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Slim Fast

RB Bonzo

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I know that I shouldnt be peeking at the scale so often, but I am not losing weight on this SF plan. :confused: It has been 5 days, and I am UP A POUND! I've picked up the exercise level and have been following the program.


I still plan to give it at least 2 full weeks before giving up on it.

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the asian salad is delicious and uses Paul Newmans (Lighten up low fat sesame ginger). This is for sale in stores and has only 1.5gr of fat and no cholestrol . If your familar with the weight watchers point system this big salad with grilled chicken is only 6 points. which is only 1/4 of the points my wife is allowed for the day and even less for myself.

I think it makes a reasonable tasty alternative.


I just found this in the stores about 2 weeks ago, and it is so good, i swear i could drink it!! what a fantastic dressing. :D

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I know that I shouldnt be peeking at the scale so often, but I am not losing weight on this SF plan. :confused: It has been 5 days, and I am UP A POUND! I've picked up the exercise level and have been following the program.


I still plan to give it at least 2 full weeks before giving up on it.


I will admit i was the same way, but it will only frustrate you because you will be able to (easily) convince yourself that you arent making any progress and will become really put out with 'diet and exercise.' So, do like I do (and as others have said) go by your clothes. they will begin to fit better, and that is an awesome feeling, as you know. I only get on the scale once a week, at most.


I also suggest to give it more than 2 to 3 weeks. You will not see the results you want to see in 2 to 3 weeks. let me explain. if you are like me, you are impatient and want the weight gone NOW. any decent, respectable weight lose plan will not advertise enormous losses in short periods of time. Its irresponsible and as we know, too good to be true. Since May, I am down 15 pounds. I sat at 10 lost for what seemed like ages, and then overnight, it seemed, i lost those other 6. It will move, i promise.


Stay motivated! Keep exercising and eating right! You can do it!:D

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I know that I shouldnt be peeking at the scale so often, but I am not losing weight on this SF plan. :confused: It has been 5 days, and I am UP A POUND! I've picked up the exercise level and have been following the program.


I still plan to give it at least 2 full weeks before giving up on it.



I agree with Nliedel. Stop weiging so much and try on a pair of pants!!! You will notice it there and sometimes in your face before it shows up anywhere else. I started slim fast today. Another thing is sometimes our bodies "freak out" when we go on a diet. Are you drinking enough water? Maybe try some more if so, and that might help. Best of luck!

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I started slim fast on Tuesday and I'm down 4 pounds. I logged on to their website and am following their plan for my weight. Has anyone done this? I was just going to drink slim fast for 2 meals and a sensible supper. If you log on to their site and answer the questions it gives you a diet plan. I can actually have slim fast and a slice of toast w/peanut butter for breakfast , slim fast and half a turkey sandwich for lunch, a slim fast bar or fruit for a snack. Hopefully I will keep losing for my Oct. cruise.

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Okay - no scale for a week; I promise!!


I have gone to the website, BD. I thought it was helpful. I'm glad that you're off to such a fast start.


I wound up taking my family to an amusement park for the day, yesterday. I managed to sneak in one of the canned shakes and a snack bar. During lunch, I found a grilled chicken salad and ate half of that w/ the shake (which was cold thanks to some ice packs). In the late afternoon, I ate the snack bar. It felt good to stay on program in a fairly difficult venue.

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I am not a fan of Atkins at all, but losing a white bun is a good idea. So much fat! Try to eat complex carbs when you do eat them. REAL wholewheat bread (as opposed to the carmel colored stuff), veggies, few potatoes, sorry, no sugar. It does make a big difference.

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I think the biggest problem is portion control. We've all been brainwashed into thinking that a giant size soda and fries for an additional .50 is a great deal .When in actuallity we are eating about 3 servings:eek: and we've been doing it for years. The chips are a killer for me those .99 bags are 2-3 servings but i'll happily eat the whole thing:rolleyes: .Thats why I'm trying the Ww . My wife tried it and lost 20lbs and it stayed off as long as she controlled her portions for alomost 2yrs and then she backed off the portion control an dhtis time we're doing it together. Although i get to lose 35lbs before i'm done. Oh well thats what a 1/4lber and large fries will do for you in 8years almost everyday for lunch.

we are aslo trying to learn how to cook differently. New flavors that taste good but wont kill you .We have one we do with cooked chicken breast with some baby spinach witled with honey mustard and a few almonds. YUMMY.



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Okay - no scale for a week; I promise!!


I have gone to the website, BD. I thought it was helpful. I'm glad that you're off to such a fast start.


I wound up taking my family to an amusement park for the day, yesterday. I managed to sneak in one of the canned shakes and a snack bar. During lunch, I found a grilled chicken salad and ate half of that w/ the shake (which was cold thanks to some ice packs). In the late afternoon, I ate the snack bar. It felt good to stay on program in a fairly difficult venue.


Good for you! I bet that was hard to do, but look at the huge sucess you can chalk up for you! One day at a time, thats all we can do!

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Okay - no scale for a week; I promise!!


I have gone to the website, BD. I thought it was helpful. I'm glad that you're off to such a fast start.


I wound up taking my family to an amusement park for the day, yesterday. I managed to sneak in one of the canned shakes and a snack bar. During lunch, I found a grilled chicken salad and ate half of that w/ the shake (which was cold thanks to some ice packs). In the late afternoon, I ate the snack bar. It felt good to stay on program in a fairly difficult venue.


OK - where did you find the grilled chicken - on the ground? :confused: And did you eat the WHOLE snack bar??? :eek:


Sorry - I'm in a very silly mood today! :rolleyes: Congrats on finding "good" food among all the "junk" there is at those venues. Plus, walking around chasing the kids burned up a few calories, I bet! :D



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I just started slim fast today. I'm really not too hungry. I bought the chocolate shake mix that you mix with milk. It was pretty filling. I also had an apple with lunch and one of the muffin bars for a snack. I have a really hard time losing weight as I'm hypothyroid and losing is difficult for me. I was on slim fast several years ago and lost 30 pounds so I'm hoping this will work.


You still out there Bahama Daydreamer? Still hanging in there. I think that I'm finally starting to drop a few pounds, although I've got to start doing a better job on the night time grazing. I've been raiding the leftovers. Nothing anywhere near the full scale nighttime bingeing that has always been my main problem, though.

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Yes I'm still on the slim fast plan. I've now lost 5.5 lbs. I guess that's not too bad for a week and a half, not for me anyway. I have noticed a bigger difference in how clothes fit. We have a cookout tonight and going to the Brickyard race tomorrow so I have to be good and not eat too much of the wrong thing. I'll just have to keep reminding myself of the cruise in 2 months. That's a great incentive!! Good luch with the nighttime bingeing. If I need a snack at night I just eat a slim fast muffin bar or a package of the 100 calorie chips ahoy snack crackers. It satifies my need for a snack.

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Well, after 2 weeks, I am down 2 pounds. I have really picked up the exercise though, and I think that my fat loss is more than that; my "gut" has definitely shrunk by more than 2 pounds worth, and my muscle tone is improving.


I had said that I was going to give this at least a 2 week run; I'm going to keep it going for now. Patience, patience, patience!!

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Well, after 2 weeks, I am down 2 pounds. I have really picked up the exercise though, and I think that my fat loss is more than that; my "gut" has definitely shrunk by more than 2 pounds worth, and my muscle tone is improving.


I had said that I was going to give this at least a 2 week run; I'm going to keep it going for now. Patience, patience, patience!!


sounds like you also have your mind in the right place too! thats half the battle, i think. the mental part is what always gets me.


ok, how is this for scary, i tried on all my bathing suits this weekend. we have a beach trip this week and i needed to see what fit. Believe it or not, i didnt hate myself and hide under the bed!! Some are still too small (like the ones i wore on my honeymoon [pretty sure i wont ever fit in THOSE again :eek: ] ) but some fit! YEAH!!


Just gotta keep on keepin' on! We can do it!:D

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sounds like you also have your mind in the right place too! thats half the battle, i think. the mental part is what always gets me.


ok, how is this for scary, i tried on all my bathing suits this weekend. we have a beach trip this week and i needed to see what fit. Believe it or not, i didnt hate myself and hide under the bed!! Some are still too small (like the ones i wore on my honeymoon [pretty sure i wont ever fit in THOSE again :eek: ] ) but some fit! YEAH!!


Just gotta keep on keepin' on! We can do it!:D


One of the hard things when we're losing weight is to really see ourselves in a new way as our body changes. It's hard to get our minds around the fact that we aren't as fat any more, and we really look good in clothes that fit out body (rather than hide it!) I've (hopefully) gotten past that I will never be skinny (or tall!)


Congrats on making it thru the bathing suit trial without having to indulge in a pint of Ben & Jerry's after! :rolleyes:



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How's everyone doing on the Slim Fast plan? I am now down 8 pounds in 3 weeks. I'm seeing a difference in my clothes and will now be able to wear the clothes I have for my Oct. cruise. I was beginning to think I was going to have to buy all new clothes. I'm going to stay with the plan until my cruise and hope to lose more. Hope everyone else is doing well on the plan.

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Hi all,


I've been doing the Slim Fast thing for about 3 weeks now, along with exercising at least 3 times a week (usually Tae Bo or another fitness DVD). I haven't really lost much weight, probably around 2 or 3 pounds, but my Body Fat % went down from 34% to 33%. Is that good? I know muscle weighs more than fat, but it's a little discouraging to not be losing more weight.


I must say, the Rich Chocolate Brownie Meal Bars are DELICIOUS. To me they taste like real brownies! And the peanut chocolate crisp snack bars taste like Butterfingers! Some days instead of eating Slim Fast snacks, I'll snack on dried fruit. Gotta look good on the Dawn in November!

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BF % going down is always a good thing! :D


You might want to consider that dried fruit is much higher in calories than fresh fruit, ounce for ounce - because in the fresh fruit - more of the weight is taken up with water. For example, you might eat 3-4 dried plums (prunes) without thinking 2x - but only 1-2 fresh ones. 1/4 cup of raisins have about 130 calories, but you could eat at least a whole huge bunch before hitting that calorie level! You might be having more calories than you realize by having fried fruit. On the other hand, if you already knew that, by having fresh, you can have a larger volume of food for the same amount of calories!


While it's nice & convenient to use the slimfast snacks bars for all your snacks, you might want to think about having just a bit more real food during the day. You'll get less bored with the plan by varying your snacks. I personally don't think it's a good idea for all your meals & snacks to taste like dessert! :o But that's just me.


I did the slim fast plan years ago & only use it for breakfast & the occasional snack now. I don't think it's a good way to learn proper eating & portion control. I DO think it's a great tool to jump start a weight loss program tho.


Good luck!


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....not that anyone missed me :D


went on vacation for a week and a half and managed to only gain about 4 pounds, give or take. thats what happens when you eat poorly and get little exercise. I was at the beach with my family, so i decided to actually spend it like a normal vacation. I didnt stress about what i ate, etc. Now, starting today, i am strickly back on slim fast and major exercise. I could tell i hadnt exercised as my back pain began to come back. Its amazing how great exercise makes us feel, even when we mumble and grumble about it :eek: . I actually missed it! wow...did i just say that...haha.


hope everyone else is still doing ok. i know getting back on that bike after work today will be hard, but i will do it.

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I'm also back from my vacation. I gained a pound, and am pretty ok with that. Although it would have been possible for me to stay on SF while I was away, I decided not to do it. I splurged a few times, but I kept it under control.


Back on SF today, though.


BD - that's great progress!!! Congratulations!

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....not that anyone missed me :D


went on vacation for a week and a half and managed to only gain about 4 pounds, give or take. thats what happens when you eat poorly and get little exercise. I was at the beach with my family, so i decided to actually spend it like a normal vacation. I didn't stress about what i ate, etc. Now, starting today, i am strickly back on slim fast and major exercise. I could tell i hadnt exercised as my back pain began to come back. Its amazing how great exercise makes us feel, even when we mumble and grumble about it :eek: . I actually missed it! wow...did i just say that...haha.


hope everyone else is still doing ok. i know getting back on that bike after work today will be hard, but i will do it.


Hint for next time - Walking is a great & simple exercise for back troubles (I used to have major back problems - but exercise, weight loss & regular chiropractic visits have helped me considerably :D ). Walking the beach is one of my favorite ways to walk! Ocean air - beautiful vistas - people watching! It's an extra great workout because of the soft sand, or if you wade in the shallow water as you walk. Take at least a 15min walk every day next time you go to the beach & you should have less back problems from not doing your regular exercising!


I miss my workouts too, when I'm away from the gym. I'm on vaca in the mountains between 8/26 & 9/5 - will be walking a lot at the county fair and I have my bike to ride daily. I'm also bringing my mat & some 5lb hand weights to do some exercise in front of the TV at night. Not going to go "crazy" - except maybe the bike riding! - but I don't want to be all achy & out of sorts after my vaca is over!



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