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Club O2 Tell All Thread!


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Okay, so as some of you know I am a Club O2 Director for Carnival Cruise Lines, and I am here to answer any questions that you might have about the program and what we offer for teens 15-17.


Please dont post asking me if your 13 or 14 year old teen will be allowed in, stuff like that is based on so many circumstances!


Anyways, some stuff about me, I worked on the Carnival Miracle since June, and now I am home for a short vacation until December, when I join the Carnival Liberty for another 3/4 months. I also go to college at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft Myers, Florida. If you want to know more about me, just go to http://www.carnivalentertainment.com then click on Club O2.

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Hi Ranger, Thanks for asking:


Q1: I believe that others have said that the club puts on shore excursions of their own. Is this true? If so, how do I obtain a list by port so we may determine if our 16 year old takes the club's or those posted on the Carnival web site.



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My son who is 16 has a hard time meeting new people. He goes to the initial meeting, but after that you see him wandering alone. I ask him why, and he says there is no one to hang out with.


Do you happen to know if the O2 directors try to help kids that they see are alone?


Also, my daughter (who has been on a couple of cruises) says the music in the disco's are just rap--which she hates. Who decides what music is played at the kid's disco?


Thanks for your advise....

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Thank You for offering to answer questions on this topic.


I get questions on this topic all the time. If any of these questions are inappropriate to ask you, I apologize in advance.


  1. What education and/or background requirements are there of crew members who are in direct contact with minors of various ages....like Camp Carnival Counselors and Club O2 Directors?
  2. What is the difference between a Camp Carnival Counselor and a Club O2 Director? Are they interchangeable? For example, might you sometimes work with 6 year olds and 16 year olds?
  3. What do you do when you come upon an intoxicated teen? Are there certain guidelines on how you handle these situations?
  4. Are kids allowed to walk through the casino or be with their parents if they don't gamble?
  5. Why won't teens be bored? What do you provide to keep them occupied?
  6. Are there any rules concerning teens and smoking?
  7. Is sharing soda cards a big problem?
  8. Are you supposed to do something if you see an adult buy teens alcoholic beverages?
  9. If there was one thing you could say to every parent that would insure a safe cruise for the family with teens, what would that be?
  10. Is there a way for a passenger to find out ahead of time how many kids in a certain age group will be on a particular sailing?
  11. If there was any one tool, piece of equipment, rule or guideline you wish was in use or effect, what would that be?

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide

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Cruisefeaver: There is no list of shore excursions. Basically a Director will select an excursion from the list that is offered to all guests, and makes it a teen only excursion. Once onboard and your teen collects the Club O2 Caper, there will be a list of the offered excursions, if your teen is interested they need to speek with the Director who will give them the paperwork, and tell the teen how to proceed in booking the excursion so it is the correct one. However there must be at least 3 teens sign up for the trip to be a go! If you ship sails to Belize, most Directors choose the Cave Tubing tour. Not every Director offers a tour, so you might need to ask them yourself.


DKKJgibson: Typically if I see a teen who is just sitting around while everyone is in a group, I will try to convince the group to go talk to them. Most groups of teens are eager to branch out and meet everybody in the room, so that ususally works for me probably 9 times out of 10. As for the music selection, we have a very wide selection of music that is sent to us monthly. The reason why we play rap is because its what usually gets people dancing! It is no so easy to dance to a heavy metal rock song! We see it this way, if probably 90% of the room is dancing and wants to hear rap/reggae, thats good, but if just a few want rock, and by playing that is going to cause the other part of the room to leave, we want to do what the majority of the teens want to do. It really all depends on the crowd of teens on the ship.



Not sure for Camp Carnival (I will explain why later), but for Club O2 you need to have some sort of background in working with teens. Some Directors have been working at summer camps, other cruiselines, or someting that has to deal directly with teens, and looks great on a resume. Like for me, I used to work for Cruisemates.com (I dont anymore) as a teen host for 3 years.


Club O2 and Camp Carnival are not associated with eachother at all. Club O2 is part of the Entertainment Staff, and we report to the CD. Our sub title is a Social Host, and usually we have to double as that. Therefore I always interact with 15-17 year olds, NEVER the Camp Carnival stuff. I would go crazy if I had to be a Camp Carnival counsler! I am also my own boss, which is nice too!


Its a very touchy topic, because there are so many situations and ways to handle it. Sometimes you have to choose your battles, this one, (and age), I am very strict on. I never allow it into my clubs, and if I catch you "sneaking" it (yes, I know all the methods) I will call security. If you show up drunk, I simply will not allow you in, and call security.


I dont think there is any problems with walking through the Casino? Now that I think about it, on the Miracle I walked through there with my teens in a group and never had a problem?


I laughed at this one. I was surprised with how many teens smoke these days! This is another pick your battles thing. I will tell them to leave if it is in my club, and you are not allowed to do it at any activity. However, if say I am having a deck party, and they light up there, I just tell them they need to take it elsewhere. I figure, security is just going to tell them the same, so instead of taking the time out of my program and the other teens there, I just politely ask them to take it elsewhere.


I never have to pitch the soda cards, its more of Camp Carnival's thing, so really dont have an answer here, sorry!


Well, I dont say anything. Thats something the family had decided to let their teen take on, and well, its not my responsibility. I dont consider myself a babysitter at all, so as long as their teen dosent come anywhere near my disco/activities then there is not really too much I can do! The second they bring it into the Club though, its my problem, I dont like to deal with that stuff. :-)


Probably, dont follow the news. Since I have been home I tell people I work on a cruise ship, and they always say "I would never take a cruise" then I ask why, and they say "Oh I dont want to get sick or fall off!" Then I say, well you would probably be surprised on how many people die in hotels! That usually gets them quiet! No really, it would probably be to have their teen check in with them. Just make sure they arent getting in trouble and are safe. If they are involved with any Club O2 stuff, they will be safe!


Yes. We have a computer that tells us how many teens will be on the next 4 sailings of each ship. It comes in big time help when we plan our activties!


Thats a hard one! That I had my own crew cabin, OK just kidding. That people would not argue with our rules and policies. Its our job to enforce them!

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Great questions and thanks for taking the time to answer them Rangervr6178.


We will have one teen in the Club O2 on the Miracle in December/January (New Year's cruise). This will be the first time in Club O2. Then another cruise on the Liberty in early June.


Thanks for the insight into the program, it is very helpful.:)

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I dont think there is any problems with walking through the Casino? Now that I think about it, on the Miracle I walked through there with my teens in a group and never had a problem?


When I went on a cruise 3 or so years ago, me and my brother were in the Casino with my mom and we weren't gambling, or touching, or basically in reach of the slots and the security personnel made us leave....

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Great questions and thanks for taking the time to answer them Rangervr6178.


We will have one teen in the Club O2 on the Miracle in December/January (New Year's cruise). This will be the first time in Club O2. Then another cruise on the Liberty in early June.


Thanks for the insight into the program, it is very helpful.:)


We just got off the Miracle this month and your Club O2 director should be Angie. She is a sweetheart. She was always on time for all events and went out of her way to keep an "extra eye" on our 15 year old who has some special needs. She is also vigilent about keeping adults out of the disco when her group was in there. This was the first time our 15 year old felt comfortable enough to go into the disco for this kind of activity. Dad popped his head in there to check on him and Angie was right there..."may I help you?"


Our son had a blast.


I have found it very interesting that many of the Camp Carnival staff that we have worked with over the years had advanced education. Many had college degrees and one had her Master's Degree in Early Education. All have been excellent, regardless of their educational level. They have always acted professionally and have seem to take their responsibilities seriously.


We live close to an area that have at couple of children die every year, because a day care worker left them in a hot van after picking them up from their home. Sometimes you wonder how those places get a license.


You will have a wonderful time on the Miracle. She is a beautiful ship, great staff, GREAT karaoke host (hi Adam) and lots of fun!


Happy Cruising...

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Rangervr6178 Thank you for answering our questions. My daughters have been involved in th O2 on our last two cruises and are already talking about the next one. They are wondering if you know what ship Ari is on, they loved him on the Fascination. Also do you have any idea who will be on the Valor in Feb 07? I think this is a great program for the older teens. Thank you!!

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Thanks for this thread, Ranger. My only comment is personal opinion, and it has to do with music in the O2. I don't have a problem with most hip-hop, but a lot of rap music is very demeaning to women and has a lot of violent imagery in the "lyrics." My daughter was personally offended by some of the music in the teen lounge, and when we brought it to the ship's attention (and showed them the actual lyrics that were being "sung" to young teens), it was eliminated from the play list. However, it was in the package Carnival sent to the club, and that is very troubling.


I really don't care if it gets the kids up and dancing, if it promotes misogyny or gangs or violence - it has to go. I later wrote to Dickinson to register my complaint, and did not hear back. It appears that this is an issue that the ship's staff has to take care of on a case-by-case basis, because the home office (and your Club O2 staff) is not listening.


I'm no prude; I listen to Green Day and Blink and the like. Bad language doesn't bother me that much - calling women b*****es and h*s does. I recommend you listen to what they send you before you play it in the Club.

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DJ hit me up with your sign on dates and stuff, I need to pick up some DJ lessons haha.


As for the music, I apologize if you disagree with our music selection, all of our CD's come censored, for a teens sake. I typically do the best I can to preview the stuff I play, but sometimes a DJ is there playing the music for us. Also, personal CD's are strictly prohibited because of this, we only play those that the office provides.


As for wondering which Director will be where, I cant really say; I dont even know!


I know I will be on the Liberty (most likely), Ari will be on the Imagination, a girl named Tara is on the Legend, Kristi is on the Elation, a new guy named Brandon is on the Paradise, and Angie will still be on the Miracle, but other then that, we get moved around a lot!

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Rangervr6178, thank you for your time and information!!! I wish your next ship was to the Glory in December.:(

Do you know who's the O2 Director on the Glory? If so can you give any information on him/her?

Thanks again for your time!:)


Someone told me that a girl named Casey is there, I dont know her so I would not really be comfortable sending her anything! Sorry!

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Ranger, thanks for the info.

I will be on the Facsination Nov 6th. I'll have 13 and 17 yr old boys. You mentioned that you can tell about how many teens will be aboard. Can you let me know about how many on that cruise?

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I have teenage boys - and lots of questions!


Can you tell me what kind of video games you have? ie. Playstation or X-Box? Are their several consoles to go around? How often are the video games updated? Would you have Madden NFL 07? Personally, I prefer sport games over the fighting games. I assume all the games are rated Teen or less (no mature games like Metal Gear Solid).


What kind of sports are offered? Do you organize basketball games? How about football, volleyball, frisbee or even golf?


If more teens are scheduled on a certain cruise, do you add more staff? What is the ratio of teens to staff?


What kind of behavior would cause you to ask a teen to leave? Can teens leave on their own? If you ask a teen to leave, do you notify their parents as to why?


Do you like to keep the teens "active" or do you leave them alone as long as everyone is getting along?


Do you do any sort of activities to help the kids get to know each other? Any type of "break the ice" activities?


How do you handle conflicts between teens? Does that happen often? Or is that the exception?


Do you find that most teens respect you? Why do you prefer working with this age over the younger ages?


Are the activities the same on all the ships? How about for longer cruises? Do you know anything about who will be CO2 Director for the Carnival Freedom (Mediterranean cruise).


I was reading on the Disney cruise board about a "chugging soda pop" game that the teens played. You don't do that do you? I was also reading about teens making out on the couch and the director overlooked it. Is that behavior tolerated or do you quickly end that?


Do you find most parents are over-protective or too permissive?


Do you have tv's that kids can watch sports on? How about on a Med. cruise? Any satellite tv's to watch ESPN, Sportscenter, etc?


Any last piece of advice for parents? or teens?


Thanks for taking the time to post and answer questions!!

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Hi Rangervr6178

We will be on the Liberty March 31. Myself, wife and 16 yr son. We last cruised on the Legend in 4/05. Son was 14 and had a great time. Met a lot of people. I'm sure he will be taking part in all of the O2 activities. See you in March!!!!

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I too am interested in what video gaming systems are available. We are looking at doing a family cruise the first part of 2008 to celebrate our son's high school graduation. He is really wanting to do that new RCL ship because of the surfing. Dh and I would rather stick with carnival. So I'm trying to find things he is really into that are going on.


He loves Halo tournaments that he does with his friends here. Are there any that take place in club o2? How about texas hold'em done just for fun, not money? Too bad the ships don't have a paint ball area for the teens to play in. LOL


Thanks for taking time to answer all our questions. I'll be sure to check back a few times a week just to read what all you have posted.

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