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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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2 days into it and I'm down 2 pounds. Not too bad! I am eating just fine, in fact, eating some of my favorite foods again! :)


I found a nice salad dressing with no Gluten / no Sugar called Drews Smoked Tomato. Sounds good!


Anybody else want to start this with me? :) I need a buddy for about a 40 pound weight loss plan...


I am either walking or riding 1 mile each day as exercise too. Lots of water.

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Hi. I'll be your buddy - I started this on Aug 22 and lost at least 4 pounds (was afraid to get on the scale for a while so it might have been more). I'm very short so 4 lbs is the difference between a tight size 8 and a loose size 6. I find this diet is terrific if you like to cook and eat, as long as you avoid pasta there are SO many options.


We had gluten free bread and eggs and an apple with a slice of brie for breakfast. Feel so full won't need to eat again till dinner. Planning grilled shrimp and zucchini, maybe some wild rice to go with it.


Your exercise is SO impressive - wow, no wonder you're losing quickly. Good luck on your continued success. We're leaving in less than 2 weeks and I'm sure we'll gain a ton and have to buddy up when we get back...

Congratulations on the 2 lbs. Great job.

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I read all your comments and decided to try this "no flour-no sugar" eating plan. Everything I usually eat has lots of both!!! So I guess that explains why I'm not losing even though I'm exercising. I looked up recipes to get ideas and took off to the store. You can really eat tasty things on this plan. Today is my 1st day....and it's easy. I'll stay on it a week and then weigh in and check back with everyone. Thanks!!


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Honey, you are doomed already. This thread is about NO WHEAT NO GLUTEN and no flour and sugar. There IS a difference. BE SURE TO READ THE THREAD FROM START TO FINISH......


I read all your comments and decided to try this "no flour-no sugar" eating plan. Everything I usually eat has lots of both!!! So I guess that explains why I'm not losing even though I'm exercising. I looked up recipes to get ideas and took off to the store. You can really eat tasty things on this plan. Today is my 1st day....and it's easy. I'll stay on it a week and then weigh in and check back with everyone. Thanks!!


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Well, that was a very negative thing to say to me. I have read most of the posts. Then I went to the library and got Dr. Gott's "No Flour, No Sugar Diet" book. I am not doomed already....I have just started. If you want I will drop off of this thread. Sorry I bothered you...maybe you need a little sugar in your diet.


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Please don't drop out, it is very encouraging for many of us to read other people's stories, especially for me, since the diet worked like crazy for the last 2 months until I had a relapse of bread this weekend and gained 2 lbs. So your enthusiasm is VERY important to me, and I for one want to keep reading about your progress. I think my other problem was overeating and snacking at night - one of the "rules" is no eating after 7pm and I was munching on brie cheese at 11:30. I guess I'm going to be a pushover for the midnight buffet, huh?


Another reason not to drop out: I never realized this is a published diet by a doctor. You really educated me.


In all of the threads of CC, there are strong opinions, to be expected in a large community and we are all human. I'm sure no offense was intended, Gathina's recipes and other posts are usually pretty helpful.

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It was not negative at all. If you think I'm negative, Bardgal, who started this would really chew you out.


There are many things that have no sugar and flour but they have wheat and gluten.


This thread was started about no wheat and no gluten ..I'm sorry but there is a difference.


Bardgal where are you??


Well, that was a very negative thing to say to me. I have read most of the posts. Then I went to the library and got Dr. Gott's "No Flour, No Sugar Diet" book. I am not doomed already....I have just started. If you want I will drop off of this thread. Sorry I bothered you...maybe you need a little sugar in your diet.


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Glad I stumbled upon this. I found out a few months ago that I have and allergy to wheat and cows milk. I was also told I had an overgrowth of candida in my digestive system. I cut out all wheat and cow's milk based dairy and to kill the candida cut out all sugar, vinegar and cut carbs to 3 half cup servings a day. I lost 25 lbs in the first 8 weeks. Though I am active daily I was not able to really exercise as I dislocated my tailbone days after starting this new WOE. This will work! Keep it up girls. There are recipes all over the web for the candida diet that would be compatible with this diet.

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:) Hi,

I am smiling today because when I weighed in....I had lost 3 lbs!!! Yeah!

I'm doing the "no flour - no sugar" diet and find there is always something I can eat. When I served my family hamburgers the other day, I just wrapped my hamburger and all the fixings in 2 corn tortillas. Pretty tasty.

Hope you're all doing well with your eating plans. This is my first weight loss in years and years...so 3 lbs. seems wonderful to me.


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:) Hi,

I am smiling today because when I weighed in....I had lost 3 lbs!!! Yeah!

I'm doing the "no flour - no sugar" diet and find there is always something I can eat. When I served my family hamburgers the other day, I just wrapped my hamburger and all the fixings in 2 corn tortillas. Pretty tasty.

Hope you're all doing well with your eating plans. This is my first weight loss in years and years...so 3 lbs. seems wonderful to me.


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First I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Bardgal for starting this post.


I had tried the no whites approach - no flour, salt, fat, sugar, but could never sustain it for long as I pretty much cut out all starches and was too hungry and did not continue. YAA for brown rice - I love it. and thought it was off limits on a diet like this until I read this post.


I started reading as I had time a few days ago and have read all 400+ posts. Good info. - But I do have a question - I read that soy sauce was sugar essentially, but tamari sauce is OK. Did I read that right?


For lunch today I had brown rice with steamed vegies and did put a little tamari sauce on it - it tastes SO good with the tamari. However, I did get a little sleepy after lunch so help on this question would be appreciated.


It is surprising what has sugar in it - I have a horseradish sauce that I used to eat - however the THIRD ingredient in it is corn syrup -Yikes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely going to try this! I had lost 85# on WW many years ago and over the last 6 years about 30 crept back on. I started WW again in July and have gone from 196 to 181 but just can't push it down any more. When I originally did WW I was stuck at 181 for over 2 months. Ugh.


Going on Monarch 2/6/09 to celebrate my 50th birthday and really want to be back to goal weight of 155. I will keep you posted on how I am doing.

Troggie :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted y'all to know that I've lost 8 lbs as of this morning. I'm on the "no flour-no sugar" eating plan, and can see myself staying on it indefinitely. I never have to be hungry, and I don't have to count anything. I still cook for my family and just eat what's right for my diet. I'm losing about 1 1/2 lb. a week. I'm also riding my bike almost every other day. The easiest diet I've ever been on!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations Baxley! We were on a cruise and haven't checked this thread for a while. On the cruise, I went off the diet for anything I considered "worth it" like a fabulous dessert or occasional waffle, but I still avoided bread throughout. Rice instead of pasta, eggs and potatoes instead of toast, even took the eggs benedict OFF the muffin. I gained 5 pounds on a 2-week cruise (not bad, considered 3+ meals a day) and lost it all in a week by going back on track. This isn't a diet for me, it's a way of life.

Thanksgiving was the same - limited my appetizers to corn chips instead of crackers, had tiny portion of stuffing and dessert, and only gained back 1/2 pound.


My niece made a great dip for Thanksgiving, served with corn chips. I'm not sure of the proportions, but it was about 1 cup of walnuts, around the same amount feta cheese, 1 clove of fresh garlic, and fresh chopped Italian parsley (about 1 T?) and if you like spicy food you can add red pepper. You put it in a food processor, drizzle with olive oil and pulse it. Tasted great, it's a grainy texture, a bit weird looking (grey color) but. Sorry, I'm guessing on the proportions but I do recall her saying a cup of something.


Someone asked about spice combos with sugar. I don't usually buy them - I'm a purist - but I found some Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Pepper in my cabinet and it had lots of sugar. Also the Lime Pepper. I imagine you might find sugar in things like poultry seasoning, or rubs. It's also in some of those spice mixes you add to olive oil to make dipping sauces. To be safe, buy pure spices or fresh herbs.


Great job on your weight loss. I too think this is an easy and effective way to lose weight.

Regards and good luck to everyone,


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I have read many many of the posts like the first 5 pages and the last and want to say it sounds interesting but I would get bored by the sounds of it. I have lost 106lbs-60 of it this year and it was simply counting calories and exercising 5 days a week. so to each their own but I will remember this if I ever need it! I am 44 yrs old and started at 275 and I now weigh 169 and am still going down. goal weight set by doctor of 160

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... I have been reading and re-reading this thread and it sounds like a good choice for me. I have a few questions though....

My DH is super tall and super thin, and he is ADDICTED to carbs. He is a cyclist and swears by eating pasta 6 times a week for dinner... How can I survive in a house like this? I know if I cut out the pasta he will be angry at me. He also says I need to eat carbs because of how much exercise I am doing. I ride my bike 20-25 miles in an hour, 4-5 times a week.


I don't want to get flamed here, but could I just cut the sugar (to start), and still see results while limiting the wheat/gluten?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dd and I are planning on starting on this "way of life diet". I have been researching recipes for bread. Would this recipe work??


1 egg

1/3 cup egg whites

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 cup honey

1 1/2 cups warm skim milk

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon xanthan gum

1/2 cup tapioca flour

1/4 cup garbanzo bean flour

1/4 cup millet flour

1 cup white rice flour

1 cup brown rice flour

1 tablespoon active dry yeast

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Well, if you read the thread from beginning to end, as Bardgal started it, the diet is NO WHEAT, NO GLUTEN, NO SUGAR


So wheat noodles are no.


To the gal who said something about her husband eating carbs. Well, he has to eat them if he is athletic. If you eat them you'll get fat. Enough said. You won't lose the weight unless you follow the rules. Like any diet. If you can't live in a household with carbs then you shouldn't do this diet and find one that works for you.



Oh Bardgal, you need to come back here and teach everyone a thing or to! :)


I found these. Are these too bad on a diet like this? They are wonderful. Just layer them with lots of veges and low-fat cheese and cook. No boiling first.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It may have already been addressed but I confess I haven't read all the posts. Are there ANY breakfast cereals or hot cereals that can be eaten on this? Plain oatmeal with fruit? Corn chex? Kashi puffs? I'm trying to find something to eat for breakfast or lunch or even dinner that would be easy and fit these requirements.



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Read the label..if it has wheat, gluten, sugar, or flour it's not ok to eat it.


It may have already been addressed but I confess I haven't read all the posts. Are there ANY breakfast cereals or hot cereals that can be eaten on this? Plain oatmeal with fruit? Corn chex? Kashi puffs? I'm trying to find something to eat for breakfast or lunch or even dinner that would be easy and fit these requirements.



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Hello! I have been reading this post front to back and am ready to start shedding the pounds! I started today with corn chips and salsa for breakfast- i found tostitos medium salsa has no added sugar. Had a salad, no dressing for lunch, and was planning on having some fish and brown rice for din din. I understand that anything with sugar and wheat is bad, but i am a little confused on gluten. Is gluten just associated with wheat? I did not see anything that i picked up that had "gluten" as an ingredient....is that where i would see it? Sorry if this is a dumb question:( I have about 20lbs to shed so I need lots of encouragement!

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I spent yesterday afternoon reading through this entire thread (except the last couple of pages - ran out of time) and I'm excited about this. I'm tired of being tired!!! So far day 1 has been a breeze. My options were limited for breakfast & lunch since I haven't made it to the grocery store (going on my way home from work) but boiled eggs (whites only) a big salad has done wonders today. =) I'm also going to try & cut the caffeine out as well. So after my coffee, I've only had water today. Yeah me! I'm only weighing once a week, Monday mornings...I'll post my weigh in results next Monday.


Sooo sooo glad I saw this thread. I hope we can keep it on the 1st page! :D

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Good healthy diet concept. :) I may try it...


Quick question. I was under the impression that wine does not have added sugar. And during fermentation the yeast eats the naturally occurring sugar and turns it into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The reason the wine has alcohol is that the sugar was destroyed.


Can you explain why you don't drink wine on this diet? Is there another reason...or maybe I am misinformed.


Thanks so much!


PS: What about agave nectar (low glycemic sweetener from a mexican cactus) or honey? Both sweet...but not sugar?

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