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Hoonah, Alaska's Icy Strait Point - A taste of the REAL Alaaqsaq (Alaska)


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What can I say, we had such a wonderful day at Icy Strait, we're coming back! We also fell in love with Alaska and decided to go back again next year. After much consideration we decided to sail again on the Summit-in fact on 5/20, the same date as last year. Why did we decide to go on Celebrity again??? Because of Icy Strait! So Koo Hook (when you have time to come back and visit after your busy season welcoming us to your beautiful slice of heaven on earh) we look forward to meeting you again next year!


For those of you who are yet to cruise this year, enjoy your time at Icy Strait Point! Don't rush back to the ship. Late in the day Koo Hook leads his troup in dancing to the beat of his drums. It is a spiritual excperience!


Alaska, here we come...again!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be arriving in Icy Straight on the Celebrity cruise in September. I'm hoping to find a whale watching tour (not through the ship) to take. Any suggestions? It appears most tours leave from Gustavus. Is that close to the Icy Straight? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! I can't wait to visit the area. It sounds like a wonderful time.

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I will be arriving in Icy Straight on the Celebrity cruise in September. I'm hoping to find a whale watching tour (not through the ship) to take. Any suggestions? It appears most tours leave from Gustavus. Is that close to the Icy Straight? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! I can't wait to visit the area. It sounds like a wonderful time.

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Hi ya, Where is Gustavus. Never heard of it. Don't recollect if there are any other whale watching excursions. Are you tendered? Once you get to ISP there is an information area where you can probably book a whale watch. Be careful, alot of the excursions overlap each other, so you won't be able to do everything you want. We booked thru the crusieline (same price as when in ISP) and it was fantastic. We had a wonderful time and saw lots and lots of whales. The entire Alaskan experience was wonderful. Have a wonderful time. Lois

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I see you guys have been busy since I posted last. I truly love to see the enthusiasm of everyone after they have been to our island and experienced what we live every day. I also enjoy listening to everyone's anticipation of those yet to come.

I did find out that we do have diet seven up for sale for those interested, I am sure that they probably do in Juneau also. I haven't been able to check that out myself personally as I have not been off the island since December. Once you get here you will understand why I hate leaving my home, even for a day or so.

And yes Ann I finally caved in and got married in January. We wore our regalia and then with my head clan mother playing a drum and several aunties to help sing, I sang and danced a Chookaneidi love song for my newly wedded Raven husband. Everytime I watch the video tape of it I still end of with tears running down my face. I will never hear that song again without remembering that day, that is for sure.

What a year this has been! It is almost over and I am starting to miss it already. I am so glad to see that some of you are coming back again next year. Ya kei' (Good)! We will be sure to welcome you back again to our land once again.

Salmon have been plentiful this year, I have our winter supply all canned, smoked and dried, we are now currently catching more to give away for a 'Koo eex' (memorial potlatch) that my husband is helping with in honor of the passing of his uncle. I have also been busy making jams and jellies for him to donate, the berries were phenomenal this year. Soon it will be time to concentrate on venison and then it will be time for me to study and work on artwork for the winter.

As for questions about Gustavus, I have been there before, they actually have a golf course, and it's a pretty long trip by boat from here. I have not heard of them coming to our port or area to watch whales.

The keet (orcas/killer whales) have been spotted out and about now and then so those of you whale watchers keep your keen eyes on the look out.

Our new ship this year is a katamaran, faster than last year, so you have less travel time to the feeding pods and more viewing time. I went out on it last week myself and was really surprised at how smooth it traveled. It was a wise decision to switch to this boat and the viewing is sooo much better on it.

I hope all is well with you on your upcoming journeys and those of you that made it home well and safe, thank you for coming to our island home and may you come again someday.



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Dear Chookenshaa,

In June I was to your beautiful ISP. I will never forget the warm hospitality of your people and what a beautiful place ISP is. I bought some raspberry jam while in ISP. It was the most delicious jam I have ever eaten. Would it be possible for you to get me in contact with someone who would be kind enough to ship me some of the delicious raspberry jam. my address is: Lois Nassau, 376 Harrison Street, Paramus, New Jersey 07652. My e-mail address is: lrn376 at yahoo.com. Just let me know the cost and the shipping charges and I will send a check.

I was sorry that I missed Koo Hook when I was in ISP. Hopefully, I will be able to meet him and you on my return trip to ISP. I keep telling my friends and anyone that I know of, that is going to Alaska, that they have to see ISP. Looking forward to hearing from you.Congratulation on your wedding. Lois

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Since you said Jam I take it the seeds were still in it? Did you buy it in one of the shops at ISP or did you go down town and purchase it there? If I know this, then I will be able to figure out who made it.

I am almost through with jams and jellies, now waiting for lingnonberries,grey currants (shaax) and the high and low bush cranberries to further ripen up, I intend to do a little experimenting with these this year.

As soon as I find out the location I will let you know what I find out or put you directly in touch with them


Have a great day!


Chookenshaa (LIsa)

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We are renting a car in Juneau, I am very new to this thread so please forgive me if this is a silly question...


Can you drive from Juneau to ISP ? If so what would be the best route? Sorry Juneau fans, but I haven't really seen anything that interests me as much as I think I would enjoy ISP.



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We will be visiting ISP on the 13th of August. After reading all these posts, I feel as if I have already been there. Looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing all the sites you have to offer. It will be refreshing to visit a port that is not over-run with the standard jewelry/t-shirt shops that you see in the Caribbean.

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They have been talking of building a road out of Juneau for years and it has not happened as of yet, then it would go up north towards the places you have heard of before, Haines and Skagway.

Since we are an island, the third largest one in the United States there is only two ways onto the island, by boat or by plane. Our nearest land mass is approximately 30 miles away which is what we refer to as Home Shore, that is the mainland where Juneau is located.

Renting a car in Juneau this time of year won't be as bad traffic wise as it would be in July when the full season is open. Population of Juneau is normally about 30,000 but have heard that on large ship days and with additional people flying in that it swells to over 50,000. So it does have a tendency to get congested.

Are you excited yet???? Yakei' (good!) Hope you have a wonderful time in our beautiful state.



Chookenshaa (Lisa)

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Glad to see you back on board. And Congratulations on your wedding. Since we also haven't heard much from Koo Hook all season,I was beginning to think there might be something similar or at least a woman in his life!!! You know how time consuming that can be!!! Sounds like you had a good year with the salmon and the berries. Have an enjoyable fall and safe winter. Maybe we will see you next year.

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We decided to take the Summit arranged Whale Watch at 8:30 rather than go with Capt. Larry in Juneau and as it stands was a far better decision.

One of our friends had to be taken to Juneau Hospital for a procedure and it was rainy and nasty in Juneau. The day in ISP was cool and sunny.

Had to go all the way to Pt. Adolphous to see the Whales and see them we did. All that was missing from this one Behemoth was an Applause sign.


He/She put on a show for almost 20 minutes and then another whale showed up and tried to do synchronized breaching.


The new boat was great and very roomy - we had close to 100 people aboard with loads of room to walk around.


FYI there is a Postal Substation on ISP so for those of you who want to take advantage of USPS Flat Rate ($7.70 for all that fits in a box) it is far more convenient than doing it in Skagway or Ketchikan.


To those of you who are thinking of staying on the ship - DONT - get off and walk around - I am just sorry I didn;t buy some of the Jams and Jellys

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To those of you who are thinking of staying on the ship - DONT - get off and walk around - I am just sorry I didn;t buy some of the Jams and Jellys


I bought the only ones they had at ISP, salmonberry, blueberry and the very hard to find fireweed jelly. Could not find some of the jellies elsewhere. We'd tried to get fireweed jelly on the yukon trip out of Skagway, after the plant was pointed out to us by our guide, made by a local lady, but alas, she wasn't making it that week. So I felt fortunate to find it in ISP.


We took no tours there but spent lots of time talking to the people who live there. It was really a high point of our cruise, despite having to tender in and despite the light rain. I was touched by being able to add our wood chip (given to everyone as they get off the tender) to their fire ceremonial place down the beach.


They told us they see whales from the beach all the time (and the occasional bear at their back doors).


The Arctic Spirit shop there is the only one on the island (kellanrevere that's why you can't drive there. The road that hasn't been built, & probably won't be built, that was referred to above is one from Juneau to Skagway.) that has hand crafted things made by locals, as well as other items not made by locals. The other shops may have designs by locals, but the designs are sent off and manufactured elsewhere. They had whale baleen, and things carved from sandstone and baleen. I purchased some Alaskan jade and wooly mammoth ivory (from the permafrost) earrings.


For goodness sake, go to the island before it is spoiled!

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John Q good to hear from you again. Did you get my e-mails I sent of the big fish I have been catching lately? Haven't heard from you lately and was was wondering if maybe my e-mails didn't go through or you changed your addy? Tell the Medicine Woman in your wife that I said hello and to keep on beading, almost half way done with my latest creation, I think when all is said and done it will have over 100,000 beads in it. I intend to give it to myself as a present to put on a dance blanket.


As for those of you talking about the fireweed jelly, did you like it? We can also make honey with it, without the help of bees. Pretty ingenious eh? Honey is astronomical in price here on the island, usually around 8 dollars for one of those little bears. So I make my own with fireweed nectar and the help of a little red and white clover. Fireweed is a wonderful plant with many uses, in the spring the stalks are split open and are very sweet The leaves make a wonderful green tea when dried that is very useful for chest ailments, and in the fall the leaves turn fiery red. The tea loses it medical benefits then as the plant is losing it's strength but it makes a wonderful rosy colored calming drink.

Flashdog, we have taken steps to ensure that our land is not spoiled, so that all who come in the future will see the same beauty as the first ones. The boardwalks and trails were put out so that the muskegs and undergrowth would not be damaged by people walking about. And people have been very respectful of our land and it's beauty, and for that I am sincerely grateful. Especially for myself, I was a huge doubting Thomas, with my being outside in the woods gathering herbs and other medicinal plants, or up in the mountains. or whether on the water, I consider myself one with Haa Shugeinyaa (the Great One Up Above).I was sincerely afraid of our bounty being mistreated and we would have to pay back for it.

I was concerned about our land being misused, I have been very happy to see so much respect and reverence as has been shown to us by you our guests as you encounter our beautiful island. Also with the implementation of only one ship a day to prevent overcrowding and to keep the feel of isolation and serenity for all to who come I do not see our land becoming spoiled.

I hope I am caught up with everyone again, I have steak sauce and ketchup to make today using highbush cranberries and salmon eggs to put up. I hope everyone has a safe Labor Day weekend, I intend to 'labor' all weekend on the fishing boat looking for the ever elusive monster halibut.

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John Q good to hear from you again. Did you get my e-mails I sent of the big fish I have been catching lately? Haven't heard from you lately and was was wondering if maybe my e-mails didn't go through or you changed your addy? Tell the Medicine Woman in your wife that I said hello and to keep on beading, almost half way done with my latest creation, I think when all is said and done it will have over 100,000 beads in it. I intend to give it to myself as a present to put on a dance blanket.
I think you've got your Johns mixed up ;) This John definitely got your fish pic e-mails (and I forwarded the Halibut one on to my son, the fisherman), will definitely tell my "Medicine Woman" wife hello from you, and yes, she's still beadin' up a storm (as we say in Texas.)
I hope everyone has a safe Labor Day weekend, I intend to 'labor' all weekend on the fishing boat looking for the ever elusive monster halibut.
Good luck!



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LOL you are the one I was talking to...after I went in to work this morning I got to thinking I put the wrong persons name on the post..Sorry, I guess my lack of sleep the past week is catching up with me. I have been running on a couple hours a night only for the past week, what with having to check the smokehouse every couple of hours and being on call at the clinic..But it will all be better tonite, smokehouse is 'turned off' for the next few days and have taken my self off call for a few nights of well earned rest.

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Thank you so much for the confirmation that your beautiful island is not being disturbed by the many people who are coming to visit. It's heartening to know that it is possible to learn from the misuse of other's experience! We are so looking forward to coming back next May!



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great that you are coming back up here in May!!! Maybe I won't be so busy this time and can give you a little walk through. I have already met a few people that are already on their return visit. I think it is just wonderful that our home made such an impression on some people that they couldn't stay away and want to return again.

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great that you are coming back up here in May!!! Maybe I won't be so busy this time and can give you a little walk through. I have already met a few people that are already on their return visit. I think it is just wonderful that our home made such an impression on some people that they couldn't stay away and want to return again.


Oh that would be wonderful to meet you! Walking with you through your beautiful paths would be a treasured time for us! I was going to ask if you know Kathy Marvin, but that's probably a silly question. I imagine everyone knows about everyone within your community! If you do, please give her a hug for Don and myself. She made a pair of beautiful moccassin which he treasures! Also let her know that we have to get another picture...when she finished his moccassins we were late getting back on the ship. It was a little rushed and the picture I took was out of focus. I felt so bad for Don because that picture meant a lot to him!


I'm having such fun planning our trip already for next year!


Have a wonderful gathering time in preperation for your coming winter!



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Kathy lives just a few house away from us, We just got through having a cup of coffee together on our front porch this morning. I was shredding some bark for medicinal teas and she sat with me for a while and we got caught up on what we had both been up to the past week.


I will be sure and let her know that you were asking about her and tell her that you will be returning in the following year.

and I too have a pair of her moccassins,,wear them as soon as my feet hit the floor!!!

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Just had to get on and give my view of Icy Strait. We not only were impressed with the beauty of your area, but we also were floored with the friendliness of everyone we met. I also learned why Hoonah is such a powerhouse in basketball. Met one of the young men and he told us that by going to all the games they get to meet girls. Never looked at it that way when I used to be in high school.

I think my moccassins are better than yours. LOL

Looking forward to seeing you next May. Seems like a long time, but we will survive till then.


Don (The quiet half of Sharon)

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Most of the kids here in the village are related to each other so they have to look for 'friends' in other villages, so that's why they like to travel so much for the basketball games.

I don't know about the moccassins, we will have to compare in May. LOL Did Sharon get to check out any of Kathy's seal and otter fur purses???

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