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Barbados - are you out there?


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I was so glad to see you are still posting. You helped me two years ago and we had a blast in Barbados - we took the bus and went to the gardens and a lovely beach. We are cruising there again this winter and we plan to spend the morning at a beach and then try the Flying Fish sandwiches (we missed them last time). For the afternoon do you have any suggestions for something to do in Bridgetown? We haven't really seen the shops or spent much time walking around the town. Or - is there something else we must do?

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“I was so glad to see you are still posting. You helped me two years ago and we had a blast in Barbados - we took the bus and went to the gardens and a lovely beach. We are cruising there again this winter and we plan to spend the morning at a beach and then try the Flying Fish sandwiches (we missed them last time). For the afternoon do you have any suggestions for something to do in Bridgetown? We haven't really seen the shops or spent much time walking around the town. Or - is there something else we must do?"


Glad to hear from you again! Especially glad that you enjoyed your last visit. You know what we say on the island, on your second visit you’re not coming back…you’re coming home. ;)


Surprisingly, B-town isn’t my favorite spot, but I’ll tell you what there is to see.


In the center of town, you’ll find The Careenage, which is the harbour and there is Trafalgar Square, an interesting place. There, also you’ll find the Waterfront Café. Great place for perhaps some live music and a great lunch of Flying Fish, yes?


A few blocks further you’ll find the oldest Jewish Synagogue in the Western Hemisphere (1654).


You are close to Broad Street, our major shopping street. Cave Shepherd is here and offers many different wares. Also many small shops and pubs. Few bargains, however.


East of Trafalgar Square is St. Michael’s Cathedral. Built in 1651 and visited by George Washington in 1751. East of the cathedral you’ll find Queen’s Park that has one of the biggest and oldest trees in Barbados: A baobab tree more than 1,000 years old.


There is also the Barbados Museum that is interesting, but we’re looking at a long walk.


Truth-be-told, you’ll probably return to the ship and say, humm, I was underwhelmed today. LOL ;) Actually, some folk enjoy this type of outing.


Instead, how about bussing over to The Crane for lunch and enjoying their beautiful beach, then cabbing back along the east coast, visiting Chalky Mountain Potteries then West through the Scotland District to Speightstown and down the West coast to B-town. Lots of beautiful country there.


Won’t set you back much…US$.75/ea there and a cab back, maybe US$40. Lunch at the Crane is perhaps US$40/ea. The Crane was voted as having one of the 10 best beaches in the world, however for most of us it’s a wade-up-to-your-knees beach as there are strong currents. But lying on the pink sand (actually coral/shells ground to powder by the waves) and looking out on the unbelievable azure water is like being in Eden. You will never forget it.




At the end of the day you’ll say, that was the best day we’ve had in a long time. :)


This is the year of change for us. We are going to spend most of the winter in, and around the Seychelles and Maldives. If we get an extra week, we’ll come home to Barbados. This last month is quite hectic, so I seldom get the opportunity to post.


If you have any questions please let me know but if I don’t answer immediately, you’ll know why. We are fortunate to have two or three wonderful and astute islanders on this board, and I’m sure they will answer all your questions if I’m away.


Best wishes for a wonderful time on the island! :)

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I have been looking out for your posts! Thanks to you, the last time in Barbados we had a wonderful tour. We first walked throught the Gulch, then walked around the Flower garden, then visited St. John's church and finally enjoyed the view at Batsheba.


This Feb, we once again will be in Barbados. And, again, it will be on a Sunday. In the morning, we will return to a nearby beach. After lunch we would like to tour the synagogue. Do we have to contact them now to arrange a tour, or just show up?


After the synagogue, would we be able to hire a taxi to go somewhere for about one hour? Where would you recommend for such a short "Tour"?

Thanks for any suggestions.


Enjoy the winter. It sounds wonderful!

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I've also been looking out for your posts! We'll be there on Easter Saturday and have booked the Thriller Turtle and Snorkel tour 1-4pm and since our ship doesn't leave until 11pm, plan to "hang out" at The Boatyard all evening. So we've got approx three and a half hours in the morning and wondered if that would be enough time to take a taxi tour over to Bathsheba and if so, what should we see on the way? If that's stretching it a bit (we'd have to be back by 12.30 for Thriller), where would you suggest - taking into account our plans for the rest of the day and the fact that we're not particularly bothered about Bridgetown and shopping but would like to get a "feel" for the island. Thanks for any help you can give!:)


Lucky you going to Seychelles and Maldives... am trying to persuade my other half into a cruise around that area.;)

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Quote {Instead, how about bussing over to The Crane for lunch and enjoying their beautiful beach, then cabbing back along the east coast, visiting Chalky Mountain Potteries then West through the Scotland District to Speightstown and down the West coast to B-town. Lots of beautiful country there.


Won’t set you back much…US$.75/ea there and a cab back, maybe US$40. Lunch at the Crane is perhaps US$40/ea. The Crane was voted as having one of the 10 best beaches in the world, however for most of us it’s a wade-up-to-your-knees beach as there are strong currents. But lying on the pink sand (actually coral/shells ground to powder by the waves) and looking out on the unbelievable azure water is like being in Eden. You will never forget it.}


Actually, we are planning on cabbing to Crane. We might try the bus system again if we know which bus stop to go to. Last time we were there on a Sunday and missed the scheduled bus near the dock and walked to the downtown bus station - long walk for us old folks! This time it will be a Saturday.


We planned on having lunch at Crane (they have Oistins flying fish on the menu) and then just returning to B'town for shopping. But I like your idea of the cab to the pottery (will the cab wait?) If we chicken out of the bus, what will a cab cost to Crane?


Thanks and have a wonderful time at Seychelles and Maldives!!

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Barbados - I think we will go with your suggestion on the bus to Crane. Which bus is it? I looked at the bus website and think its this:


From: Fairchild Street Terminal, St. Michael

To: Sam Lords Castle, St. Philip



Route 12A


Am I right? Is the Fairchild terminal the one we can walk to from the ship? Do you think the bus stops at the Crane hotel or further down the road where people climb over the rocks to reach the beach (I'm too old and out of shape to do that!!)


Will it be difficult to get a cab (if we are not hotel guests) at the Crane hotel for the rest of the island tour? Also you mentioned $40 for the cab around the island is that per person or total for the 4 of us?


Thanks again for being so helpful.

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Sorry to be so untimely with my response, lucky to even have an extra few minutes now….


You can take either the 12A or the 11 bus out of the Fairchild St. station. My notes tell me that the 11 is shorter. Yes, the Fairchild station is walk able from the pier, across the bridge, maybe 15-20 minutes, or take a shuttle there for US1.00/ea. Just walk out on Spring Garden Hwy and you’ll see them.


I can’t remember, and my notes don’t tell where it lets one off, but I remember that it is quite close to the hotel. Tell your driver that you want to go to the Crane and he’ll most likely drop you off in front….no worries. You can enter the hotel, pay a small, refundable charge and access the beach first. Or have lunch first, and then access the beach. Your choice.


Do not worry about getting a cab back. Ask at the desk and the hotel will be happy to call one for you. But, I’ll bet, that one or two are already outside waiting for a fare.


They tell me that taxi rates are now about US$25/hr for up to four (4) in the cab. US$40 may be a little lean for a ride up the East coast, across the island E to W and down the West coast to the pier. Let’s call it a two (2) hour trip just in case you want to stop for photos. That’s US$50 + tip. Not bad when shared amongst four, yes?


Barbados has been subsidizing tourist fares by US$300/ea when they stay a week or more. If you like the Crane, please come back and stay longer. We’d love to have you!


Also, please report your success here upon your return, but most of all, have a wonderful time! :)

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Hi, Babylene….I almost didn’t see your post and another’s, too. When I rush, I miss things.


Anyway, according to my notes, the synagogue is closed on the weekends. Sorry. You might ask when you arrive on the island to be sure that hasn’t changed, however.


Well, since that idea is out, now you have two (2) hours, yes?


You’ve seen Welshman Gulley, the Flower Forest, St. John’s Church and Bathsheba.


How about seeing Gun Hill Signal Station and then Orchid World?


They’re both on Hwy 3B with Gun Hill about 6 miles from B-town and Orchid World about 9 miles away. Maybe a 20-30 minute taxi ride there and the same back. Your length of stay at each would depend on your time restraints and inclination. Figure one hour driving @ US$25/hr + two (2) hours standby @ 12.50/hr = US$50 +tip.


Or, if that is too much, I’d shuttle or cab down to the Barbados Museum (open 2PM-6PM on Sunday). It is only a couple of miles from the dock and there are good beaches close by.


Have a great time! :)

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I've also been looking out for your posts! We'll be there on Easter Saturday and have booked the Thriller Turtle and Snorkel tour 1-4pm and since our ship doesn't leave until 11pm, plan to "hang out" at The Boatyard all evening. So we've got approx three and a half hours in the morning and wondered if that would be enough time to take a taxi tour over to Bathsheba and if so, what should we see on the way? If that's stretching it a bit (we'd have to be back by 12.30 for Thriller), where would you suggest - taking into account our plans for the rest of the day and the fact that we're not particularly bothered about Bridgetown and shopping but would like to get a "feel" for the island. Thanks for any help you can give!:)


Lucky you going to Seychelles and Maldives... am trying to persuade my other half into a cruise around that area.;)

Hi, LiznMartin!


3-1/2 hours for the East coast. Yes, doable.


I’d say a complete loop from B-town along the south and east coast, then cutting west at Lake’s Beach to Speightstown, then south to the pier should take 1-1/2 hours without stopping. Maybe two (2) hours. That leaves you with an hour and a half to sightsee, yes?


I’d head SE toward Oistins and GA airport. Then continue NE but stop and check out the Crane. A little further up the road is Sam Lord’s castle, take a peek from the road or walk in as it is a beautiful beach.


You’ll pass Bottom Bay, ragged Point and Conger Bay. Just a tiny bit SW of Conger Bay you’ll find St. John’s Church. Worth the visit for the view alone + it is free.


Interested in potteries? Chalky Mount Potteries is about four (4) miles further up the East coast hwy.


You’ll turn left at Lake’s Beach and go past St. Andrew’s church and the Barbados Wildlife Reserve. If you continue north you’ll hit the Morgan Lewis Mill and St. Nicholas Abby, both interesting places.


You are also near Farley Hill National Park. Continue West bringing you back to the West coast at Speightstown. You’ll see all the West coast beaches and you’ll pass Sandy Lane where Tiger Woods got married last summer (US$6,000 per night).


Anyway, as you can see, there is just way too much to see in such a short time.


I’d empower your taxi driver to show you what he feels is best in the short amount of time that you have. Agree on the length of the tour and the price in US$ BEFORE you get in the cab.


Have a wonderful time! :)

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Thank you, Barbados, for replying. Is the Orchid World anything like the Flower Forest? That was high up with a gorgeous view.


How are the views at Gun Hill?


I am wondering if these two venues are worth the effort?????


We will probably be 6 people, so the taxi shouldn't be too expensive.

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Thank you, Barbados, for replying. Is the Orchid World anything like the Flower Forest? That was high up with a gorgeous view.


How are the views at Gun Hill?


I am wondering if these two venues are worth the effort?????


We will probably be 6 people, so the taxi shouldn't be too expensive.

Yes, Orchid World is like Flower Forest with more flowers. The reason I suggested it was that you had previously gone to FF and I thought perhaps you, or some of your group, were flower enthusiasts. OW is in the sugar cane fields. Actually quite a pretty setting. Here’s a link so you can see for yourself:




Gun Hill is up high. Not as high as Mt. Hillaby, but a good view of the lay of the land. Here’s a link that has a panorama from the top:




Plus, the guards tell me that there are duppies there at night… :eek:


I’m not a flower guy, but my wife is and she gives OW a two-thumbs up. I think that’s overly generous, I give it a half-a-thumb. Gun Hill is a 1-1/2 thumbs up for us both.


Are they worth it? Oh….depends on how desperate you are. Gun Hill should be seen and the taxi with 6 would be cheap. Why don’t you wait until you arrive and see how you feel. It’s not like either place will be filled-up, you know….. ;)

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Thanks, so much, for your input. Of course, my DH loves to photo flowers. But I don't think anyone else in our group would be so interested. I would love to see Crane's beach. But, do you think we have enough time? It's quite far away.

Probably should have 3-4 hours for a visit to the Crane.


You could go there and back in 1-1/2 hours, but that's no fun, plus when you get there, you won't want to leave.


They have a wonderful Sunday brunch with caribbean Gospel music and traditional Caribbean music. You'd have to pretty much dedicate your visit totally to that if you decided to go. But, I'm not kidding, you couldn't do much better for a day.


The Atlantis Hotel in Bathsheba also has a very good Sunday brunch @ US$25/pp. Probably the best food deal on the island.


Let us know what you decided to do and how you liked it.






p.s. wanted to pass along to you and our readers the origin of the name Crane beach. When shipping started in the 17th century the area that is now called 'the Crane', or 'Crane' was the first part on the island that had a manual crane to unload the ships. Hence, it was 'dock where they have the crane'....'dock at the crane'....'dock at crane'. Then just 'Crane'. Interesting, yes? -b-

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On the Noordam 3-31-07. One of the ports of call is Barbados. We are due in port on Good Friday.

Will all business be closed? Are there excursions that still take place?

Do the taxis and buses still provide transport?

We will be in San Juan Easter Sunday. I am wondering if I should sail another time?

Any thoughts?

Sandy and John

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I will be in port Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 7am - 5pm. My husband, daughter (12) and I would like to snorkel with some turtles, stroll along a beautiful beach for shelling, eat some great food for lunch and get a feel for Barbados and her people. We have no desire to go shopping. My daughter had a field hockey coach from Barbados--it's not quite cricket...but at least I can follow the game!


Any help on a small tour company, or how and where we can accomplish the above in 7 hours?

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  • 1 month later...

We had a great time in Barbados - thanks to your suggestions. We took a cab (decided to skip the bus this time) to Crane beach hotel - had a nice time on the beach and then had a great lunch (Oistin's flying fish sandwiches are wonderful) and then the same cab took us around the island (Bathsheba is beautiful (we saw it before from the bus but it was nice to have a photo op. Then we went to Folkstone for some really great snorkeling and then back to the ship - what a great day - I think the cab cost us $50 plus a nice tip (and an apple - I always try to sneak an apple off the ship for the driver since I know they don't grow on the islands). I know that when we first got of the ship, several cab drivers were very aggressive with us and when I first said we just wanted to go to the crane - one way, I was told by one driver that it would cost $60 for one way. Then our driver quoted us $25 round-trip and when I asked how much for the rest of the island his price was very reasonable.


Thanks again for all your help!



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We have booked a Kayak & Turtle excursion through NCL Pearl in February. We are taking our two grandchildren along (5 yrs old) & their parents. We kayak on rivers here in PA and the kids have been on a lake. Anyone know if this is a long kayak paddle and just what the plan for the excursion is? I checked out the link in the previous post and that is the only info I could find on kayaking in Barbados.


Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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We were in Barbados on Saturday, Dec. 30, from the Sea Princess. We had a nice long day there, not leaving until after 11:00 pm Now we'll be back on December 28 on the NCL Pearl and need some ideas. We went to Sunbury House, had lunch there, toured the island, Bathsheba, the sugar mill, the military garrison museum in Bridgetown, had dinner at Waterfront Cafe. We were with another couple who'd hired a private guide via email. My question is, are these things do-able in a shorter time frame. We'll only be there from 9:00 - 6:00. I'd like to see Nicholas Abbey, as it was closed when we were there in December. I'd also like to see Sam Lord's Castle . . . you mentioned a beach? We heard the hotel was closed. Is it? What else would you suggest in this amount of time? Is there a pleasant place to have lunch and then sit on the beach? Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated.:)



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