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Astronomer’s Carnival Pride Review, sailing 6-25-06 Part 1


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I think Moondance and Astronomer are examples of how attitude shapes perception. We have been reading their prelude for a year, looking forward to their final review. I doubt that there is one of us who anticipated that Moondance and Astronomer would have anything less than an absolutely fabulous time on their cruise[and I am having an absolutely fabulous time reading their review]

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Astronomer’s Review of the Carnival Pride sailing 6/25/06 Part 3

We woke Tuesday morning very refreshed, To my surprise Moondance also woke fairly early. She was sleeping better, both her and I have back problems, but either the beds were so comfortable, or the motion of the ship kept us from stiffening up. Either way we found that sleeping on the ship was the best nights sleep we have had in a long time.

Our Coffee and Danish and melon slices arrived ( don’t you just love those cards to hang on your door? ) and we enjoyed them on the balcony. Today was a free day, the only plans we had were to eat at David’s Supper club that evening. We glanced through the Capers but were not all that interested in the Lido deck activities, we did think about visiting the casino and generally just enjoying the ship.

I went back inside to dress and was halfway getting my pants on when there was a squeal from the balcony, Moondance was hanging over the rail and calling to me. By the time I stepped back through the door I realized what it had to be.

Sure enough just off our balcony a whole pod of dolphins were jumping out of the water trying to keep up with the ship. They were jumping all the way out, trying to maximize their time out of the water I assume in order to get a better look at the ship.

I looked them up on the internet and these first dolphins we saw were “Short Beaked Common Dolphins” They were gorgeous, and a bit different than the bottlenose dolphins you see in water parks.

Here is a link to the kind of dolphins we saw that morning.


We counted at least 7 of them but suspected there were quite a few more than that.

We could hear other people on their balconies shouting and talking about them.

That put us in a great moon ( well, we were already in a great moon, but that just topped it off ) We headed up to the Mermaid Grill for more coffee and a light breakfast. We were surprised that the food was better than had been reported.

I actually have the fewest memories of this day, I do remember wandering about the ship, trying the drink of the day at the Poseidon, winning $30 at black jack, finding the most forward deck outside the wind screen. Looking through the shops with Moondance. It was a relaxed day, with nothing special going on, which was fine with me.

That evening however was one of the most memorable evenings on the Ship. We were booked at David’s supper club. I wore a jacket and tie, and Moondance wore a very nice cocktail dress.

The stairs to David’s from the Lido deck are scary. Being the bad little boy, I made sure that I had taken Moondance to the bottom of the Atrium and pointed straight up, “You see that curved glass thing up there dear? That is the stairs to Davids.

Picture looking up from the floor of the Atrium


Picture looking at the actual stairs


That is a long drop through plexiglass stairs.

We had skipped lunch as we were advised to show up hungry. We were seated by a beautiful hostess from Romania, or was it Lithuania? I keep getting those two mixed up. We were seated next to the railing in the upstairs part of David’s Supper Club. I realized we were actually sitting in the highest indoor part of the ship, we were looking down at the dance floor and at the statue of David, and all around us through the red glass funnel and just outside was……. The infamous F Deck! ( no one was out there though )

The waitress from South Africa brought to us a surprise with complements form the chef. I don’t remember what they brought Moonndance, but they gave me this tiny bowl of cold red soup, Some kind of tomato soup, it was fantastic.

Then they brought to us a presentation of what was available for dinner. I don’t remember all of them, but there was a 24 oz porterhouse steak ( I was almost laughing ) a huge NY steak, a giant lobster, lamb, Filets, it was amazing. We were also told they did a Surf and turf with a small lobster and a small Filet.

Of course, we both chose the Surf and Turf. My starter was an onion soup that was to die for, Moondance had…. Escargot and loved every bite of it. Then came a salad, made in front of us, I like mine simple, with no dressing just a light sprinkle of fresh lemon, I cant remember what Moondance had. It was a long and slow luxurious experience, there was string music and perfect ambience and company. ( I am pretty fond of Moondance after all ).

After the presentation I saw Victory_Boiund and her husband arrive, I just had to sneak downstairs and say hi, they are just wonderful people and I wanted to let them know we were there too. I hope they would have as great an evening as we did.

What I did not know is at the next table near us was the Jamhouse2004 couple from Monterey, but I only know this by projecting back, at the time all I saw was another nicely dressed and lovely young couple near our table.

It actually took quite a while before dinner was served, but I never felt like I was waiting around, the breads they offered were fabulous! And we had decided to just order wine from them instead of bringing our own this time. The wine was good, but next time I will bring better myself. ( I do hope so much there will be a next time )

Our main courses arrived, spectacularly presented with some very interesting side dishes. One bite of the small lobster and I was stunned. I love Lobster, I love to dip my lobster in the drown butter and garlic, but not this time. The lobster had such a full flavor and was an interesting light brown color it was amazing. I have never had lobster that was that good. The filet was just about perfect, medium rare ( a little on the rarer side as I asked ) it was just about perfect. Moondance said the same thing, truly amazing.

On the side there was something that I didn’t believe I would like, a large pumpkin ravioli, it was fantastic! I also had a baked potato, boring I know, but I like baked potato.

For desert I had to order something chocolate, I had seen someone order what looked like an interesting chocolate mouse in a martini glass, and I thought that was what I ordered, a bitter chocolate dish that had a long name.

I about fell over when they brought it to me. It was the long narrow glass tray with three different chocolate dishes in separate glass holders on the tray. Moondance had the same.

Each tasted very different and fantastic, it was truly an amazing experience.

If you do nothing else on the Carnival Pride BOOK DAVID’S SUPPER CLUB!!!!! It is well worth the $30 extra a person ( + for drinks and tip ). They do not automatically add the tip, this is the only place I noticed on the Pride they do not. I left a generous tip ( as I usually do when presented with that kind of spectacular service )

After dinner and during the desert people started dancing, and this was the only part of the evening that was less than perfect. I think someone had a little too much to drink. All I can say is that hooting and hollering and yells of YaaaaaHooo! During a romantic slow dance is not really the right kind of addition to the atmosphere there.

Don’t get me wrong, it did not destroy the evening for us, but after a while we realized that it was just getting louder and louder and more inappropriate downstairs for the ambience of that place and we decided to retire before it did mar our memory of it. We could see the waiters and waitresses talking and trying to figure out what they were going to do about it.

Just before we left eh Chef visited our table, and we gushed and praised him until he was blushing. It was easily one of the most delicious and wonderful and artistic dinners we had ever been presented with.

We walked outside a while ( we still loved the outside decks the most ) and then visited the Taj to see the Comedian there. He was pretty funny, not bad at all. We stayed to the end of his performance and the retired for the evening, it was just about a perfect day at sea.

Excitement was building for tomorrow, Puerto Vallarta, a return to our honeymoon and a Mexican city we happen to know fairly well. At least how it was some 16 years ago, as we had spent a whole week there.

It was a perfect day, on a perfect ship, and a perfect companion, and a perfect dinner.

But Bob still owes me a cruise, and I am starting to think it is because of the beds, I have not slept like this for as long as I can remember. Bob was addicting me, like a drug pusher, there has to be a law somewhere about that!

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I have to write another addendum here. We did the Galley Tour that day.

There were some surprises there, there is an escalator for the crew to the lower decks here, which must help them carry all the food. The galley was very clean and neat, and quite large. It was an interesting tour, and at the end I met again someone I had spoken too early in the mornings getting coffee on the Lido deck, the ships officer Chef ( not the David's supper club Chef, but the officer in charge of the dining staff ), a really nice and relaxed guy from Canada, I met him several times early in the morning and was impressed how he was willing to talk about life on board the ship.

He loves the Pride and is very proud of his staff, he also mentioned how he loves shipboard life, no cell phones, no pagers. Just an all around great guy.

Moondance decided to pay the $25 at the end of the tour to get the cookbooks and drink books etc. with our Chef signing them. As the dining was simply wonderful aboard I think she made a good choice, even if we just keep them as memoirs.

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Why does Bob Dickinson owe Astronomer and Moondance a free cruise? Easy, because if Bob is smart, he will give Astro and Moon free cruises on every Carnival ship with the understanding that they will write detailed reviews on every ship, that Carnival can use as part of their advertizing to help non-cruisers see that a Carnival cruise is THE perfect vacation.

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I am sure you realize I am just teasing about being owed a cruise. :cool:


It was a perfect vacation for us, and we are figuring out what it will take for us to take a Cruise vacation again.


We love history, and the Carabien is starting to look very interesting.


We mistakes too, the balcony for one. I honestly beleive we would have loved this cruise in an inside cabin. But now we cannot even consider going on a cruise without our own private blacony. :eek:

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Unfortunatly that Idea fell through, but yeah, we will be cruising again. It would be nice to do a CC cruise but most of those sail during the shcool year.

I'm so sad. :( I would have loved to have you and Moondance go with us.


Now UB owes me a cruise!

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Tell you what, you get the CC group to do a cruise from anytime in the month of June through the month of August in 2007 and Moondance and I will do our darndest to go :cool: .


Our problem is that it is very hard for us to do a vacation during the school year, Moondance is a teacher.

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You are bringing back lots of memories for me. I was on the Pride in 2004 and loved it. I was on the Spirit in January, which is the Pride's sister ship. The alternative restaurant is wonderful. I had that chocolate trio as well. The filet mignon was the best I have ever had. I think I will be disappointed in my next cruise as it is on Royal Caribbean. It was something I couldn't pass up. Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us.



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What method did you use to smuggle your booze on board? Not to trying to cause issues, I am trying to figure out how we could do it....... (just want first hand account)

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LOL... I just bubble wrapped a bottle of Rum and put it in the middle of my suitcase filled with clothes, fortunatly it didnt break :cool:


Not sure I will do that again, as we hardly touched it and ended up giving it to our Steward.

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Great review Astronomer; really revving me up for my cruise in December! I feel so left out on these boards; I am still a newbie, so I only have questions and friendly comments; no worthwhile evaluations/experience/tips to offer.


However, if any of you travel addicts get bored, you check out my review of my most recent trip to the UK and the Netherlands last month at my domain; any travel is better than no travel at all, I suppose:p


www.andreaolivarez.com :)

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Great review Astronomer; really revving me up for my cruise in December! I feel so left out on these boards; I am still a newbie, so I only have questions and friendly comments; no worthwhile evaluations/experience/tips to offer.


However, if any of you travel addicts get bored, you check out my review of my most recent trip to the UK and the Netherlands last month at my domain; any travel is better than no travel at all, I suppose:p


www.andreaolivarez.com :)


Wow your website is cool. The pictures of the countryside look surreal. I can almost feel the mist in the air. sigh..

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Unfortunatly that Idea fell through, but yeah, we will be cruising again. It would be nice to do a CC cruise but most of those sail during the shcool year.


I will try to post part 3 today.


I've been thoroughly enjoying your review of the Pride, what an awesome time you had! We would love to have you join our CC group next June - Legend from NYC to San Juan, St. Thomas and Tortola. We're still waiting for pricing, but should be equally memorable!! :D


Thanks for taking the time to post your reviews.

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We are leaving one week from today on the 16th!!! I cannot wait!! Your review is just driving me insane because I am a writer and relish all those details and images you have so wonderfully described. Bravo and more please!! I am very pleased to hear you liked the desserts because I kept hearing how Carnival doesn't know how to do desserts. We will (only on your advice) now dine at David's. What is the exact name to use when ordering your wonderful chocolate dessert there? Also, was there any liqueors in it like Kaluha or anything? I don't care for that and think it ruins perfectly good chocolate! I know I am in the minority with that view but that's just how I feel! How was the baked potato? All in all, was it enough food for you after skipping lunch? Something we will do also!!


I hope the shows end up seeming better as you write more reviews. I am really a show person and thought the ones on the Spirit WERE up to Vegas quality. Here's hoping!


Thank you again for taking the time to do this for all of us!!


Can't wait to hear more details...you must get paid for these reviews.

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I am pleased to hear you liked the desserts because I kept hearing how Carnival doesn't know how to do desserts. We will (only on your advice) now dine at David's. What is the exact name to use when ordering your wonderful chocolate dessert there? Also, was there any liqueors in it like Kaluha or anything? I don't care for that and think it ruins perfectly good chocolate! I know I am in the minority with that view but that's just how I feel! How was the baked potato? All in all, was it enough food for you after skipping lunch? Something we will do also!!


Can't wait to hear more details...you must get paid for these reviews.


Having eaten with Astronaut that night I can tell you it was called a chocolate tart, which had three parts, the first dish is a rich dark chocolate brownie/cake like scoop with a warm chocolate drizzle over it (it was also warm yum), the second dish was the same ,but of milk chocolate, the third part was tiramisou. The chocolate melted so smoothly on the tongue... it was heavenly. The meal was not only enough food it was too much food (but we did our best). No liqueors on anything but the tiramisou does have coffee powder in not (not too strong though,try it you may be surprised) Enjoy.



ps I will doing a food review as part of my Memoirs of a virgin cruiser. I did journal about meals to share ...since that is something people often ask about.

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Astronomer’s Carnival Pride Review sailing 6/25/06 part 4

Which brings us to Wednesday… for us, a very big day.

We woke early intentionally got dressed and went to the sun deck coffee in hand to watch the ship pull into Puerto Vallarta, we only had a very light snack this morning, as we were just too excited.

The sunrise was spectacular, the ship ever so gracefully pulled into a very small section of the port and then did an amazing thing, in a space that was barely larger than the ship, it slowly spun in place. Intellectually I know how it did this, but emotionally it is an amazing thing to watch this great big ship turn itself around on a dime.

Gracefully it pulled up along side the dock, and it no time at all we were in Puerto Vallarta.



Now our excursion was not until 1:15pm so we had time this morning to look around. Now I must admit that we did not attend the travel talk, nor did we attend the welcome aboard show, and I might as well admit now we didn’t go to ANY of the talks at all. Doubly shameful as this was a first time cruise.

But the talks are repeated on the Fun Vision TV and we could get what we needed at our leisure. Which is exactly what we did, so we knew we needed to go forward and go to the A deck, which is a deck that is not usually available for us to go too. It was easy enough to find and with one slipping our S&S cards into a slot…. We were in Puerto Vallarta.

We decided to look around there at the port but there was not much to see, so we hailed a cab, the driver quickly told us it was $6 a person to downtown….. bzzzzzzzzzt wrong… it was supposed to be $6 for both of us, we laughed and told him we would walk a bit.

We walked about three quarters of a mile and were wiped out, the heat, and the humidity was murder. We stepped inside a hotel and rested our feet and then hailed another cab, this time the driver told us ( without dickering ) $5 for both of us…. He got the fare, and a tip. ( it has always been a basic rule with me, if you treat me fairly, then I will treat you more than fair in return, try to rip me off, you end up with nothing )

He took us downtown and dropped us off near the town square where quite a few people were gathering. Along the way we saw official stores for ( drum roll please ) Senior Frogs. Now a lot of people have mentioned Senior Frogs to us, but to tell you the truth it seemed to be so marketed around town that we kind of lost our interest in it.

We walked around a bit and ended up near the shore, and a beautiful sand sculpture that I too pictures of.

We also found the largest number of Pigeons in a small space I had ever seen before, it was really funny, when they took off you could hardly see the sky for the Pigeons. As the Pigeons cleared we saw something that reminded us of Crusie Critics!

A Hooters

Now I didn’t travel for the last 4 days by car and ship all the way here to go to a Hooters, but the joke on the Forums before we left ( kept alive by Curt Jerome Wild ) was calling me Hootee and Moondance Hooter. We simply could not help ourselves, we ducked inside, bought a tea shirt Moondance put it on and I snapped a picture.

Just for Curt…. Hooter posed just for you!


Then we wandered up the maze of a flea market, lots of vendors hawking their wears, after a while we came to what the locals called the Mexican Golden gate.

The water from this stream washes through red clay, turning the water orange. As dirty as that sounds, it is also strangely beautiful. The bridge itself has gaps in the floorboards, enough to drop a leg through, you have to be careful, and it sways quite a bit when people are on it.

Before long we wandered right into where we had wanted to go. The Park and just inside a restaurant where Moondance and I had eaten dinner some 16 years ago, it was still there, and we were told by the locals it still had the same owner. La Bistro.

We decided we would have to return there that evening and have dinner there again.

We wandered back across the bridge and closer to the square again, there was some kind of gathering, either a protest or political gathering, by this time we were thirsty and a tad hungry.

We found a quaint little hole in the wall restaurant with an upper floor overlooking the square, we ordered what I consider a very traditional Mexican breakfast, Huevos Rancheros with a Corona. ( sounds like breakfast on vacation to me )

It was wonderful, and cheap, and interesting listening to Moondance try and interpret for me what was being said in the square, it was a political rally, but also somewhat of a protest. It wasn’t quite “Gringo’s go home” but it was close.

They were saying that they were loosing their beautiful Puerto Vallarta, being covered with Condos and Hotels and building up into the Rain Forrest and cutting down beautiful land, endangering many species that lived there. They pointed to the port and said that is a big part of the problem, that foreigners see this place and decide they want to live here, and the more that come, the more that inflation takes hold and the more hotels and condos are built and the more lovely little Puerto Vallarta disappears.

Although I am certainly a part of the problem for them, I can sympathize with their plight. Another Mexican lady on the street however started talking to us later and gave us a totally different perspective. She said that not long ago the education that children now got for free, had to be paid for, and many children were not educated past the 4th grade. All of that was because of the money that was pouring into Puerto Vallarta, That all the businesses that were thriving in Puerto Vallarta were mostly run and owned by locals and that the tourist industry had made their lives so much better.

I walked away feeling better, although I can certainly see both sides of the issue, still it was educational to me and I was glad I witnessed that. We talked about it for a bit, but then decided to set all that aside for now and just enjoy our stay. Besides it was time for the excursion we had waited so long to see.

We took another Cab ride back to the ship and went up to our stateroom to change, put our bating suits on under our clothes and headed back down to wait under the awnings for the Dolphin Adventure.

It was not long until everyone was gathered and given little tags, blue, grey and yellow depending on while adventure you had scheduled, then taken to a waiting buss ( air conditioned thankfully ) and driven for about 15 – 20 min to the Dolphin Adventure park, which was NOT the Royal Dolphin adventure which we passed along the way.

We came into a nice area and were led past a couple of shops and out to a waiting area, split into groups ( Dolphin encounter, Sea Lion Encounter, and Dolphin Swim ) We were with the largest group the Dolphin Swim. Then we were led to a long bank of headphones and stools were we listened to about a 20 min tape on Dolphins, the whole time looking out onto the estuary were there was enclosures where this adventure would occur.

Soon after that we left our regular clothes there and showered off any soap or sunscreen ( bad for dolphins ) and donned life vests, when you figured just how long you would be treading water, you realized this was the only way to do it. Then we were led down to the side of the enclosure for the dolphins, all the time the dolphins kept jumping around obviously getting a peek at us.

We were then split into 4 smaller groups and the groups were sent to the 4 corners of the enclosure. The dolphins were obviously interested in us, but there was also no doubt they had been through this routine countless times before.

Soon the 3 dolphins assigned to our group of about 12 people were in our corner and we were asked to enter the water, I had a little bit of trouble getting my tennis shoes off and so I ended up being the last to enter the water, heck with the ladder, I just jumped in.

A wave of relief, the water was cool, not cold at all, but a comfortable cool. It was the best I felt all day. We were all gathered in a semi circle ( loosely ) and then the trainers asked if we were ready, we all shouted YES! And then he touched the dolphins on the nose, pointed at us and commanded. “Attack!”

Before laughing, for just a split second I was nervous, these dolphins were big, I mean huge, much larger and probably much heavier than I am. ( and I am not a small man ). The dolphins lunged toward us, It was funny, we were told it was like this but it was interesting to watch them, before rolling on their backs to be rubbed on their tummies ( which they seem to love ) then came close to us, each of us, and sort of checked us out first, getting to know who we were a little bit. After that they acted like we were just a part of what they were doing.

The would have the swim around near us, and they would usually roll on their backs and let us stroke their bellies, they seemed to make sure we all got the chance, but I also notice the trainers would also direct them with some well placed tossed fish from time to time. But generally the dolphins would swim among us with no encouragement at all.

Sometimes a dolphin would surprise someone by sneaking up behind them, they seemed to be actually enjoying it almost as much as we were. But there was also no doubt whatsoever that every time they did as instructed, they were also fed by the trainers. They were like puppies doing tricks for biskets. But I am not belittling it at all, it was truly amazing and the dolphins seemed perfectly happy to oblige.

At one point we all got dolphin kisses, ( see pictures ) and we all got to feed the dolphins, which was kind of interesting. A fish would be placed halfway into the dolphins mouth and then the dolphin would hunt for the person with the raised hand, and that person would take the fish from the dolphin, who would open his mouth and we would drop it in.

The dolphins knew their drill on each exercise very well.

At one point the dolphins turned on their backs and we would go belly to belly with them holding their outer fins and they would give us a short but very fast ride around part of the enclosure. The power of these creatures was obvious, their speed and agility was amazing.

After a few other things they had us hold onto the sides backwards and the dolphins would rush past us, jumping out of the water and splashing us like crazy ( the dolphins really liked this part )

Soon the had them flying out of the water doing back flips and tumbles and spinning jumps. The dolphins were obviously having fun putting on a show ( and for the fish of course )

We must have been in the water for an hour, and we loved every moment of it.

We brought a few pictures, the ones with the sea lions were taken after we got out of the enclosure.


When our adventure was over we dressed and went to a small area where we selected the pictures we wanted to buy ( optional ) and the video ( also optional ) and they had drinks and such. After a short wait we were loaded back into the air conditioned buss and were taken back to the ship.

It was worth every penny.

For our finale in Puerto Moondance and I wanted to go to a restaurant we had gone too some 16 years ago on our honeymoon. It was just too hot to dress up for this so we went very casual, took a taxi downtown, and wandered through the shops a bit, Moondance bought a nice little plaque for our home and I was treated to some very nice tequila.

The we went up to Richard Burton park where there is a wonderful statue of John Huston, and went to La Bisto.

Pictures here… it was wonderful!!!! And romantic, particularly for us, and every bit as good as we had remembered, the service was fantastic. There was a bit of a cloud burst while we were there but that just added to the fun.

Most of the pictures on this page, and one on the next page are all from La Bistro


After that, as you can probably imagine Moondance and I were tired, wiped out is probably a better phrase, we decided to return to the ship early and get a good nights sleep as the following day would be ( we suspected ) even more demanding. We took a nice ride back and spent the evening on our balcony, resting, and actually went to sleep before the ship had set sail for Maztlan.

But you have to forgive us that, we aren’t the young kids we used to be, and wanted to enjoy the next day as well.

And now I have a legitimate reason why Bob D owes us a free cruise! Every night up to this one, when we wanted to sleep we would fall asleep in 5 min or less with the ship rocking us to sleep, but on this night, falling asleep in port, the ship was not rocking at all.

It must have taken us 15 min to fall asleep!

You would think they lest they could have done was cast off and cruise around the bay until we fell asleep.

I woke once during the night, stepped outside on our balcony as we were underway to Maztaln, it had been a perfect day, and a romantic one. I could not have asked for more ( except for a free cruise )

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Who is Astronaut... and when were you eating with him? ;)


( and I hope he didnt do other things that we did that night too ) :eek:


Must have had him/her on what's left of my mind LOL... I mix up names a lot now that I'm 50. I did mean Astronomer not Astronut... I don't even know who they are. Of course I'll eat with just about anybody, but I like masticating with you the best Astronomer ;) .

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Who is Astronaut... and when were you eating with him? ;)


( and I hope he didnt do other things that we did that night too ) :eek:


Oh no... you let it slip LOL.. we're in trouble now. I never thought he'd find out! :eek: Which way is the back door!

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