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Legend 7/26 Sailing Delayed


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I'm not sure which booklet you have... at one time they had more contract terms, but now they have some and refer you to carnival.com for the full contract... this is from the full contract terms:


9. (a) The Vessel shall be entitled to leave and enter ports with or without pilots or tugs, to tow and assist other vessels in any circumstances, to return to or enter any port at the Master's discretion and for any purpose and to deviate in any direction or for any purpose from the direct or usual course, and to omit or change any or all port calls, arrival or departure times, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to safety, security, adverse weather, strikes, tides, hostilities, emergency debarkations of Guests or crew, or late air, sea, car or motor coach departures or arrivals, all such deviations being considered as forming part of and included in the proposed voyage. Carnival shall have no liability for any compensation or other damages in such circumstances.

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That will suck... a happy hour??? I dont drink so I would lose out. That is a whole day gone. lunch/dinner/ shows.. 20 bucks?? i paid more then a 20 dollars for a day of a cruise thats for sure.

Ship is supposed to dock at 6pm to let people off and you cant get on til almost 8---bet everyone of those 2500 people are waiting at the dock.. WOW.

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I'm sorry, did not see your post until now. The Miracle is leaving late on 9/5/04/because it is the 1st week after they take her out for repairs. I was told the ship will be coming from NYC, and us cruisers in Baltimore will have to wait til 7pm to board. No compensation was ever mentioned. I have not even gotten a call from anyone. I found out about our trip on this board! When I called, was told that yes, it would be late leaving the pier. When were they going to tell us? 2 days before our trip like the OP here! :(

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I think the $20 is being offered to help you buy some lunch. I have a feeling that you will be allowed on board by dinner. You mentioned that the sailing is delayed till midnight. Nothing was mentioned about what time boarding would be.

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Boarding is supposed to be about 9pm.At this point whatever happens, happens. I've waited too long for this vacation to start it off in a bad mood. It could be alot worse. It could of been cancelled.Thanks to all for the input!

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In every Carnival brochure that I have seen, there is a section on delayed sailings. I can't put my hands on a brochure at the moment, but I remember that its on the last couple of pages. It basically says that sometimes the ships are delayed....blah, blah, blah. It's also in this section that says that a sailing may be cancelled due to a full ship charter. While this gives Carnival an "out," I'm sure they(Carnival) think that $20 is fair for the delay since technically they do not have to do anything at all.


I'm assuming that since you can't board until evening that the ship will not be getting into port until then. Is that right?

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Does this mean the passengers that are getting in late have to pay $20? I'm sure there will be many angry people who have pickup plans.


Regardless, I'm hoping the passenger who took ill is recovering and or has survived. This detour will be priceless to him/her.

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the ship does not get in until 6pm, boarding begins at 9:30pm. I was told by Carnival to be there at 8pm. I asked about compensation. She said that right now it is 20 pp to cover lunch but that there may be other compensation which we will be told upon boarding. I hope its not a discount on a future cruise! She also said the itinerary will remain the same. So we are still on the same schedule. How will they make up the 8 hour difference?

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Hi all - just got off the Legend in NYC around 7:00 last night. We did have a passenger with a medical emergency while we were en route back on Saturday afternoon/evening. Apparently we were too far from Miami (600 miles) or Cape Hatteras for a helicopter to get out and back so Coast Guard advised we go to Bermuda which at that point was only 365 miles away. We didn't dock - they sent a boat out and off-loaded the passenger and his wife.


As far as the rough trip down, I too thought about flying home from Puerto Rico! The weather was bad and the seas were rough, but what really freaked everyone out was the boat tipped - I mean, it tipped - On one side (balcony side where I was in my room) all you could see was water and on the other (where my kids were on the Lido) all they could see was sky! It stayed that way for several seconds (felt like a lot longer) and then finally righted itself. Plates, glasses came flying off shelves - 50 cases of liquor were smashed when they fell off shelves - slot machine tipped over, etc. People were running all over the place - including me trying to find my kids who had just gone up for breakfast.


I don't know how much it would take or if it is even possible to tip a boat like that over (my husband says probably not very likely to happen) but I can tell you, for those moments, I believed we were going to flip over - I have goosebumps now just remembering it. I thought about flying home from Puerto Rico too but we stuck it out (after a few Valium for me) and basically enjoyed the trip.


All crew we spoke to said NOTHING like that has ever happened to them before.

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On our way to nyc we had already coverd one day at sea from tortola. A man had a severe heartattack right after being in the hairy chest contest. A chopper could not pick him up because we were to far from land Like 600 miles. So we could only go to Bermuda to drop him off. The ship stopped like 2 miles from the coast and a boat came and picked him up. It was bad for the passengers to. The ship did not being debraking until like 6.45pm. Many many people missed flights, limos and taxi waiting for them, hotels reservations.

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Wow, that is frightening. I'm glad the boat ended up coming back into position for you all. A similar situation happened to us when we were on the Celebrity Century back in 1999. It had to be a little before midnight and we were on our was to St. Thomas. This ship had a camera off to the side of the ship that you can watch on the tv. We all were laying in our beds flipping through the channels waiting to go to the midnight buffett when we felt the Century tip tip tip for what seemed like a good amount of time then she finally came back. It was scary as we put on the camera channel and observe the situation... all you saw was water as you said Comet.

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I want to hear more about the tipping too!!!!! Did they say anything about it? Like why it happened? We hit some rought weather sailing on the Legend last October on the way home but not that severe!!! Where abouts were you when it happened? Do you know!! Glad to hear everyone was ok though! Hope the guy that had the heart attack will be ok! There must have been some pretty big bar bills after that!!!!

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I believe reason was a very severe storm and strong winds... you guys do not need to be freaked out about a cruiseship tipping over!!!!! It's not going to happen... there are on occasion bad storms, hurricanes, etc... but the captain will usually try to find an alternate path.... as the poster above stated, the crew had never seen anything like this (and they cruise quite a bit...) and the boat did not tip over... in large swells, and it sounds like this was one heck of a storm... I am sure it could feel as if you are going to tip over, but that won't happen... it is very rare and no reason for anyone to be terrified of this happening... you will have a great time!!!

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I just got off the ship also and it really did not tip but did start to list to one side . The winds were very strong and the swells were high. We were in the card room and it felt like it was pushed real hard into a very tall wave. Any way the crew was not looking forward to all the new clients boarding the ship because they were going to feel the brunt of their anger. One server said 1300 people will understand but the other 1300 people will feel like carnival owes them the world because they lost basicly 7 and a half hours (boarding is at 1:30 not 11:00 or 12:30) of their cruise. All in all the cruise was just okay. After 5 Carnival cruises they seem to be all the same now. I think i am going to try RCCL
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[quote name='cometsmom'] but what really freaked everyone out was the boat tipped - I mean, it tipped - On one side (balcony side where I was in my room) all you could see was water and on the other (where my kids were on the Lido) all they could see was sky! It stayed that way for several seconds (felt like a lot longer) and then finally righted itself. [/QUOTE]

Unless you live through something like this, it's hard to make anyone understand. It is a frightening experience.

It happened to us transPacific to Hawaii (see ROGUE WAVE thread).

We were never told why, how, etc. Just a bunch of rumors (ie, we tried to avoid a whale, the controls jammed, a wave caught us from behind.....). But while you are waiting for the ship to right itself, you think , "THIS IS IT!"
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I was on this sailing and just returned last night..Let me give you my account.

Firstly, the ship hit a cold front that swept in from Canada. We left NY late. I summize the Captain saw the weather report and was hoping to not have to sail into it. It (the cold front) went way down the east coast so there was absolutely no way to avoid it. It had wind gusts of over 75mph. Wind causes waves on the ocean. We had BIG waves from it. The captain slowed the ship down (which is what your supposed to do). We got slammed by a HUGE wave which caused the ship to list to one side. This is an unusual weather condition this time of the year. Quite frankly, the weather has been real weird lately, hasnt it? Floods in NJ, etc. Awful! Like previously mentioned...lots of things came flying off the shelves, like many bottles of liquor, all the dishes that were not secured, etc. I heard everyones bingo went flying. Fortunately, no one got hurt..thats the main thing!

I saw this wave coming at us, I was on my verandah. At first, I thought I was looking at land! I exclaimed to my BF "wow..look, we are close to land" and he said..Thats not land, thats a wave! I have caught some of this on video tape. I say by time I saw it and by the time it hit the ship was only about a minute. It slammed broadside into the ship. Im sure it took everyone, including the Captain by surprise. (thats only my assumption..maybe the captain did know the wave was coming. I know he couldnt have possibly turned the ship into the wave in time as the wave formed way too fast). The ship took it very well and listed momentarily then came right back. My son became very seasick. He had to take a suppository and felt much better afterwards. Lots of people were seasick. Fortunately, I did not get ill at all..Just call me salty dog I guess. This was a freak weather condition. I wasnt really frightened, as I have experienced a hurricane many many years ago when I was a child during a transatlantic crossing. Now that was really horrible.

Most importantly, no one was injured on this sailing. On that transatlantic crossing 3 people died. The chef was scalded to death, a man fell down the stairs and broke his neck and one person had a massive heart attack. I saw a burial at sea, which to this day, will never leave my memory.

Concerning the man that had a heart attack, the Captain did everything he could to get this man medical attention ASAP. The coast guard called the shots for the ship with this incident. Because of our location in the middle of the ocean (we were returning from Tortola and very far from land), helicopters were out of the question so a course was set for Bermuda. I know if it was you, or me or anyone in your family on board, you would have gone to any length to get medical attention ASAP.. With a heart attack, every moment is precious and being in the middle of the ocean is a scary place. The Captain thanked all of us for our humane understanding of this sitution. The seas were good and we docked off the coast of Bermuda and got him on to a pilot boat and to the hospital. This delayed our arrival significantly. I didnt not get off the ship til 7:10PM last night and I was an early debarker as I schleped my luggage myself. I felt bad for the people who were ready to embark. I know if it was me I wouldnt be a happy camper, but stuff like this happens and its out of our control. It had nothing to do with Carnival. Many people lost flights going home, etc. The man that had the heart attack was having the time of his life on board, I saw him on the video. I felt so sad for him and his family. We were told he was being stablized but that was it. The main thing is the man is alive. I will say prayers for him and his family.

On the whole,,I had a spectacular time!!! I will post a trip report. I loved everything. From speaking to many many people onboard...I heard nothing negative and everyone had an absolute blast! Acts of nature are out of control. Live each day like its your last.

If you want any more clarification on anything, ask me, Ill be happy to inform you of what I know.
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Oh BTW..I have a friend that sailed on Celebrity to Bermuda on July 17 and they hit the same weather. He said lots of big waves and lots of sea sick people onboard..but on the whole for him,,his cruise was spectacular. Everyone forgot the weather as soon as the sea calmed down and the sun shone!

So every ship that was out there at that time (July 18 & 19) had experienced the same unavoidable weather. Carnival Legend was not the only ship that encountered it. Im sure ships coming back hit it as well. It was a doozy of a cold front. Cold fronts can have very severe thunderstorms, microbursts and high wind gusts. (you may be asking yourself how I may know this, one of my hobbies is earth science and I volunteer as a park ranger at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.. I read all the dry stuff about weather, birds, etc, LOL)

I guess if we surf the boards on the other cruise lines we will probably see postings about the rough sea.
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My relatives just came back off of the recent Legend sailing that had the sick passenger, and the rough seas. My 70 year old aunt said she thought she was on the Titanic during the storm. She said the television in the childrens play center fell to the floor, and that the liquour store on board lost half of their bottles due to breakage while the ship was rolling. Scary:eek:
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hdawson - Welcome to the Human Race.

This same topic is on another website...and there are alot of posters that feel that Carnival owes them more than $20.

Two things that I said over there. To any of the cruisers that was given the $20. If you took that $20 and won $1500 or a free cruise, or dropped the $20 into a slot machine and won thousands. Would you still complain?

And, I read the posts on the other website and then I called my TA friend. She asked me to ask three questions. Was the cruise scheduled to be a 7 day cruise? Scheduled to depart on Sunday and return on Saturday. Was it scheduled back in port at around 9:00-30? If you answered all three questions "Yes". If the ship arrives back at 9:00, all passengers will probably be disembarked by noon! How many people complained that they did not get a full day. How many think that they should be compensated?

People complained that the ship rocked and rolled due to the weather. Dah, that is what ships do.
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[quote name='GLW513']And, I read the posts on the other website and then I called my TA friend. She asked me to ask three questions. Was the cruise scheduled to be a 7 day cruise? Scheduled to depart on Sunday and return on Saturday. Was it scheduled back in port at around 9:00-30? If you answered all three questions "Yes". If the ship arrives back at 9:00, all passengers will probably be disembarked by noon! How many people complained that they did not get a full day. How many think that they should be compensated?

People complained that the ship rocked and rolled due to the weather. Dah, that is what ships do.[/QUOTE]

What does being disembarked by noon have to do with this????
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[quote name='GLW513']Was the cruise scheduled to be a 7 day cruise? Scheduled to depart on Sunday and return on Saturday. [/QUOTE]A ship that leaves on Sunday and returns on Saturday is only a 6-day cruise. A 7-day cruise would be Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday, etc.

The day of debarkation is generally not considered a day since you must be out of your cabin and ready to get off the ship first thing in the morning. There are no scheduled activities at this point (except breakfast), your sail and sign account is closed, etc. Vacation is over. Debarking earlier that scheduled doesn't affect your vacation time. Boarding late on embarkation day when there are scheduled activities, meals, etc., IS cutting into your vacation.
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