this is probably not a fair comparison. We had a terrible table location on the Rhapsody that impacted our service. I like the space ratio on Princess. Even on a fully sold-out Grand Princess over Spring Break, I never felt crowded. There are nice adults-only areas and plenty of places to get away from it all. This is important to us since my job limits my travel times to school holidays. All three times I've been on Princess I thought the ships were immaculate. Finally, I like the pace of the ship. It's hard to explain, but I just feel very comfortable on a Princess ship.

What do I like about Royal Caribbean? Our standard balcony room was quite a bit bigger than our balcony cabin on the Sea Princess. I liked having a small couch to lounge around on. I thought the entertainment was great -- much better than Princess, although I found the entertainment on the Grand in March to be much improved.

I found the pace of shipboard life on RC to be different than Princess. There were more "active" things to do on the Rhapsody, whereas I relax more on Princess.

These observations are just my opinion, and they're only based on 4 cruises, so I'm far from an expert (although I'd like to cruise enough to be considered an expert!).:D

I will be taking my second RC cruise in a week. This time we'll be on a Voyager class ship. I'm actually a little apprehensive about the size of the ship, but my mom ruled on this one!:eek: I'm sure I will find some things I like and some things I dislike, but one thing I know for sure...it beats the heck out of staying home!!!:cool:

That was a great analysis. And I don't want anyone to think I hate RCI either, but I'm more frustrated than anything. I spent more on both RCI cruises than Princess and never felt like I received the level of service or quality that I was paying for. If the prices were lower and better reflective of what they are offering all around, then I probably wouldn't harp on them so often.

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I just wish that you were less condescending when you describe a cruiseline you know only from advertisements and ascribe the shopping mall analogy to all of RCI's ships when only the Voyager class and Freedom have that feature. The primary themes of their advertising, incidentally, seem directed more to the active vacationer and show much more of the many activities available on and off the ship than focusing on the Royal Promenade.

Despite what you may think, the RCI and Princess' cruise products are more similar than they are different, and I say that from personal experience with both lines. I just think that it is possible to prefer one over the other without descending to sarcasm when referring to the other line. It just isn't an attractive character trait:(.

I actually ascribe condescension to RCI because of what I’ve heard and read from others who have sailed the cruise line and who share my sensibilities, not because of what I’ve seen in their advertisements. And as for the shopping mall analogy only applying to the Voyager and Freedom classes, isn’t the rock wall being retrofitted on all their ships? I have one of those at my local shopping mall. Johnny Rockets too. Starbucks too (or whatever coffee house is in vogue on RCI). MUTS too for that matter, but at least Princess isn’t pushing the thing on to the whole fleet. And I'm sorry, Princess and RCI are totally different. Look at the way they design their ships, at the way they advertise and at the cruise experience they provide. It's very clear.


I guess I wonder why it makes so much of a difference of you if I descend to sarcasm or not. If it’s that apparent to readers here, then I’m pretty transparent and my opinion should be dismissed, don’t you think? I’m sorry you think my character unattractive, but I feel the way I do about RCI and that's not going to change.

I think BDJAM is right on so far with his analysis. And being satirical is not an unattractive character trait.
Thank you ParrotHeads. When we sail together I’ll buy you a drink. And it’s good to know that my opinions made without setting foot on an RCI ship can be validated. It’s really not that difficult to come up with them if you look at things objectively.
I'm not sure "satirical" is the right word. :rolleyes: It's almost a hatred, maybe even a jealousy, that is puzzling sometimes.
Certainly not jealousy – why would I be jealous of RCI when I have Princess to sail with twice a year. Hatred? That’s a pretty strong word. I may like something less than something else, but I certainly don’t hate a cruise line – why would you think that someone would place that kind of an emotion on a business entity?
RC does some things differently than Princess. Not bad, just different. A lot of it is what you're used to and what your expectations are.
Right – and the differences that RCI presents aren't the differences that I want to experience. If I want neon, eight story atria, ice skating, rock climbing, flow riding, indoor shops, I can go … to my shopping mall. RCI is targeted at a different cruising demographic than the one I belong to. That is reflected in everything they do. And it’s not for me.


Far be it for me to criticize anyone who is a rabid cruise line fan. I’m one for Princess and we all know it. But that won’t stop me from saying when I think a cruise line is deficient. As much of a supporter of Princess that I am, I have no problem saying when I think something is wrong – why would I hold back with any other cruise line?


The real question is why I think I need to defend myself against the posts directed at my thoughts by negc and TexasMom when they are clearly outside of the community guideline which addresses staying on topic? Don't you have anything better to use in your defense of RCI?

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Bdjam, obviously Princess is the cruise line for you. And there is nothing wrong with that.


But again, you are attributing aspects of certain ships in RCCL's fleet (Voyager class and Freedom class) to all the ships in the fleet.


Johnny Rockets are only on the Voyager class and Sovereign of the Seas. Yes, the rock wall is on all the ships, but it's out of the way. You'd have to look for it to find it.


RCCL's Radiance class ships are elegant ships with tons of glass, and beautiful well designed spaces through out the ship - no shopping mall atmosphere at all.


The atrium on all the ships are not neon, but rather soft colored woods, metals, and gentle colors. RCCL uses soft colors and woods in their decorating schemes. Nothing harsh or abrasive. Maybe you are mistaking neon colors for NCL or CCL.

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RCCL's Radiance class ships are elegant ships with tons of glass, and beautiful well designed spaces through out the ship - no shopping mall atmosphere at all.


The atrium on all the ships are not neon, but rather soft colored woods, metals, and gentle colors. RCCL uses soft colors and woods in their decorating schemes. Nothing harsh or abrasive. Maybe you are mistaking neon colors for NCL or CCL.

So perhaps RCI would appeal to a wider passenger base if they got the message across that all their ships weren't shopping malls? It seems the Freedom experience is what is defining the cruise line right now. I'm not mistaking anything - I've seen pictures of RCI ships and I'm not into the design, the cavernous spaces, the lighting. You're right - there's nothing wrong with liking a particular cruise line and conversely, in disliking another. I think if you like RCI you should certainly say so.

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I happen to agree with you:don't give up on any line unless you have had a really horrible experience more than once. Each has something special to offer and the class of the ship plus age often has something to do with it: We have sailed all mass marketed lines, each gave us a vacation to remember: we are getting tired of the parades in the dining room as well: Celebrity still does it as well. I would guess Carnival does, but this certainly wouldn't be a consideration when we look for a cruise. We were about to book the Regal for the Canal even though I read some pretty nasty reviews: actually we have decided to do HAL only because the Regal was going to be so hard to get to transportation wise and the itineraray on the Coral isn't as good for us as on HALs Amsterdam. When we want total relaxation and a truely awesome crew that isn't phoney we choose NCL. We love true freestyle. Normally I think the number concern for us is itinerary as we have cruised so many times and seen so many of the islands more than I can count. We look for something new: all lines, even Carnival offer something for someone. NMnita



I agree with alot of what you said. I also love the NCL crew and freestyle. Also we often choose toward Princess because of the personal choice dining. When I am on vacation I like being flexable with dining. :) All the "mass market" cruise lines are getting more similar so sometimes there is no difference. Each has "good" and "bad" ships. IMHO chose first for where you want to go and what you want to see and then pick the ship that matches best.:)

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IAll the "mass market" cruise lines are getting more similar so sometimes there is no difference. Each has "good" and "bad" ships. IMHO chose first for where you want to go and what you want to see and then pick the ship that matches best.:)


I too agree with what seems to be the minority opinion on these boards. After several RCI cruises, I tried the Sapphire last year to Alaska. At times I forgot which line I was on. The same mediocre comedian/magicians. The same singing/dancing shows. The same banquet style food (some dishes very good, others not so good). The same friendly service, with the occasional and rare exception. The same Italian and Steakhouse premium dining rooms (which were great - and how I remember cruise food used to be). The casino. The spa specials. The bingo. The Newlywed Game. The photo gallery. The nautical-themed bar. Pizza and burgers by the pool. The lounge at the top of the ship with the great views. The same kids that played on the elevators and pushed all the buttons. And on and on.


Perhaps what the OP needs is a change of itinerary. After getting Caribbean cruise burnout, we went to the Med and Alaska. Next up is a Transatlantic. I find the Radiance class experience much different than the Voyager class experience. And if you really want a change, instead of just another mass-market line, maybe a small-ship experience (Windjammer cruises) or all-inclusive would get you out of the rut.


Would I go on another Princess cruise? Sure - can someone say Tahiti:D ! I would never feel comfortable making broad statements about a line and saying "never again" after only one cruise.

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Overall I think both offer a very similar product. It typically boils down to which you like better. I prefer most food on RCI to princess (except for princess' italian food and pizza). I also think RCI's kid/teen programs and much better. Other than that, I really think it boils down to preferences in ship layout, sing/dancing in the dining room, entertainment, etc.

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Other than that, I really think it boils down to preferences in ship layout, sing/dancing in the dining room, entertainment, etc.

That’s a good reason to stay with Princess – singing and dancing in the dining room? This is supposed to be an upscale five course dinner – at least it is in the dining room on Princess…although I have heard hot dogs are an item of choice in the dining room on RCI.

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We are going on our first RCI cruise after only doing Princess, I will decide for myself how different the two lines are. We are going on Radiance, I hear she is a beautiful ship.

The only consistent complaint I read about RCI is their lack of enforcement on adult only areas. That is something they seriously need to address, they are more youth oriented due to their offerings. But if and I say IF they allow the young to run wild they will drive away the "adult" cruisers, and they are the ones with the money.

Princess does have youth security, I have seen that first hand. You can call to find out how many young people. Not something I ever thought about doing since fortunately so far the young people on our cruises have been very nice.

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We are going on Radiance, I hear she is a beautiful ship.

The only consistent complaint I read about RCI is their lack of enforcement on adult only areas. That is something they seriously need to address, they are more youth oriented due to their offerings. But if and I say IF they allow the young to run wild they will drive away the "adult" cruisers, and they are the ones with the money.



She is a beautiful ship!


I am one of the those that RCI has driven away, after 47 cruises since 1978.


There are several reasons but out of control kids everywhere, including the Solarium which is adults only, was the icing on the cake. It took several cruises to figure out that this was not random bad luck and that they do not take their own rules seriously.


I am booked on X for later this year (never any issues with kids so far) and also have a deposit on Crown Princess. I will make a final decision after reading about how the adult areas are actually handled and will continue to call to find out how many kids are aboard.

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I will make a final decision after reading about how the adult areas are actually handled and will continue to call to find out how many kids are aboard.


Do cruiselines give out that kind of information as to how many children are on board a ship? Or is it because your a TA and you would have access to that kind of information?



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