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Am I the only one who thinks Carnival needs to change the Photo Gallery procedures?

Christine in MO

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The current way they do this is a DISASTER!!!! DH and I had our pics taken during both formal nights at most (but not all) of the photo set ups. Of course they take 3-5 pics at EACH station. In the end we had nearly 50- 8x10 photos to choose from :eek: Not to mention the "random" pics from all other things. We didn't even find all of them and once we found the majority of them we couldn't find any where to sit down & sort through what we wanted & what we didn't want. I would love to see them implement something like the amusement parks do when taking your picture (give you a ticket or number to look up your pic on a TV/computer screen). Or even better some how get the pics associated with your cabin # so you can look at them on your TV screen in your cabin or even TV screens/computers in the photo gallery area. In stead of printing ALL of those pics. I see this solution being a win-win situation for the guests as well as Carnival. It could also reduce the cost to produce all those pics therefore possibly reducing the price for the guests who might then order more. Am I the only one that feels this way? It was just very frustrating not being able to find our pics and then dealing with the crowds of people who were also looking for their pics...it was a mess.



We were never bothered by having to search for our pictures, that said, I think your idea is fantastic. The only downside I can see is that with pictures available only on a TV screen much of the impulse buying goes away.

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I couldn't agree more.


On formal nights, I like to stop at 2 or 3 (sometimes 4) different stations to have my photo taken. They've got some very nice backdrops.


But when it comes time to visit the gallery to see how they turned out, it's like literally looking for a needle in a haystack!


I, too, like to wait until ALL the pictures have been displayed so that I can choose the ones I like the most, not buy one that's "ok" then the next night see one I like better, etc.


With todays technology I would think there must be a way to make the photos available on "funvision", and it sure would make it a lot more convenient to see it on your tv, say "yes" I want to buy that one, that submit your S&S info. Have the photo gsllery attendent pull it and hold it at the checkout stand, and be able to go there and pick it up.


I Also agree about the 8X10 issue. They obviously print the pics right there on board, so why couldn't you tell the attendent that you'd like THIS photo in a 4X6 or 5X7? If they can't do that, I think they should include a copywrite release form with each purchase so we can at least do it when we get home. (trying to get that release form once you're back home is a real hassel, and very time consuming!)


I also agree that it would be nice to have a place to sit down and spread out the pics your considering buying located near the gallery to make a informed (not rushed) decision.


I, too, have given up because of frustration many times and just walked away simply because of these issues.


Really, when you think about it, there are so many "sitting" areas located throughout the ships that provide a comfortable chair or 2 & a coffee table to set drinks on, it would be nice to see one close to the gallery to be able to sit down & sort through your pics.


Ok, I've vented now.


Uncle Bob, I hope you'll read this and find a way to satisfy your loyal guests.


Island Annie

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Carnival tried a program a couple of years ago and it was an utter failure. Here are the details of what they tried to implement:




Taking advantage of advancements in "facial recognition software," Carnival is the first cruise line to explore a shipboard application for this innovative technology, which is being developed by San Diego-based ImageWare Systems, Inc. (IW), a leading provider of digital imaging, biometric and secure credential solutions.



With the new system, guests sailing aboard Carnival Miracle will visit a stand-alone kiosk, which captures an image of his or her face. The image is compared to faces of all photos taken by the ship's photographers during that voyage.



Once the search is complete, all photos featuring that guest, including individual and group shots, will appear on a touch-screen computer monitor for review. Selected images are then printed on photo paper using high quality KonicaMinolta digital printers.



"While 'facial recognition technology' has been employed in other industries, this is the first time it is being beta-tested on a cruise ship and we are very excited about its groundbreaking potential in our photo operations," Woodry said.

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I really liked the idea of being able to pick your pictures out as soon as they are posted (much better than waiting and trying to find pictures in a sea of thousands) . . . and having them put in a big envelope with either you name or cabin number on it. Then, at the end of the cruise or a day or two before the end . . . retrieve your envelope and select the photos you want to purchase . . . an added plus would be being able to also select the size you want the picture to be be (again, 8x10 for formal and 5x7 or even 4x6 for casual). Someone mentioned on here that another cruise line has put this into practice . . . sure wish Carnival would. I'd probably spend double what I now do if I could only find my pictures.

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You can bet that at 20 bucks a pop they are more than making up for the ones thrown away. Plus they are COUNTING on impulsive buying. Can you stand to throw away a picture of your little girl/boy? I can't. Or the fact that there are 3 really good prints, even though you only wanted one, you buy all three? See what I mean?

While I do wish it was easier, I agree with Jandjfun. The current process must be the most profitable or Carnival would make a change. In addition to the impulse buying there is the pressure that todays pictures will disapear to make room for new ones. Also, if folks had all cruise to review and re-review all the pictures while the amount of availible funds continuely shrinks, I'm sure they would sell less photos.


I usually take advantage of the daily specials but wish they would have some incentives for multiple purchases. Like buy a certain number daily or all cruise and get something free.

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I am so glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have never heard anyone really ever complain about it on these boards though. I plan on writing a "we had a good time" letter to Carnival as well and this is the only point that I plan to mention room for improvement.


OctoberDestiny - thank you for the link/info on what they tried implementing a few years ago. It is nice to see that they did make an attempt. Although, its really no wonder that system failed as it is far more complicated than the type of system they will need (IMO)


Danech - what daily specials? I never saw any of those expect for the last day for package deals which I wasn't really interested in.



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Danech - what daily specials? I never saw any of those expect for the last day for package deals which I wasn't really interested in.




Buy an 8x10 get a sheet of wallets for only $, buy 8x10 get a free frame, buy 8x10 get a reduced price album, ect.

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I agree that something needs to be done to make it easier. What we generally do is walk by before they open and look for our pictures. Then when they do open, we have a general idea of where our pictures are. The worst thing we've encountered is people gathering there showing each other their pictures. When we find ours, we go out of the way so that others can find their pictures. Out of the way of others, we decide which ones we want to buy and which ones we want to pitch. That would help if people would step back after they've found their pictures to let others find theirs.

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Buy an 8x10 get a sheet of wallets for only $, buy 8x10 get a free frame, buy 8x10 get a reduced price album, ect.


Nope, we never had any of those specials. The only special we had came in our Capers the 2nd to last night for the last days special and it was Package #1 - 1 - 5x7 & 4 wallets for $9.99 Package # 2 - 5x7 for $9.99 and Package #3 1 - 5x7, 1 - 3.5x5 and 2 wallets for $9.99 These prices were only good after purchasing the original 8x10


IMO those aren't really that good considering that Carnival e-mailed me a copyright release for my photos and I went to Wal-Mart and had 5x7's made for $1.47 each and wallets made for .29 cents each. Now if they were giving away a free frame or album or something that might change things. Funny, how each ship doesn't have the same offerings.

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I also think they should establish a system similar to Disney's photopass. It would be so easy. You could order whatever size you want of the photos. Maybe even have a kiosk on the ship to access your photos and order prints on-board for a little "discount".


I just may suggest this on my comment card, as long as they give out comment cards on chartered cruises.

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It wasn't Carnival, but a few years ago, when we boarded a ship they had a special. It was pay around 150.00 and get all of your pictures. It was available only until sailing. That was a great package and they didn't have to throw away any of our photos. We had only planned on spending about 80.00 on photos so they made an extra 70 off us.

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You know how when you first get on the ship and they take your picture for your sail ship card? Well, they are going to use something similar for the photo gallery A computer is going to take a picture of your face and match it up to the picture it has taken. You find one that you like and buy it. Then carnival prints it out. I think it is going to be on ships by spring 07.

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Nope, we never had any of those specials. The only special we had came in our Capers the 2nd to last night for the last days special and it was Package #1 - 1 - 5x7 & 4 wallets for $9.99 Package # 2 - 5x7 for $9.99 and Package #3 1 - 5x7, 1 - 3.5x5 and 2 wallets for $9.99 These prices were only good after purchasing the original 8x10


IMO those aren't really that good considering that Carnival e-mailed me a copyright release for my photos and I went to Wal-Mart and had 5x7's made for $1.47 each and wallets made for .29 cents each. Now if they were giving away a free frame or album or something that might change things. Funny, how each ship doesn't have the same offerings.


True about how each ship doesn't have the same offereings b/c I just returned yesterday from the Elation and we had the same "special" everyday. If you buy the 8x10, you could get those packages you mentioned above. The only real special they had was the first night and that was you could get your embarkation pic with a frame for $25.00.


We stayed away from the photographers; that way we wouldn't be tempted to look at our pics and feel inclined to buy a bunch. Those prices are just too ridiculous and I don't feel like wasting my time searching for our pics.

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One of my least favorite parts of a cruise is searching for the pictures. We like to purchase photos and agree that 8X10 of everything is ridiculous.

The comments re: DisneyWorld are right on. We recently returned from WDW and used "Photopass". At each photo taking station, they scan your photopass card. You have the option of going to the photoshop later to review them on a screen OR you go online at your convenience, type in the photopass card number and, voila, your pictures come up. There are some options you can add such as cropping, adding some Disney graphics, etc. Then you order them. They are usually received within a week. They are 5X7 unless otherwise specified.

Carnival (and other lines) could easily do this. There could be kiosks in the photo area for viewing or asking for assistance at the desk. Or you could just access them when you get home.

As mentioned before, the waste is phenomenal! I'd love to own the photo paper store that cruiselines use.

I know about impulse buying, but believe me, impulse buying exists even in the privacy of your own home when you see the beautiful photos taken of you and your family on a fabulous vacation.

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It wasn't Carnival, but a few years ago, when we boarded a ship they had a special. It was pay around 150.00 and get all of your pictures. It was available only until sailing. That was a great package and they didn't have to throw away any of our photos. We had only planned on spending about 80.00 on photos so they made an extra 70 off us.


I would be all over this. I don't usually buy that much since I have to pay piece-meal, but if I knew I could have all the pics they took of me for $150, I sure wouldn't be so grumpy about them wanting to take my picture all the time! They would probably still be making a huge profit off the pics if they did this.

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I couldn't agree more. Trying to find your photos is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


There have definitely been several times where I have just given up out of frustration and walked away.


I think it would be great if you could view your pics on your cabin TV, enter your folio # for those you would like to purchase and then have the gallery attendent pull those photos and hold them at the checkout area where you could just pick them up. At least this way they would realize just how frusting the current system is.


Another remedy might be to show the photographeryour S&S card at the time you have your picture taken. That way they would have your last name, and they could display the pics in catagories by letter. (All A's in this section, B's on this wall, etc. At least this way you wouldn't have to look through EVERY single picture. (I think that's how they have the S&S cards arranged at check-in isn't it?


Then having a place to sit down with perhaps a coffee table to lay out your pics and decide which ones you want would be nice too since they do numerous shots from diferent angles.

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I really love photos and have bought many on my cruises but it IS INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING!!


On my recent cruise I decided to simply bag it. I searched for photos only once and it was such a pain that I just decided to skip it and never went back to the photo area. On my Glory cruise I spent a lot of time looking for photos as previously I had always purchased the Port photos when you get off the ship as well as the embarkation photo - I bought them whther they ere "good" or not as a souvenier and memory of where i had been as well as at least one dining room photo and formal night. But when i was on the Glory I searched and searched and never found some. Since my "collection" had been broken it was easy to just skip the whole procedure on the Legend last month and spend that time doing something much more relaxing instead!


Carnival would certainly make more money from me on photos if they were easier to find!


I LOVE the online/kiosk idea!! I have had this opportunity from everything from other travels to my kids sporting events and it much more pleasurable!

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Finding the photos is a problem but we manage. My biggest gripe is the waste. I believe that Carnaval could make SO much more money by offering package deals. We buy a couple of pics each cruise but would spend MUCH more money if they had "deal" (something like buy 1 or 2 8 x 10" and get everything else 1/2 price).

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The current way they do this is a DISASTER!!!! DH and I had our pics taken during both formal nights at most (but not all) of the photo set ups. Of course they take 3-5 pics at EACH station. In the end we had nearly 50- 8x10 photos to choose from :eek: Not to mention the "random" pics from all other things. We didn't even find all of them and once we found the majority of them we couldn't find any where to sit down & sort through what we wanted & what we didn't want. I would love to see them implement something like the amusement parks do when taking your picture (give you a ticket or number to look up your pic on a TV/computer screen). Or even better some how get the pics associated with your cabin # so you can look at them on your TV screen in your cabin or even TV screens/computers in the photo gallery area. In stead of printing ALL of those pics. I see this solution being a win-win situation for the guests as well as Carnival. It could also reduce the cost to produce all those pics therefore possibly reducing the price for the guests who might then order more. Am I the only one that feels this way? It was just very frustrating not being able to find our pics and then dealing with the crowds of people who were also looking for their pics...it was a mess.


Really never had a problem with the system other than usually it costs me about $500 for the pics I buy

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I would love to see this changed as well...The shoot digitally...so I wondered why they don't just ask you your cabin number and have them set up to be previewed on the tv in your room. I can understand it probably wouldnt work for the shots getting off the ship and such - to much going on at once and a ticket system might be best for that BUT for anything done on board - I dont see why this wouldnt work. The technology is there....

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