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Rude Waiter on Enchantment

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Ok, you were hoping that someone else could come up with some explanation. I'm leaning in the direction that zqvol mentioned.


MY speculation is that someone behind the scenes directed him, or some, or all waiters, to check something. Perhaps someone had reported people using soda stickers that weren't valid. Maybe someone had peeled off a sticker from an old card and stuck it on his SeaPass, and it had been noticed. Perhaps he was instructed to take them somewhere for someone else to look at.


I can think of many possible scenarios where your waiter had been instructed to verify the actual stickers on cards.


Of course, he may not have sounded smooth and polite in the request. As you said, we weren't there. Some people are better at expressing themselves, particularly if they themselves have been placed in the awkward position by someone else.


If he was otherwise a good waiter, and showed no signs of rudeness afterwards, I would give him the FULL benefit of the doubt.


If the behavior had been absolutely heinous, I would have spoken to the Maitre D', or at least his Head Waiter.


If you weren't moved to do that, it seems that it couldn't have been so very bad in the scheme of things.


My main point is above: if things were fine afterwards, then it's not even worth talking about this one "lapse" in courtesy, if there was one.


We have been asked by waiters for our cards on cruises and never thought anything of it. Our whole tables have been asked. We always figured they were checking to make sure the right people were at their table or to check our names against their lists.

When we were on the Empress, we had a table of 8. The waiter took our cards the first night. When he brought them back we all kidded him about how much trouble we were all going to be for him at dinner.

He laughed and said, "I already know you people are not going to give me any trouble."

We all asked how do you know that? He answered, "because I saw it in your cards." We have no idea what he meant because we were all too busy laughing. Every single one of us treated him just as nice as he treated us. He was one of the best we ever had and a real fabulous waiter.

Truthfully, I could care less if they ask me for my card as long as they feed me.

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He was rude BEFORE my husband gave him the look...and nicer afterwards (and after he took everyone's cards and checked them out).


As for the cruise...it was the best cruise we have ever taken. This was one part that really upset us, but didn't by any means, have a negative effect on our cruise. We just thought maybe there was an explanation.


I would guess that you were in big trouble and he was about to take you all away. lol. Just kidding. I would just chalk it up to poor communication skills on the part of the waiter and leave it at that. Even if it wasn't, its just not worth getting worked up about. Happy cruising. :D :D

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jeezz. choose your battles. A waiter taking you seapass card more than you think he should is nothing. If you were overcharged by the guy, then lets hang him, but since he just asked for your id---well. . .


if this is all that went wrong at dinner, count your blessings!!!

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I don't understand why so many people are so hard on the OP. They were just asking a question. I love to cruise but I know from experience that some crew people are sometimes rude,especially purser's desk staff. Some people on this board are so defensive toward RCCL.I can't believe that the people who are so critical of anyone who dares complain are really as understanding as they pretend to be.

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If I had to guess, I would say that this waiter was instructed to check the table number on your cards to make sure that you were, in fact, at the correct table. I have had that happen to me before. Apparently, they had accidently assigned two families to one table. A problem that was quickly realized as an error made by the maitre de and just as quickly resolved. No biggie.

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I still feel that people were too hard on the OP. People come here to post on cruising experiences. They shouldn't be flamed if everything is not always positive.


Nobody flamed the OP, they were just trying to figure out what the problem was. The title talks about a rude waiter and then goes on to explain that he asked for their seapass cards. Doesn't sound rude to the rest of us, but of course, we can't hear the tone in which he asked.


Bribrittmom, don't be so sensitive. This is a chatboard, and that's what people do, chat.

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Sorry you had a bad dinner experience. Don't worry about the usual crowd roughing you up for your post, they can't help themselves. I believe you, I had a bad one as well on Enchantment in Chops, I forget the guys name but all I asked was my steak to be lightly pink and this dude rudely went off on me saying I get to choose medium rare or well period. I was embarrassed because this was a special night for the family and I had touted Chops as a great experience. I proceeded to order medium and sure enough when my steak came it was bloody and basically still had the hooves on it. He earned the privilage of taking it back for a cook-up. Customer service is a hard gig, its not easy to have the happy face on at all times, some guys get it and some move on to other careers.

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I still feel that people were too hard on the OP. People come here to post on cruising experiences. They shouldn't be flamed if everything is not always positive.


But just how was this waiter rude? He asked for the seapass card----which he has every right to do whether to check their table, check if they have a soda card or to check if their old enough to drink. Whatever it is, they have a right to ask for the card. Why get offended?? And offended enough to come to these boards and complain. I just don't see the big deal and don't think the waiter was all that rude--maybe not a normal incidence, but certainly not rude. To say a waiter is rude, give him good things, like dropping hot coffee on you and not apologizing, forgetting your food, cussing you out. . . . . . asking for your seapass card. . . . .

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If he would have said it was to check the soda sticker, that would have been fine and not rude. The way he said it (and none of you were there) was extremely rude. He even knew it was rude afterwards because he tried to be so nice. If it was just me, I would have written it off because I can be overly sensitive. My husband, however, is not at all and he was offended. Also, the lecturing about my card was uncalled for. The kids even felt uncomfortable. He also said he was checking everyone's cards and we didn't see him check anyone else's cards...and we were looking because it made us feel so uncomfortable. I guess we'll never know what it was about...just thought someone may have another explanation. Also, we had just shown the assistant waiter our cards with the stickers and he said he knew we had the soda card so we didn't need to show them to him again.


And for all that questionned him being rude...please refrain. I may not be able to explain exactly what he said or how he acted, but I know when someone is being rude. For the record, the assistant waiter who handled our drink was very polite...he knew we had soda cards and was always very attentive. Also, the head waiter was very kind.


If he was rude, I would let my tip reflect that and enjoy the rest of the cruise!

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Why is everyone saying the waiter was not rude:confused: I am sure, that Hayesktrim is entitled to her own feelings - she was just asking a simple question, has anyone else experienced this. If you can't answer her question, don't disagree, you were not there - you can't really have an opinion.

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Why is everyone saying the waiter was not rude:confused: I am sure, that Hayesktrim is entitled to her own feelings - she was just asking a simple question, has anyone else experienced this. If you can't answer her question, don't disagree, you were not there - you can't really have an opinion.


Who decides who is permitted to have an opinion on a chatboard? If the OP didn't want opinions she shouldn't have posted the thread.

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the op said that the waiter was rude- AND that he asked for the seapass card without explanation- she did not say asking for her seapass card was rude- obviously this rude waiter really got to the op- we are all different and that is what makes the world go round- i would have asked the guy what his problem was and if there was something i could do to help him out....;) and let him know we were sorry that he was having such a bad day.....

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I still feel that people were too hard on the OP. People come here to post on cruising experiences. They shouldn't be flamed if everything is not always positive.


That is my biggest problem here. If you do have a problem or something made you unhappy, the posters just get trashed! It's unbelievable really. And this is in EVERY lines boards, not just here.

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Thanks for everyone who defended me and for those who actually tried to answer my question. I never asked IF he was rude. We knew he was. In fact, other tables looked over to see what was happening because of the rude way he talked to us (and you know how loud it can get in the dining room). We didn't want to make a scene because it was our vacation and we just wanted it to pass. It didn't ruin our vacation and we're not dwelling on it...we just wanted to see if anyone had an explanation or if anyone had experienced this before. He was also very rude for lecturing me on not bringing my pass to dinner.


I also didn't mention the fact that he was not a very good waiter, because my question didn't have anything to do with that. It had to do with him being rude. He brought us the wrong entrees, didn't check back to make sure everything was okay and didn't offer us something else when it was obvious that we didn't like something. However, if it really bothered me then, I would of asked for something else. With that many courses, it wasn't like I was starving. We have always had exceptional service on our cruises...above and beyond what we have expected. In fact, on several cruises, we have seen our waiters elsewhere on the ship and they have said hi to the kids by name. I know you all know what I am talking about, the kind of waiters that you love so much you want to take them home with you. I have even gotten a little misty when it was time to say goodbye to some of them. This was obviously not the case. Like I said, the assistant waiter was good.


As for the explanation that best fits how we felt. It has to be that others might have been reusing stickers for their soda card (although why he was so snotty that I didn't have mine and I ordered iced tea, I don't know). He acted like we had done something wrong. Then he came back and was nicer. I don't know if that was because my husband gave him a look (don't even know if he saw it) or if he saw that we weren't crooks trying to get away with something. I am sure if you felt like someone was accusing you, other tables were staring, and you were lectured, you might feel that the waiter was being rude. Again, I didn't give every detail because THAT WASN'T MY QUESTION. So many times on this board, people attack other people for things that they don't even ask. I didn't ask your opinion on whether it was rude...I asked if it had happened to you before. If you don't have anything constructive to say that has to do with the actual question, maybe you should just not answer. I think this would be a much happier board. I just saw a post yesterday from someone and it was their first post her and people were downright mean. That's not the kind of community I would ever want to come back to if it was my first time.


Thanks again for the explanations and especially for the people who stood up for me. Those people also got attacked for standing up for me.

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That is my biggest problem here. If you do have a problem or something made you unhappy, the posters just get trashed! It's unbelievable really. And this is in EVERY lines boards, not just here.


Yep. And it's a lot of the SAME people too...I won't name names, but it's almost as if these people get beat up in their daily lives, then come here to vent. Again, I'm also not referring to this board only.

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Thanks for everyone who defended me and for those who actually tried to answer my question. I never asked IF he was rude. We knew he was. In fact, other tables looked over to see what was happening because of the rude way he talked to us (and you know how loud it can get in the dining room). We didn't want to make a scene because it was our vacation and we just wanted it to pass. It didn't ruin our vacation and we're not dwelling on it...we just wanted to see if anyone had an explanation or if anyone had experienced this before. He was also very rude for lecturing me on not bringing my pass to dinner.


I also didn't mention the fact that he was not a very good waiter, because my question didn't have anything to do with that. It had to do with him being rude. He brought us the wrong entrees, didn't check back to make sure everything was okay and didn't offer us something else when it was obvious that we didn't like something. However, if it really bothered me then, I would of asked for something else. With that many courses, it wasn't like I was starving. We have always had exceptional service on our cruises...above and beyond what we have expected. In fact, on several cruises, we have seen our waiters elsewhere on the ship and they have said hi to the kids by name. I know you all know what I am talking about, the kind of waiters that you love so much you want to take them home with you. I have even gotten a little misty when it was time to say goodbye to some of them. This was obviously not the case. Like I said, the assistant waiter was good.


As for the explanation that best fits how we felt. It has to be that others might have been reusing stickers for their soda card (although why he was so snotty that I didn't have mine and I ordered iced tea, I don't know). He acted like we had done something wrong. Then he came back and was nicer. I don't know if that was because my husband gave him a look (don't even know if he saw it) or if he saw that we weren't crooks trying to get away with something. I am sure if you felt like someone was accusing you, other tables were staring, and you were lectured, you might feel that the waiter was being rude. Again, I didn't give every detail because THAT WASN'T MY QUESTION. So many times on this board, people attack other people for things that they don't even ask. I didn't ask your opinion on whether it was rude...I asked if it had happened to you before. If you don't have anything constructive to say that has to do with the actual question, maybe you should just not answer. I think this would be a much happier board. I just saw a post yesterday from someone and it was their first post her and people were downright mean. That's not the kind of community I would ever want to come back to if it was my first time.


Thanks again for the explanations and especially for the people who stood up for me. Those people also got attacked for standing up for me.


Don't even bother defending yourself - I've found it's best just to move on. Someone gets a thought in their heads, then will attack whatever you say. I don't get it.


Aren't people coming here for enjoyment? to be happy?


I'll get flamed for this, just watch...

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I guess because we wanted to know if anyone had another explanation. We wanted to give the waiter the benefit of the doubt. I guess I'll just chalk it up to a waiter who wasn't very good and didn't have the best guest relations skills. You're right, none of you were there. Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else. We would have said something to the head waiter, but to be quite honest, we were too embarrassed. To be honest, it felt like he was questionning who we were. Maybe he was just upset because we never ordered any alcohol. Who knows. I'll let it go...I promise :). We're going on another cruise in December and I'll just pray we get a GREAT waiter to make up for this past one. On our 4 previous cruises on different cruise lines, we always had superb waiters, this one was a huge disappointment...for that reason and many others.


I would have asked him again.

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