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I "won" a cruise...is this a scam?


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I got a card in the mail saying we won a 4 night cruise to Key West and Cozumel aboard Carival Cuise Line. This is a promotion for touring a time share resort. I did some checking and one of Carnivals ships sails from Miami for a four night cruise to KW and Coz.

Has anyone ever really "won" a cruise like this or is this one of those bait and switch deals?

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My brother and his wife went through something just like what you are describing. They were offered a free cruise in exchange for going to a time share and listening to a seminar. They were pushed pretty hard to buy but said no and got their "free" cruise. What they don't tell you is that you have to pay all of the port charges, taxes, and gov't fees. These fees totaled to $128.00 each. And you can only book your cruise at certain times of the year that are considered "off season." And there is a time limit on how long you have to book this cruise before it expires. They received a card in which they were to pick their three favorite cruise dates and send it back. When the card came back over a month later, they said these dates were not available and to try again. They picked more dates and got turned down again saying that these were sold out. By then they started to worry about the $100.00 deposit they had made. Time was running out and they were nearing the expiration date of the offer. Summer time was approaching and you couldn't book anything then. By next fall when cruising was available again the time limit was almost up. They decided to forget about the cruise and ask for their deposit back. The good news is they got their money back. The bad news is they invested a lot of time into this and got nothing. Not to mention the worrying about their deposit and whether or not this was legitimate. There was a lot of disappointment too, because they really looked forward to that cruise they were promised. I guess the bottom line is, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Has anyone else had an experience like this or was my brother's experience just bad luck and timing?

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I have seen this many times.... first, it's never FREE, there are usually fees involved (and not to mention the value of your time). Second, it is generally NOT on a CRUISE ship... remember, you can take a ride in a pontoon boat and call it a cruise :D I have sat through timeshare presentations for a free trip in the past and doubt I would ever do it again.... ended up costing me just as much as a regular vacation and the people that do the presentation are relentless... It's not a scam, but if it sounds to good to be true....

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Relling Twin,

We also went to a time share talk and received a voucher for a cruise. When we submitted our request, we did recieve our first date of choice sailing, and paid the taxes and govt. fees. We were booked in Oct. for a 5 day cruise, however a tropical storm blew in and it was rescheduled to a 3 day cruise to nowhere. Carnival refunded 1/2 of the cruise price (not just the taxes/fees) and gave us a voucher for 1/2 off on any cruise of our choice(within a 18 month limit). We ended up booking a seven day cruise basically two for the price of one and had a great time. The cruise to nowhere was one of the most enjoyable we have been on, the weather was great and absolutely no pressure to have to decide what to do in any port. We feel like we came out like a bandit, and we have really enjoyed using the timeshare that we bought also.

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9 or 10 years ago we took a "Free" 3 or 4 day cruise out of Maimi with the time share presentation..I told my DW that we were not buying a timeshare and just say no as many times as necessarry! Well to make a very long story short we ended up buying a timeshare! It was one of the best investments we ever made. We have traded our timeshare all over the world as well as many places in all corners of the US and we have saved a ton of money while staying at many nice resorts! And yes, the cruise was fun also!! Any day that you can go on a cruise is better than any day you can't!!

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If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and "quacks" . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? :D


Interesting the only 2 positives so far have been those that actually purchased the time shares . . . . . . . . . :D

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having done many timeshare tours, id not be afraid to give it a shot......whats worse case scenario?......u waste 2 hours of ur time listening to some boring presentation........i would advise NEVER buying from them....i personally dont think they are a good deal for most people.....IF you were to ever buy one, you'd do wayyyy better by buying one on the secondary market....you can buy them for nickles on the dollar......they have proven to be HORRIBLE investments.....this isnt my opinion...this is fact based on their history.....im sure someone will find an exception to this rule to throw at me....but ive yet to see one.............so anyways......like the others said, you will be responsible for paying port charges and taxes, and they will try and make it inconvenient for you to schedule dates......but if you're like retired or have a really flexible schedule, you prolly would come out with a cheaper cruise than you would ever find anywhere else.......just my opinions on the subject:)

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Everybody mark this day on your calendar. This is amazing ! ! :D


I never thought the day would come when I agree with robby, but it has happened. He could not be more right. He's dead on. I agree with him completely. (man is this painful ! ! :D )


Many years ago, my then wife and I sat through one of these presentations for a free jeep for 2 days from Puerto Vallarta. When they found out that my wife was a California realtor they eliminated all the pressure and went to their bottom number (from $25,000 for 20 years to $5,600 for 20 years - one week a year) ! ! This all happened in about 5 minutes, as they were anxious to get rid of someone that knew real estate financing and get to others waiting in line to be "pitched".


The finances on these things act like a reverse mortage (you're, in effect, paying for the entire time period up front). This means instead of paying $25,000 you're actually paying nearly $75.000 (the value of that investment compounded over 20 years, which is what they will do with the money). Then you always have little fine print items, like yearly maintenance fee, insurance fee, and a "cleanup" fee after you use the time share ! ! :(

We didn't have any hassles with the jeep however. We drove to Manzanillo and back over the 2 days. Had a ball. Depends on whether or not you have a thick skin in order to ward off the intimidating, misleading, and lying scumbags that promote this kind of crap.

The best investors actually PURCHASE a condo in Mexico (be very careful) after having flown back to their favorite spot and looked at the properties, talked to some of the owners, and hired a licensio (attorney) to research the developer and the property. Good ones actually let you rent one for a week to see how you like the area, the other owners, the nearness to the ocean, etc.

Again, I couldn't have said it better, robby . :D

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Everybody mark this day on your calendar. This is amazing ! ! :D


I never thought the day would come when I agree with robby, but it has happened. He could not be more right. He's dead on. I agree with him completely. (man is this painful ! ! :D )


[Again, I couldn't have said it better, robby[/size] . :D [/size][/color][/size][/font][/i]




I have to agree...Robby, what happened to you???? Is this a new and improved version???? That is the first time I have read a post from you that didn't make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!! I actually enjoyed reading it!!!

Is there a full moon tonight or something??

Maybe aliens came and took Robby and left us with this other person posting as him????

If they did, can we keep this one???? :D

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First, a time share is not a investment , it will never be worth what you paid for it. We got ours 20 years ago at St Augustine. It was well maintained

and is still as nice as when we purchased it. We had some where to go ever summer with our girls. when our 16 year old got sick and passed a way 3 years ago,I was very grateful that we had all memories from the vacations at that time share on the beach. A time share is only good if you use it.

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Thank you for all your replies.

Anyone interested in checking out the details of the offer can go to http://www.resortstravelvacations.com


We do already own a timeshare with Disney World. Disney Vacation Club and we have been very happy with it. We have used our "points" to go on cruises, and stay at WDW. It has already paid for itself.


I have always tossed the promotion offers in the trash, but figured since this was "Carnival Cruise Line", maybe someone here would have some insight.

That said...I think I will pass on this offer.


Thanks again!

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I really could not disagree more with most of these posts on this subject! It is true that flexabilty is key to making it work and, of course, you have to use it(duh) We have traveled far and wide and loved every minute of it . There are now over 4 million that own time shares and the numbers are growing. So there must be something to it!!

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LMAO at u sillies:).....you act as if i NEVER act normal here....it happens!....i think hangin at the Celebrity board has forced me to polish up my manners some......so u guys here are cashing in on my forced rehabilitation lol.....im finding myself becoming that corny chat board person that i always despised!......u can only fight the system sooo long before u cave :).....im sure ill have my fallings off the wagon still..............Mdsulli really hit on a soft spot with me......what i love most about vacations, cruises......the MEMORIES.....its hard to put any price on the kinda memories that stick with vacations of past......between savoring the memory of vacations past, and looking forward to the future ones, it really helps to pass through the daily grind:)....ok thats as sappy as i can get...but sincere:).........so in Mdsullis case, NO price woulda been to big...im agreein there...................some final tidbits for anyone considering timeshares......if ur a cheapskate and traveling just as a couple and staying in $50 hotels, then its hard to ever rationalize how a $10,000 or more time share can make sense......by the time u pay ur yearly condo fees of $300 and the fees to be able to trade $150, and the interest u could be earning on that $10,000 invested elsewhere.......it would add up to a pretty could yearly chunk of change....and all for a weeks vacation that u would otherwise pay $350 for by staying a week at a $50 hotel.........ya, the condo resort would be nicer than ur hotel prolly.....depending on ur needs and priorities.....we never spend any time at the hotels we stay at....they are just a place to sleep at nite......now if u have 8 kids and had to book 3 rooms at each hotel u stay, then id have to rethink the whole thang :-p.........enough talk for one day:)...peace

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i have a feeling we could get a really nice heated discussion goin on the pros and cons of timeshares!....i actually havent done a full blown tour for almost 2 years.....though we have one planned for this fall.....so i may be rusty on what the new selling points are........if ur a big spender and not a bargain hunter, timeshares are more likely a fit....if ur a thrifty, priceline using, penny pincher, willing to stay in questionable motels, then i cant imagine timeshares ever being something to consider.......for those of u who have bought them direct from the places, what are ur opinions on buying them second hand?....im sure some of yall know A LOT more about them than i do.....but what research ive done seemed to show that u could find all kinds of them around for a fraction of the cost that was offered thru the tours......if they are a cheaper way to vacation, im just not seein it....

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grrr...ok...i thought i was done...almost.....about the 4 million owners and growing.....i really dont think thats any kind of indication of timeshares being a good deal.....(why am i setting myself up for fights again?) lol.....but im being serious.....they sell 4 million of em because of their tactics....they practically strangle u before they let u out of a time share tour without buying......of course with my thick skin i rather enjoy the whole process lol...........i really dont mean to offend anyone here who has bought them.....but i think most "experts" would agree that timeshares just are not a good deal at all for a good number of people that are buying them....you go to any reputable vacation magazine and read an article concerning timeshares.....rarely will u ever see them praising them as a good deal.....usually they are warning consumers about them.......they sell so many only because a sucker truly is born every minute.....nothing personal to those here who own them! :)...yall might be the exceptions:)............just because something is growing in popularity doesnt make it GOOD....smoking among teens was growing in popularity all thru the 80s..............I just know from doing like 10 time share tours, that they tell a lot of fibs.......too many to list them all......................but after all my ranting here, i have to say I am grateful for the offers they keep making me:)....ill keep going and accepting their free hotel stays and free tickets to Universal and yada yada.........Just dont expect me to sit there one MINUTE longer than the 90 minute required amount of time :).......ok im goin ..

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grrrrr...ok this is truly last posting today from me.....but...concerning the KIND of people that u see at time share tours.....for the most part, they are NOT the kind of people that can really even afford buying a $15,000 timeshare.....i dunno how to say it tactfully.....but these places prey on those who dont know betta.........yes, ull get some people there who are like me and just tryin to get a freebie and be a cheapaszz.....but from my experiences of seeing who was buying each time, they most times were not being bought by wealthy college grad professionals.......they sell them to those who cant afford them by givin them the ole monthly payment game where u ONLY PAY blah blah a month for the next 75 years :)........if im wrong about any of this, im willin to listen to opposing views!:)

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Robby, if you're looking for an opposing view, you won't find one from me. (did I just say that??)

I agree with everything you've said.

(I DID say that :eek: :) )

Buying a timeshare first hand is not good money sense..BUT I know 2 couples that bought theirs for next to nothing from folks trying to just dump theirs (one from e-bay and another from a local paper) and it has been great for them.


I think I'll just may sail Celebrity next time, soley for the fact that they cleaned up your act. :D

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I guess what bothers me the most about most of the posters on this thread...they have been to several timeshare presentations and are now the authority on the subject...give me a break....nothing could be further from the truth!!!!

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