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Pet Peeves...... add yours !


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I'm sure everyone that has cruised at least once had a pet peeve they experienced at least once while on the cruise. Anytime you get a large number of people together there will always be a small number of people that think the rules don't apply to them, are rude, or just don't know how to act in public(ignorance).


My biggest pet peeve is the pool side CHAIR HOG. This animal is usually not ignorant but more on the side of rude and arrogant. They can read the sign that says "NO RESERVING OF SEATS" but these type of people (HOGS) are superior to the common cruiser in their mind. They will go to the pool and place a towel on one or more lounge chairs between 7am-9am and think that is their personal chair for the rest of the day even if they decide not to use it at all. If someone moves the towel and takes the "claimed" space after 3 or 4 hours of no one using the chair the HOG shows up foaming at the mouth hurling insults "that was MY chair I put a towel on it 5 minutes ago".


The typical CHAIR HOG will usually manifest other undesirable characteristics at other locations on the ship, often with the attiude this is MY ship, this is MY cruise not yours and common etiquette does not apply to ME.


First time cruisers please don't become a CHAIR HOG .

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I have to agree with you on this one. It's tough showing up at the pool only to realize that all the chairs are taken even though there are a bunch of unused towel laden chairs that have been that way since breakfast. Another peeve is when you are at the buffet, either you have grandma moses in front of you looking at each morsel on each plate or you have someone in the fast lane. Most of the time it's grandma Moses. You stand there while your stomach growls and then you find she's at the drink stand looking at the cups and the drinks as if she forgot how to read. Any other pet peeves?? I'm sure all of you seasoned cruisers can add to this list.

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On our last cruise a couple that sat at our table were habitually late every night and I don't mean a few minutes late. They were at least 30 minutes late every night. I could tell this really irritated the wait staff along with the rest of us at the table. And to top it off they didn't show up the last night of the cruise and I'd bet they didn't tip the waiters. Rude ,rude ,rude !

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Loud kids running down the hall after mid-night slamming doors. I hate being in that state where you are just about to drift off, and BLAM. :mad: Then ya hear them yelling, laughing, running, stomping, whatever:eek: Where are their parents, and why are they roaming around without them that time of night? I think it's dangerous enough in the daytime, but more dangerous at night, I mean for the most part, everyone's great, but there is always a chance.........ya never know, why take the chance and let your kids roam that late? On the last night of our cruise, DD (she's 14) and I went to Tiffany's for a late night ice-cream together...aftere midnight. We were sitting there eating our ice creams, and here comes this group of 7-12 year olds(range in ages), no adults. DD looked at me (this is bad coming from a 14 year old), and said, Oh great, romper room just turned loose. They were messing with the ice cream machines, one even put their finger up towards where the ice cream came out...eww. They were playing with the drink machines, well you get the picture. No grownups anywhere. We decided to finish our ice cream on the way to the cabin. Nothing but kids all through the hallways running wild. It was unreal. Maybe DD and I shouldn't have been out so late, but she wasn't alone, or disturbing other people, I could never let her run wild like that.

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What bothers me to distraction is the "seasoned" traveler who goes through the entire cruise saying "This is unacceptable - they do it this way on XYZ" Every cruise line does things a bit differently not necessarily wrong, and I think it is awful when these people go on and on to everyone within hearing distance and try to convince the newer cruisers that they are really getting ripped off. Of course, it can bleed over in their reviews.

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Jeri - I'm gonna chime in here and agree with you. Nothing makes me crazier than having someone compare and contrast with the current line always ending up in the negative column. Once I asked a lady if the other line was so perfect, why did she choose the current one? All her friends had been raving and she needed to find out for herself. That seemed an okay reason and after chatting with her for a moment longer, I found out that she liked this and that better on the current line and had decided to do another cruise. It didn't keep her from complaining, but I think that's how some people are wired.


Non-reviewers who get on to bash a line right after a cruise, but never do a follow up review with a more in depth explanation of their comments are the ones that really get my goat. There's nothing wrong with an even handed, fair review, but to get on and say a line sitnks, then leave. Well, that's just tacky.


Oh, and the grammar police that live to shoot down posters with English as a second language or people who are just challenged. They also seem to find it necessary to correct the crew's mistakes. Hmm, I figure that unless you can speak the person's native language flawlessly, (s)he has one up on you.


Gee, I feel purged now...



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Two pet peeves.


1. The folks who try to get on the elevator before letting anyone off. It's actually kind of fun as I'm big enough they just bounce off me as I'm getting off. Also, the ones that push in front of folks in a wheelchair to get on. Or push aside someone with a cane.


2. The little clump of 4 to 6 people that stop to talk just after they get outside the door of the theater, stop at the narrowest part of the passageway thru the shops, in the entrance to the casino and anyplace else that causes a bottleneck. I keep thinking I'll do a survey one day to find out why they do that.

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My Pet Peeves are: 1. Children running around the ship unsupervised by their rude parents.

2. People at our Dinner table showing up late, not just a few minutes but at least 20 minutes every night.

3. Parents with small children being seated with others that do not have children traveling with them. Having to talk over their fits and the parents are not smart enough to get up and remove them so that everyone else can enjoy Dinner and meaningful conversations.

4. Last, having someone sit near you that decides to relieve him/herself and the smell is so bad it makes me gag! :eek:

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Loud kids running down the hall after mid-night slamming doors. Then ya hear them yelling, laughing, running, stomping, whatever:eek:

Where are their parents, and why are they roaming around without them that time of night?



I agree with you 100%!


My 2nd biggest pet peeve are the brats who run into the elevators and push all the buttons, then run out. :mad:

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Two pet peeves.


1. The folks who try to get on the elevator before letting anyone off. It's actually kind of fun as I'm big enough they just bounce off me as I'm getting off. Also, the ones that push in front of folks in a wheelchair to get on. Or push aside someone with a cane.


I agree with this point... actually, it's a peeve for times other than just cruise ships. In addition to that, not just people who can't wait for people to get off elevators before they get on, but the ones who do that & butt in front of other people who have been standing patiently waiting for another elevator to come. Where are people's manners?

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My biggest pet peeve is...


the people who let their children pile a ton of food on a plate at the buffet, when they have no intention of eating half of it. The waste just kills me. if you are that hungry you can go back for more....

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People who chew with their mouth open, and any other bad manners at the table. People who treat the staff like servants. Yes they are there to serve you, but they are human beings. We always learn our staffs names and use the names. On one cruise we got much better service from the wait staff than the people seated with us. And everything else that was already mentioned.

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I don't let other passengers behavior affect me when I'm cruising. Nothing that I say or do will make any difference to them and I'm sure not everyone is totally pleased with some of the things I might do or say. It's just people, we have to tolerate each other.


My pet peeve on our last cruise was the fact that the steward refused to leave more than 2 towels a day. I would plead with him, politely of course. I hung up my used towel, so he wouldn't have to replace it and ask for just one more, but he'd still take the used towel. We ended up having to disasemble the towel animal to have enough towels for showering. I use two, one on my hair (shoulder length), one for my bod, my husband only used one. Or, I'd approach a different steward in the hallway, who would gladly provide me with a second towel. I even took to hiding clean towels from him!


On past cruises, we've been able to leave our towel animals on the sofa, all lined up by the end of the week. This was the first cruise we've ever had a towel ****. Not a real big deal, but still annoying and a true step down in the service from the past.

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Parents who buy their 15 and 16 year olds beer because they are on a ship and can't hurt anyone and they want to be the "COOL" parent. Then these "youngsters" get drunk and wander the ship all night doing rediculous things and at most times getting into fights or throwing up in the halls. Why can't the cruise lines watch out for this. Just last year, a boy about 15 years old stood in front of the lobby and yelled that all he wanted was a fu@#n slice. Nothing was done by anyone at the counter. This was despicable. The lines have to realize that the customer isn't right all of the time.

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Parents who buy their 15 and 16 year olds beer because they are on a ship and can't hurt anyone and they want to be the "COOL" parent. Then these "youngsters" get drunk and wander the ship all night doing rediculous things and at most times getting into fights or throwing up in the halls. Why can't the cruise lines watch out for this. Just last year, a boy about 15 years old stood in front of the lobby and yelled that all he wanted was a fu@#n slice. Nothing was done by anyone at the counter. This was despicable. The lines have to realize that the customer isn't right all of the time.

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ITA with all the before mentioned 'pet peeves'.


The one pet peeve I have is mainly with the policy of the cruise lines not allowing you to keep the liquor you purchase at port in your cabin, but 'hold' it till the last day of the cruise.


By no means am I a heavy drinker. In fact...I have been called the 'gal who can nurse a glass of wine for over an hour'. But in many, many years past on cruise ships an adult would be allowed to purchase and KEEP their purchased liquor in their cabin. I think that the cruise lines have started this policy just to have more control over their pax in hopes that pax will purchase any and all drinks from the bars. Fine line...to make more bucks for themselves.


Hotels do not have this rule. You can purchase liquor at cities you visit and the hotel's do not require you to let them 'hold' it for you till you check out. I just don't understand why the cruise lines have to have such a rule. And don't tell me it is to control folks from excessive drinking. They don't stop selling pax drinks at the bars or bringing them to your cabins with room service if they have too much to drink! I have never seen that happen on a ship yet, and I believe many of you haven't either from the way many of you talk about the 'drunks' on ships.

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I think it is so sad that many times we allow other peoples actions destroy our cruises so much that we blame the cruise line for it and will not sail with them again. Every cruise has a new group of people sailing and the absence of a few people can take a cruise from being seemingly barely passable to to a wonderful experience. I don't know - this is not strictly on the subject, but still wanted to make that observation.

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All listed pet peeves I agree with. Most of my cruises have been with RCCL and I have listed my pet peeve on the comment card at the end of the cruise the last 3 cruises. My peeve is why can't the cruise ship have a couple of life guards on duty to maintain some order around the pool areas? On our last cruise I actually saw some teen boys jumping from the hot tub into the swimming pool which was very dangerous to them and others.


I know kids will be kids and do annoying things at times but another peeve is why can't the cruise ship have better uniformed security guards patroling the ship that will take proactive measures to stop gangs of kids and teens running around the ship late at night or being a major nuisance to other cruisers. Often I wonder Where Are The PARENTS.


Only once did I see a ship officer stop and take names and cabin numbers of a group of 8-10 kids being a major nuisance(throwing food) in the Windjammer. He lined them up and warned them not to lie about their name or cabin number or they would be in more trouble than they were already in. It was funny in a way, these kids had the fear of God on their faces as this Officer in his dress whites and epaulets was sternly scolding them and taking names.

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ITA with all the before mentioned 'pet peeves'.


The one pet peeve I have is mainly with the policy of the cruise lines not allowing you to keep the liquor you purchase at port in your cabin, but 'hold' it till the last day of the cruise.




Hotels do not have this rule. You can purchase liquor at cities you visit and the hotel's do not require you to let them 'hold' it for you till you check out. I just don't understand why the cruise lines have to have such a rule. And don't tell me it is to control folks from excessive drinking. They don't stop selling pax drinks at the bars or bringing them to your cabins with room service if they have too much to drink! I have never seen that happen on a ship yet, and I believe many of you haven't either from the way many of you talk about the 'drunks' on ships.


I once worked for a hotel and they did have a no outside liquor policy in regards to an individuals hotel room They had a liquor package your could buy, complete with glasses, mixes, ice and cut fruit at an astronomical markup, probably 5 times what you could buy the bottle of booze for.


We never had anyone take advantage of this room service offer with the exception of corporate hospitality rooms. The hotel employees pretty much looked the other way when guests took their bottles into their rooms. The policy was also written onto the guest registration form, although I doubt many read it. I've often wondered if hotels still have this policy as a standard, I'll have to check next time I stay in a hotel, I don't keep receipts like that.

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I do find it interesting that the majority of pet peeves are the behavior of fellow passengers and not anything the cruiselines do.


Although, many people want the cruise ship employees to intervene and police activity of others. A question to those of you who want this control... how would you answer if approached by a staff or crew member and asked to stop what you are doing? If you were doing something completely acceptable to you and most others, how would you respond if someone complained about you and you were asked to stop by the staff?


None of us are perfect and we all will do something that annoys another at one time or another. If you're going to go out in public, you'll always be able to find someone with irritating (to you) behavior.


I'm probably one of the few who are grateful that soda is not "free" and easily accessable. If it were, ships would be cluttered with (even more) empty glasses left out all over the place. Decks would be sticky with soda splashed out by kids running around with unlimited full glasses (we had the pleasure of this on one cruise years ago). I'd probably have to say yes, in the dining room soda should be included, but nowhere else. Not even the horrid buffet. There are a lot of pigs out there and I'm glad there is a small measure of control with it.


No matter where you go, cruise ship, mall, public buildings, there are always people who have no idea how to behave or how to clean up after themselves. I often wonder what their houses look like.

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My pet peeve is what I call the "price braggers". You know the ones who have to tell you what a great price they got on their cruise and want to know how much you paid.


Though if you want to have fun with them (and I do) get them to tell you what they paid first and be sure and give them an amount that is at least $100 less.


I really don't care what anyone else paid for their cruise, if I couldn't afford it I'd be at home.

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