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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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I have a grain mill. Is there any reason why I can't take long grain brown rice and make my own flour? Will it be the same as found in the stores mentioned? I live a long way from any 'specialty' stores in an area where healthy eating is not a virtue. I have corn from which I make my own cornmeal, soybeans to make flour, and wheat to make flour. I also have a nine grain mix that I usually add to my wheat flour that I will check for wheat content. My sister and I have decided to go on this eating plan to try to lose weight.


Are potatoes allowed???? How about sweet potatoes????

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been watching this thread, had decided to try this WOE, but have been discouraged by the lack of activity.


Where is everyone? Did you all give up? Is this too hard to accomplish? I would like more information, and hear of progress with this, but it seem to have come to a standstill.


Anyone still doing this? Is it working? Is it very difficult? I would like to see continued progress if I am going to begin.


Any encouragement out there?



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Hi Wannabcruzin

I will join you in a weight loss fest. I have noticed over the past few years and especially after my surgical menopause last year, that my extra weight is rather reluctant to budge.

Like the original poster I also go into a food coma after sugar and wheat products and always feel better if I manage to avoid these food stuffs.

I am currently 150 lbs and would like to be 130lbs by December 2008. How far have you to go?

Heres to a change in life style and increased vitality - with the added bonus of looking good in formal wear. Anyone else want to join this Weight Loss Fest? Feel fee to hop on board or PM me at qm2shellie@yahoo.co.uk


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Hi Wannabcruzin


I will join you in a weight loss fest. I have noticed over the past few years and especially after my surgical menopause last year, that my extra weight is rather reluctant to budge.


Like the original poster I also go into a food coma after sugar and wheat products and always feel better if I manage to avoid these food stuffs.


I am currently 150 lbs and would like to be 130lbs by December 2008. How far have you to go?


Heres to a change in life style and increased vitality - with the added bonus of looking good in formal wear. Anyone else want to join this Weight Loss Fest? Feel fee to hop on board or PM me at qm2shellie@yahoo.co.uk




Hey, Shellie!


I'll join you! I would like to lose 15 pounds, but my cruise is not until March of '09. The sooner I lose it, though the more at ease I will be.

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Hi Dee777

How encouraging & motivating it is to have a 'buddy' to exchange experiences with. Are you able to exercise as well Dee? I am currently doing about 40 mins cardio work 3x's a week......... I know I will need to up that. I also chuck a few weights around.

Here's to everyone who is undertaking this life style change and a special 'THANK-YOU' to Bardgirl for getting this fabulous thread started.

May I also say to my American collegues, my thoughts and prayers are with you on this 7th anniversary of that terrible terrorist atrocity that hit your country.


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Yes, Shellie, I am able to exercise, though to be honest, I don't like it one BIT lol.


I have a three station weight system, as well as an elliptical trainer. I use them every day to keep myself relatively fit. It has been part of my self-designed program since I went on a weight loss blitz and dumped 80 pounds. As I mentioned, I would like to lose another 12 to 15 pounds, and am willing to give this no flour no sugar diet a go, although I am not a fan of the "lose weight fast" diets.


I spoke with my doctor last time I saw him, and asked him why, as I work out every day, I cannot seem to easily shed this last bit of weight. His answer? Here it is, as bluntly as the dear soul said it to me:


"You must exercise until you break a sweat, and then keep up that pace for 30 to 45 minutes longer."


Well, I have been exercising for so long, and been in my little routine for so long, that I rarely sweat! And so, this morning, I increased my elliptical trainer time and resistance, and oooohhhh boy, my legs were like RUBBER by the time I hit the weights. Then, I increased my weight load by 10 pounds all over, and now, please excuse me while I slip into a coma :D.


I am debating about the dieting thing. I eat healthy as it is, lots of fruit and veggies, mostly raw. Whole grains, very little fat, though I do indulge in red meat 2 to 3 times a week.


If I had to estimate my daily caloric intake for my weight maintenance right now, it would be roughly 1400 to 1600 calories a day.

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Hi Dee777

Congratulations on your 80lbs weight loss, thats one heck of an acheivement. Keep going and I'm sure you will reach goal.

I also use a cross trainer and sometimes a rowing machine & rebounder. I try to vary things a bit to keep boredom out of the picture. I think I will go for a swim tomorrow at the local pool.

I sort of scientifically worked out my imput and output in calories in order to estimate weight loss potential, but I have not seen vast results. I think the key is definately in eliminating wheat and sugar from my diet.

I am feeling a little bit virtuos at the moment, I declined the glass of red wine my hubby brought me this evening and I have not had any sugar or wheat either. I like to take it a day at a time. I have planned tomorrow's diet so I am prepared for another pro-active day.

I also always sleep better when I decline wheat and sugar.

Keep up the good work Dee.


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Bardgal, WHERE ARE YOU??


I have a feeling she'll holler at all of you. To do it the right way, there are three rules:


1. No wheat

2. No gluten

3. No sugar.


Read the ingredients. If it has any of these things, then you don't eat it.

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Hello all,


Yes! The thread is going again! I had previously read it from the beginning, and bought some of the things, but have not started sticking to it yet. But I am planning to. So glad to see so many more ready and willing to give this plan a try; it is always easier with "buddies"!


But I am going on a business trip, then to my daughter's for my granddaughter's first birthday, a total of 15 days. So I am not fooling myself to believe I will be able to stick to it for the whole time, but I am planning to take oatmeal for breakfasts in the hotel room in the mornings. Beyond that I have not had the time to even think about. But I will give it my best.


I will not have internet access while gone, but will check in when I return.

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I am so inspired by this thread,I read most of it last night and finished this morning. I have been needing to loose for a long time! As you get older it seams to get harder and harder. I have a terrible sweet tooth and always think if I just give up sweets I can do it, but I never do. I do work in food service and there is always lots of bad food around. I try to work out at \Curves at least 3 times a week ,usually more .I had scrambled eggs with salsa and tortilla chips for breakfast. It was very good. Breakfast is hard because I don't like eggs very much. I went to the store and got some good foods so I can stay on this diet.Thanks for the inspiration.

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Hi Diet Buddies

Got on the scales this morning to find to my delight that i have lost 4 lbs. I am 146lbs now. Only 16lbs to go to target.

I am finding Bardgals eating plan relatively easy. For example: -


tomatoes & mushrooms cooked in a little stock,

tbl spoon of cottage cheese

tbl spoon of salmon.


2 egg omelette

tsp hard cheese


Chicken - grilled

mix veg

I drink loads of water & sometimes boiled water.

Exercising regularly - at least 45 minutes 4/5 times a week.

I am feeling great, not hungry, I have loads of energy and the scales are moving in the right direction. What more can you ask?

Bye for now


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It IS simple.. no wheat, no gluten, no sugar. People make it by far harder than it is. That means you have to READ the labels on everything.


I think it's bad when people start trying to adapt this diet to "their" liking rather than following the three simple rules. Maybe this is a big reason why nobody can stick to a diet, have to have things their way!


There's some good info on the net the last few days about corn syrup solids and how everything contains that. I even saw ad by the corn growers of America on TV touting how GOOD corn syrup is for you..I can't believe it.




Hi Diet Buddies


Got on the scales this morning to find to my delight that i have lost 4 lbs. I am 146lbs now. Only 16lbs to go to target.


I am finding Bardgals eating plan relatively easy. For example: -



tomatoes & mushrooms cooked in a little stock,

tbl spoon of cottage cheese

tbl spoon of salmon.



2 egg omelette

tsp hard cheese



Chicken - grilled

mix veg


I drink loads of water & sometimes boiled water.


Exercising regularly - at least 45 minutes 4/5 times a week.


I am feeling great, not hungry, I have loads of energy and the scales are moving in the right direction. What more can you ask?


Bye for now



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Just found this thread and just finished reading all of it! Very inspiring and informative. I am so ready to join all of you on this adventure:D Did this once before and felt so much better, then got lazy and went back to the dark side:eek: Can't wait to begin again.....look forward to sharing with you all...thanks, susan;)

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I like cereal w/skim milk for breakfast.

Any one have any good cereal suggestions?


I'm becoming a label reader, and taking twice as long to grocery shop now, but it's worth it!

It's amazing how much sugar is in things. I'm making a lot more things from scratch.

That way you know what you're getting. Home made salsa is the best, and you can eat it w/so many things!


I fell off the "diet wagon" for a while, but this way of eating really works and I'm ready to commit to a lifestyle change!

I've got a long way to go, but I'm hoping to be back to my goal weight within a year, when DH and I celebrate our 25th anniversary!



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Just found this thread and just finished reading all of it! Very inspiring and informative. I am so ready to join all of you on this adventure:D Did this once before and felt so much better, then got lazy and went back to the dark side:eek: Can't wait to begin again.....look forward to sharing with you all...thanks, susan;)

Susan- Ditto, to what you said! This plan works and I'm ready to jump back in. I got so off plan for too long! It's time to get serious, and get healthy! We can do this! :cool:


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Any cereal not made with wheat , sugar, or gluten.


I like cereal w/skim milk for breakfast.

Any one have any good cereal suggestions?


I'm becoming a label reader, and taking twice as long to grocery shop now, but it's worth it!

It's amazing how much sugar is in things. I'm making a lot more things from scratch.

That way you know what you're getting. Home made salsa is the best, and you can eat it w/so many things!


I fell off the "diet wagon" for a while, but this way of eating really works and I'm ready to commit to a lifestyle change!

I've got a long way to go, but I'm hoping to be back to my goal weight within a year, when DH and I celebrate our 25th anniversary!



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For the question about cereal: Bob's Red Mill makes a few good ones, especially Steel Cut Oats. Grits and rice are also good.


This diet really does work! And I find it easy, because the craving for sugar is gone if I truly abstain. My DH and I really love to cook, and we are vegetarians, but we had fallen into the pasta-pizza-pasta-pizza rut. Now we have more variety in our meals, never feel hungry and we are both losing weight and have flat non-bloated bellies. If we crave sweets, we eat fresh fruit. I lost 4 lbs and one dress size, the tight jeans are starting to fit and I might realize my goal of a Size 6 by cruise time next month. It's a slow weight loss but this is less a diet and more a lifestyle. I think we can even follow it to some extent on the cruise!


Thank you Bardgirl, this is terrific.


PS Not so say we are saints - for dinner parties we do indulge in dessert occasionally, but I choose custard, ice cream or cheesecake (with no crust) - these seem to be less sugary than cake, frosting or cookies.

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I followd this when the thread was first posted..got away from it..then of course the scale went up..I am doing this 99% of the time, but using some of the "native" foods I grew up with, along with my future hubby's west indian cultural foods...I cannot STAND anything out of a box, frozen, and like someone else posted, eat fresh foods mostly. It is so much worth the effort to cook and plan and now anything I eat out makes me equally as sick to my stomach. I'd rather spend the money on GOOD food Ican make at home, and eat on my patio on a Saturday night (we have that luxury year round in Florida) and relax instead of spend the money on an overpriced restaurant meal.


One thing I'll pass on...if you have a south american or jamaican grocery store...look for "casva cake", sometmies called Bammy...it's a round cake made out of yucca flour..you soak it in some unsweetned coconut milk, then steam it..it's like eating a pancake..and so good for you too. My MIL makes saltfish and ackee for me..ackee looks like scrambled eggs, but it's actually a fruit and she puts fish in it.


Another thing I make,and I posted it on this thread once, was a pizza made from cornmeal crust with tomatoes and artichokes..YUM..


For the question about cereal: Bob's Red Mill makes a few good ones' date=' especially Steel Cut Oats. Grits and rice are also good.


This diet really does work! And I find it easy, because the craving for sugar is gone if I truly abstain. My DH and I really love to cook, and we are vegetarians, but we had fallen into the pasta-pizza-pasta-pizza rut. Now we have more variety in our meals, never feel hungry and we are both losing weight and have flat non-bloated bellies. If we crave sweets, we eat fresh fruit. I lost 4 lbs and one dress size, the tight jeans are starting to fit and I might realize my goal of a Size 6 by cruise time next month. It's a slow weight loss but this is less a diet and more a lifestyle. I think we can even follow it to some extent on the cruise!


Thank you Bardgirl, this is terrific.


PS Not so say we are saints - for dinner parties we do indulge in dessert occasionally, but I choose custard, ice cream or cheesecake (with no crust) - these seem to be less sugary than cake, frosting or cookies.[/quote']

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I think I need to re-read this whole thread. I suffer from IBS and have been having a horrible time with my diet because most of the foods that I lost weight on make me sick. I'm not sensitive to gluten, but it is the whole grains that bother me. So, if I just cut out all bread.......:rolleyes:


Anybody have any suggestions? I need food that is easy to prepare and fast. I work 10-11 hour days and don't have much time for cooking AND the gym. DH has been doing most of our cooking, except on weekends, and there's no way he'd follow this plan. I'm looking for foods I can prepare on the weekend and then eat for the rest of the week. So, can anybody help?


I'm already up 8 lbs and I need to lose it and keep it off. :eek:




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I have enormous respect for anyone that can follow this sort of eating plan. Cutting out flour and sugar is not something that I would ever want to do - I enjoy baking way too much to ever cut that out of my life. (Baking without ever tasting the results would NOT be an option! :D )

And, I will never, ever, give up chocolate. :p


That said, high fives to you folks that find this to be a successful plan!!

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I haven't read through the whole post yet but I wanted to comment on the last post. I actually discovered I am gluten intolerant at the end of '07 and have been gluten free ever since. Since then, no bloating, no pollen allergies, no sinusists, no digestive issues,etc. Lots of folks are gluten intolerant but are undiagnosed - if you had told me a year ago I was gluten intolerant I would have said you were nuts as I thought how I was feeling (low energy, constant digestive distress) was normal as I'd felt that way my whole life of gorging on cookies, breads, pasta and pizza. At any rate, I can still bake to my heart's content - I just use different ingredients - lots of things like rice flour, tapioca starch, xanthan gum, teff, etc. and make all the same delicious baked goods I used to make with wheat. So going wheat/gluten free is not a sentance to no longer baking.


Having said that, I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 2 months prior to a Caribbean cruise but more important for health reasons. I have the no-gluten thing done already but giving up sugar will be tricky, but I'm willing to give it a try if it can get me to my goal by Dec 1. Of course, I expect to eat some sugar on the cruise - it's theme is chocolate!

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I haven't read through the whole post yet but I wanted to comment on the last post. I actually discovered I am gluten intolerant at the end of '07 and have been gluten free ever since. Since then, no bloating, no pollen allergies, no sinusists, no digestive issues,etc. Lots of folks are gluten intolerant but are undiagnosed - if you had told me a year ago I was gluten intolerant I would have said you were nuts as I thought how I was feeling (low energy, constant digestive distress) was normal as I'd felt that way my whole life of gorging on cookies, breads, pasta and pizza. At any rate, I can still bake to my heart's content - I just use different ingredients - lots of things like rice flour, tapioca starch, xanthan gum, teff, etc. and make all the same delicious baked goods I used to make with wheat. So going wheat/gluten free is not a sentance to no longer baking.

I have all of the same issues as you've mentioned. I was tested for Celiacs, but it came back negative. I wonder if I can be gluten intolerant but test negative for Celiacs? Can you share some of your recipes using the rice flour? TIA!


I had my first day yesterday on this WOE. It wasn't too hard, but did have to make more time to prepare food. I didn't feel as bloated and that's a big plus for me.

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