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Just Those Last 5-10LBs...


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Hey guys. I've been reading over past posts, and have noticed a lot of people are scientifically considered to be mildly to morbidly obese. I'm not trying to bash any of you in the slightest, let me just put that out there first and foremost.


I'm 21. I've always struggled with fluctuating weights due to numerous reasons, since I was about 15. I'm currently at about 123 and am 5'6.3.


Don't jump down my throat just yet =\


I'm more interested in losing five pounds and toning up, than losing 10 and remaining flabby. I try to walk at least a couple miles a day, but would like to know if anyone has any quick -preferably easy- ways to firm up in about a month (my sail date is Sept. 2nd).


Anyway. Just thought I'd start this thread for those who DON'T need to lose 50-100lbs, but who DO have the desire to lose 5-10lb in order to truly feel comfortable wearing next-to-nothing come cruising day...



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I'm 27 years old, (almost) 5'4" and 126 lbs. I just want to get down to 120. (Okay, maybe 115 would be nice.) Don't worry, I don't think your post sounded at all like you were bashing anybody. You're right, there are threads for people needing to lose large amounts of weight, and I'm glad you've started one for those of us who have fewer pounds to lose.


I've had a very widely fluctuating weight since my teens too. My weight has flip-flopped from 147 (a year after having a baby) to 118 (right before my cruise in mid-June). I've always been bad about yo-yo dieting, and I've probably lost and re-gained the same 20 pounds about 20 times now!


As for toning up, you just need to do strength training. You should take 1-2 days off in between strength training days to give your muscles time to rebuild--that's where the muscle tone comes from.


At your height and weight, you're already pretty slim, so if your goal really is to firm up, you might actually gain a little weight from the muscle you put on, since it doesn't sound like you have much if any fat to lose. And remember that muscle weights more than fat. So if you're building muscle, you'll still look more fit and firm even if the number on the scale goes up a little bit.


Good luck, and have a great cruise!

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Kiera, when I was your age, I was where you are now. Because I was somewhat "flabby", I thought I was fat & had a weight issue. At only 5'2" myself, it took me 25+ years, but I eventually yo-yo dieted myself up to 220 lbs (Yup - the "O" word.) :eek:


At your height & weight it is NOT a "weight issue" you have - it is a workout & toning issue. Get off the scale - get rid of it - throw it away. It is NOT your friend. Take your measurements - neck, bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, upper & lower arms. Make sure you are eating good food & drinking enough water. Start a workout plan that includes regular aerobic activity at least 2-3x week for at least 30 min (walking, ellipse machine, step class, whatever ) AND some weight or resistance training 2-3x week. Remember - unless you actually break a bit of a sweat, you aren't working out to your full potential. While there's nothing wrong with a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood every now & then - you need to push yourself a bit in every workout to build muscle & tone up.


I don't want to scare you here, but you might even gain a lb or two :eek: following this plan, (which is why you n eed to get rid of the scale, at least for now), but you will DEFINITELY lose inches, & firm up everywhere. Which should probably be your real goal, unless you want to head down the path I went down - every time I lost weight I gained it all back, plus more. All because I thought I was "fat", when I was just a little "flabby" from being a couch potato!


BTW - you are right, many people here are (or were) in the obese category & I took no offense at your post. I just see you trying to do what I did in my 20's which was the WRONG thing to do to my body & my life. I wish you well & Good luck!



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Thanks for starting this post. I too just have about 10 lbs to lose, as I was reading all the other posts, I was just about to give up reading and stop complaining. I exercise at Curves for Women regularly, but the one place I want to lose ( my Stomach ) seems to be the last place to go.:mad: I seem to have my diet down to maintaining. But can't seem to drop anymore weight. I have 8 months to lose 10 lbs, I should be able to............ right?:cool:

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The only way you will lose fat in your tummy is to burn more calories. I don't have personal experience at Curves, but I'm told that you can't set the weights yourself? You just do the circuit "as is"?


If this is true - then after being a member for a while & going regularly, do you feel the circuit is almost "easy" for you? If the answer to that last question is "yes", unless you add more aerobic-type activity to your workout routine, you won't lose more fat. (Plus, you don't say how old you are, but the older we get, the more stubborn the tummy area is to lose fat - fact of life :( .) If your tummy also needs toning, you may need to add crunches & other "core" strength exercises to your routine 2-3x a week or so.



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Hi Sha,

Curves is based on hydrolic weights. You don't change them, you just have to push harder and the weights react. I'm trying to do the circuit by holding in my abdominal muscles. I'm 49 and yes it does get harder to lose as we get older. Honestly, whenever I lay down on the floor to do sit-ups, I don't get very far, I just end up looking at the ceiling. ;)

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I haven't heard too many good things about Curves (though I've never gone there)...mainly that it's too easy and not very demanding. The machines do all the work for you. It seems a lot of them have opened, and closed a few months later in my area.

My main form of exercise is walking/jogging about 3 miles at least every other day. It's the only thing I can bring myself to do. Unfortunately this only provides me with the wiggle room to not gain if I eat too much.


WannaBe - You'll be able to lose that with time to spare just as long as you don't keep telling yourself "well, I still have 6 months, I still have two months" ect ect ect...That's the pattern I tend to fall into, untill it comes down to the wire and I'm thinking "well, I can lose 3lbs/week for the next 3 weeks..." HA!

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I'm more interested in losing five pounds and toning up, than losing 10 and remaining flabby. I try to walk at least a couple miles a day, but would like to know if anyone has any quick -preferably easy- ways to firm up in about a month (my sail date is Sept. 2nd).


Hi Kiera, have you tried yoga or pilates? Both are great ways to firm up in a low impact way. There are many modified poses you could start with before advancing to more difficult positions.

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Hi Sha,

Curves is based on hydrolic weights. You don't change them, you just have to push harder and the weights react. I'm trying to do the circuit by holding in my abdominal muscles. I'm 49 and yes it does get harder to lose as we get older. Honestly, whenever I lay down on the floor to do sit-ups, I don't get very far, I just end up looking at the ceiling. ;)


That makes more sense! I was always wondering how the "same' settings could work for all different people!


I'm 48 myself & no matter how fat I used to be, my stomach & waist were always "in proportion" to my bust & hips - an hourglass - even tho it was a BIG one! :p Now, my tummy is where I still look the biggest! Bleah! UNDER the fat is a 6-pack. When I totally suck in my stomach as far as I can, you can see the shape of where the 6-pack should be! :rolleyes: We do about 10-12 min tummy crunches in the classes I take on Mon & Tues, plus the Pilates class on Tues. (I can really feel my abs on Weds!) I do more crunches during the week, but not as many - but I really focus on form). What they tell us in classes is, whatever you're doing in class, your tummy should be "engaged" (except for specific stuff in Pilates). Also, it's better to do 20 crunches with perfect form, than 100 incorrectly.


So I try to keep my "core" in mind when I'm walking, using the ellipse, doing the weight machines, & yes, even driving my car & sitting at my desk. It's amazing how many crunches I can do now & how easy it is to have my tummy sucked in almost all the time! (It also takes the pressure off your back if you sit a lot, to "engage" your "core" muscles.)


Kiera - I second the motion for trying Pilates. (Yoga I didn't like so much, but lots of people at my gym love it!) I'm a beginner in Pilates & I told the instructor so when I started. I also told her I don't mind being corrected regarding form in front of the class. I'd rather do it right than pull something. (I've spend too much money at the chiropractor not to be proactive about possible injuries!)


If you want to get past the plateau you're on, you need to shake up your routine. Try borrowing workout tapes at the library, or renting them at blockbuster to "try out" new things. Don't know if they still have them, but I got the workout DVDs from McDonald's this summer - they're only 15 min each & I think they're great for when I want to do a work out at home but don't have much time - I've also done them all back to back, when I had an hour.



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Hi Kiera,


I too was your same weight at your age. Now at 43 I'm just trying to stay below 150.


I think you're doing great. I would agree with the advice not to focus on losing weight but toniing. Yoga and weights are great for that.


Good luck.

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Your right about keeping your core in mind whatever you do. I also walk alot during my job. So I do the tighten / release with my butt, while pulling in my abs. No one knows I'm exercising. Tell me though, do the stomach crunches actually work? Even if you have fat in front of the muscles?

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Hi Vampybuff


I also have about 10-15 lb to lose, and I definitely agree with the previous posters that advocate Pilates. I have been doing Pilates for about 8 months now, and while my weight has hardly changed, I have lost inches from my waist, hips and thighs. I think eating well, along with a good cardio program, as well as your walking and some form of strength training (be it actual weights or Pilates or yoga) is the best way to go for overall fitness and health.


Good luck and have a great time on your cruise in September!

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Your right about keeping your core in mind whatever you do. I also walk alot during my job. So I do the tighten / release with my butt, while pulling in my abs. No one knows I'm exercising. Tell me though, do the stomach crunches actually work? Even if you have fat in front of the muscles?


It depends on what you mean by "work." Yes, the crunches will build up muscle in your abs even if you have fat in front of the muscles, but you won't be able to see the muscle definition until you lose the fat (by doing cardio & dieting) that's covering the muscle.

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It depends on what you mean by "work." Yes, the crunches will build up muscle in your abs even if you have fat in front of the muscles, but you won't be able to see the muscle definition until you lose the fat (by doing cardio & dieting) that's covering the muscle.


You are correct, Darci - but even tho there is still fat over the muscle, it makes it easier to hold in that tummy & walk & sit taller, making you seem slimmer! Every little bit counts! :D


Many people do crunches incorrectly tho. Here's what I've been taught over the years. As you're doing crunches, think about your belly button reaching back to your spine, & your lower ribcage trying to meet your pelvis. Impossible to actually DO of course, but if you aim for that, you're getting the right form. 2nd, many of us do crunches with our hands behind our head or neck, to keep the strain off our neck. A trainer showed me that your fingertips should barely be touching your head & neck - with your thumb on your neck & your other fingers on your head (you shouldn't be pulling your head up, just lightly supporting it - let your abs do the work, not your arms). Also, your fingers should be more behind your ears, rather than fingertips touching each other behind the head. 3rd, instead of lifting your elbows to the sky, work on lifting your shoulders & ribcage. For "straight" crunches, your elbows should stay in line with your shoulders (you shouldn't see them easily out of the corners of your eyes). When doing obliques, aim your SHOULDER to the opposite knee (not bending your elbow to knee) - you'll get a better "twist". If you're not already doing your crunches following these 3 guidelines, you'll notice a difference. If you use an exercise ball, you should be able to follow these guidelines, too. Bottom line, you're better off doing fewer crunches with the right form, than 100's the wrong way.



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Hi Everyone,


My cruise is coming up in a month, I'm planning to start going on a no-carb diet. Last time i did it was serveral months ago, and it really worked. I lost about 5 pounds in 2 weeks. But I gained it all back afterwards. :p


This time, I'm also planning to lose around 5 pounds (hopefully) and tighten up my tummy. Do you guys have any other way of exercising the tummy area instead of situps? I'm planning to do situps as well.

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Angelayu - Yes - like pinguino says, you lose water weight when you only try to lose 5lbs. If you're truly that close to goal & it's just your tummy - just cut back on junk, watch your portions, drink your water but put your main focus on WORKING OUT.


Simple cardio like walking 30+ min 3 or more times a week (which will work on burning any extra fat you may have), plus tummy crunches (done correctly - see a previous post of mine) & other "core" exercises will focus on firming the tummy area. Or, if you can, get a trainer like pinguino suggests!


If you make a 5lb "weight loss" your main goal, you'll only lose water weight & as soon as you start eating "normally", it will come right back. Take the whole month to work on your body. If you do this right, you will gain muscle as you lose fat, so the scale may not even budge, but your waist will be smaller & more toned.


Don't forget to take your measurements before & after. Go by that & how your clothes fit - NOT just the scale!


Good luck. You can DEFINITELY do this in a month!


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I was reading this and had to jump in.. Like Sha--when I was in my twenties I thought that I would never go over 120-125. In my 50s I found myself in the obese range. The best thing you can do is to make exercise part of your life, especially cardio. Then the next thing you can do is take a good hard look at what you normally eat--when you are not in cruise panic mode. At 5'4" 115-120 was my ideal weight (at least in my own mind).

Concentrate on how your clothes fit ,but even more how fit you are. Can you run up stairs without getting out of breath, or play a quick set of tennis?

You are so lucky that you figured this out before you were well into your 50s--you'll surely make it!!!!


Sha--I also have that six-pack under my fat, its just no fair!!!



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Hi Everyone, I'm 29 5'2 and not sure how much I weigh (doctor says 135). My hubby and I hate scales so we don't own one. I am chubby in the mid section (no kids). I cruise in April and want to tone up myself. Lose the inches around stomach, thighs. I don't care about how much I weigh I just want to fit into some of my old clothes. I want to lose inches. Gain muscle. My hubby bought me turbo jam, I like workout videos. Had them about a month and just started today. Good luck to all of you. Hopefully we can keep each other motivated and look good when we cruise.

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Thanks for starting this board. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by next March to bring me to 145 in time for a Med. cruise. At 55 and 5"7" I think this is reasonable. I managed to do it two years ago using the South Beach Diet but as soon as I went to Stage 3 it slowly came back. I guess I just have to admit my lifelong love affair with carbs can't be, anymore.


While I won't go back to Stage 1 of the S.B. (just too energy draining), I plan to do Stage 2 (restricted carbs) and ramp up my workouts to three times per week plus one 45 minute walk on a fourth day.


My daughter is a PE teacher and personal trainer, so I should know better. I'm going to try to do this by myself first, because she is a tyrant in personal training :) !!


Wish me luck!

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Hi Linda!


Ehogan - sounds like you have a reasonable, attainable goal! And a solid plan! Don't forget to try to fit in shorter walks throughout the week! Even 15 min a couple times a week is a great metabolism booster!


Manders - Good for you - no scale! Just be sure to take your measurements to keep track that way - & remeasure every 6-8 weeks or so. Do a mix of aerobic activity - to burn fat - & weight training - to build muscle & you will see positive results! Make sure you're eating enough protein throughout the day (many people don't have as much as they should, except for supper time). It makes a big difference in how much energy & lack of hunger) you have thru the day.


Good luck!


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  • 5 weeks later...

There is nothing wrong with wanting to loose a few pounds. It's much better than letting yourself keep gaining until it 2 or 3x more. I have never been over weight, but I have seen my future and decided that I didn't want to be that way. My grandmother was very over weight and it contributes to her health problems. I take after here in every way, so I decided when I was young to keep in shape and eat health. I turned 40 this year, and I've meet my goal. I'm no where near being that unhealthy overweight person that my grandmother was at my age.


Those last 5 to 10 pounds are the hardest to get off, because most people don't know how to do it. You have usually reached a plateau in your diet. There could be a number of things contributing to why you are not losing weight. The first could be that your calories are too low. If you drop down below 1500 calories per day, then you need to increase them. You are shutting down your metabolism. Try adding a couple of small meals.


What are you eat? Just give this a try for 4 to 6 weeks. Eliminate all dairy and fruit from your diet. These are simple carbs. They are full of sugar. Dairy is lactose and Fruit is fructose. Keep breads (100% wheat) to a minimum. One piece per day. No carbs after 6:00 pm. You can have fibrous carbs after 6:00 like salads, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, squash, etc. If you are still hungry eat more protein. Keep protein high... fish, chicken, turkey or eggs.


The body burns sugar first and fat last. If you body doesn't burn off all the sugar that is taking in, then it is stored as fat. If the body isn't getting any sugar, then it will turn to complex carbs for fuel. When it runs out of complex carbs, it starts burning body fat. This is where you need to be to burn off those last few pounds. Another thing, fruits, dairy and bread makes you retain water. When I take these three things out of my diet, I lose 5 pounds in one week.


The next thing to look at is your cardo. Some people do too much and other don't do enough, but let's just start with cleaning up your diet. Your diet is key to weight loss. The body uses protein to build muscle, grow hair, nails and skin, etc. Carbs and fat is use for fuel. The body uses carbs or fat, but if it gets too much of both then it just store the fat. Either keep carbs high/low fat or fat high/low carbs in order to loss weight.


Don't think of it as food you enjoy to eat any more. Think of it as fuel for your body. I hope this helps. Good luck! :)

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