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Anyone on Atkins?


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gooselace - Hey...that's pretty good on the pizza's! Thanks for sharing! To know you have the pizza basics in the pantry so when the crazy pizza bug hits - just add all of the good toppings - and wa la - there it is! I'm giong to have to really consider getting an order together!

kreeb - good to see ya around! Your extra walks with Molly and Curves - that's great!

Ok Everyone - what's your plan with it being Girl Scout Cookie order time? Are you tempted at all? :confused:

I had some sugar this weekend....ugh the with drawls:( .... some day I'm going to learn to not even bother with 'just a taste'!!

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Hey There!

Well, here we are in the middle of the week! yay! Tried the macadamia nuts and the white fish last night - yum! My DH even had 2 pieces - remember that he likes fish, just not mine? Well, for him to ask for more was the sign I needed to use those nuts for fish again! Thanks gooselace! I went back a few pages for your recipe.

Donna - Are your Bags packed? Ooooo I'm so happy that your going somewhere warm!

It's still to cold to get my body out and walking the trails yet. I haven't been on the treadmill this week either.:(

How's everyone else doing?

Kreeb - How's Molly like walking with you? I know when I finally get Sadie back on her leash - she's going to be pulling to go!:eek:

Lisa - How's your training going?

sweetjem - You hanging in there with the low carbs?

Tom - What's new in So Calif?

See ya around!

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MNCruzzin - great to hear that your DH enjoyed the macademia crusted first - guess I'll give it a try with white fish myslef, as sometimes good Halibut just isn't available or affordable.


For you and anyone else thinking of ordering the pizza kits, I just found that my usual online source (www.Netrition.com) was out of them and gave "unknown" as the available date. So I ordered from www.Vitacost.com. I also sent an email to LowCarbolicious to be sure the product wasn't being discontinued. Got a nice reply that a big new batch had just been completed. and would be available from Netrition soon. Both sites have been very reliable in shipping my orders at a very reasonable price.

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gooselace - I used Tilapia fish, they are not very thick - but mild and just enough!

Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the pizza kits! And the web sites! I'll take some time this weekend and do a little 'window internet grocery browsing' LOL! :D That sounds funny to me!

Well, it was finally warm enough to go for our short walk this afternoon-the air is still so cold! And as I thought - my pup wanted to walk extra fast and was pulling a lot - we had to work on not letting her drag me along the way! :eek:

Have a terrific evening!

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Hello Everyone!!

I am packed and finishing my last night at work. BUT it is snowing outside as I type this and we are to get 6 to 10 inches of snow by morning!!:eek: So I don't know if my flight will be leaving on time tomorrow. And I may miss my connecting flight because of this!! I'm glad I built an additional 24 hours into my travel schedule. Ship sails Friday at 4pm. Everyone please cross your fingers, toes, eyes, etc for me to get of the ground safely tomorrow!! It is 80 degrees in Florida!!!! Can't wait, I understand what you mean Jean, about too cold to get out and hike those trails! I will be telling you all about it when I get back on the 18th! Thanks everyone for all your good wishes and thanks gooselace for the advice on let whatever I choose to eat be spectacular!! I promise!!:)


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Donnerpumpkin - Best wishes for your flight - good you allowed that extra time, however. It was 70 degrees today in No. Va., after being cold and rainy for days, so maybe you'll have a change for the better also.


If you "save" your carbs for one or two really special treats, I'm betting you'll do just fine. Have no regrets, or extra pounds. from my conch chowder and a spectacular chocolate "volanco" cake dessert- really more like a mousse. Not terribly sweet, but so rich I gave half to my cruise buddy - only the memory lingers on.


Can't wait to hear all about it when you return.


NMCruzzin - good luck with your online shopping. You find some things that just aren't available in the stores - some really good, many better than doing without, and a few that are horrible!:eek: If you have questions, post here. I've tried many of them over the years.


One suggestion, either use PayPal or a credit card with a low limit that you don't use every day, so you can check the charges easily. I've never had a problem with any of the sites I mentioned (don't recall if I mentioned Low Carb Connoisseur at www.low-carb.com), which I've used from way back. Once I received something that didn't meet my expectations, as described on the site, and when I contacted them, they told me to keep it - instead of sending it back - and sent me a different, more expensive, version at no additional charge. They also have an online newsletter with good recipes.

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Happy Friday Everyone!

What a week! But! It's warming up outside - we'll be in the 50's this weekend - yippee!! Good thing, I need to do some yard work to get ready for spring!

Thanks gooselace! I'll let you know what I decide on!

Have been good on WOE, ok on WOEX - and saw a bit of a whoosh this week - now the Determination Needed to get through the weekend and stay on track! :o

How's everyone else doing?

To my cyber friends in the south....the tornados - oh my gosh! Prayers and a {hug}!

See ya Around!

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Hey all, I've had a really stressful few weeks. My hubby had to have another minor surgery (which of course is major when you're dealing with a whiny man who doesn't think the vicodin is helping!) and it's been stressful for me. I've broken down and eaten several waffles and even fast food the other day to try to calm my own nerves. I am truly an emotional eater. Trying to be good... Pink

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Go Pinkbikini - you're doing great, especially also having to cope with your hubby's situation. I've been having to drive DH to many eye appointments/ surgeries plus keeping track of several different eye drops to be taken at various times of the day.


Of course, none of the clinics have anything decent in their machines - one day I had nothing but instant coffee and 2 little packages of peanuts all day. I've learned to take along my own snack - Tastykake Sensables, sugarfree and only 2 net carbs in a Chocolate Chocolate Chip finger cake. Sold in box of 8; individually wrapped, perfect for carrying in handbag or pocket.

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What aisle do you find your tastycakes in??


I am under 20 carbs and on plan again today! Did another hour of exercise while watching Desperate Housewives this a.m? I'm hooked...we've just started season 2! Plus, seeing Gabby run around in all those cute little outfits (which I have in my closet but didn't fit into last summer d/t being 20 lbs heavier!) made me workout as best I could while watching.


Hope everyone had a great weekend!



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TastyKake Sensables are usually right next to packaged sweets such as regular TastyKakes, Twinkies. HoHos, and other NoNos in the aisle I used to avoid.


There are also Sensables cupcakes that aren't too high in carbs, but probably best kept for a special occasion or maintenance. The "coffee-cake" ones are so good I could have a "special occasion" every morning. ;)

Check the packages carefully - there are some flat bar ones that have way too many carbs for me.

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Morning Everyone!


Pink - I wrote to you last night...it never posted! :mad:

I hope your DH is better and the Vicodin finally kicked in, for him and you!;) Your doing all the right stuff - WOE & WOEX - and a full hour! You go Girl!


gooselace - I didn't have a chance to cyber shop this weekend liked I had hoped to - it was beautiful here both days and I spent a lot of it outdoors! I will look at those sites - when I get a chance! :o I think I better pretend I didn't read where the Tastykakes are in the store! LOL!!


Went horseback riding for the first time since before the holidays - wow - the horses are quite the fur balls - it sure shows what a cold winter we've had! We were enjoying it so much that we were out longer then we normally are - and the horses were really feeling the fun of being out! My friend actually had to walk her horse back - she was really acting up!:eek:

It sure is nice to ride and not see your breath because of the cold!

Went on walks with my pup - and I don't know if it's the activity or just loving the warmer weather - but I was hungry all weekend!:eek: Not just the muchy type - my DH could hear my tummy growl when I came in from working in my flower garden! I tried downing 2-3 glasses of water thinking that maybe I was needing the H2O more then the food - but nope! I was hungry! Do any of you guys get this way? I tried to behave - but boy was it hard!

See ya all a bit later!

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This is the only way I can lose weight. I started back on Atkins I month ago after gaining 5 lbs trying to eat sensibly. I need to lose 30lbs. So far I'm down 10. Atkins works fast and keeps me motivated, I think I will stay on it forever!

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Someone a page or so back asked how long one could stay on Induction. It may not be recommended (couldn't find it in my Atkins book), but I basically stayed on the induction foods for the first four months, by which time I'd lost 60 lbs (down from 260), and then added an occasional strawberry or a few nuts, but kept the carbs at about 20 until I reached about 170 lbs, and gradually added other recommended low-carb foods. It took me 13 months to reach 132. In the six years since, I've gained up to 10 lbs only a couple of times, usually in times of stress. At age 72, a few lbs. don't seem to matter as much.


Welcome Cruisefan42! I went back to our October pages and have posted gooselace's Atkins Story (hope you don't mind gooselace?)

Carb counting can become a way of a healthy life!:)

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There is no reason for you to go hungry. Just keep some cold cuts of meat, a can of almonds or other nuts, some cheese cubes, or other low carb snack on hand - no need to wait for mealtime. EAT Something.


And those chocolate chocolate chip TastyKake Sensables take care of hunger pangs and chocolate cravings at the same time - for just two carbs.


And of course I don't mind having you pull up my history. That's the main reason I drop in on boards such as this to let people know that low carb can be a forever WOE. And not just for young people. Thanks to Atkins and exercise (in my case aquatics) I can honestly say I feel better at 72 than I did at 52 - and, of course, way better than I did at 62.

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Hi gooselace, I don't really go hungry - I guess I just get hungry and when I'm in the yard working or busy with other things around the house I tend to get distracted and then when my tummy growls-it's telling me "hey! Are we going to eat something now?" :D I've noticed that it's a good thing to grab a handfull of nuts as I'm heading out the door to go riding - I just love nuts! hehe I have to be a bit careful with how much cheese - but last night we had shrimp coated in paramasan cheese w/ lemon & pepper seasoning, cooked in a small amount of canola oil - green salad - YUMMO!! Tonight - splitting a rib eye on the grill - it's a pretty nice day and it's supposed to get cold and yucky on Thursday, we love to grill!

See ya guys around later!

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Hi Pink!

We looked into a Cruise - but wanted to see more of Scotland then what the Cruises would allow, so we are doing a land trip. My DS and DIL and DD are also going with us. I'm hoping that my DH and I can maybe grab a Cruise this fall - we'll see how far the $ goes after the big trip in May.

Have you been to Scotland? My DH spent some time there in the 70's while he was in the Service and loved it - always wanted to go back...so here we go!


How's everyone doing with their WOE? WOEX? Keep in touch! I bet Donna is having a great time this week!

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So here we are on Thursday - and another Crazy Sweet Holiday!

I think I better go get me a TastyKake so I can have my Chocolate

and Eat it Too!! LOL:p

Anyone else seeing Chocolate everywhere you look today?


Even my neighbor stopped by with a plate of white sugar cookies with her little girls - my DH said....take to work ... they guys will eat them! :)


No pounds to report lost - no pounds to report gained. I'm ok with that!

Well, no not really...I was really busy last weekend...It should have moved something! oh well.


Catch ya's later!

*Pink did you see I replied - and the board didn't even recognize it!

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Hi Gang!!!!


Just wanted to drop in and say HI!:D I am still here and low carbing it, I am down 1 more so that makes 15 all together and just 7 to a mini goal of mine:) Been super busy, I will write more when I get a sec, hope everyone is doing well.

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I did great until this weekend. We went on a marriage retreat & they gave us a box of Russel Stover's to take back to our room :( I ate about 6 of them. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with it or not but let me tell you the next morning my stomach was torn up! Ugh! I'm going to tell my self it was the chocolate so I don't do that again! lol


Well, I'm down a total of 17 since starting, my dd is down 13. We both have a mini goal of 4 pounds, we'll both be into a new set of digits :D


Keep up the good exercise work, Pink! I'm going to try to start something this next week.


Have a good Monday, all y'all!

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Hi All,,

Ok got a few moments, I hope this goes through b/c the boards have been actin' up.


As I said the other day I am still trying to keep on track but the vino with dinner seems to be slowing down my progress. And it didn't help that Dr. Oz was on Oprah and said you should have a glass of red wine each night:eek: I thought that was my free pass to have it (ahh wish full thinking) Guess I will have to give it up for a while at least:D


Anyway Ed has been doing really well with this WOE also and he lost 15lbs without even trying! I told him he would probably want to start having more carbs like berries and stuff so he doesn't lose too much:D


We have a short trip planned to Newport RI on March 8th....Anyone ever been? Any must sees?


BTW, I tried a new recipe out for fish that was DELISH! I didn't get a chance to look back to see if the recipe was similar to Gooselace's fish recipe or not but here is the one I tried with flounder(it works great with shrimp too just butterfly them)

I minced 1 clove of garlic in the food processor, I then added about half a small bag of pork rinds to that (process) then fresh thyme and parsley.

It made pork rind bread crumbs!


Butter a glass baking pan and add the fish. Then coat the top with the pork crumbs and add a few pats of butter then bake for about 10 minutes. After the fish baked I added a broil just to brown the top alittle.


It was soooo good and I couldn't believe how crunchy and like real bread crumbs the pork rind crumbs were!


Talk to ya all soon

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Well here it is Tuesday Already!!

I have to tell you that I am very inspired right now with watching the carbs! On Friday I flew up to Denver to spend my Sister Birthday weekend together and starting off with heading to the Pepsi Center for a LaCrosse game (never been before!) I had to choose from Stadium food! :eek: Had a Turkey Ranch sandwich - but this thing was packed with the good stuff in the middle - so I ate the inside and left the bread.;) Then Saturday we did the food court at a mall - that was pretty easy - Chicken burrito - leave the burrito. Then that night - when we went back to my sisters house they threw me a 70's disco surprise party!! And my 8 other cousins were there - one is a DJ and he had his set up so we sang and danced all night - ok, we started at 5:30 and were exhausted by 9:00! LOL!!:D

With a kitchen full of food...really.... I chose the hot wings, meatballs on a stick, fresh shrimp, sausage dip - - - But I think with all of the dancing - we were burning it up! Then a nice lunch with a crab cake and salad on Sunday - Yesterday I was down a POUND!! whoop whoop!!!

gooselace - I'm still going to check out the tasteykakes! when I have a chance to stop and look!

jocelyn - Good for you that your planning a little trip! I think it's so much fun to go somewhere you've never been before! - Have you ever looked at TripAdvisor? There are 'local experts' that are there for each city that could give you some great tips! - I'm using the Europe/UK forum for details on our trip in May.

RBLWMN - woo hoo - Your doing great! Isn't it strange how our tastes and tummy's change when they haven't had so much sugar?

donna - are you back yet? How was your trip?

How's everyone else doing?

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