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Cruising with food allergies????


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Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the boards, this is my first time posting! I have read through several threads on these message boards and have found some very helpful tips...


I have a question regarding food allergies and cruising. We just found out that our youngest

child (2 1/2 yrs old) has a very serious nut allergy. We had planned to book a cruise on the Miracle for February but now we are very hesitant. I called the 1-800 number for Carnival and the lady I spoke to was very positive that they would be able to accommodate that- BUT I got the feeling that she really didn't have any understanding of what a life-threatening allergy was. For example, she said: "Sure they can accommodate that, after all, my sister is a vegetarian and there was lots of things that SHE was able to eat!!" It seemed as though she didn't understand the difference between a lifestyle choice and a serious allergy..... so I have wrote an e-mail to carnival and asked specific questions regarding food handling and if i will be able to look through ingredient lists to try to make the safest possible choices for my daughter, etc. - but i have yet to hear back.... I'm still hesitant about booking the cruise.


Does anyone here have any experience cruising with food allergies or with a child who has food allergies??

If so, how was it handled? was it a positive or negative experience? We had planned for our 3 kids to spend lots of time at Camp Carnival, if you have cruised with a child with serious allergies, how did you find the Camp staff regarding this?


Sorry for the very long post!!!!! Hope someone has some insight on this ...




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Take a look at this link. It does not specifically address a peanut allergy but does advise you to speak to the Head Waiter the first night to be sure they are aware of the necessity of not serving anything to your child that might trigger a reaction.




Elsewhere on the ship, you will probably have to ask someone if peanuts are used in preparing certain foods.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the boards, this is my first time posting! I have read through several threads on these message boards and have found some very helpful tips...


I have a question regarding food allergies and cruising. We just found out that our youngest

child (2 1/2 yrs old) has a very serious nut allergy. We had planned to book a cruise on the Miracle for February but now we are very hesitant. I called the 1-800 number for Carnival and the lady I spoke to was very positive that they would be able to accommodate that- BUT I got the feeling that she really didn't have any understanding of what a life-threatening allergy was. For example, she said: "Sure they can accommodate that, after all, my sister is a vegetarian and there was lots of things that SHE was able to eat!!" It seemed as though she didn't understand the difference between a lifestyle choice and a serious allergy..... so I have wrote an e-mail to carnival and asked specific questions regarding food handling and if i will be able to look through ingredient lists to try to make the safest possible choices for my daughter, etc. - but i have yet to hear back.... I'm still hesitant about booking the cruise.


Does anyone here have any experience cruising with food allergies or with a child who has food allergies??

If so, how was it handled? was it a positive or negative experience? We had planned for our 3 kids to spend lots of time at Camp Carnival, if you have cruised with a child with serious allergies, how did you find the Camp staff regarding this?


Sorry for the very long post!!!!! Hope someone has some insight on this ...





I have had extremely good care by staff and also not so good care when it comes to food allergies. I'm allergic to honey, cinnamon, orange, pineapple, and green beans. In the beginning (we've cruised about 10 times) I always made a point of talking to the Maitre D or head waiter and notifying them of my allergies. It has been hit and miss with Carnival and Royal Carribean. Princess on the other hand has gone above and beyone to help me. We just got back from the Dawn Princess last month. The first night at dinner, I let the waiter know about my allergies and he got the head waiter for me. Constantine wrote all the allergies down and ask what I planned to order. He then checked with the chef before they brought the food to me. Then at the end of dinner he brought me the menus for lunch/dinner the next day and asked me to order then. That way they could preplan for me if needed or it would give them time to allow me to change an order if there was a problem. Worked out great. We did this every night of the cruise. Breakfast and Lunch we often ate at the buffet, so I stuck to things that I was positive would be OK. When in doubt, I avoided the food item.


Be sure to carry allergy meds with you for your child. Also find out (if you don't already know) how limited his eating will be --- many restaurants (don't know about the ships) use peanut oil to cook with. I know one restaurant we go to has a large sign on the front door notifying customers of the use of peanut oil. Also nuts are used on many of the desserts too --- will you need to be concerned if a dessert he wants is next to one with nuts???? Some people are so sensitive that it truly can make a difference.


Hope you can get specific answers from Carnival and that you have a wonderful cruise.

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Hi! I don't know how serious your child's nut allergy is--my son is mildly allergic to peanuts. He breaks out in hives if he handles them or eats them, but has never had a serious reaction. However, he's 11 now, and knows to avoid them. He does not have a problem with candy/food made in the same place as peanut foods, and as far as we know, no problem with peanut oil. When he was diagnosed at age 2, we were told that peanut oil is processed so much that it doesn't have the allergens. I have since read that some people are sensitive to peanut oil also.


OK, that being said, I would be really scared if the allergy was serious, as in even being in the same room with nuts, or food made near nuts, etc. I would definitely want to know if the ship could handle anaphylactic shock, etc., and I would take the epi-pen and have it available at all times. Most people would be surprised how many things contain nuts that we don't think about.


I don't mean to scare you; I don't know how old or responsible your child is, and I'm sure you're around most of the time. I would think that at Camp Carnival they would be aware of this allergy. Most places these days that cater to children are fully aware and limit peanuts/nuts if there's even a hint of an allergy.


Good luck! This is something you will always have to deal with anyway, but I think the older the child, the easier it gets. I wouldn't want to not do things because of an allergy!

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Thanks for your input!

My daughter is 2 yrs old and has only had an allergic reaction once to cashews. We are waiting for an appt with an allergist to do some tests. She had a severe allergic reaction but not anaphylaxis, so it is hard to say if it happened again if it would be similar or might be worse. it is scary. I have found out more info through Carnival and they said that when you board the ship you fill out some special needs forms explaining the foods that must be avoided and they will go out of their way to make sure the allergic person's food was prepared without the food nor with any contact with that food. I also found an article that suggested that meals be eaten in the dining room as much as possible rather than the buffet (one reason being that more cross contamination tends to occur with the utensils in the buffet....)


Again, thanks for the input!!

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Our child has food allergies, at the age of 1 the only food he was not allergic to was seafood. At the age of 3.5 (we are not quit sure what he is allergic to, but was diagnosed with Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) that is another story). Before we went on our last cruise (sept 10, 2006 - valor) we filed out a medical form stating that he was allergic to peanuts, and at the first diner the wait staff approched us and confirmed that they received our medical form and made sure that they would take care of it...


As for the camp, there is a form stating what your child is allergic to. For camp your child will receive a name tag, which he will wear when he is in camp. On the back of the name tag it is written to what your child is allergic to...




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In addition to checking in with the food preparers and dining room staff, I would also touch base with the ships doctor just to make them aware of a possible situation and to get some peace of mind in regard to their ability to handle the situation should it arise. Hope everything works out for you.

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My Daughter who is 11 has a life threatening allergy to nuts as well. She carries an epipen......three actually.Carnival last year was very good and very careful in the dining room.Outside the dining room, we were on our own. I never took chances without the ingredients being read.

Confirm with the dining room staff and just eat most meals in there where they guarantee the nut free preparation.

In the camps, she was not able to have her epipen where other children could access them. It wasn't much of a threat beacause she hung around with us mainly.

Hope this helps!:rolleyes:

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I too have nut and seed allergies. I carry an Epi pen with me 24/7. I was told I have a signed note from my doctor in order to carry it on Carnival. No word that American Airlines requires it, so it surprised me I had to get one.


I have travelled a few cruises and my most recent one to Alaska on Celebrity they treated me like a total celebrity. The Maitre D took such good care of me. He came every night after dinner presented me with the following evenings dinners and I could pick then what I wanted....needless to say the entire table of strangers were all so happy to learn what was coming up on the menu for the following nights. haha.


I might add I am very allergic to the smell and air borne smell of peanuts. My chest closes up and not a pretty sight.


We tipped the Maitre D extra/over and above for what he did for me. He was wonderful.


Just ask, use your head and be careful. I find desserts the worst, from chocolates with oils used from nuts and always sesame seeds are a problem for me including and fruit with seeds as well. Ice creams are a big no no too and including ALL popsicles as they contain peanut oils. GRRRRR. Just be careful and tell the Maitre D, the ship, your waiter and anyone else that probably should know...why ruin your trip...they are there to keep you safe and happy enjoying the trip!!

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I am allergic to nuts and all poultry - i can eat eggs but forget the meat along with all chicken based soups-my allergy is life threatening- (throat closes up + it's scary) but that has never stopped me from cruising - I always will ask how a soup is made etc- also being allergic to poultry also makes me allergic to such simple things as a flu shot- carnival has always gone out of their way to accommodate me by allowing me a sneak preview of the menues etc- luckily i've only had a reaction once on a cruise and that's to frog legs (they do taste like chicken) and was at the infirmiry asap- got a shot and it cleared up asap- go and enjoy your cruise...

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I guess I should look into how many epi-pens we should bring and if we need special permission to carry them both on the ship and the airline... I also like the idea of touching base with the ship's doctor as well. I can't tell you all how much i appreciate you sharing your experiences with me. In discussion with dh we decided that this is something our family has to with, not live in fear of, and went ahead and booked a 5 day cruise on the Elation for Feb. !! Can't wait!




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Hi there CWNNP:)


I recently cruised on the Legend with my 7 yr old son who has a severe peanut allergy. Before I go into any detail let me assure you that we had absolutely no probelms or scares concerning his allergy and the staff in the dining room and at Camp Carnival were wonderful and extremely accomodating. I always carry an epipen and Benedryl in case of emergency, I had no probelm bringing them on board (the ship is also well stocked with epipens, because you never know if someone may have an allergic reaction) just be sure that the prescription label is attached to the container. If you don't already carry an epipen ask your doctor if he/she feels that your child may require that you do or at the very least you should always carry benedryl with you-again ask your Dr. about dosage and administration. That said:


Upon boarding, while the rest of my party headed for the fancy drinks, I headed straight for the dining room to speak to the Maitre D, he was extremely accommodating and told me that the waiter and kitchen would be informed of the situation. We of course reminded our waiter when we first sat down to dinner. My son was treated like royalty from our first dinner on. The asst. Maitre D, "Plamena" made a special visit to our table to chat with him every evening and to make suggestions as to what he might enjoy and show me the menu for the next day so that we could discuss the ingredients and preparation. The children's menu is always available and it contains the usual, pizza, chicken nuggets, burger and fries, mac and cheese etc.,- none of which are prepared using any nut products or oils. My son is a finicky eater so he usually stuck with a cheeseburger or a bowl of pasta, sauce on the side-the marinara sauce was delicious by the way. He loves vegetables but only plain, so he was brought a huge plate of steamed vegetables also. Plamena always encouraged him to try things from the adult menu also and when he did and enjoyed them she was like a proud mommy:) . My son is not a big dessert eater so worrying about nut products in sweets wasn't a really big concern, he usually had a bowl of strawberry ice cream if he did have any dessert. When we were given the dessert menu Plamena again would come over and explain the ingredients and preparation, they were astounded that they couldn't convince the kid to at least try their delicious treats most of the time. I can't say enough about how wonderful everyone in the dining room was.


The Buffet- we had no probelms here also-we asked about the prep. and ingredients before my son tried anything. We occasionally ran into a language barrier at a food station at first-but there was always an english speaking person available speak to and clarify for us. Again my picky eater most of the time stuck to what he knows-especially the pizza-but again we didn't run into any probelms-just use your common sense and if in doubt-get the pizza. Even the Chinese food was safe because they didn't use peanut oil. Just be sure to ask(incidently-did you know that peanut butter is used as an ingredient in Lomein and eggrolls in many CHinese restaurants). Desserts are more complicated- again my son didn't want them so it wasn't an issue for us-he stuck to the soft serve icecream.

Same advise though-just be sure to ask ask and ask again.


Camp Carnival- The staff is all informed of any children with food allergies or medical issues and they are all well trained in first aid and CPR. We were able to leave an epipen with the staff and we were given a beeper. My son wore a name tag with his name in red ink (the other campers names were in blue ink) which was a constant visual reminder that there was a medical issue, the back said that he had a nut allergy. He ate all meals with us so again for us this was not an issue. If the chidren are given snacks you would be informed beforehand-I think that they may have an ice cream party-but if I remember right, this a famliy event. My son didn't spend all that much time at Camp Carnival but enjoyed it very much when he did.


I hope I have been some help-believe me when I tell you that you that I am SUPER PARANOID when it comes to my son's allergy and if I tell you that you will be able to cruise safely and sanely with your nut allergic little one- then you can definitely believe me:D . Wishing you a terrific time on your cruise:) .

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Thanks, softasylum, your info is encouraging! i guess it works out well that your son doesn't really like desserts!! i guess i'll have to choose very carefully for that...


I'll keep that in mind regarding motion sickness meds ( we haven't needed any in past cruises so hopefully it'll be the same this time)


Thanx!! :D

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