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Hello: Since you offered....how was the deck chair situation on days at sea? Also, did you utilize the self serve laundry? How much did it cost and was soap available? What did they have on the in-cabin TV......news, movies? Thanks. Looking forward to our Insignia cruise next month.

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What was the "official" boarding time? My Caribbean Regatta cruise may not be the same, but we're staying at a hotel with a shuttle to the pier (Miami) and they are insisting on a specific time to take us to the port!


Also, what was the room service menu like? I LOVE room service...a personal weakness and guilty pleasure!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry all - I forgot to check the email notification on replies - so here goes to all the questions!



Deck Chairs - the best pool inviroment ever! no chair hogging what so ever. Very comfortable with towels and blankets - if you get the wooden ones with blue pillows be prepared to be a sleep in under 3min. The potted spruce trees and little details made all the difference.



Laundry - I did not fully experience the laundry room, however my parents did and oh the stores they told...... you have to go to the purser to get tokens which pay for everything.... if your lucky one of the three washers will be free and once its done you better pray you get it into a dryer cause it will be thrown out, same goes for getting your dry and clean clothes out on time. One evening during peek capacity my parents told a story of a crewmember coming in to close down the laundry room 9pm, one woman cussed him out and called his supervisor for him - he was just doing his job - my parents noted the next time they went to do laundry it was open much later.



Cabin TV's - horrible! yes there were movies but nothing "on-demand" variety was bad and they played at odd times. I don't know how many episodes of CSI, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Lucy I saw over and over and over again.... Expect the normal CNN Europe "depending where you are in the world," music channels, bridge view, and the map channel.


Embarcation - our flight got into Gatwick at 7am and with our own pre-arranged tansfers "Central Ex. Travel" we were to Dover by 10am! They let us check in our baggage and some cary-on items. Great facility brand new - where we had something to eat. We then went up to Dover Castle and came back to the ship at 1pm. There was a fairly long line but moved very quickly - check in was a snap but security took for ever - once in the terminal and once getting onto the ship - relay slowed things down - I was not impressed with what happens once your on board. Celebrity for instance escorts you to your state room with a glass of champainge but that didn't happen. This may have been because the rooms where not ready yet and we were told to go up to the lido. My parents and sister layed down for a nap on one of the deck chairs and I took off to our rooms. I inspected them and they were clean - I went back to get them and we were settled in our rooms by 2pm.



Room service - My sister and I relay got into this.... I ordered breakfast on serveral occasions.. Perfect. Lunch once... Perfect. Then we began to indulge before bed with ice cream - a wonderful treat but do make sure to tip the steward who delivers it - it looked as if we woke them from a deep slumber at 11pm, they were not happy.



Cabins - My sister and I were in a Cat G 6010 while the parents were across the hall in a cat B 6008. Both were fantastic! A lot more room than advertised and we had plenty of storage for 12 nights - granted we only packed for 7 and did laundry half way. The phone was ok nothing special and kind of awkward to operate. Watch out for those Tranquility beds - you may never want to get out! If you've had the Westin heavenly bed, its the same thing but with the suttle rocking motion of a ship. Bathrooms were ok nothing fancy - great tolitries and towels. The towels have a sneaky way of wanting jump into your suit cases the last night of the cruise ;-) I love the balcony in my parents room - I think I spent more time on it than they did. I do believe that our room was bigger, its as if when the ship was designed the pre-fab cabins were all the same and ours instead of a balcony just got more space. One specific issue every one cruising on this class of ship should watch out for is the location of your room. Ours were directly above the Insigina Lounge - we experience every thing in that room if we wanted to or not, very loud and very annoying! Our room inparticular was very bad - the stewards prep room is behind it so you heard everything that went on in there as well. One evening druing rough seas a stewards cart rolled back and forth baning against the walls - we called reception at 3am and it was promptly fixed. All in all the best standard rooms we have ever had except for on the Ocean Princess.



Dining - A subject of much debate - I'll rank in order of best to worst.


Tapas On the Terrace - superb dining, very casual, best service on board, the food was fresh, fun, and delicious. One could always find something new. Thanks to Eddie!

Polo Grill - again a superb dining experience - food was good service was ok. Our first night was execelent thanks to David and Warwick. Very comfortable atmosphere, the seats were wide and tables not so cramped. The second was bad. Our waitress was slow, rude, and self absorbed. She ran into another waiter in front of our table and cause him to spill every thing - she immediately blamed it all on him "when it was clearly her fault" then complained to us for the rest of the evening about what had happened.

Waves - the best pool side grill ever, expect the normal hamburgers and hotdogs combined with grilled orange soule or cuban melts - perfect service and great atmosphere. If you want your food from there but wish to sit else where simply tell one of the waiters your order and they will come find you with your food. For you pizza lovers out there steer clear of the pizzaria - basickly bread with some chease and tomato sause if your lucky you might find a toping mixed in... save your self the greif and just dont try it.

High Tea - a treat not to be missed! Oceania does it the best. Perfect service and sinful treats. The string quartet from Russia was impeccable and often gave me cold chills.

The Terrace - Very typical lido buffet style food with some special suprises. Great service but often very crowded. Hard to find a table for 4 forget trying for a table to 2 it just wont happen. Servace just like during all aspects of the Terrace dining is perfect - truly enjoyed not carrying trays and sivlerwear - all drinks are ordered from the table and all seconds are too.

Toscana - A confusing venue. Service was nothing special and the atmosphere was very cramped. Close tables and tight chairs. A newly refurbished room - yet not eye appealing - from what I can tell they should have left it alone. Menu looked good but was difficult to read and understand. I would rather have spent my other two alternative nights at the Polo.

Grand Dining Room - Last and certainty least.... Service was ok and food was ok, nothing special here. Very close tables and very cramped seating. Attempt to figure out which tables are more comfortable and then request them every evening - we finale gave up on this dining venue and stuck with the Tappas.



Sevace - as far as dining you can re-read above, for the rest of the ship expect nothing but the best, from the photographers to the bar tenders - they will know your name by night 3 and become your family. I was truly sad to leave them. We had the special occasion of having the captian and his wife on one of our shore tours. We were at Donrobin a I offored to take their picture for them - truly wonderful people. We got to know them in the short time on the tour. The last night of the cruise the Captians wife sought us out and thanked us again - giving all of us Italian kisses!



Entertainment - Patheic! I hate to say it but the worst of any line I have ever been on. Shows are sad and seems as if no ones trying. Expect to hear the same ol same ol "Celebration, Phantom, Patriotic Music, Danny Boy, ect..." They brought in a volalist who honestly made me sick to my stomach - he did not know how to hit high notes and ran around kissing woman's hands and insulting the men.... not classy at all. A magician-comedian was the worst I have ever seen - I truly felt sorry for this man, 3 out of 5 tricks would not work and it didn't help him one bit that is assistant was his 65yo wife in a bathing suit. One strong point for entertainment was local groups that were brought on board. One troop from Aberdeen and another at Invergorden. Great festive nights and truly made you want to get up and dance with them - infact my 12yo sister did! Another special treat occurred at 4 of our 8 ports and that was live music. In Edinburg, and Waterfod bag pipers played during disembarcation and in Aberdeen and Invergorden full Scottish Military Tatoos marched and serenaded the ship as she left port. Truly special memories that will last a life time.


Well every one I think that about does it for this round of Q&A - I enjoy doing it and thank you for reading though my horrible spelling and grammar. Again I apologies for forgetting to implement the email notification or I would have responded before now.


Don't hesitate to ask more questions and I'll do my best to answer them in a through and quick manner!




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I was surprised about your comments about the Grand Dining Room. " Service was ok and food was ok, nothing special here. Very close tables and very cramped seating." I had not heard about the cramped seating before. Has anyone else found the dining room to be uncomfortable?

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cruzemaven -


Its interly on where your seated. One night we would be out of the way and it felt like a private dining room - the next night there would be a table for two practickly upon us - we could hear every word of their conversation and every bight they took of their food..... we never lucked out again with a comforatble table.... its realy hit or miss and more often than not its a miss.... The same is true for its food, about one item per meal was great the rest were just ok, bland, cold, and often just plane yucky - dont get me wrong presentation is just as presented in the brouchurs but the quality of food is nothing worth while....


Little things stuck out in my mind about the Grand Dining room that were off par with other cruise lines of Oceania's caliber. For instance.... Bread came around once - it was not left at your table and if you wanted it you had to ask for it - often this seemed to be a burden for the wait staff... they possably did not leave the bread on the table for they were to small.. it was a jugling act to get all the silverwear and china on the table then add in glasses, condements, and bread bowle - just not enough room. It also seemed as if there was not enough wait staff for the room - one waiter and buss boy for over 8 tables, in a dining room like the Grand Dining room this is just odd.... This is truly one aspect of the cruise exeperince that Oceania needs work on.

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Swiddowson, Thank you for your very thorough review of the ship, and I'm glad you had a good trip! I was wondering if your parents could also hear the noise from the lounge below? We would like to book a B cabin, but it would drive us crazy if we could hear everything that was going on downstairs. Thanks for any input.

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SeaCCruzer - If you in cabin 6020 and lower I would expect to get to enjoy the shows of the Insignia Lounge from your room. Yes my parents heard through to the lounge. Granted we had it espicaly bad being directly over the sound system of the lounge - I went and examined this one afternoon cause I didnt want to the be blumbling idiot complaing about noise and have no idea what I was talking about - It payed off later in the cruise.


We love taking our shore tours early in the morning giving us the afternoon off to nap or do as we please. One afternoon from 1pm to 4:45pm "we timed it" the drummer insisted on practicing this same rift over and over again. After the first hour of it my sister and I were taping it out better than he was with pens on the night stand. This continued for another hour and finaly we couldnt take it any more. It was like being inside the drum. I called recepetion and told them. The gentleman at reception told us he could hear it though the phone and would ask the to turn down the sound system associated with it. About 20min later we noticed a gradual decrease in the base and overall sound but nothing that truly helped. We attempted to take our naps - but that didnt happen. Finnaly about 4 my sister and I did go across to my parents room and it was even louder there. This is because the band pit where the drummer was actualy playing was situated direct below them.


So we had the sound system and they had the band pit. This just became a regular occurance. If theres a big show in the lounge in the evening, expect some time that afternoon to hear the whole rehearsial in your room. We eventualy just left our rooms those afternoons and enjoyed the rest of the ship.


If I were booking this cruise again knowig what I know now - I would give it a second thought as to where my cabin is located. If your booking a Cat B I'd go with 6000,6001 - wich are hard to come by and at night to help the view from the bridge are required to keep their blinds shut and lights dimmed. Or I'de go with 6048 & 6051 and higher. That keeps you in the aft of the ship and your just over the Grand Dining Room.


I hope this helps - let me know if you have any further questions.



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SeaCCruzer - Wich ports would you like info about? I've been to a few......


I can tell you about the following:


Alaska: Ancorage, Seward, Skagway, Sitka, Ketchakan, Juneau, Hanes

Bahamas: Nassau, Freeport, Princess Cay

Bermuda: St. Georges, Hamilton, Royal Navel Dock Yard

Canada: Vancouver, Victora, Halafax, St. John

Mexico: Ensenada, Couzmel, Plya Del Carmen

Caribbean: Grand Cayman, Key West, San Juan, St. Thomas, Antigua,

Trinidad, Barbados, Martinique

European Ports: England - Dover, Flamouth; Wales - Holeyhead; Ireland - Dublin, Waterford; Scotland - Edinburg, Aberdeen,

Peterhead, Invergorden; Shetland Islands - Lerwick;

Orkney Islands - Kirkwall.


Those are just ports of call.

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Hi, swiddowson,


Thanks for all the time and info! I'm happy to say we are in Cabin 6001 on Regatta later this year.


Are soft drinks "free"? I read another thread that indicates that you must pay for soda (my DH is a Diet-Coke man). I'm an iced tea drinker, so when you mentioned that it's the real deal, it was good news. I've struggled through several cruises drinking the toxic, fake variety and had to special request fresh-brewed at dinner...a tough request to have fulfilled.


Is sugar-free or low-sugar, and fat-free or low-fat, ice cream served? Does Oceana see aware of how many passengers eat "healthy"?


My husband just called in from the den,"Do they offer Coke or Pepsi?"


Many thanks,

Barbara :)

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Sodas are not free. They do have fat free, sugar free ice cream next to the grille on pool deck. Every night in the Grand Dining Room, they have a sugar free dessert. You can always get fresh fruit as a dessert.


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