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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi Kiddos!!

Happy Monday! And I'm not stepping on that scale :eek: until next week! LOL!!;) Wow...Company for 2.5 weeks...I'm exhausted! :eek: Younger Sister and her teenage boys are here until Wed and then I'll be back to MY schedule...I wonder if I'll remember what it was?!?!! LOL!! I have been walking and walking some more - hope it helped!

** I looked in my Grocery Store where the coffees are and they carry a Torino (?) brand syrup - and their sugar free syrups do not have any carbs either. They are 5.00 ea - but if you have a hard time finding the DaVinci ones just read the labels of the sugar free ones your stores do carry!

I have dropped in now and then when I have just enough time to read a few posts so there wouldn't be to much for me to catch up on!

Swansonia - You are doing just great!! Sooo much work and soo much accomplished!

Lisa - Glad you are back! I saw your pictures of your prayer hike.....so great! Good to have you home!

ayalond - Stay focused and your body will KICK in the weight loss whoosh...just be patient and keep you feet moving with exercising!

Donna - can you wear ear plugs at work so you can't hear the chocolate call your name? ;) This is such a hard time of year! But stay strong Girl!!

Jocelyn - I'll list the green jello salad next week - it is really good - but I think I'll try and modify it Atkins style! I'm so GLAD your feel really good these days!!

HomeschoolMom - Keep Focused! One of the biggest 'skills' that Atkin Gals learn is how to account for their . and what it does to their weigh ins. Watch your salt during this time and drink lots of water!

Annie - Should you change your name to 'Party Queen'? ;) How FUN!!

Tom! So Glad you hang in here with being out number on the guy/gal ratio!! LOL!

Your induction insight on eating less is right on! And I can't wait to get back on starting Wed !!

Have a Great Evening!

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Hi Jean, Lisa, Pink, Donna, Tom, Annie, HS Mom, Aya, Gooselace & Sheila

Hope I didn't miss anyone:) . Well I am running around like a crazy woman trying to get ready for my cruise, I leave on Saturday. I am all packed and this the first time in a long time that it was easy, well easier:D . I tried on all of my outfits and they actually FIT LOOSE!!!! I am so happy. I have decided to just have some wine and SF Dessert & Cheese on the cruise (as extras) I know I might have written this b4 but I really just want to reinforce it to myself:) then back to induction. That "oh you can just have a little bite" that I know will be coming out of my DH's mouth (bless his heart) will just have to be answered by a "No thank you:) " I just don't think it will be worth it to undue all I have already done. I took a peak at the scale this morning and it looks like it's heading down again YEAH!!! But tomorrow is the official weigh-in day.


Sheila, I tried your mini pumpkin cheese cake yesterday and it was DELISH! I just added a few different spices. I also made whipped cream with heavy cream and splenda to go with it. SO YUMMY! Thank you.


Jean, looking forward to that Atkin's friendly version of the jello salad.


Aya, hang in there, the SAME thing happened to me and then I started losing again.


Lisa, great job on staying even with the trip.




Stay well everyone.

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Well, today was not a good news day only because the NP (nurse practitioner) that I have been seeing, flipped when I told him I was doing Atkins. My appointment was at 9:00 a.m. and I sat for 2-1/2 hours in a cold room until he saw me. I was p*ssed and my blood pressure was very high! He said my blood pressure was high because of doing the Atkins diet. My blood sugar has been perfect since the last visit but all he could focus on was my blood pressure. I told him I didn't appreciate waiting in a cold room for 2-1/2 hours and that my appointment was for 9:00 a.m. not 11:30 a.m. He told me to eat more carbs and my blood pressure will return to normal! Well, I have a doctors appointment next month with a REAL intern MD. Sorry for the rant, but I've got no one else to vent to, I'm discouraged.:(

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Well, today was not a good news day only because the NP (nurse practitioner) that I have been seeing, flipped when I told him I was doing Atkins. My appointment was at 9:00 a.m. and I sat for 2-1/2 hours in a cold room until he saw me. I was p*ssed and my blood pressure was very high! He said my blood pressure was high because of doing the Atkins diet. My blood sugar has been perfect since the last visit but all he could focus on was my blood pressure. I told him I didn't appreciate waiting in a cold room for 2-1/2 hours and that my appointment was for 9:00 a.m. not 11:30 a.m. He told me to eat more carbs and my blood pressure will return to normal! Well, I have a doctors appointment next month with a REAL intern MD. Sorry for the rant, but I've got no one else to vent to, I'm discouraged.:(

Don't be discouraged...I would be PO'd too if I had to wait that long. See what the MD has to say and take it from there. In the mean time is there a way that you can monitor your blood pressure until then? Just to be on the safe side.

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Sheila, I tried your mini pumpkin cheese cake yesterday and it was DELISH! I just added a few different spices. I also made whipped cream with heavy cream and splenda to go with it. SO YUMMY! Thank you.


Please tell us what spices you added! Nothing beats making a recipe better by adding your own flair to it, so please share!


P.S: There is nothing more exciting than putting on an outfit that may have been snug before but is now loose. Right before a big trip, no less!! Keep up the wonderful work. :)

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Hey there Jaye- I agree with Jocelyn - monitor your BP until you see your MD closely. I also have HBP - but runs in my family - and Atkins does not contribute to HBP. I'm so glad to hear that your sugar levels have been so good, though! It seems that I get stuck in the rooms of 'forgotten patients' too... :mad: And it makes my BP shoot up! If your eating your carbs in healthy veggies - you know that those carbs are the best! And the Vitamins that your including to in the veggies are a big plus! As your weight comes down, and your sugar levels are good - it should reflect in your BP levels soon. What are you doing for exercise? I walk - a lot - and my BP will tattle tale:eek: on me when I miss a few days in a row! Keep good stats to take to your MD - then be sure to let us know what he says!

Jocelyn - Oh BOY! Your going on your Cruise! :D And with loose fitting clothes - how great is THAT!!!!:cool: So glad for you!

gooselace - Your 'Meat is not the Enemy" statement keeps rolling through my head....thank you for that reminder!

Catch ya's later!

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Good morning!


jayesouthworth ~ ugh. I agree with Jocelyn, it might be a good idea to recheck your BP sometime this week when you're relaxed just to be sure it's ok...even though it's highly likely to be stress-induced. I'm surprised the NP didn't suggest a retake this week. It really makes me mad when medical professionals don't listen to patients...and usually NP's are really good about that. You also may want to take a look at your sodium consumption if you haven't already...and I can't for the life of me think of a scientific proof that increasing carbs would lower your blood pressure.


Jocelyn ~ yay!!! I hope you have a great week leading up to your cruise. And those are fantastic decisions regarding your food on the ship. Jean will tell you it can be done! And you may even lose weight on the cruise...but my suggestion is to give yourself a couple of days after you get back to lose the extra sodium & water weight before you weigh yourself. Hope you have a blast!


Jean ~ okay, you...you're lurking on the other thread...why don't you pop in & say hi? As I'm sure you can tell, it's a great group. They'd love to have you.


Sheila ~ speaking of recipes, I tried the induction shake w/egg beaters, whipping cream & cream cheese...but I didn't have the Davinci syrup, so I used a different kind of syrup. I hate to say, it wasn't what I was hoping for.:o I ordered some Davinci online, so I'll try it again when it comes. Everyone here raves about it so much! I don't know if you saw Jessica Seinfeld on Oprah, but there's a chicken nugget recipe I'm going to try, with substituting pork rinds for bread crumbs. It uses flaxseed & broccoli in the breading! I'll let you know how it comes out.


Talk to y'all later!

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Someone a page or so back asked how long one could stay on Induction. It may not be recommended (couldn't find it in my Atkins book), but I basically stayed on the induction foods for the first four months, by which time I'd lost 60 lbs (down from 260), and then added an occasional strawberry or a few nuts, but kept the carbs at about 20 until I reached about 170 lbs, and gradually added other recommended low-carb foods. It took me 13 months to reach 132. In the six years since, I've gained up to 10 lbs only a couple of times, usually in times of stress. At age 72, a few lbs. don't seem to matter as much.

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Hey all.


Just wanted to check in... no wt loss to report this week but I've also been um...well, not "regular" so I think I'm gaining from not... "losing". I'm feeling ill when I eat flax seed now which I used to eat daily. I can barely stomach it...it's hard to chew because I wretch when I chew the seeds. I only have about 3 weeks of it left in the bag. I'm going to try to keep choking it down daily but...uck, I am going to switch to flax seed oil on my salads (maybe mixed with my 2 carb balsamic vinaigrette as a dressing???). Any other suggestions to keep me regular?


Anyway, I'm still about 9 lbs from goal... enjoying rung 3 of nuts- almonds and sugar free peanut butter on celery sticks (though its not as satisfying as creamy jif on toast) Any other suggestions for my PB to go on? Celery isn't one of my favorites but I can't think what else to put my PB on...??


Just wanted to give JOCELYN a shout- HAVE A GREAT CRUISE! My visits here can be sporadic depending on work (which has been really stressful lately) and trying to stay off the computer in the a.m. and get on the elliptical instead. Ha ha!


Hope everyone here is having a great week. Now is the time to get into exercise to sustain through the holidays. Be strong! Let's make an extra effort to support each other through what I imagine will be a VERY trying time. I've never had to restrict myself from food...esp not at holidays. Our culture is consumed by shopping and eating. It's everywhere. Temptation lurking behind every corner...


Anyone doing Thanksgiving dinner planning yet??? Just curious... hubby and I are cooking for 2 this year. I think we're celebrating it on Friday night since we work Turkey Day and then have the weekend off afterward... we're not sure how much turkey to buy. The time I tried to surprise my family by cooking it when I was a teenager I undercooked it (cooked it by the price weight (like $5/lb) instead of the actual weight) and served it frozen. Wanted to try some recipes in advance of the big day to prepare so that we have a feast we actually enjoy and not a tableful of food we have to choke down. But we're cooking for 2 so it's a little awkward... I look forward to anythign you guys have to share...


My first cruise is in less than 2 months!



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Broccoli, cauliflower, and pumpkin (all Induction-friendly) are what I consider Emergency Veggies for keeping regular. For a lot of people, salad (i.e., lettuce) just does not cut it for veggies - nor should it anyway, because there is such a plethora of vegetables permitted even during Induction. A great way to get in an extra 8 grams of fiber is by using a 12-ounce stir-fry bag of pre-washed veggies in either your stir-fry, or enjoyed with Ranch or Bleu Cheese dressing for dipping.


A great fiber-rich nighttime snack is a Pumpkin Treat, made with half a can of pumpkin and a 3-ounce block of cream cheese softened in the microwave to desired heat, with a packet of Splenda and 1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, and even a little nutmeg. If you like, add a couple of teaspoons of psyllium husk to this for an extra 8 grams of fiber.


Also, remember to drink a ton of water!!!

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Hi Gang!



I pretty much stuck to the pumpkin receipe but left out lemon & choc extracts b/c i didn't have them, and added 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp of nutmeg & 1/2 ginger. And I put less salt as I haven't been adding it to any of my cooking and didn't want it to cause the scale to go up. It was soooo yummy anf satisfying. Thanks again.


Thanks Jean, can't wait.


Lisa, that is good advice about not weighing in until a feww days after the cruise, wouldn't want to get sticker shock:eek: :D


Gooselace, that's good to know about Induction.


Pink, thanks, I will let you all know how it went when I return. Cross your fingers for me:D As for keeping regular, I have found that the pumpkin cheesecake has been keeping me regular:) I also cook Thanksgiving and I am going to add the pumpkin cheesecake as a dessert, cauliflower breaded with parmesan cheese, Turkey of course (don't know what to do about the gravy as I usually add cornstarch to thicken it:confused: ) and some roasted carrots. In addition to the usual starched for the rest of the gang. Also, I am going to do cheese as an appetizer.


Well, I weighed in yesterday, and I am down 2 more pounds for a total of 10!!!! My husband was soon cute yesterday, he told me he was proud of me sticking to this WOE and that I look GREAT!!!! He is so wonderful!

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SFS - What a very cute new picture you've added! Just salad doesn't do if for me either - lots of water and veggies work for me!

PinkB - When it was just DH & I - I would cook just a couple of Turkey thighs or a breast - but since we are both on the low carb WOE - I'm cooking the whole turkey this year for SURE! LOL! What a great idea to share Atkins holiday favorites! 9 lbs from goal - you go Girl!

Jocelyn - lemon & choc extracts in pumpkin ? I'll have to look at my SFS cookbook again. The big 10 lbs loss - Good For YOU! Lots of work, but much success!


gooselace - Words of wisdom, experience & success - thank you!

ANNIE - Where are you Girl - Whatcha been up to? :rolleyes:

Lisa - Who Me A Lurker!?!! :p You do have a great bunch of "Loosers" on the other thread - But I've made buddies on 3 threads already - that's my limit to keep up with , but it's fun to just read a bit here and there! ;)

Jaye- How you doing these days? Keeping good record of your stats?

Have a great evening! I'm going home to clean house, I just pick up before everyone comes, then clean really good when they are gone, that way I can enjoy a clean house a LOT Longer! And ... I've really missed my walks with my puppy! :( My sis brought her dog down and they played all day long and were exhausted by supper! I thought it would be mean to make her walk me too! :eek: LOL!!!


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Well, it's been 2 days since my nightmare visit to the NP. My blood pressure is still very high UNTIL I wrote a complaint letter and made a phone call to the head honcho. I am glad I did and the supervisor was appalled at what happened to me. My BP has almost returned to normal and by tomorrow, it will be back where it was before. My blood sugar is perfect and I don't care what they say, I'm not eating carbs. I'm keeping records of everything so when I see the doctor next month, he will see my progress. Hopefully, he will be supportive of the Atkins way of eating.


Anyone here heard of Dr. Richard K. Bernstein? He has written books and articles on diabetes. He's just like Dr. Atkins! Here's a good article he wrote that I forwarded to the fat dietician.



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Hey all,

Wow Jocelyn your a day away, i hope you have an amazing time.

Well its been tough today is 3 weeks and officially i am down 10 pds, i kind of thought id be down some more but hey ill take what i can get, i think the past 2 weeks i only lost betwwen 1-2 pds so i figure now it will be a slower process but thats ok, i am not missing the breads but would like to add some fruit. where and what can i add what should i have? i have been really missing fruit.

the other day i had a bit of a pear, i also would like to add new things i am getting kind of board and dont wanna fall off the path?



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Hi all, quick post...


I got my DaVinci syrups in the mail...very quick delivery...for those who can't find them, you can order them online & shipping is 4.95 for up to 3 bottles. It did make the shake taste better (I used Kahlua flavor), but I also added a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Definite improvement.


My Women's Day is this weekend, so I probably won't check back til after it's over...too many last minute details.


Jocelyn ~ great job! Not that weight/size will make or break a cruise, but it sure is a lot more fun when you feel good about yourself! Bon voyage!


ayalond ~ I stick to berries until I'm on maintenance. I get a big bag of frozen strawberries & mixed berries when they're not in season. Sometimes slower is better! Just keep going!


Pink ~ how exciting! The next month will crawl by but then it will go very fast. I drink a protein shake with a scoop of DrNatura fiber every morning. No more issues!! Ever!


jaye ~ GREAT article! I have a friend who is Type I and controls his Diabetes completely through diet and exercise. He only uses insulin when he's not able to exercise for a while, or if he increases his carbs. I'm so glad your BP is back to normal & that you've addressed the issue! The results will speak for themselves.


gooselace ~ picture me in the "we're not worthy" position! I've told my husband (only half joking) that after 80 I'll eat whatever I want. You've inspired me!


Jean ~ you crack me up. I think 3 threads is plenty!!! You add something to each one, I'm sure!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Hi Gang,

This will probably be my last post until after the cruise. Thank you for all the well wishes and bon voyage messages, you guys are great! I will be back on the 30th with a full report of how everything went shortly there after. Thank you all for being so supportive. I will talk to ya all soon, in the meantime, stay focused:D

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Thanks all for the fiber and Thanksgiving suggestions.


I have approx 4-5 cups veggies/day (usually 2 cups spinach and 2-3 cups of bell peppers, broccoli, mushrooms or something else occasionally like celery or cauliflower).


i think my avocado was keeping me regular during induction and early on... thats why I was hoping for something else. Thanks for the suggestions!

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last week I started reading this thread ....I said to myself "I can do this" well in 7 days I lost 9 lbs.. thank you so much for all your posts ..you are all very encouraging to many more than who you are posting to:)

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AHHHHHHH!!!! I need help please.

It is my sisters b-day on sat so we are going out to dinner tonight. She is very picky and the only place she wanted to go for dinner is a BBQ place.


I looked at their menu on line and just about the only thing that isn't rubbed is the salad:eek: (they even rub the hot wings) I don't know what to do????? I called and they said that the rub does have sugar, and they rub everything then smoke it b4 hand. Also, they don't have steaks. HELP!

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Hey There Jocelyn!

Wow - so much pressure and just before your off on your Cruise! :eek:

You can't do much about the pre-rub on the meat - however - we do BBQ places

because we can have some control over what is added after it's served - no ooey gooey BBQ sauce that is just loading more sugar on! If I was eating at a BBQ place tonight ( Hey,... that sound's pretty good and I won't have to do dishes - ooops - rabbit trail ) I'd order the ribs, no sauce, a cole slaw if it's not to sweet or a big side salad -no carrots, no croutons- w/Ranch - and a big cold Ice Tea - not sweetened. No buns, or bread, no cobbler - and I bet you'll be ok. Anyone elses thoughts here? :confused: Or am I way off? :eek:

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Hey There Jocelyn!

Wow - so much pressure and just before your off on your Cruise! :eek:

You can't do much about the pre-rub on the meat - however - we do BBQ places

because we can have some control over what is added after it's served - no ooey gooey BBQ sauce that is just loading more sugar on! If I was eating at a BBQ place tonight ( Hey,... that sound's pretty good and I won't have to do dishes - ooops - rabbit trail ) I'd order the ribs, no sauce, a cole slaw if it's not to sweet or a big side salad -no carrots, no croutons- w/Ranch - and a big cold Ice Tea - not sweetened. No buns, or bread, no cobbler - and I bet you'll be ok. Anyone elses thoughts here? :confused: Or am I way off? :eek:

Thanks Jean, I was so confused I didn't know what to do.


I know they do not put the sauce on until you order it b/c they have different sauces. Do you think most of the rub will burn off if they throw it on the grill or is that wishful thinking:D I just didn't want the sugar to knock me out of ketosis.


I was thinking ribs no sauce and a salad. You're a lifesaver, thanks again. BTW, what does rabbit trail mean?

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I was thinking ribs no sauce and a salad. You're a lifesaver, thanks again. BTW, what does rabbit trail mean?


Your so cute...and must be young.... this is 'old school' talk for getting off of the subject and just wandering around in my own thoughts! LOL!!!:D I tend to do that more and more each year!! LOL!!!


My DIL asked me last week what 'Going Dutch' meant and after I told her she had the funniest look on her face and said 'Then why didn't they just say - you pay for yours and I pay for mine?" I said I don't know!! ROTFL!! :D (see, here I go again! sorry! )


Seriously though - In life we have those parties, celebrations etc... that come and we are sometimes in a corner where we make the very best choices that we can, with what the opportunity provides - and even though I cannot guarantee that a bit of sugar will not throw you out of Ketosis - Being there for the birthday party - that's very important! BUT! Get right back on track and eat correctly and you should be ok!


Let us know how it goes.....

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Your so cute...and must be young.... this is 'old school' talk for getting off of the subject and just wandering around in my own thoughts! LOL!!!:D I tend to do that more and more each year!! LOL!!!


My DIL asked me last week what 'Going Dutch' meant and after I told her she had the funniest look on her face and said 'Then why didn't they just say - you pay for yours and I pay for mine?" I said I don't know!! ROTFL!! :D (see, here I go again! sorry! )


Seriously though - In life we have those parties, celebrations etc... that come and we are sometimes in a corner where we make the very best choices that we can, with what the opportunity provides - and even though I cannot guarantee that a bit of sugar will not throw you out of Ketosis - Being there for the birthday party - that's very important! BUT! Get right back on track and eat correctly and you should be ok!


Let us know how it goes.....

LOL, that's cute "rabbit trail" I think I'll try that saying out on my DH tonight, he already knows I'm silly so he'll probably think it is a saying that I made up. I do know what going Dutch means though, I'm not that young:D Another saying I like to use that I heard from my FIL is Pony Up. (like hand over) I think it is so funny and laugh everytime I use it:D


Thanks again Jean.;)

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Just wanted to let you all know how dinner went this evening.


I went in with an open mind armed with Jean's great advice. Well I have to tell you, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING was rubbed in the rub:eek: :D

The poor waitress had to ask about a few item and if they had sugar, but she was great and very helpful. I had a "Mile High Burger":D It was a LARGE burger with sauted oinions, cheese, mushrooms & bacon Whow. And I got collard greens on the side. The burger was delish but the greens were too vinegary (sp) but I did ask for tomato slices and I had unsweetened tea which was very good.


Thanks again gang and I will post again when I get back....

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Good Morning Ya'll! "Party Queen" just checking in to say hi.


Welcome to jbrambach and barns46, congrats to ya'll!


Gooselace- I am in AWE! Ditto what Lisa said!


I have no Atkins news to report:( I have been a little sideways the last couple of weeks, but, I have a plan:cool:


SFS, you will LOVE the Jewel! She was my first! I think she will allways be my favy:p Have a great trip and I know you will post the pics on your site.


I am off to prepare a wedding cake...ect....:confused:


Have a great week-end ya'll.



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