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QM2 Questions


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I am eagerly anticipating our QM2 Caribbean cruise on Dec. 16th. Last night I was looking at the deck plans, trying to get an idea of the layout of the ship. This led to several questions... such as:

1. On which deck do we board the ship? Is there a separate boarding area for the Grill people?

2. Where are the muster stations located? is there a lifeboat drill? how long does this last?

3. Where does one board the tender boats?

4. When and where does one get tickets for the planetarium?

5. What reservations (dinner? tours? planetarium?) can be made before boarding the ship?

6. Is the schedule of events different on a Caribbean cruise than on a crossing?

7. What is the cost of photos taken onboard?


I guess that's enough for now, but I am sure I'll think of others.....

Happy trails and sails to all!

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I am eagerly anticipating our QM2 Caribbean cruise on Dec. 16th. Last night I was looking at the deck plans, trying to get an idea of the layout of the ship. This led to several questions... such as:

1. On which deck do we board the ship? Deck 3 Is there a separate boarding area for the Grill people? Don't know the answer to this.

2. Where are the muster stations located? is there a lifeboat drill? how long does this last? Muster was held on deck 7 in Kings Court. The lifeboats are also located on this deck. The drill itself is quick...maybe 15-20 minutes. Getting everyone there and quiet is another story:D

3. Where does one board the tender boats? The tenders are pulled up alongside the ship. We boarded from deck 1 (pretty much right at the water line).

4. When and where does one get tickets for the planetarium? You get these tickets once on board. I believe they are available at the planetarium (Illuminations). I don't remember how far in advance you could get the tickets though. There is no fee BTW.

5. What reservations (dinner? tours? planetarium?) can be made before boarding the ship? Tour arrangements are made on board. I don't know about reservations at Todd English. Reservations at the specialty (alternative) dining venues are also made on board, as are the planetarium. You can make Canyon Ranch Spa reservations in advance by going to their website.

6. Is the schedule of events different on a Caribbean cruise than on a crossing? Don't know for a fact but expect that a crossing is very different than a cruise (I've yet to enjoy a crossing but hope to soon)

7. What is the cost of photos taken onboard? I think we paid about $25 per photo (quite expensive).


I guess that's enough for now, but I am sure I'll think of others.....

Happy trails and sails to all!


Freckles, enjoy your cruise. DH and I did a 10 day Caribbean out of NYC in November '04 and absolutely loved it. The ship is fabulous and HUGE but very comfortable.

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Grill passengers and Platinum World Club Members (more than seven Cunard voyages) have special lines and waiting areas in the terminals, but everyone boards the ship via the Deck 3 Grand Lobby entrance.

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Tickets for the Planetarium are available for that day from the Connexions desk at 9 a.m.

There are more activities for crossings than cruises. e.g. Guest lecturerers and the Scholarship at Sea programs.

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I am eagerly anticipating our QM2 Caribbean cruise on Dec. 16th. Last night I was looking at the deck plans, trying to get an idea of the layout of the ship. This led to several questions... such as:

1. On which deck do we board the ship? Is there a separate boarding area for the Grill people?

2. Where are the muster stations located? is there a lifeboat drill? how long does this last?

3. Where does one board the tender boats?

4. When and where does one get tickets for the planetarium?

5. What reservations (dinner? tours? planetarium?) can be made before boarding the ship?

6. Is the schedule of events different on a Caribbean cruise than on a crossing?

7. What is the cost of photos taken onboard?

I guess that's enough for now, but I am sure I'll think of others.....

Happy trails and sails to all!


Dear Freckles67,


Hope my assistance to you in the past was of help. I gain our information coming off of her on 7/8.


1. Yes, everyone does board from Deck 3, MidShip, Grand Lobby by the Pursers Deck. Once you enter Brooklyn's Terminal you will be directed either Grill/Plat Status or All Other Status. Of course, Grill is less busy and you are taken pretty fast. From there they will direct you either the General Hall for All others or very close to the Grill CheckIn Desk there is a separate entrance you be directed to. Right inside the entrance is the Photo Session for Embarkation and then a set of elevator banks directly to the level to board via the glass bridge to the ship.


2. Muster was held at 4PM. Your station will be assigned by your room location stated on the back of your room door in your cabin. Our cabin was located on Deck 11 Rear and were assigned to the King Court Deck 7 La Piazza Restaurant Section. There is no boat drill held outside but alot of direction inside via the PA System. Also instructions on how to put on the life vest. Also additional information if you had to left the ship off the side and jump into the water. Something new I never remembered from the past. The drill lasted about 20 minutes by the time everyone got to where they were suppose to be and also the drill being held. Had just enought time after the drill to bring the vests back to the room and run upstairs to see the sailaway from the top deck.


3. We used Deck 1 to tender off in Bar Harbor. Your passenger card is scanned off there and then you will have to walk down the stairs to the next level to board the tenders. As in the old ship, the stairs used to be against again the outside of the side but with the Mary they are enclosed in the inside - much safer.


4. The ticket for the Planetarium are available at the Connexions desk at 9 a.m. That is located on Deck 2 all the way forward by the Internet Learning Center and also Internet Room for general use. During our cruise, you had a choice of 5 shows during that day. I must warn you that you should come as early as possible to the entrance of the Illuminations Theater where it is held, before that show as we experienced a very heavy gathering of people all wanting to enter at the same time. You also would like to grab a good seat. It is open seating. The tickets do not have seat number assignments. You try to seat in the middle of the circle of the red seats.


5. I believe you must wait till you are on board to book tours. No prior bookings are made. You will have a form in your cabin to fill out and either drop in the drop box outside of the Tour Desk by the Purser Desk or wait on line when it opens. The Planetarium is also not booked but picked up on board. First come, First serve for the tickets of each show. I am not sure if you would like to book Todd English by calling Cunard Ship Service number for prior booking or wait till onboard. The other restaurants on board are not booked like King Court, Golden Lion Pub. You can dine instead of the Dining Room in the King Court for evening meals and that they say reservations are needed. Your regular Dining Room assignment should have been made during your booking.


6. We were on the 4th of July cruise that was designated as a party cruise. Since in port each day, the heavy activities were in the evenings and night. But one day at sea before landing we did experience a very heavy day of activities morning, afternoon, evening and night. You should look forward to days at sea for alot of activities in the Daily Programme.


7. I also believe the prices of the photos are $25 each. The DVD of the cruise is $39. Of course the more photos you purchase they offer you a deal which may also include a Picture Frame. It's your choice.


If you need any other addititonal information you can email me: eslomka@earthlink.net.


Happy cruisin.....



:cool: ESLO

(Ed & Bev)

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I appreciate all of your information and suggestions. Yes, ESLO, you are a great resource. I think we should add some of your info to the "What's not to miss on QM2" Word document that Penny has assembled, which is fantastic, by the way! And, yes, JudyZoo, I have checked in at the roll call.


I am just soooooooo excited. I have no idea how formal formal really is!!!! I am looking at formal gowns on eBay. But I am having a ball looking around and imagining and anticipating!!!


Does anyone know how much a tuxedo rental would cost onboard? I might be able to convince hubby to really dress up for a night.....;)

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Freckles67, you have gotten some good answers to your questions. You are right. Penny has done a great job of organizing all the hints from the What's Not to Miss .... thread plus many other posts from the Cunard Forum.


Formal evenings are pretty formal on the QM2. I see that you will be on a Caribbean cruise. We had three formal nights on our 7 day Caribbean cruise last year. So I would think you would have two or three formal nights. I would highly recommend that your husband rent or buy a tuxedo before the cruise. Buying is the best way to go if you plan to continue cruising. Since you are looking a gowns on ebay, you might also want to check out tuxedos. Many people have gotten great deals there. Renting a tux on the ship is very expensive. If your husband does not want to go the tux route, then a dark suit is also acceptable.


Enjoy your cruise. The QM2 is a wonderful ship.

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Hi Freckles....You've got the right spirit with your anticipating...that's part of the fun as I've been doing it since I booked last Dec for this Dec!! What a long time it's been but the help I've gotten on CC has been tremendous.


As to the formal thing...everyone seems to have varying opinions on "formal" altho with QM2, a floor length gown is not inappropriate at all from what I'm told. And that's what I plan to bring for our Dec cruise...long, black and sort of slinky for one...jazzy for the other. My husband calls it my Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde personna;) I think you'll see a fair number of tuxes on the men and while I don't know what rentals cost, I've read that it's probably almost cheaper to buy and then you'll always have it for the next cruise. Tell your husband he'll look like "James Bond does the QM2" if he wears one and you should have 2 formal nights to use it. Also the ship will be decorated for Christmas and how elegant is that!!! Check out formal shops...they often sell slightly used formals at a good price. The ambiance of everyone dressed to the nines in those elegant surroundings is so enticing, and really, how much chance do we get to do that these days? So go for it....check out Nordstroms.com for gowns. Wonderful selection of all sorts...look under evening gowns and special occasion (all under the dress heading) Pretty hard not to find one there.


Glad you're enjoying "the book" of hints...Cheers, Penny


Hiya Beth...we posted at the same time...always great advice from Beth folks

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check out Nordstroms.com for gowns. Wonderful selection of all sorts...look under evening gowns and special occasion (all under the dress heading) Pretty hard not to find one there.



Eat your heart out. I am not much of a shopper. I am staying in King of Prussia Pennsylvania right now. (2 day training class) I am right down the street from the King of Prussia Mall, the second largest in the country. First thing I saw when I got off the Pennsylvania Turnpike was Nordstroms!




who hates shopping. then buys the whole place (or everything that fits) when she gets there so she won't have to go again anytime soon!)

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Does anyone know if we will have two or three formal nights on the Dec. 16th Caribbean sailing? I was guessing two.... if there are three I'll have to find another formal-ish outfit. Thanks for the tip about finding a tux on eBay... I looked and there are lots of them and the prices are very reasonable. My hubby is a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, but he plans to "wear a collar" as he says, and leave the t-shirts at home. He has two suits: one gray and one navy blue. I think I might spring for an eBay tuxedo! And I am having fun looking at gowns on eBay too! :D Thank you again for your help, everyone...

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Two or Three Formal Nights????? That is a great question!!! Unfortunately, no one can answer that question absolutely. Everyone on this board could call Cunard several times a day and ask that question. We would get many answers. As I mentioned, last year we went on a 7 day Caribbean cruise. The number of formal nights was a major question on our Roll Call. Two days before we were to leave someone on the Roll Call called Cunard and was told that we would have two formal nights. Guess what??? We had three. So go prepared for three. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking two formal outfits and wearing one of them twice. There will be a couple of 7 day Caribbean cruises right before your cruise. Perhaps someone from one of those cruises will post here. Very likely you will have the same number of formal nights that they have, but it can change from cruise to cruise.


Glad you found the hint about looking for tuxedos on ebay helpful.


Have a wonderful cruise.



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Tuxedo rental on the QM2 is about $80. If you do plan on renting on board, be sure to stop in at the shop your first night. There were several men waiting in line after us to rent tuxedos on the Independence Day Sampler.


You'll have a wonderful time - I'd love to be booked for a fourth trip!

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I called Cunard a week or two ago about formal nights on the Dec. 16 cruise and was told there will be three formal nights -- Sunday and Monday (both at sea days) and Thursday (the day of St. Thomas). No doubt this could be inaccurate or could change, but that's the word that I got. I'll be annoyed/disappointed if I pack three formal gowns and end up with a chance to wear only two.

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I'm happy to report that my blue jeaned, t-shirted hubby just asked for my tape measure while we were looking at tuxedos on eBay!!!! He's trying to figure out what size tuxedo he'll need!!! He's ready to do a Buy It Now for an Oscar de la Renta.... Wow! that was toooo easy! :rolleyes:


Three formal nights?? I'm guessing that the last (Thursday) will be the dressiest of all????


So tell me, ladies, what kind of jewelry will we see? Does anyone wear a tiara? What about gloves? elbow length? Will there be hats? Furs? I'm trying to imagine it all.

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I'm happy to report that my blue jeaned, t-shirted hubby just asked for my tape measure while we were looking at tuxedos on eBay!!!! He's trying to figure out what size tuxedo he'll need!!! He's ready to do a Buy It Now for an Oscar de la Renta.... Wow! that was toooo easy! :rolleyes:


Three formal nights?? I'm guessing that the last (Thursday) will be the dressiest of all????


So tell me, ladies, what kind of jewelry will we see? Does anyone wear a tiara? What about gloves? elbow length? Will there be hats? Furs? I'm trying to imagine it all.


Depends. Make your own style. I wore both hats and elbow length gloves (which were hard to find, believe me! I am "large-boned" as they say <G> so needed stretch gloves.) I went to several bridal stores, and even set foot in a department store. I HATE to shop and DO NOT DO MALLS! (as I said, I spent the last two nights walking distance- even for broken down me, from the second largest mall in America!) I could not find stretch elbow length gloves in black! I even tried Two goodwill stores! Finally got (believe it or not) costume gloves from a party shop. No one knew the difference,


LIke I said, create your own style. Even the Commodore complimented one of my hats!



Whose tiara was at the dry cleaners. Though what it was doing there, I cannot imagine!

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Whose tiara was at the dry cleaners. Though what it was doing there, I cannot imagine!




Tiara at the dry cleaners? No wonder you didn't know what it was doing there, I thought that every lady (like yourself) knew that to clean them you soak tiaras in gin overnight;) .

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Hey Pepper, I will have to run out and buy a bottle of gin for my tiara! :rolleyes:


There are lots of gloves on eBay too! And tiaras!


What fun... I think I will enjoy playing dress up in December.


I've found a website with excellent pix of the QM2, as well as pix of a few other ships. Check it out: http://www.thewaywewent.com

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