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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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On one of my first cruises a friend and I were seated at a table with a newlywed couple which stayed drunk. I usually don't have a problem with public displays of affection, but this couple was way over the top.


The "lady" was doing her best to show as much cleavage as possible (and she was quite large) and several times pulled her husbands face between her breasts and would shake back and forth. She would then laugh hysterically. She did this over and over, night after night.


The last night of the cruise the husband was clearly drunk, and smelled like a sewer. About half way through his meal he puked all over the table. His wife yelled at him, and then slapped him the back of the head. He started crying. She left the table, and few seconds later he did too.


We were given a clean table, but, needless to say, our appetite was gone.


LOL! far and away the winner.

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On one of my first cruises a friend and I were seated at a table with a newlywed couple which stayed drunk. I usually don't have a problem with public displays of affection, but this couple was way over the top.


The "lady" was doing her best to show as much cleavage as possible (and she was quite large) and several times pulled her husbands face between her breasts and would shake back and forth. She would then laugh hysterically. She did this over and over, night after night.


The last night of the cruise the husband was clearly drunk, and smelled like a sewer. About half way through his meal he puked all over the table. His wife yelled at him, and then slapped him the back of the head. He started crying. She left the table, and few seconds later he did too.


We were given a clean table, but, needless to say, our appetite was gone.


OK, you deserve the ship on a stick award for the worst tablemates



:eek: :eek: :eek:

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On one of my first cruises a friend and I were seated at a table with a newlywed couple which stayed drunk. I usually don't have a problem with public displays of affection, but this couple was way over the top.


The "lady" was doing her best to show as much cleavage as possible (and she was quite large) and several times pulled her husbands face between her breasts and would shake back and forth. She would then laugh hysterically. She did this over and over, night after night.


The last night of the cruise the husband was clearly drunk, and smelled like a sewer. About half way through his meal he puked all over the table. His wife yelled at him, and then slapped him the back of the head. He started crying. She left the table, and few seconds later he did too.


We were given a clean table, but, needless to say, our appetite was gone.


LOL I'm pretty sure I saw them on Jerry Springer discussing their experiances with the show cops....

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On one of my first cruises a friend and I were seated at a table with a newlywed couple which stayed drunk. I usually don't have a problem with public displays of affection, but this couple was way over the top.


The "lady" was doing her best to show as much cleavage as possible (and she was quite large) and several times pulled her husbands face between her breasts and would shake back and forth. She would then laugh hysterically. She did this over and over, night after night.


The last night of the cruise the husband was clearly drunk, and smelled like a sewer. About half way through his meal he puked all over the table. His wife yelled at him, and then slapped him the back of the head. He started crying. She left the table, and few seconds later he did too.


We were given a clean table, but, needless to say, our appetite was gone.


I promise, I was having a REALLY good time, right up until I threw up, so I apologize for that, but on one of those boob smotherings, I just got sick...

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Has everyone here read the guidelines? You know, the one about only being allowed one account?? Just wanted to check... call it my PSA of the day :p LMAO!!!!!


Now, I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on CC :rolleyes:




It's sad when ya have to get an alter ego to defend your position isn't it. :D


I'm still waiting for the Federal Smuggling laws to be posted. LOL

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What did ya say?....The air is so thin here in Georgia that I couldn't quite comprehend...


smrn..........I know this is off the subject, but I just saw you are from Blue Ridge, Georgia..............A very good friend of mine has a sandwich shop right there in Blue Ridge........"Good Eats"......his name is Bob. Do you know him?

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smrn..........I know this is off the subject, but I just saw you are from Blue Ridge, Georgia..............A very good friend of mine has a sandwich shop right there in Blue Ridge........"Good Eats"......his name is Bob. Do you know him?


I don't personally know him, but I know his shop!!

Small world....

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On the Carnival Valor my wife and I were seated at a table for 4. The other couple never showed up through out the cruise. We where seated 1 table away from a strange couple. At first I assumed it was a father traveling with his young teenage daughter. The man had a neat beard and appeared to be in his late to mid 40's. The female (May be too young to be called a woman) looked younger than my 14 year old neice. It was soon apparent that they were a couple based on their interations. (Kissing, cuddling, sitting close, holding hands, etc.) The young lady appeared to be deeply in love with the older man. My wife had the impression that the love wasn't mutual.


I found there apparant age difference to be very disturbing. I was hoping that the young lady merely looked young for her age. However it got worse when the older man would constantly stare at my wife. I didn't notice this until my wife complained about it because he sat at a slight angle behind me. Therefore, my wife and I agreed to trade seats. Whenever he would start to stare at my wife excessively I began started staring back at him. When he would notice me looking at him he would stop starring at my wife. I would of talked my waiter if this wouldn't of resolved the problem.

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On one of my first cruises a friend and I were seated at a table with a newlywed couple which stayed drunk. I usually don't have a problem with public displays of affection, but this couple was way over the top.


The "lady" was doing her best to show as much cleavage as possible (and she was quite large) and several times pulled her husbands face between her breasts and would shake back and forth. She would then laugh hysterically. She did this over and over, night after night.


The last night of the cruise the husband was clearly drunk, and smelled like a sewer. About half way through his meal he puked all over the table. His wife yelled at him, and then slapped him the back of the head. He started crying. She left the table, and few seconds later he did too.


We were given a clean table, but, needless to say, our appetite was gone.




*LOL* Oh that story definately takes the cake :)


Reminds me of an old story about an old time comedian named Joe E. Lewis. he was a very very heavy drinker and never took care of himself. His friends always worried about him and though they couldn't stop him from drinking, they at least made sure he would eat to at least fortify himself. This was not always an easy task


One night he was out with a bunch of friends at a fancy restaurant and he was loaded to the gills. He gets up to go to the mens room and after only afew steps away from the table , he throws up all over the floor , onto the table , onto the next booth. Obviously to the shock of all the diners around him.


Without missing a beat, Lewis looks around him and then at his friends back at his table and smirked "See I told ya I ate today" :)

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I hope we never have the "misfortune" of sitting with you, too, then. For there are gracious ways of being unsocialized, and ungracious ways. You seem ungracious about it. It's your "right" and if I don't like having my place setting scrunched into a corner of the table so as to accomodate yet another plate of your food because you can't seem to make up your mind, then -- as someone else has so conveniently declared -- I'm the one with the problem. I don't think so.


Deciding, once in a while, that you'd like to try this appetizer *and* that one, is fine; if it's more than once in a while, that's what they have a buffet for. And the advantage of cruising is that there's supposed to be something there for everybody. Problems come in when people start thinking that the entire experience needs to be cuisinarted into a fine mash and poured out into identical molds so that every aspect of the experience resembles every other aspect of the experience.


If you want to "sample" as a general rule, go to the buffet. If you want to dress down, go to the buffet or, if you want to dress in nothing to eat, do room service. If, instead, you want to go to the dining room, don't treat it like the buffet. Treating the dining room like the buffet is kinda rude, it effectively declares "everything should be as *I* want it" and one of the advantages of cruising -- indeed, living in a society with other people who have competing priorities and realities -- is not to demand that the rest of the world revolve around your priorities and realities.


In public, we call those people arrogant, bossy and rude. On a cruise, they get the same names.


...and I'll never call you arrogant, bossy or rude if you're sitting across from me, pushing my wine glass over into my lap because you just need to have the steamed clams and the lamb medalions and the vichy souise and the stuffed artichokes and the escargot all for the same course. For not being civil when others are being arrogant, bossy and rude is also rude. And I'm not.


...in person.


Oh my gosh, are you serious?! Wow! Just Wow!!


So if a person at dinner would like more than one entree, more than one dessert, etc. they shouldn't indulge simply because it would bother YOU?


What makes YOUR preference more important than THEIRS?! Geez!! How arrogant can you be?! I'd rather sit with that other couple over you any day!! If it bothers you so much maybe you should consider ordering room service or requesting a table for two.


My DH and I also like trying different dishes at dinner. Many times we will each get an appetizer, entree, and dessert of our own AND we'll share one of each as well. Sometimes the waiter will even bring extra things out without being asked, and tells us to "try it." They EXPECT people to do that.


I'm so glad we are going on our next cruise with family, and that we've requested a table for just ourselves. That way we won't have to worry about offending people like you if we happen to want extra appetizers and entrees!!

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The other couple assigned to our table never showed up to dinner for our entire cruise on the Miracle. But on our first sea day, we went to the dining room for the "open seating" lunch and were placed at a table with two other couples. One was a darling elderly couple we could have chatted with for days. They had taken many cruises - all on Carnival, he was a WWII vet, and you could tell they were still very much in love after all the years they had been together. They were both so humble and very happy just to be there. There was probably a 40 year age difference between us but they were absolutely delightful.


On the other hand, the second couple was probably only about 5 or 10 years older than us. As soon as they found out it was our first cruise, they proceeded to go on and on about their vast experience, their great wealth, and the fact that they owned their own online travel agency and could cruise any time they wanted to for next to nothing. We heard all about their golf club memberships, their real estate holdings, etc. We couldn't get a word in edgewise. They were completely condescending and snobbish through the whole meal. Right about the time dessert was served they proceeded to pull out their business cards - not just to recruit business for their agency - but to try to get us to become "junior" agents online underneath them in some sort of pyramid travel agent scheme!!! They started the high pressure sales pitch and wouldn't stop. We couldn't wait to get out of there. We didn't want to be rude to the other couple but we wolfed down dessert and got out of there as fast as we could!


Just goes to show the age difference doesn't always matter....

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I don't personally know him, but I know his shop!!

Small world....

I tried to post yesterday but the boards were all messed up. So if they show up later sorry for the multiple posts.

Anyway I am from Blue Ridge too. And seems we are leaving the same day but different ships.

Do you work at the local hospital? I worked there for many years in the Nursery until 99.

Ok now back to our regularly scheduled program.

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Our first cruise together we were at a table for 8 but most nights it was just the 2 of us. There was one other couple that showed up 2 nights. I kind of liked having table mates.

Then our second cruise we had a varity at our table. One couple celebrating their 25th Anniversary. The husband seemed to complain about everything. Another couple very nice it was their first cruise and they were happy with everything. Really nice down to earth people.

The third couple was newlywed the first morning of the cruise. This was also their first cruise. The husband was allergic to all fruit. I really never realized how much fruit is used in cooking. It was about the 3rd night that they finally had a crew memeber go over the menu for the next day with him to find out what he could or couldn't have. There was many many times he ordered a drink from the bar and always requested not to have a garnish on the glass and everytime there was a nice orange, pineapple, and cherry garnish. there were several drinks sent back. And the gentelman was always very nice about it all.

Our daughter is going with us and is 7 is allergic to several foods. She usually asks about ingredents so I am hoping that when she is in Camp Carnival they are carefull about those things.

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You can't be serious?!?!?


I expect they were serious as I can understand....the singing and dancing are a bit too much of a good thing.


Back on subject...I have not had tablemates from hell. But, I have had DULL tablemates. On a Celebrtity cruise, we had a mother (who was bordering senile), her old-maid daughter, and overweight 13 y/o niece. The 13 y/o had much more personality than the others but even she was a stretch. Two years ago, we cruised and had 2 60ish couples with us. They were perfectly nice, but dull. Ohterwise, I've always had pretty good luck for dinner companions.

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Cruise 1: Best friend and I (we are in our mid-30s) took a nice little cruise before I got married and she started having kids. We had a large table and 3 couples seated at dinner every night. Couple #1 were two elderly folks that were both widowed, had been married only 2 years and never left the ship in port. They were, however, just about the cutest two people! Couple #2: This was his 3rd marriage and her second. All she did was talk about dieting and how many fat grams were in the salad dressing and we heard all about how he was a recovering alcoholic. He sure was guzzling the wine every night in the disco and that one night when the wife went to bed and he kept hitting on us. Couple #3 were both married to other people and on the cruise together. However, everyone was pretty nice and we both had fun every night at dinner. The conversation was very interesting!


Cruise 2: I took my 17-year-old daughter, just her and I. We missed dinner the first night because we were both so tired and napped through our seating! When we made it to dinner the 2nd night, the only person sitting at our table was a middle-aged man, alone. Well, not exactly alone, there were 6 bottles of wine sitting in the middle of our table. He told us that three women had sat with him the night before, but apparently they weren't going to make it that night. OK. He told us that this was his second week aboard and all this garbage about his money, his job, etc, etc. Then he tries to start offering my daughter several glasses of wine and making some odd and slightly creepy comments to both of us. After a seriously uncomfortable meal, we really debated on whether to return. The next night, we did return to the table and the 3 other girls were there. Before the man arrived, they explained that he requested that only single women be assigned to his table, he kept asking them what kind of wines and drinks they liked and then hit on all of them later in the evening. They had started calling him "Lester the Molester," but had returned to the table because of all the free booze. We spent that night avoiding him later and the next having dinner in the buffet. My daughter had made friends with the son of one of my fellow posters from CC. We talked to him and his parents, and the maitre d (he said he'd gotten other complaints) and we sat with the CC group for the rest of the cruise. Had a great time. That cruise was 2 years ago, I have no recollection of the man's name but we still laugh about Lester the Molester!


Well, Cruise 3 is coming up soon and DH is a first timer. He's heard all my stories and we've decided to throw caution to the wind and sit at a large table with a bunch of people we don't know. I'll let y'all know how it turns out!

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We were on the Festivale which was a small ship. The dining room was quite small and we were seated at a table for 8 with our own group. Next to our table was a table for 4 with a couple who appeared to be in their 60's. The lady, who looked like she was rode hard and put away wet came to the dining room each night with a few drinks under her belt. She constantly laughed quite loud and her laugh was like a hyinna. The first night it was kind of infectious and everyone in the dining room laughed at her laugh. The second night it was mildly amusing. The third night she started getting stares and dirty looks. Finally, on the fourth night the Head Waiter greeted them at the door and had words with them. The rest of the week was normal. You would still hear her in the showroom and other places on the ship. She seemed drunk no matter what time of day you saw her.

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I'm delurking because we've booked our first Carnival Cruise, and I noticed this thread. I have a story to tell from the Disney Magic. It's no match for the boob-face puker, but we thought it was a little odd.


It was our first cruise, and we were looking forward to meeting our tablemates, imagining scintillating conversation to accompany our fine dining. 45 minutes after we sat down, with our server not taking our food order because that would be rude (this was the late seating), they finally arrived: a couple, older man, younger woman, and their 3 children. I'll bet you thought the children were going to be the problem, didn't you? Nope, little angels.


He sat down at the opposite end of the oval table from us. She had the seat between myself and him. She immediately scooched her chair over until it was touching his. They hid behind the wine menu and muttered. We finally got to order, after some delay with their deciding on their food.


When the appetizers arrived, she complained volubly that she had no fork. She had just moved away from her place setting. I pointed this out to her as kindly as I could, but she moved it over, and they continued ignoring us.


So much for the conversation. We tried, we were rejected.


The next night, our head server flagged us down and told us he had a better table for us. He took us to a private table. We asked if he had been asked to move us. He admitted it, and bought us a round of beer to ease our feelings of rejection.


It's funny, we never had any problems with the people we were seated with at open seating meals. We always really enjoyed them. Just this one couple decided they hated us on sight. Oh well, thanks for the free beer!

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It was our first cruise, and we were looking forward to meeting our tablemates, imagining scintillating conversation to accompany our fine dining. 45 minutes after we sat down, with our server not taking our food order because that would be rude (this was the late seating), they finally arrived: a couple, older man, younger woman, and their 3 children. I'll bet you thought the children were going to be the problem, didn't you? Nope, little angels.


He sat down at the opposite end of the oval table from us. She had the seat between myself and him. She immediately scooched her chair over until it was touching his. They hid behind the wine menu and muttered. We finally got to order, after some delay with their deciding on their food.


When the appetizers arrived, she complained volubly that she had no fork. She had just moved away from her place setting. I pointed this out to her as kindly as I could, but she moved it over, and they continued ignoring us.


So much for the conversation. We tried, we were rejected.


The next night, our head server flagged us down and told us he had a better table for us. He took us to a private table. We asked if he had been asked to move us. He admitted it, and bought us a round of beer to ease our feelings of rejection.


It's funny, we never had any problems with the people we were seated with at open seating meals. We always really enjoyed them. Just this one couple decided they hated us on sight. Oh well, thanks for the free beer!

You can sit with us anytime! We'd much rather chat with friendly folks than hide and whisper behind menus. :D

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It was our first cruise, and we were looking forward to meeting our tablemates, imagining scintillating conversation to accompany our fine dining. 45 minutes after we sat down, with our server not taking our food order because that would be rude (this was the late seating), they finally arrived: a couple, older man, younger woman, and their 3 children. I'll bet you thought the children were going to be the problem, didn't you? Nope, little angels.


He sat down at the opposite end of the oval table from us. She had the seat between myself and him. She immediately scooched her chair over until it was touching his. They hid behind the wine menu and muttered. We finally got to order, after some delay with their deciding on their food.


When the appetizers arrived, she complained volubly that she had no fork. She had just moved away from her place setting. I pointed this out to her as kindly as I could, but she moved it over, and they continued ignoring us.


So much for the conversation. We tried, we were rejected.


The next night, our head server flagged us down and told us he had a better table for us. He took us to a private table. We asked if he had been asked to move us. He admitted it, and bought us a round of beer to ease our feelings of rejection.


It's funny, we never had any problems with the people we were seated with at open seating meals. We always really enjoyed them. Just this one couple decided they hated us on sight. Oh well, thanks for the free beer!

You can sit with us anytime! We'd much rather chat with friendly folks than hide and whisper behind menus. :D

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